SEI 10 Elf Joke Books -

Knock, Knock! Who's There?


Color printer Card stock/paper Printable Scissors Tape


1. First, your Scout Elf will print and cut out the printable. 2. They will fold the joke book according to the printable instructions and sit down to read some

jokes, trying not to laugh out loud!

cut fold

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Toy Testing

Elves are [adjective] toy testers. We love to play with [type of toy]! We [action verb] and [action verb] them all over the North Pole! You can be sure every [noun] you get from Santa has be n tested by at least [number] elves!

Scout Elf Training

Every [month of the year], Scout Elves [verb], [verb] and [verb] to stay strong and [adjective]. We climb [plural noun] and drive [type of vehicle] so we can prepare scenes to make you [verb]. Being a Scout Elf is so much [adjective]!

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Treats for Santa

The best Christmas tradition is [-ing verb] co kies for Santa! First, gather your [plural noun]. Ask your [family member] to turn on the [noun]. Mix together [noun] and [noun]. Bake at [number] degre s. Santa will [verb] them!

Decorating the tre

At the North Pole, we love [-ing verb] the Christmas tre ! My favorite decoration is a [adjective] [noun]. I [verb] them all over the tre ! It's so much [adjective] to sit in front of the [noun] and watch the [-ing word] [plural noun].

On my way to the North Pole

Last night, on my way back to the North Pole, I saw a [adjective] [animal]. It was in the mid le of a [type of habitat] in the top of a [noun]. I could hear it [-ing verb]. It was so [adjective]! I hope I [verb] it again!

New Clothes

Mrs. Claus has be n busy making [type of clothing] for all the elves! Mine will be [color] and

[color]. Best of all, it will be decorated with a [adjective] [noun]. I'm going to wear it on my [part of the body]!

Silly Phrase

The [adjective] [ job title] at the North Pole once said, "You have to [verb] before you can [verb], and if you do, you will fe l so [emotion] that your [body part] might [verb]!"

Christmas Celebration

Did you know? [famous person] is ready to have the most [adjective] Christmas yet, complete with [noun], [noun] and even [plural noun]. For din er, they're even plan ing to [verb] [fo d] and [fo d]. We hope you have a [adjective] Christmas, to !

Christmas Activity

Christmas lights are so [adjective]! Tonight, my [plural noun] and I will [action verb] around [place] lo king at all the [plural noun]. I hope to se a giant [noun]! Maybe you can go lo k at [noun] to !

Christmas meal

In [number] days, we're having [adjective] [fo d] for a/an [adjective] din er party! [Fo d item] has always be n my favorite, but this year, having a mix of [adjective] fo ds will be [word to describe fo d]. What [adjective] dish will you bring?

General Christmas Jokes

22. Why do mum ies love Christmas? a. Because they wrap really well.

23. What do fish sing during the holidays? a. Christmas corals.

24. What is a pancake's favorite Christmas carol? a. You butter watch out; you batter not cry...pan-

cakes are coming to town.

25. What did the gingerbread use to make his bed? a. Co kie she ts.

26. What's special about the Christmas alphabet? a. It has Noel.

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Joke Bo k







11. What do you call an elf who sings? a. A wrap er.

12. What do elves study in scho l? a. The elfabet.

13. What did the pancake say to the elf who was stuck?

a. Lo ks like you are in a sticky situation.

14. What do elves call fun y jellybeans? a. Jollybeans.

15. Why did the elf stash his guitar in the fridge?

a. To get a co l sound.

16. What did the elf say to the mermaid? a. `Tis the sea-son.

Snowman/Snow Jokes

17. What do snowmen eat for breakfast? a. Frosty Flakes.

18. What medicine do snowmen take when they are fe ling ill? a. Chill pills.

19. Where do snowmen ke p their money? a. In snowbanks.

20. What did the snowman say to the other snowman? a. You're co l.

21. What do you get when you cros a snowman with a shark? a. Frostbite.

Santa Claus Jokes

1. What does Mrs. Claus say to Santa when there are clouds in the sky? a. It lo ks like it might rain, dear.

2. What does Santa use when he goes ice fishing?

a. A North Pole.

3. Why was the elf scared of Santa? a. Because he was claustrophobic.

4. Who wears red and white and says, "Oh, oh, oh?"

a. Santa Claus walking backwards.

5. What kind of motorcycle does Santa ride?

a. A Holly Davidson.

6. What do you call a shark dres ed in a red and white suit? a. Santa Jaws.

7. How do you know Santa is go d at karate?

a. Because he has a black belt.

8. Who is Santa's favorite rock and roll singer? a. Elfis Presley.

Elf Jokes

9. Why were the elves cold on Christmas morning?

a. Because it was Decembrrr.

10. What did the doctor give the elf after he hurt his leg? a. A candy cane.


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