1. The purpose of First Aid is to?

a. To save a life

b. To prevent further injury

c. To preserve vitality and resistance to infection

d. Both a & b

e. All of the above

2. In order enumerate the 4 ways to control the bleeding? ( Answer on Back)

3. When approaching a casualty, the first assessment you should make at a car accident scene is to?

a. Check airway

b. Check for bleeding

c. Check for safe scene

d. Check for breathing

4. When should an injured person, with spinal injury be moved?

a. Only if absolutely essential

b. When the victims wants to be moved

c. To provide for ease of treatment

d. Both b & c

e. Never

5. State the three methods of purifying water in the field? ( Answer on Back)

6. When transporting an injured person always carry the litter with the victim’s feet forward unless going down hill or down stairs?

a. True

b. False

7. You encounter an unconscious victim, the ABC’s are in tact, blood is apparent in both ears, you suspect?

a. Ear infection

b. Closed head injury

c. Foreign bodies in ear

d. Time for an audiogram

8. Your fellow Seabees has just taken a 7.62mm to the chest, is covered in blood, and has a large hole in his/her chest, your first action should be?

a. Assess for ABC’s

b. Return fire and Assess ABC’s when safe

c. Apply an air tight dressing

d. Leave that bee, he/she is dead

9. What is the most preferred method for opening an Airways? (Answer on back)

10. What would indicate that the person is suffering from heat exhaustion?

a. Headache, weakness, dizzy, skin cool, moist and clammy

b. Elevated body temp, disorientation, hot possibly dry skin

c. Muscle spasm in abdomen, legs and arms

d. Feet turn numb stiff and cold

11. Arteries carry oxygen rich blood away from the heart while veins carry oxygen depleted blood back to the heart.

a. True

b. False

12. What are the 3 kinds of blood vessels? (Answer on Back)

13. There are how many sets of principal pressure points on the body?

a. 5

b. 6

c. 11

d. 15

14. The condition in which the circulation of blood is seriously disturbed causing a lack of oxygen to body system is called?

a. Heat stroke

b. Heat exhaustion

c. Burns

d. Shock

15. Your victim has a large forearm laceration, you have applied 3 battle dressings and elevated their arm. They are still bleeding profusely. What would you do?

a. Apply the tourniquet

b. Use the pressure point under the bicep

c. Use the pressure point under the arm

d. Use the pressure point in the bend in the elbow

16. The position to place a shock victim in is?

a. Lay them down and raise head 12 inches

b. Lay them down and raise the feet about 12 inches

c. On their side

d. Face down

e. All of the above

17. Which of the following is not a symptoms of Shock?

a. Shallow and rapid breathing

b. Nervous

c. Confuse

d. Irregular breathing

e. Loss of appetite

18. The Seabee with the hole in his chest has ABC, the hole sounds like air is escaping from it, and he is having difficulty breathing. What would this condition be called? ( Answer on Back)

19. Give in detailed answer on how would you treat the Seabee’s condition in previous question? (# 18) Put answer on back.

20. What are the 3 classification of burns? ( Answer on back)

21. A white phosphorus burn to the skin is complicated because the particle?

a. Ignite on contact with the air

b. Dissolve upon contact with the skin

c. Ignite upon contact with water

d. Dissolve upon contact with the air

Match Column A with Column B

22. First Degree Burn a. Occurs when ice crystals form in the skin or deeper tissues

After exposure to temperature of 32 degrees or lower

23. Second Degree Burn b. Black charred to the bone no feeling

24. Third Degree Burn c. Early sign of heat exhaustion

25. Heat Cramps d. Hot, dry skin, constricted pupils

26. Heat Exhaustion e. Painful and red

27. Heat Stroke f. Red and blistered

28. Frostbite g. Headache, nausea, weakness, dizziness

29. You are patrolling, your fellow Seabee stepped on a mine and blew off his leg, has ABC’s, but is unable to walk. Someone must carry him out. What is the most expedient carry would be?

a. Arms carry

b. Neck drag

c. Pistol belt carry

d. Back lift carry

e. Fireman’s carry

30. An injury to the ligaments that support a joint such as ankle is known as?

a. Fractures

b. Joint dislocation

c. Sprain

d. Wound

31. When a battle dressing becomes saturated replace it with another to stop blood flow.

a. True

b. False

32. When using the boiling method to purify water, how long must it be at a rolling boil to purify?

a. 45 seconds

b. 30 seconds

c. 5 seconds

d. 20 seconds

e. 15 seconds

33. Rubbing a frostbitten area will help warm up the injury and bring back the blood flow?

a. True

b. False

34. When removing tick you must ensure to remove the what?

a. Wings

b. Body

c. Head

d. Feet

35. To treat snake bite you would?

a. Apply a constricting band above and below the bite, place the affected part below the heart, monitor and treat for shock

b. Treat the shock and apply a dry sterile dressing

c. Apply a tourniquet and treat for shock

d. Raise the affected part above heart level and treat for shock

e. Suck the venom out with your mouth and treat for shock

36. When you don’t know if a bone has been fractured or if they just have a sprain you should?

a. Wrap it

b. Splint it

c. Push on it to see if it crunches

d. Leave it alone

37. One of the treatment for chemical burns is to flush the area immediately with lots of cool running water for how long?

a. 15 to 20 minutes

b. 5 to 10 minutes

c. 20 to 30 minutes

d. 5 to 20 minutes

38. ___________ is caused by exposure to ultra violet radiation from welder’s arc, sunlamps, reflection of light off snow.

39. Exposure to hot conditions for prolong periods of time result in this most common condition.

a. Heat Cramps

b. Heat Stroke

c. Heat Exhaustion

d. All of the above

40. The most common obstruction of the airway in an unconscious victim is?

a. Jaw placement

b. Tongue

c. Teeth

d. A hunk of steak

41. What are the 2 types of frostbite? (Answer on Back)

42. A break in the bone is called a?

a. Splint

b. Break

c. Dislocation

d. Fracture

43. What is the best treatment for flash burn to the eye?

a. Prevention

b. Dark sunglasses

c. Cover both eyes with patches

d. None of the above

44. Hypothermia is not a medical Emergency?

a. True

b. False

45. Antidotes such as baking soda and or alcohol are recommended when treating burns to the eyes.

a. True

b. False

46. Signs of fracture are:

a. Deformities at the joints rather than between joints

b. Deformities between the joints rather than at the joints

c. Both a and b

d. None of the above

47. When you have a chemical burn you should never try to neutralized it?

a. True

b. False

48. Cold weather injuries can be prevented by?

a. Drinking a lots of hot liquids

b. Staying inside

c. Keeping the body dehydrated

d. Becoming accustom to the cold climate and wearing layers of clothing

49. Symptoms are those things that the victims feels?

a. True

b. False

50. What is the best treatment for flash burn to the eyes?

a. Prevention

b. Dark sun glasses

c. Cover both eyes with patches

d. None of the above


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