Name: ____________________________________ Period: ________ Date: _______


Part 1: Vocabulary – Fill in the blanks with the terms below.

abiotic factors consumers ecology solar producers

biotic factors decomposers food chain food web trophic level

1. ____________________ All living factors in an ecosystem (plants, animals, etc.)

2. ____________________ All nonliving factors such as climate and temperature

3. ____________________ The study of how organisms interact with each other and the environment.

4. ____________________ Heterotrophic organisms that must consume other organisms for energy

5. ____________________ Describes plants because they make food from sunlight.

6. ____________________ Source of energy for most ecosystems on Earth.

7. ____________________ Organisms that obtain energy from the remains of other organisms.

8. ____________________ Feeding relationships between individual organisms

9. ____________________ Each step in a food chain or web that shows the feeding relationship between organisms

10. ____________________ Mass of interconnecting food chains

Part 2: Food Chains and Food Webs

11. What is the initial (ultimate energy source of this ecosystem? ______________________________________________

12. List all of the producers. __________________________________________________________________________

13. List all of the primary consumers. ___________________________________________________________________

14. List all of the secondary consumers. ________________________________________________________________

15. List 1 food chain above that has 3 links. ______________________________________________________________

16. List 1 food chain above that has 4 links. ______________________________________________________________

17. Describe how 3 organisms would be affected if all of the mice were removed from the food web.



18. Describe how the rabbit population would be affected if the mountain lions were removed from the food web.



Part 3: Ecological Pyramids:

19. Which trophic level contains autotrophic organisms? _____________

20. Which trophic level contains herbivores? __________________

21. Which trophic level contains carnivores and/or omnivores? _______

22. Which trophic level contains the most available energy? ___________

23. Which trophic level contains the least available energy? ___________


|Young human |1 |50 kg |.06% |

|cow |4 |1,000 kg |7.00% |

|Alfalfa plant |20 million |8,000 kg |100% |

Fill in the pyramids using the information in the chart above, so that the three organisms are placed in their correct levels. Then, answer the questions that follow.

24. What is the source of energy for all of the ecological pyramids? ________________________________________

25. In general, what kind of organism makes up the base of any ecological pyramid? ___________________________

26. How is the energy loss from one trophic level to the next reflected in the pyramid of numbers? _________________

27. ____________________________________________________________________________________________

28. Suppose an ecosystem has a greater number of individual herbivores than individual producers. How would this affect the shape of the ecosystem’s pyramid of numbers? ______________________________________________


29. In the pyramid of energy, why do different trophic levels have different amounts of energy available? ____________



Level 1

Level 2

Level 3


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