$ 0 - Indiana

Hospital Fiscal Report State Form 49520 (R2 /7-02) (Form approved by State Board of Accounts, 2000)

I. Identification of Organization

Hospital Name:




City of Hospital: Logansport, IN

Year Begin: 01/01/2021

(mm/dd/yyyy format)

Year End: 12/31/2021

(mm/dd/yyyy format)

Person Completing the Heather Wheeler Report:

Email Address: hwheeler@

Medicare Provider Number: 15-0072

Status: Finalized

Statement One: Summary of Revenue and Expenses

1. Gross Patient Service Revenue

Inpatient Patient Service Revenue


Outpatient Patient Service Revenue


2. Deductions From Revenue

Contractual Allowance


Other Deductions


Total Deductions $154337531

Total Gross Patient Service Revenue


3. Total Operating Revenue

Net Patient Service Revenue


Other Operating Revenue


Total Operating Revenue $111936987

4. Operating Expenses

Salaries and Wages


Depreciation and Amortization $4053136

Bad Debt


Total Operating Expenses $117084660

Employee Benefits Interest Expense Other Expenses

$12826918 $639326 $47870290

5. Net Revenue and Expenses Excess Revenue over Expenses $-5147673

Total Assets

Net Non-operating Gains over Loss


Total Liabilities

Total Net Gains $-4626775

Statement Two: Contractual Allowance

Revenue Source

Gross Patient Revenue

Contractual Allowance







Other Government



Other State



Other Payers






$123289651 $55007501

Net Patient Service Allowance

$33668235 $21476467

$0 $0 $54265178 $109409880

Statement Three: Donations Statement Donations

Estimated Incoming Revenue


Estimated Outgoing Expenses


Net Dollar Gain or Loss


Statement Four: Research Statement

Estimated Incoming Revenue

Estimated Outgoing Expenses

Net Dollar Gain or Loss





Statement Five: Education Statement

Education of

Estimated Incoming Revenue

Estimated Outgoing Expenses

Net Dollar Gain or Loss

Medical Professionals




Hospital Patients




Community Education




Number of Medical Professionals Trained


Number of Hospital Patients Educated


Number of Citizens Exposed to Health Education Messages


Statement Six: Charity Statement

Hospital Charity Charges $1993259

Payments from Clients

Less Costs to Unreimbursed


Costs to Hospital

Charity Care



HCI Payments






Medicaid Shortfalls



Subtotal $18738106



DSH Payments


Subtotal $20415843


Medicare Shortfalls



Other Government Programs



Total $53889694


Statement Seven: Subsidized Health Services for the Community

Estimated Incoming Revenue

Estimated Outgoing Expenses

Community Programs



Community Assessment



Provision of Taxes



Other Allocations Comments





Net Dollar Gain or Loss

$-596129 $0 $0 $0


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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