Two Houses of Congress

Legislative Branch

| |House of Representatives |Senate |

|Number of members | | |

|Minimum number of members from each state | | |

|Number of members from Texas | | |

|Elected by? | | |

|Names of Texas members |District 7 | |

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| |District 10 | |

|Length of term | | |

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|How often are members elected? | | |

|Qualifications | | |

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|Title of Presiding officer | | |

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|Name of the Presiding officer | | |

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|Responsibilities | | |

|Privileges of members of Congress | | |

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| | | |

|Party that controls each House | | |

Two Houses of Congress

*We are currently in the ____ term of Congress and the ______ session.

*The United States Congress is a ____________ body, which means that it is made up of _________ houses.

* A _______________is the length of time between elections.

* A term of Congress lasts for _____________ years.

* The _____________amendment of 1933 changed the date of the start of a term of Congress from December to January _____. This amendment is sometimes called the Lame Duck amendment because it _____________________________________________________

*There are ___________ sessions to each term of Congress. Only the ___________ can call a special session of Congress .Since 1948(or after WWII) this has not been necessary because __________ ____________________ *The size of the House of Representatives is set by _________. *The seats in the House are __________ or redistributed among the States on the basis of ___________ after each __________ census. The _________________ Act of ______ set up “automatic reapportionment.” This act set the House at _________, but can be changed by another act of __________.

*Following each census, the ______ ________ determines the number of seats each state should have. The State __________ determines how the state will REAPPORTION its seats.

*Congressional election that occurs in non-presidential election years is called _____ _______ elections.

* The _____amendment in 1913 changed the selection of the US Senators by members of the ___________ __________ to an election by the ___________. The Senate is sometimes called “the house that never dies” because only _______ of the body goes up for reelection. * The people that members of Congress represent are called their ________________. * A person in office running for reelection is called an _________________.


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