JESUS HEALS THE TEN LEPERS - Children's Bible Lessons for Kids



Luke 17:11-19

Main Point: I need to be thankful for God’s work in my life.

Key Verse: “When one of them saw that he was healed, he came back. He praised God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked Him. The man was a Samaritan.” Luke 17:15-16


Thank You Cards

Blank Cards, , # CARDS

• Children will write Thank You cards to someone who takes care of them: Mom & Dad, a teacher, a family member or a friend.

• Print the Luke 17:15-16 on sticker address labels, Avery #5160 and apply to back of finished card.

• Prepare sticker labels of things children are thankful for and let them choose one or all to add to their cards.

Optional Idea:

Thank You cards to God

Write cards to God, thanking

Him for things He has done:

examples: loving us, giving us a

great family, answering prayer,

teaching us about Himself.




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