Gossip Well Told

Q. What year did the First World War start?

A. 1914

Q. What year did the First World War End?

A. 1918

Q. Who were the two main countries who fought on Britain’s side during WW1?

A. France and Russia

Q. What year did America join WW1?

A. 1917

Q. Who were we fighting in WW1?

A. Germany, Austria and Italy

Q. Who won the First World War?

A. Britain, France and America

Q. Why did Russia leave the First World War in 1917?

A. There was a revolution, their Tsar (King) was killed and the people took over.

Q. Who had the biggest army in Europe at the start of WW1?

A. Germany

Q. How many British Soldiers died on the first day of the Battle of the Somme in 1916?

A. 20,000

Q. How many soldiers fought in World War 1?

A. About 70 million

Q. How many soldiers were killed in World War One?

A. 9 million

Q. How many British Soldiers died in WW1?

A. 900,000

Q. How many German Soldiers died in WW1?

A. 2 million

Q. How many Russian Soldiers died in World War 1?

A. 1.8 million

Q. Which country lost the biggest percentage of their people in WW1?

A. Serbia – around 16% of their population were killed.

Q. What weapon was used for the first time at the Battle of the Somme in 1916?

A. The Tank

Q. What new weapon was first used by the Germans in 1914?

A. Poisoned Gas

Q. What were dug by British and German soldiers all the way from the English Channel to Switzerland?

A. Trenches

Q. How many miles of Trenches were there on the Western front?

A. 5, 965 miles

Q. What did Russian Soldiers have to share because there were not enough for one each?

A. Guns

Q. How many Indian soldiers joined the First World War on the British Side?

A. 1.3 million

Q. What happened if you did not want to fight in the First World War?

A. You could be put in prison or shot.

Q. Did you have to fight in the First World War?

A. By the end of the war all British men aged 18-51 had to fight.

Q. When did the First World War end?

A. The Eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1918 (11a.m. on 11/11/18)

Q. What do people wear every year to remember the dead of World War 1?

A. Red Poppies

Q. How did some soldiers die at the Battle of Passchendaele?

A. They drowned in the mud

Q. What nickname was given the General Haig, the leader of the British Army?

A. Butcher Haig

Q. What was the First World War known as at the time?

A. It was normally called The Great War

Q. Why did Canada, Australia and New Zealand all get involved in WW1?

A. They were all part of the British Empire

Q. Why did Britain and Germany start to run out of food during the war?

A. Both countries used submarines to sink boats carrying food supplies

Q. What did the Germans use to launch air raids on Britain?

A. Giant airships known as Zeppelins.


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