Ellingham VC Primary School

[Pages:3]Ellingham VC Primary School

Reading and Maths Whizz We will be continuing with our reading results and Maths Whizz updates after the Easter break. Please don't forget to carry on reading at home and using Maths Whizz over the holidays.

PTA Cake Stall and Easter Bingo The PTA will be having a cake stall after school today to raise funds for the school. There will be lots of delicious goodies on sale so please pay the stall a visit. Easter Bingo is tonight, eyes down at 6pm. All are welcome, please come along and support the PTA in what will be an enjoyable evening.

Sparrows A reminder that after the Easter Holidays, to help with the transition to year 1, we will be asking that parents/carers to no longer enter the classroom at the start of the day. Instead, if you say goodbye to your child at the door and send them into the class so that they can start being more independent.

Class Updates The children have had a busy week finishing off their topic work. There have been a lot of craft activities going on as well as lots of baking.

Please can you ensure that you take home all of your child's belongings today, i.e. PE kit etc.

Finally, we would like to wish you all a very happy Easter. Enjoy the break and we will look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 18th April, ready to start the summer term.

Year 3 and 4 Girls Football Tournament A huge well done to the girls who played in Monday's football tournament. They were representing the Hobart cluster and won which means they are now through to the next round, where they will be representing the county. They have done really well to get this far and we are really proud of them.

Easter Colouring Competition A big thank you to Harvey Brothers Funeral Directors for running the Easter colouring competition again this year. The children all really enjoyed taking part and were delighted with their prizes.

Red Nose Day Thank you to all those who donated to Comic Relief in return for wearing odd shoes. We will let you know how much was raised after the Easter holidays.

`Veggie Tub Tuesday' 28th March Thank you to everyone who sent in vegetables for our `Veggie Tub Tuesday'. The children all really enjoyed their tubs at break time. A big thank you to Alison Wren and Rachel Rackham who offered their help.

Quicksticks Well done to the children who took part in the Quicksticks tournament this week. They didn't make it through to the next round, but all played well and enjoyed themselves. A big thank you to those who helped out with transport.

Iris & Dom's Fundraising We would all like to wish Iris and Dom good luck for their sponsored jog this Sunday along Gorleston seafront.

Don't forget there is a sponsorship form in the school office for Dom and Iris' fundraising. If you would like to donate but do not wish to do this via their just giving page, /IrisandDomTheobald, you can pop into the office and sponsor them.

Ellingham and Woodton Joint Sports Kit We are missing quite a few items from the joint sports kit. Can you please have a check at home to see if you have any and return it to the school office. Thank you.

P.E Can we please remind the girls that if they wear tights to school they also need to bring in socks for P.E.

Sports Day Survey Thank you to those who have already returned their surveys. If you haven't already done so, please return them to the office ASAP, thank you.

Sports Kit We are looking for a volunteer to take responsibility of laundering our sports kit. This is the kit that is used when the school participates in various sporting events. If you are able to help with this, please see the office or Mrs Taylor. Many thanks.

Lost Property The lost property is going to put out at the end of school today. Any unclaimed items will be donated to the PTA for resale or to be put into the clothing bank. Please, please name your items and re check them as the pen does wear off after a while. We do our best to return lost clothes, but without a name, we are unable to.

Walk to School Wednesday Please remember to support `Walk to School Wednesday'. If you have to drive to school, please park further away and walk each Wednesday. Thank you The Eco-Rangers Responsible for Transport

Dates for the Diary Friday 31st March ? Easter Egg Hunt, Cake Stall and Easter Bingo ? eyes down at 6pm Friday 31st March ? Last day of term Tuesday 18th April ? First day back to school Tuesday 25th April ? High 5 Netball ? Letters have gone home to those participating Wednesday 26th April ? Skylarks KS1 Tennis Event at Hobart High School


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