United States History Creative Project

United States History Creative Project

1st Semester

Miss Breight

Value: 100 points

Due Date: December 10, 2015

The Basics:

• By the end of Semester 1, we will have covered Chapters 6-13 in the textbook, which includes the following broad topics/categories: Industrialization and the Gilded Age, Immigration and Urbanization, Life at the Turn of the Century, The Age of Inventions, The Progressives, Imperialism, World War I and the Roaring Twenties.

• You are not limited to the above topics as long as your selection falls within the time frame of chapters 6-13 in the book.

• Please select ONE event, time period, person, theme etc. to focus on for your project.

• Your topic need not be (but certainly can be) something/someone that we focused on in class (for example: if you would like to focus on an influential author, artist, athlete etc. from a particular time period, great!)

• You may work in groups depending on the project (even mixed class groups are okay) however, your project must be able to be shared in all group members’ classes. YOU MUST GET TOPIC APPROVAL FROM MISS BREIGHT, AND YOU ALSO MUST GET APPROVAL TO WORK IN A GROUP!

You will be graded on:

• Accurate historical content(40pt)

• Presentation/effort(30pt)

• Creativity (30pt).

Possible suggestions for creative projects:

• Biography Box/Museum Box

• Dramatic Presentation

• Movie

• Song

• PowerPoint / Multimedia presentation

• Painting

• Time Magazine Cover/travel brochures

• Storytelling

• Your Idea? – Great…just get approval


Possible Topics for 1st Semester Creative Projects in CP United States History: This list is not complete, but intended to give you ideas for your project. Please clear any selection you would like to choose as your report topic.

• 1890 – Muckrakers- Jacob Riis, Upton Sinclair, Lewis Hine

• 1890 - McKinley tariff

• 1890 - Yosemite National Park created

• 1890 - Wounded Knee Massacre

• 1890 - National American Woman Suffrage Association founded

• 1892 - Homestead Strike

• 1892 - General Electric Company founded

• 1892 - Sierra Club founded

• 1893 - Grover Cleveland inaugurated President for second term

• 1893 - Panic of 1893

• 1894 - Coxey's Army

• 1894 - Pullman strike

• 1894 - Wilson-Gorman Tariff Act, including Income Tax

• 1896 - Plessy v. Ferguson 163 US 537 1896 affirms the idea of "separate but equal"

• 1896 - William Jennings Bryan delivers his Cross of Gold speech

• 1896 - Gold discovered in the Yukon's Klondike

• 1896 - Hawaii annexed

• 1897 - William McKinley becomes President [pic]

• 1897 - Boston subway completed

• 1898 - USS Maine explodes in Havana, Cuba harbor, precipitating the Spanish-American War

• 1898 - De Lôme Letter

• 1898 - Treaty of Paris (1898) ends Spanish-American War

• 1898 - American Anti-Imperialist League organized

• 1899 - Teller Amendment

• 1899 - American Samoa occupied

• 1899 - Open Door Notes

• 1900 - U.S. helps put down Boxer Rebellion

• 1901 - William McKinley assassinated

• 1901 - Theodore Roosevelt becomes President

• 1901 - U.S. Steel founded by John Pierpont Morgan

• 1902 - Drago Doctrine

• 1902 - First Rose Bowl game played

• 1902 - Newlands Reclamation Act

• 1903 - Great Train Robbery movie opens/ early Hollywood

• 1903 - Ford Motor Company formed

• 1903 - First World Series

• 1903 - Big Stick Diplomacy

• 1903 - Department of Commerce and Labor created

• 1903 - The first powered flight is made at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina

• 1904 - Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine

• 1904 - Panama Canal Zone acquired

• 1905 - Niagara Falls conference

• 1905 - Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) formed

• 1906 - Susan B. Anthony dies

• 1906 - Pure Food and Drug Act and Meat Inspection Act

• 1906 - Theodore Roosevelt negotiates Treaty of Portsmouth, receives Nobel Peace Prize

• 1906 - Massive earthquake in San Francisco; fires burn and as many as 3,000 are dead.

• 1907 - Gentlemen's Agreement

• 1908 - Ford Model T appears on market

• 1908 - Federal Bureau of Investigation established

• 1909 - The U.S. penny is changed to the Abraham Lincoln design

• 1909 - William Howard Taft becomes President

• 1909 - Robert Peary plants American flag at North Pole

• 1909 - NAACP founded by W. E. B. DuBois

• 1909 - Taft implements Dollar Diplomacy


• 1910 - Boy Scouts of America chartered

• 1911 - Supreme Court breaks up Standard Oil

• 1911 - First ever Indianapolis 500 is staged

• 1912 - RMS Titanic sinks

• 1912 - Theodore Roosevelt shot, but not killed, while campaigning for the Bull Moose Party

• 1913 - Harriet Tubman dies

• 1913 - Woodrow Wilson becomes President

• 1913 - 16th Amendment

• 1913 - 17th Amendment

• 1914 - Mother's Day created

• 1914 - Federal Trade Commission created

• 1914 - Clayton Antitrust Act

• 1915 - RMS Lusitania sunk

• 1916 - Jeannette Rankin elected

• 1916 - Louis Brandeis appointed to Supreme Court

• 1916 - Federal Farm Loan Act

• 1917 - Zimmermann telegram

• 1917 - Espionage and Sedition Acts

• 1918 - President Wilson's Fourteen Points

• 1919 - United States Senate rejects Treaty of Versailles and League of Nations

• 1919 - 18th Amendment

• 1919-1920 Red Scare

• 1920 - 19th Amendment

• 1920 - Sacco and Vanzetti arrested

• 1920 - First radio broadcast in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

• 1920 - Volstead Act

• 1921 - Warren G. Harding becomes President

• 1921 - Washington Disarmament Conference of 1921

• 1921 - Emergency Quota Act

• 1923 - Warren G. Harding dies

• 1923 - Calvin Coolidge becomes President

• 1923 - Yankee Stadium opens

• 1923 - Teapot Dome Scandal

• 1925 - Scopes trial

• 1927 - Sacco and Vanzetti executed

• 1927 - Charles Lindbergh makes first trans-Atlantic flight

• 1927 - The Jazz Singer, the first "talkie" (motion picture with sound) is released

• 1928 - Disney's Steamboat Willie opens

• 1928 - Kellogg-Briand Pact

• 1929 - Herbert Hoover becomes President

• 1929 - St. Valentine's Day massacre

• 1929 - Immigration Act


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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