Boarding SchoolWell into the 1900’s some students lived in boarding schools run by the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. They only went home for 10 days at Christmas, 3 days at Easter and for 2 months in the summer. What was their life like?Younger students slept in dormitories. Here is a boarder’s bedroom for a Senior at Mt. Notre Dame:Here is a list of what the boarders needed to bring with them:Wardrobe.Two black uniform dresses, with one extra black waist of cashmere, or other woolen material; to be made plain, with trimmings of the dress material only.Two white waists, (wash goods) to be worn on Sunday in summer with a black skirt.Two black waists, China silk or percale material, (wash goods) to be worn on eyery day in summer, with black skirt.Two net veils, one black, the other white, to be procured at the Convent.Two black aprons of cashmere, lustre or sateen.For Commencement in June, a white dress of India Lawn; to be made simply with trimmings of the dress material only and narrow edging - no insertion whatever. Also, a pair of white kid or silk gloves and high shoes for the same occasion.Six changes of underwear.Six pairs of summer hose.Six pairs of winter hose.Two dozen handkerchiefs.Four night dresses.'Two dressing wrappers (not sacques. )Two pairs of single sheets, about two and one-half yards long and two yards wide.Four pillow-cases, thirty-three inches long, including hem, twenty-one inches wide.Six towels.One large Turkish bath-towel;Six table napkins.Knife, silver fork, table and tea-spoons, with name engraved..Goblet and napkin-ring.Toilet-set, consisting of hair, tooth and nail-brushes, a fine and.a coarse comb, tooth-powder, mug and soap.A rug, about one yard square and a mirror, about one foot long for alcove in dormitorv.A splasher twenty-five inches long, one yard and a half wide for dresser in alcove :-also, two linen dresser-scarfs, about one yard and a quarter long.A heavy coat for winter anda light wrap for spring.A hat; a cap or fascinator for winter.Three pairs of black shoes, double-soled, and a pair of overshoes.Two dark underskirts; white ones are not worn.Two flannel skirts.A pair of soft night-slippers.A pair of black gloves for recitals and other occasions.For Calisthenics, a navy-blue blouse-waist, trimmed with three rows of narrow white woolen braid, one fourth of an inch wide.A small work-box or basket furnished.Stationery and postage stamps.A package of woven numbers for marking articles of wardrobe is sent on application.No jewelry is worn except a simple watch, a brooch, and a plain ring.,Young children, under ten years of age, should be provided with summer and winter night-drawers; also two white aprons. ................

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