PHN Infographic - Country WA - Department of Health

Country Western Australia (WA) Primary Health Network (PHN) factsheetCountry WA PHN snapshotThis page provides a snapshot of statistics for in Country WA PHN region. Total population, sourced from estimated resident population of 2016 census, is 531?934. Indigenous population, sourced from 2016 census, is 44 052. Population growth from 2012-2016 was 0.70%. Population aged 65+, sourced from estimated resident population of 2016 census, is 13.84%. Population growth of aged 65+ from 2012-2016 was 18.35%. Area square kilometres: 2 477 561. Country WA PHN demographics The demographic data is sourced from estimated resident population of 2016 census; 51.18% of people (272 265 people) are male and 48.82% (259 669 people) are female. Country WA PHN age rangeThe age statistics are sourced from estimated resident population of 2016 census. Percentages of the population for the following age groups are: 0 to 4 years is 6.98%, 5 to 18 years is 18.41%, 19 to 64 years is 60.77%, and 65 years and over is 13.84%.Country WA PHN key information on people requiring assistance and English proficiencyThe key information is sourced from 2016 census data which shows 4.34% of people need assistance with core activities, 0.85% of people responded to English proficiency with not at all or not well, and 3.05% of people are unemployed.Country WA PHN employment informationThe employment figures are based on the 2016 census. Total population is 531 934 and of that 16 224 people are unemployed. Map ................

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