CURRICULUM VITAERICHARD TEMPESTDirector and Associate ProfessorRussian, East European & Eurasian CenterUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign103 International Studies Building910 South Sixth StreetChampaign, Illinois 61820Tel.:(217) 244 4720 (office) (217) 333 1582 (fax) (217) 377 7335 (mobile)e-mail: rtempest@illinois.eduBackgroundI have mixed British-Bulgarian parentage. In 1966-1973 I was domiciled in Moscow, where my parents worked as foreign journalists.Education1977-82New College, Oxford. M. A. 1982, D. PHil. 19821974-77New College, Oxford. B. A. Hons/Philosophy & Modern Languages (First Class), 1977Employment2007-Director, Russian, East European & Eurasian Center, UIUC2006-07Acting Head, Department of Slavic Languages & Literatures, UIUC2000-02Interim Head, Department of Slavic Languages & Literatures, UIUC2001-Adjunct Professor, University of Illinois at Springfield1999-00Associate Head, Department of Slavic Languages & Literatures, UIUC1992-94Associate Head, Department of Slavic Languages & Literatures, UIUC1988-Associate Professor of Slavic Languages & Literatures, UIUC1983-88Assistant Professor of Slavic Languages & Literatures, UIUC1982-83Visiting Assistant Professor of Slavic Languages & Literatures, UIUC1982-83Junior Research Fellow, Wolfson College, Oxford1980-82Part-time tutor, New College, Oxford1980-82Instructor, Oxford School of Modern LanguagesHonors and Awards2006Hewlett Conference Grant2005UIUC Research Board grant2004List of Excellent Teachers (Spring), UIUC2002List of Excellent Teachers (Fall), UIUC2001List of Excellent Teachers (Fall), UIUC1996List of Excellent Teachers (Spring), UIUC1994Arnold O. Beckman Research Award1991Prize for Best Memoir, Literaturnoe obozrenie1974Exhibition in Modern Languages, New CollegeForeign Languagesnative:Russian, BulgarianfluentFrench, Spanishreading:Macedonian, Bosnian Serbian Croatian Montenegrin, Ukrainian, Italian, Portuguese,GermanIncomplete list of courses developed and taughtAt UIUCBULG 381 (Structure of Modern Bulgarian); BULG 382 (Readings in Modern Bulgarian); RUSS 101-104 (Beginning Russian); RUSS 113 (Russian Civilization); RUSS 114 (Russian, Soviet and Post-Soviet Civilization); RUSS 115 (19th Century Russian Masterpieces in Translation); RUSS 116 (20th Century Russian Masterpieces in Translation); RUSS 213-214 (Russian Grammar I and II); RUSS 215-216 (Russian Literature in Russian I and II); RUSS 303-304 (Russian Conversation I and II); RUSS 222 (Dostoevsky and Tolstoy); RUSS 225 (Russian Literature since 1917); RUSS 320 (Russian Writers); RUSS 323 (Tolstoy); RUSS 424 (Russian Modernism); RUSS 438 (Modern Russian Poetry); RUSS 444 (Problems in Romanticism); RUSS 445 (Problems in Realism); RUSS 460 (Russian Culture Studies); RUSS 474 (Russian Literary Translation); RUSS 501-502 (Advanced Russian Language for Graduates I and II); RUSS 576 (Methods in Slavic Graduate Study); REES 495/550 (Introduction to Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies); SLAV 117/CWL 117 (Russian and East European Science Fiction); SLAV 452 (Russian and East European Popular Culture)At New College, OxfordRussian Language/HistoryDissertations directed6Editorial Boards2009-Member, Editorial Board, The Journal of Political Marketing1986-1996Head, Historical/Literary Section, Simvol (Paris, France)RefereeCornell University PressYale University PressThe Russian ReviewJournalism2007-Columnist, Russkii reporter (Moscow, Russia)1990-91U. S. correspondent, Otechestven vestnik (Sofia, Bulgaria)Literary Prize Selection Committees2008Chairman, Committee of Judges, International Khristo Botev Prize (Bulgaria);awarded to Aleksandr SolzhenitsynAdministration, UIUC2007-Member, Humanities Council2005-07Member, Executive Committee, Russian, East European & EurasianCenter2002-03Member, Academic Standards Committee1999-02Member, Executive Committee, Russian & East European Center,1998-99Member, Senate1995-96Member, Senate1992-99Director, UIUC Study Abroad Program in St. Petersburg1988-89Member, Executive Committee, Russian & East European Center,Conferences/Talks/PapersOrganizer/Chairman, International Solzhenitsyn Conference, UIUC, June 2007Chairman, Organizing Committee, Midwest Slavic Conference, UIUC, 1989Invited Talks2009“Intrigue, Money, Terror, War” (4 lectures on Soviet successor states), SeniorProfessionals’ Academy, Illinois State University2009“Obama’s One Hundred Days,” Bulgarian Socialist Party, Sofia2008“Solzhenitsyn. Putin. Obama. McCain,” Standard and Poor’s, Moscow office2008“Tolstoy and Solzhenitsyn,” School #57, Moscow2008“President Dmitry Medvedev: The Construction of a Political Figure,” AmericanEnterprise Institute, Washington, D. C.2006“The American Political Scene after the 2006 Midterm Elections,”Atlantic Club, Sofia2006“Putin’s Body As a Cultural Artifact,” Sofia University2006“Aleksand?r Solzhenitsyn kato pisatel i mitotvorets,” Sofia University2004“Does Putin Work Out? The Political Economy of the Body in Russia,”University of Notre Dame2004“Bodies Politic and Impolitic in the Putin Era,” Indiana University2003“Russian Pop from Rap to Reggae,” Indiana University2002 “Lyubé and the Postmodern Pop Scene,” Indiana University2001“Russian Pop Culture Today,” Indiana University2000“Russian Political Physiognomics,” Indiana University1999“Russian Postmodernist Politicians,” Indiana University1998“Teaching Russian Language and Literature to American Students,”St. Petersburg State University1998“The Faces of Power in Russia,” Indiana University1994“Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: Myth and Reality,” St. Petersburg StateUniversity1990“Soviet Youth under Perestroika,” Boston College1987“Contemporary Soviet Popular Culture,” Indiana University1985“The Current Soviet Youth Scene,” Illinois State University,Bloomington1984“Soviet Youth Culture Today,” Illinois State University, BloomingtonConference Papers2009“Solzhenitsyn the Cartesian,” International Solzhenitsyn Conference, Paris2008“Solzhenitsyn — pisatel’ XXI veka,” International Solzhenitsyn Conference, Moscow2008“Solzhenitsyn: The Great Aestheticizer,” Solzhenitsyn Forum, 21st MoscowInternational Book Fair2008“Putin and Son,” “Russia at the Crossroads” Forum, UIUC2007“Monsters and Mummies, Bulls and Bulldogs: Representations of the Body in TheFirst Circle, International Solzhenitsyn Conference, UIUC2006“Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin: A Study in Comparative Mythopoetics,”III International Political Marketing Conference, Nicosia2003 “Tolstoi i Solzhenitsyn: Vstrecha v Iasnoi Poliane,” InternationalSolzhenitsyn Conference, Moscow2003“Gagarin and the Phenomenon of Exile,” AAASS National Convention“Gagarin and Khomiakov,” International Khomiakov Colloquium, HolyTrinity Orthodox Seminary, Jordanville“Gachev is Rozanov Today,” International Rozanov Conference, UIUC“Bodies Politic and Impolitic: Yeltsin’s and Putin’s Public Presentation of Self,” AAASS National Convention1998“Ivan Gagarin after His Apostasy,” AAASS National Convention1997“The Representation of War in the Fictions of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn,”AATSEEL National Conference1996“Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: kosmos, mif, diskurs,” III InternationalConference of Teachers of Russian Literature, St. Petersburg1995“Social Codes and Decodings circa 1860,” AAASS National Convention1995“The Semiotization of Stalin and Khrushchev in the Works of AleksandrSolzhenitsyn,” III Bannye Readings, Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, Moscow1994“Ivan Gagarin: Man of Doubt,” AAASS National Convention1993“The Mythopoetics of Alexander Solzhenitsyn,” AAASS NationalConvention1992“Parallel Structures in Pride and Prejudice and Eugene Onegin,” AAASSNational Convention1991“Chaadaev’s femmes d’esprit,” AAASS National Convention1990“Soviet Youth Movements Today,” New England Historical Association,Annual Meeting1990“Petr Viazemskii’s Unpublished Letters to Prince Petr Kozlovskii,”IV World Conference on Soviet and East European Studies1989“The Intellectual Evolution of Ivan Gagarin,” AAASS National Convention1989"The Genre of the Letter in Early Nineteenth-Century Russia," NewEngland Slavic Association, Annual Meeting1988“The Hunter of Words: A. I. Turgenev,” AAASS National Convention1986“Chaadaev and Tiutchev," AAASS National Convention1985“Pushkin and Chaadaev,” III World Conference on Soviet and EastEuropean Studies1985"The Secret of Troppau," New England Slavic Association, Annual Meeting1983"Contemporary Soviet Youth Culture," AAASS National Convention1980"La démence de Tchaadaev," Colloque International Tchaadaev,Institut National d'Etudes Slaves, ParisCurrent ProjectsA book-length study of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s literary worksSoviet nostalgia and the self-presentation of Russian political leaders in the Putin eraOral history of Bulgaria’s communist-era intelligence serviceBooks2005(AS ROLAND HARINGTON)Zolotaia kost’ (Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie), 456 pp.Fictionalized study of the paradoxes and discontinuities of post-Petrineand post-Soviet Russian culture and history.Books, Edited2008Aleksand?r Solzhenitsin, Diasnata kitka (Sofia: Khristo Botev), 250 pp.1996Ivan Gagarin, Dnevnik. Zapiski o moei zhizni. Perepiska. Sostavlenie,vstupitel’nye stat’i, perevod s frantsuzskogo i kommentarii RichardaTempesta (Moscow: Iazyki russkoi kul’tury), 350 pp.1991The Philosophical Works of Peter Chaadaev, ed. Raymond T. McNally andRichard Tempest (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers), 321 pp.1990Pierre Tchaadaev, Oeuvres inédites ou rares, éditées par Fran?oisRouleau, Raymond T. McNally et Richard Tempest (Paris: Bibliothèque Slave), 316 pp.Books, ForthcomingAnnotated edition of the journals and autobiography of Prince Ivan Gagarin (1814—1881). Includes my English translation of Gagarin’s writings from the French, as well as introductory articles and commentaries. Submitted to Westview Press; under considerationChapters in Books2009“Solzhenitsyn—pisatel’ XXI veka,” Put’ Solzhenitsyna v kontekste bol’shogovremeni: Sbornik pamiati: 1918-2009, ed. L. I. Saraskina (Moscow: Russkii put’)2008“Krugi i paralleli: k voprosu ob intertekstualizme Solzhenitsyna,” ProzaSolzhenitsyna 1990-kh godov, ed. A. V. Urmanov (Blagoveshchensk: Izd-voBGPU), 141-1512005“Tolstoi i Solzhenitsyn: Vstrecha v Iasnoi Poliane,” Mezhdu dvumiaiubileiami (1998-2003), ed. N. A. Struve, V. A. Moskvin (Moscow:Russkii Put’), 393-408;SAME, republished in Ponedelnik, September-October 2005, 103-1152005“Solzhenitsyn i Napoleon,” Krasnoe Koleso A. I. Solzhenitsyna:Khudozhestvennyi mir. Poetika. Kul’turnyi kontekst, ed. A. V. Urmanov et al. (Blagoveshchensk: Izd-vo BGPU), 5-17.2004“Gagarin and Khomiakov: Two Lives, Two Doctrines,” A. S. Khomiakov:Poet, Philosopher, Theologian, ed. Vladimir Tsurikov (Jordanville: HolyTrinity Seminary Press), 66-982004“Papanin i ‘Penny Black’,” Kir Bulychev i ego druz’ia (Cheliabinsk: Dliauzkogo kruga), 150-1552001“Khrushchev and Solzhenitsyn: A Study in Comparative Mythopoetics,”Life Lines: Perspectives on Russian and European Culture, Society andPolitics, ed. Nicholas S. Racheotes (Boulder: East European Monographs)1997“The Geometry of Hell: The Poetics of Space and Time in One Day in theLife of Ivan Denisovich,” One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. ACritical Companion, ed. Alexis Klimoff (Evanston: Northwestern UP);SAME, republished in Russian in Zvezda, No 12, 19981993“Russkie siluety v parizhskikh arkhivakh,” Litsa, vol. II(St. Petersburg: Russkii pisatel’)1990“The Young Pushkin and Chaadaev,” Issues in Russian Literature Before1917, ed. J. Douglas Clayton (Columbus: Slavica)Guest Editorships2011Slavic Review, special issue on Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn2010Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, special issue on Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn2000Canadian-American Slavic Studies, Vol. 34, No 3, special issue on“Russian Thinkers, Western Contexts”Articles2008“Svetliiat bial simvol: belezhki v?rhu poetikata na politicheskata harizma,” NovoVreme, 2008, No 122008“Amerikanskii Solzhenitsyn,” Literatura, No 222007“Gachev Rampant, Rozanov Couchant, or Russia’s Two Physiologists of Culture,”New Zealand Slavonic Journal, 2005, Volume 39, 62-80.2007“Mezhdunarodnaia konferentsiia ‘Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn kak pisatel’, mifotvorets iobshchestvennyi deiatel’’,” Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, No 882007“Putin i Eltsin. Mitopoeticho izsledvane,” Altera Academica, No 22005“Politologiiata na Putinovoto tialo,” Novo Vreme, No 10, 91-1101998“Cogito, Eco sum,” Zvezda, No 31997“Ivan Gagarin: Diarist, Diplomatist, Apostate,” Symposion, No 21996“Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: kosmos, mif, diskurs,” Russkoekhudozhestvennoe slovo (Izd-vo Sankt-Peterburgskogo un-ta: 1996)1995“Between the Hammer and the Sickle: Mikhail Volokhov’s Theatre of Rage,” Elementa, Vol. 2, No 11995“Cherchill’ kak pisatel’,” Zvezda, No 111995“Dnevniki Ivana Gagarina,” Simvol, No 331995“Ot taigi do britanskikh morei (o slavistakh Anglii),” Novoe LiteraturnoeObozrenie, No 12SAME, republished in Bulgarian, Pogled, 1995, NoNo 10-121994“Mezhdu Reinom i Senoi: molodye gody Ivana Gagarina,” Simvol, No 321994“Chaadaev i smert',” Zvezda, No 7, 102-1141994“K probleme geroicheskogo mirovozzreniia (Solzhenitsyn i Nitsshe),”Zvezda, No 61993“Dva pis’ma Mikhaila Zhikhareva,” Simvol, No 301993“The Girl on the Hill: Parallel Structures in Pride and Prejudice andEugene Onegin,” Elementa, Vol. I, No 21993“Geroi kak svidetel': mifopoetika Aleksandra Solzhenitsyna,” Zvezda,No 10SAME, republished in Bulgarian, Literaturen Forum, 1995, NoNo 19-201993“‘Lichnost’, vsia sleplennaia iz stradanii i miloserdiia (O EkaterineMurav’evoi)’,” Simvol, No 291993“Skromnyi strazh (O Mikhaile Zhikhareve),” Zvezda, No. 21992“Na chashke chaia u Shellinga,” Simvol, No. 271991“Okno v Rossiiu,” Literaturnoe obozrenie, No. 12SAME, republished in Bulgarian, Ponedelnik, 2004, No 11-12SAME, republished in Bulgarian, Letopisi, 1993, No. 7-81990“Svideteliat: Aleksandar Solzhenitsin vchera, dnes i utre,” Otechestvenvestnik, NoNo 270-2731989“O Mikhaile Zhikhareve,” Simvol, No. 221989“Filosof-nabliudatel' markiz de Kiustin i grammatist Nikolai Grech,”Simvol, No. 211988“O sochinenii P. Ia. Chaadaeva 'Dva pis'ma k kniagine D.',” Simvol,No. 201988“P. A. Florenskii i okkul'tizm,” Simvol, No. 201988“Neizdannye pis'ma A. I. i N. I. Turgenevykh,” Simvol, No. 191986“P. A. Florenskii i A. S. Khomiakov,” Simvol, No. 161986“Neizdannaia stat'ia A. S. Khomiakova,” Simvol, No. 161986“Chaadaev and Tiutchev,” Studies in Soviet Thought, Vol. 32, No. 41986“The Secret of Troppau,” Studies in Soviet Thought, Vol. 32, No. 41984“Madman or Criminal: Government Attitudes to Petr Chaadaev in 1836,”Slavic Review, Vol. 42, No. 21984“Soviet Youth Culture Today,” Problems of Communism, May-JuneSAME, republished in Italian, 30 Giorni, 1984, No. 10SAME, republished in Chinese, The Chinese Intellectual, Vol. 1,January 1985SAME, republished in Spanish, El Tiempo, November 19851983“Iz neopublikovannogo naslediia P. Ia. Chaadaeva,” Voprosy filosofii,No. 121983“La démence de Tchaadaev,” Revue des études slaves, Fasc. IIArticles in Encyclopedias“Alexander von Benckendorff,” Censorship: A World Encyclopedia, ed.Derek Jones (London: Fitzroy Dearborn)“Aleksandr Pushkin,” in SAME“‘Death of a Poet’,” in SAME“‘Letter to Gogol’,” in SAME“‘Philosophical Letter’,” in SAME“Vladimir Vysotskii,” in SAME2000“The Convention of Nish,” Encyclopedia of Eastern Europe, ed. RichardFrucht (New York: Garland Publishing)“Paisii of Hilendar,” in SAME“The Treaty of Neuilly,” in SAME“Ivan Vazov,” in SAME1999“Stepan Shevyrev,” Dictionary of Literary Biography, vol. 205: Russian Literature in the Age of Pushkin and Gogol, ed. Christine Rydel (New York: Bruccoli Clark Layman and Gale)“Viktor Tepliakov,” in SAME1998“Ivan Gagarin,” Dictionary of Literary Biography, vol. 198: Russian Literature in the Age of Pushkin and Gogol: Prose, ed. Christine Rydel(New York: Bruccoli Clark Layman and Gale)1990“Aleksandr Turgenev,” Modern Encyclopedia of Russian and SovietHistory, Vol. 58 (New York: Academic Publishers)Articles on Current Affairs and Popular Culture2009“Stote dni na Obama,” Zemia, No 972008“Cherniiat prinz i negovite predstoiashti turniri,” Zemia, No 239 (4622)2008“Sdvig paradigmy?” Russkii reporter, No 41 (71)2008“Chikagskii siurpriz,” Russkii reporter, No 512008“Vykhod Castro,” Russkii reporter, No 372007“Geroi i dofiny: zametki ob amerikanskoi prezidentskoi kampanii,” Russkii reporter,No 91990“Soviet Youth Today,” The World and I, No 51990“Na gurbet v Amerika,” Otechestven vestnik (November 21)1990“Amerikansko ubiistvo, izvarsheno ot iranets,’ Otechestven vestnik(October 19)1990“Shte b?de li namalen defitsitat,” Otechestven vestnnik (October 5)1990“Vestibiul?t k?m amerikanskata mechta,” Otechestven vestnik(September 14)1990“Cherniiat Aizenhauer,” Otechestven vestnik (September 7)1990“Shtit v pustiniata,” Otechestven vestnik (August 31)1990“Kisindgh?r i Brzezhinski sa nesaglasni,” Otechestven vestnik(August 24)1976“Vingz oznachaet kryl'ia,” Gorizont, No. 12Reviews2007Nathan D. Larson, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and the Modern Russian-JewishQuestion; in Slavic Review, vol. 86, No 1 (Spring 2007)2004Leona Toker, Return from the Archipelago: Narratives of GulagSurvivors; in Modern Fiction Studies, summer 20042004Marc Weinstein, ed., La geste russe: Comments les russes écrivent-ilsl’histoire au XXe siècle?; in Slavic Review, vol. 63, No 21999O. Kazina, Russkie v Anglii; in Russian Review, 1999, no 31984Dina R. Spechler, Permitted Dissent in the USSR: “Novy mir” and theSoviet Regime; in The Soviet Union, Vol. II, Part 2, 105-1061983Semen Chertok, Posledniaia liubov’ Maiakovskogo; in RussianReview, Winter 1983Interviews (TV)2009Morning Show, WCIA (Urbana-Champaign), September 28 (US missile shield)2008Morning Show, WCIA (Urbana-Champaign), October 22 (US and Russia)2008Morning Show, WCIA (Urbana-Champaign), August 15 (Russia-Georgia war)2008Bulgarian National Television, Channel 1, August 8 (history, culture, tourism)2008Khaskovo TV (Bulgaria), August 8 (history, culture, tourism)2008K?rdzhali TV (Bulgaria), August 8 (history, culture, tourism)2008Vesti 24 (Russia), July 8 (G8 summit, US presidential election)2008ReTV (Bulgaria), May 30 (Solzhenitsyn, Bulgarian culture)2008Russian State Television, Channel 1 News, May 29 (Solzhenitsyn)2008Bulgarian National Television, Channel 1, Morning Show, May 29 (Solzhenitsyn)2007“Vesti nedeli,” Kanal Rossiia, June 17 (Solzhenitsyn, US-Russia relations)2006“7 dni (Bulgaria),” June 24 (Bulgarian history and culture)1990Morning Show, WCIA (Urbana-Champaign), January 20 (armed clashes in Lithuania)Interviews (Radio)2009Voice of America, (Russian Literature in the US)2008Focus 580 with David Inge, WILL (Urbana), October 24 (US, Russia, China)2008Focus 580 with David Inge, WILL (Urbana), August 22 (US, Russia, Georgia)2008SoundCheck, WNYC New York Public Radio, January 29 (Russian pop culture)1999Extension 720 with Bill Rosenberg, WGN (Chicago), March 11 (Russian culture)1993Focus 580 with David Inge, WILL (Urbana), March 22 (Russian business)Interviews (Print)2008“Solzhenitsyn—pisatel’ budushchego,” Foma, #122008“Anglichanin, russkii dushoiu,” Inye berega, #3 (11)2008“V SASht izuchavat Solzhenitsin v uchilishte,” Klasa (Bulgaria), May 292006“Ne e lesno da razberesh ruskata dusha,” Duma, 5 December2006“V politikata tialoto e dovod,” Trud, 20 August2006“Putin napomnia na Pet?r I i Alkesand?r III,” Duma, 14 July2005“Teroristite sa besovete na nasheto vreme,” Duma, 1 July2004“Triabva da mislete globalno” (interview), Duma (Bulgaria), 29 JulyInterviews (Online Media)2009“Politicheskite tela,” Vseki den, May 12 ()2008“Strukturite na Obama,” Vseki den, November 9()2004“Triabva poveche v?obrazhenie i fantaziia, za da si s?zdade B?lgariiakulturno i universitetsko pris?tstvie v chuzhbina,” CrossAgency, September 72004“Amerika ne e strana na s?vershennata demokratsiia, tia e strana nainstitutsiite,” Cross Agency, July 252004“Blagodarenie na maika mi poluchikh nai-dobroto ot Angliia, Rusiia iB?lgariia,” Cross Agency (Bulgaria), July 24Articles/Chapters in Journals or Books, Forthcoming“Helots and Heroes: The First Circle as a Novel of Captive Science,” Proceedings of the International Solzhenitsyn Conference, Paris, March 2009 (Paris: YMCA-Press)“Initiation of an Alter Ego: The Scripting of the Authorial Self in Love the Revolution,” Transactions of the Association of Russian-American Scholars in the USA, vol. 36 (2010)“Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin: A Study in Comparative Mythopoetics,” Political Marketing: Cultural Issues and Current Trends, ed. Bruce Newman, Kosta Gouliamos and Stephen Hennenberg (Boston: The Howarth Press)“Mud and Gold: Notes on Solzhenitsyn’s Transformative Artistic Techniques,” Western Scholars Write about Solzhenitsyn, ed. Edward Ericson (Russkii put’: Moscow)“Kharizmatik?t sreshtu geroia: belezhki za amerikanskata prezidentska kampaniia,” Ponedelnik “Dmitrii Bobyshev,” Dictionary of Literary Biography, vol. 275: Russian Poetry between 1927-1985, ed. Igor Vishnevetsky (New York: Bruccoli Clark Layman and Gale)Reviews, ForthcomingJoanna Lindbladh, ed., The Poetics of Memory in Post-Totalitarian Narration; in Slavonica, no 1, vol. 16 (April 2010)Translations, Russian into English (example)Russian-American Dialogue on Cultural Relations, 1776-1914, ed. Norman E. Saul and Richard D. McKinzie (Columbia: Missouri UP), 261 pp.Translations, English into Russian (example)1995Winston Churchill, 2 chapters (on Leon Trotsky and Boris Savinkov) from Great Contemporaries, Zvezda, No 11 ................

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