Officiant's name

Please complete this basic ceremony worksheet and return it via email as soon as you can. (Changes can be made on this form as/when needed up to ceremony date).

|Officiant's name |Richard Leggett, Bayview Officiants |

| |831-970-6060 bayviewofficiants@ |

|Name of bride | |

|Name of groom | |

|Date of ceremony | |

|Ceremony start time | |

|Ceremony location (include address) | |

|Ceremony type (secular or nondenominational | |

|religious) | |

1. Mothers (for the Processional)

If you would like your moms to be a part of the processional, please fill in their names and escorts here. If you don't want them to be part of the processional, then leave this section blank.

| |Name |Name of Escort |

|Mother of Groom | | |

|Mother of Bride | | |

| | | |

2. Wedding Party Members (for the Processional)

|How do you want your bridesmaids and groomsmen to enter? |Check Only one |

|Bridesmaids and groomsmen enter as couples | |

|Bridesmaids enter unescorted. Men wait up front with officiant | |

If you checked the first option above (couples), then list couples on the chart below in the order that they will walk down the aisle. First couple down will stand on the outside (groom's side goes to the right, bride's side to the left), with each couple successively standing closer to the bride and groom, ending with the maid of honor and best man.

If you checked the second option above (singles--generally preferable if you have an unequal number of men and woman) then simply list the bridesmaids names in the table below in the order they will walk down the aisle. Then list the groomsmen as they will stand from the outside in (e.g. the first name on the chart will be the man standing on the far right--farthest away from the groom)

| |Name |Name of Escort (Groomsman/Best Man) |

|Bridesmaid 1 | | |

|Bridesmaid 2 | | |

|Bridesmaid 3 | | |

|Bridesmaid 4 | | |

|Bridesmaid 5 | | |

|Maid of Honor | | |

| |Name |Age |

|Flower Girl 1 | | |

|Flower Girl 2 | | |

|Ring Bearer 1 | | |

|Ring Bearer 2 | | |

| |Name |Escort (Name and Relationship to bride) |

|Bride | | |

3. Upon arrival at the front

Which of the options below do you want for the bride's arrival at the front? (Please place an X in the line that you'd like.)

|Question |Check only one |

|Escort kisses bride and goes to his or her seat | |

|Officiant asks: "Who gives (bride's name) in marriage?" | |

|(Response by escort: "I do." Or “Her mother and I do.”) | |

4. Who will have the rings? This is generally the best man, the best man and the maid of honor, or the ring bearer

| |Who will hold? |

|Bride's ring | |

|Groom's ring | |

5. Additions to the Basic Ceremony

You have elected to add some extra features to your Basic Ceremony (these were arranged for when you signed our contract and made payment). If applicable, wording options for your ceremony additions have been emailed to you along with this worksheet. Please indicate your choices below. (Note: if your additions include readings or your own original vows, please email the officiant a complete text of what will be read or said along with this competed worksheet so that it may be included in the ceremony script.)

|Addition |Wording Choices (if applicable) |

| | |

| | |

| | |

6. Is bride taking groom's last name? (Place an X in the appropriate box.)

|Bride taking groom's last name? |Check only one |

|Yes | |

|No | |

7. What method of music will you be having at your wedding? (Place an X in the appropriate box)

|Method of Music |Name of Person handling (if known) |Check only one |

|D.J. | | |

|Live Musicians (guitarist, quartet, | | |

|pianist, etc) | | |

|Ipod/CD player/other recorded sound system| | |

|No Music | | |

|Other (please specify) | | |

8. Will the bride and groom be seeing one another prior to the ceremony on the wedding day? (Place an X in the appropriate box.)

| |Check only one |

|Seeing each other beforehand | |

|Not seeing each other (groom will see bride for first time when she comes down the aisle) | |

9. Anything else you want me to know?

| |


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