Series: The Family Under Fire - Christian Citizens

Someone once said, “Before you remove a fence, you need to ask why that fence was erected in the first place.” I propose that there is a societal and Scriptural fence that was erected by Almighty God about 6,000 years ago. Many in our culture are seeking to tear down that fence which was built by God. The fence that I am referring to is the institution of marriage.

Whether it is no-fault divorce laws, rising out-of-wedlock birth rates, government support of fornication through the welfare laws, or the increase of single-parent homes, the sacred institution of marriage is under attack by the forces of hell itself.

Radical homosexuals, with the aid of Hollywood, the media, and liberal judges, are determined to dismantle traditional marriage as we know it. Homosexual marriage is currently legal in Massachusetts and is on the verge of becoming a legal right all across this country. Before we quietly sit by and allow this to happen, we had better seriously consider what is at stake.

Series: The Family Under Fire

In this 5-part series we will look at various aspects of strengthening our marriages and families. We will investigate the demonic attack against the Biblical definition of marriage. We will discuss practical ways that we can be involved in fighting to defend the marriage institution.

Sermon #1: The Formation of Marriage

Genesis 2:18-25

1. Observation (18)

This is the first time God said something was “not good.”

Day 1 – God saw it was “good.” Day 2, God saw it was “good.” Etc.

Note: God’s work is always good. Adam was not imperfect, just incomplete.

It was not Adam’s creation that god said was “not good,” but his loneliness.

God knows that we need companionship and He has provided the answer.

(Young people, wait on god to bring you your mate!)

2. Realization (19-20)

Adam realizes here what God already knew.

Point: God knows our needs better than we do and before we do.

Adam named all the creatures. This assignment was given to him by God so that

Adam would realize his need for a mate.

God knows we are sexual being in need of a holy way to express this aspect of being.

3. Creation (21-22a)

Joke: God said to Adam, “I am going to make you the perfect woman. She will be able to cook, clean, etc…Adam asked, “What will this perfect woman cost?” God said, “An arm and a leg.” Adam asked, “God, what can I get for a rib?

One the most assaulted doctrines of the Bible is the doctrine of creation.

1 – It is an attack against the Word of God.

2 – It is an attack against the person of God.

3 – It is an attack against the gospel. (Romans 1 and Psalm 98)

4 – It is an attack against the family.

A. God’s Diversity in Creation (1:26-31a)

Hebrew is literally, “I will make a corresponding one.”

God made a corresponding one. Not an identical one.

Example: Keys and Locks

God knew children would need both role models.

There is nothing compassionate about denying a child a mother. (In the

case of a child being raised by 2 homosexual men.)

B. God’s Delight in Creation (1:31a)

When there was only 1 gender it was not good.

Not that there is man and woman, it is not only “good” but “very good.”

God said, “That’s how I want it to be.” One man and woman woman!

Contrast that with Leviticus 20:13 – “If there is a man who lies with a man as those who lie with a woman, both of them have done a detestable act. They shall surely be put to death. Their guilt is upon them.”

4. Presentation (22b)

Your spouse is a precious gift from God. (not a gag gift.)

God thinks he or she is perfect for you! If they are flawed, it is only an indication

for what God thinks you deserve! Remember, those flaws are what kept them

from catching a better spouse than you!

5. Appreciation (23)

Adam says “She is like me…but different!” (ish is taken out of isha)

Joke: Whether a man ends up with a goose egg or a nest egg depends on the kind of chick he marries.

Proverbs 31– “Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies. The heart of her husband safely trusts her. He will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil all the days of her life…Her children rise up and call her blessed. Her husband praises her. ‘Many daughters have done nobly but you excel them all.’ Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.””

When you married her you opened the door for her. Now she’s lucky if she can get in before you pull off.

Joke: Treat her like a thoroughbred and she won’t act like an old nag.

You can find something to appreciate about your spouse.

Many marriages would be strengthened by a simple “thank you.”

One woman said, “I don’t need my husband to treat me like a queen. I just want him to treat me as nice as he treats strangers.”

6. Ordination (24a)

Webster’s Dictionary defines “ordain” as…”to set in order, to arrange according to rules; to regulate; to establish.”

Jesus said, “What God has joined together let no man put asunder (separate).”

I have the privilege of determining who I will and will not marry. So does God and God will never ordain homosexual marriage.

If you favor homosexual marriage you are opposed to the will, way, and Word of


You do not want to be on the opposite side of God on this issue.

7. Consummation (24b-25)

When God created and ordained marriage, He designed it (in part) for intimacy and procreation.

2 homosexuals can never be one flesh and can never procreate.

They can never fulfill one of the most basic commands to the family (Gen. 1:28).


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