This I Believe…

Role Models

Your task: Think about what makes a good role model. Who is your role model? This project requires two things: a presentation on your role model and an invitation designed to encourage your role model to attend the presentation. You may do research at home or during school, but your role model must be someone famous/in the public eye. Scientists, writers, athletes, actors, singers and government officials are all acceptable for this project.

The requirements:

1. Presentation must include the following information about your role model.

a. Name and age

b. Location of birth and current residence

c. Occupation

d. Family History

e. Philanthropy or charity organizations

f. Challenges or difficulties overcome

g. Two interesting facts about the person

h. Three reasons the person is your role model

2. Invitation asking role model to attend presentation. It must include the following.

a. Who is asking

b. What you are asking the role model to do

c. When the presentation will be

d. Where the presentation will be

e. Why you are asking

f. At least one picture or decoration


|Awarded Points |Possible Points |Category |Criteria |

| | | |The presentation includes all of the material required. Each piece of information is|

| |30 |Material |addressed. |

| |10 |Organization |Paragraphs of material should not be written on each slide. Information should be |

| | | |bulleted and to the point. |

| |10 |Pictures |Each slide must have a picture or clip art present. |

| |10 |Grammar and Spelling |Author makes no errors in grammar, spelling, capitalization or punctuation that |

| | | |distracts the reader from the content. |

| |30 |Invitation |Invitation presents clear purpose of asking role model to attend presentation. Who, |

| | | |What, Where, When and Why are included. The invitation is decorated and attractive. |

| |10 |Participation |Student is productive during class time provided to work on the project. Does not |

| | | |have to be told to stay on task. |

| |100 |TOTAL | |


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