Christopher Richmann - Baylor University

Christopher J. Richmann

Curriculum Vitae

1721 S. 9th St. #103 ( Waco, TX 76706

(254) 723-3554 (


➢ Ph.D., Baylor University, Department of Religion, Waco, TX (ABD)

▪ Major: History of Christianity

▪ Minor: Theology (9 hours graduate coursework)

▪ Outside Minor: History (18 hours graduate coursework)

▪ Preliminary examinations in early Christianity, medieval Christianity, Reformations, modern European Christianity, and American Christianity

▪ Dissertation: “Living in Bible Times: F.F. Bosworth and the Pentecostal Pursuit of the Supernatural” (Dissertation director: C. Douglas Weaver)

➢ M.A., Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN (2009)

▪ Major: History of Christianity

▪ Thesis: “Sanctification, Ecstasy and War: The Development of American Pentecostal Eschatology”

➢ B.A., Bethel University, St. Paul, MN (2006); Magna Cum Laude

▪ Major: English (Writing)

▪ Minor: Film Studies

Academic Positions

➢ Teacher of Record, Baylor University, Department of Religion (2014)

➢ Adjunct Instructor, University of Mary Hardin Baylor, Department of History (2014)



➢ “Blaspheming in Tongues: Demons, Glossolalia, and the Christian and Missionary Alliance,” Wesleyan Theological Journal 49, no. 1 (Spring 2014): 139-155.

➢ “Prophecy and Politics: British-Israelism in American Pentecostalism,” Cyberjournal for Pentecostal-Charismatic Research 22 (January 2013).

➢ “Restoring Proclamation to the Center of Youth Ministry,” Lutheran Forum 44, no. 3 (Fall 2010): 20-25.

➢ “Lutheran Charismatics and the ‘Chief Article’: A Historical-Theological Assessment,” Journal of the Lutheran Historical Conference (forthcoming)

➢ “William H. Durham and Early Pentecostalism: A Multifaceted Reassessment” (under review)

Contributions to Reference Works

➢ “White Supremacy/Power” and “Anti-Semitism” in Ideas and Movements that Shaped America: From the Bill of Rights to “Occupy Wall Street,” eds., Scott L. Stabler and Michael S. Green (ABC-Clio, forthcoming, 2015)

➢ “Is God Dead? Time 1966,” and “Southern Christian Leadership Conference,” in The Encyclopedia of the Sixties: A Decade of Culture and Counterculture, eds. James S. Baugess and Abbe Allen DeBolt (Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio, 2011)

➢ “Frederick K.C. Price,” “Daniel Sydney Warner,” and “Bible Church of Christ,” in Encyclopedia of Christianity in the United States, ed. Mark A. Lamport (under contract, forthcoming, 2015)

Book Reviews

➢ Aimee Semple McPherson and the Making of Modern Pentecostalism, 1890-1926, by Chas. H. Barfoot, in Fides et Historia 45, no. 1 (Winter/Spring 2013): 165-167.

➢ Black Fire: One Hundred Years of African American Pentecostalism, by Estrelda Alexander; Miracles, Missions, and American Pentecostalism, by Gary B. McGee; and Pentecostalism in America, by R.G. Robins, in Perspectives in Religious Studies 39, no. 4 (Winter 2012): 408-413.

➢ Power, Politics and the Missouri Synod: A Conflict that Changed American Christianity, by James C. Burkee, in Journal of Lutheran Ethics 12, no. 4 (July/August 2012).

➢ Divine Healing: The Holiness-Pentecostal Transition Years, 1890-1906: Theological Transposition in the Transatlantic World, by James Robinson; Blessed: A History of the American Prosperity Gospel, by Kate Bowler; and Spirit Cure: A History of Pentecostal Healing, by Joseph W. Williams (submitted to Perspectives in Religious Studies)

Academic Presentations

➢ “Evangelical Unity in the Pentecostal Theology of Alexander A. Boddy,” Society for Pentecostal Studies Annual Meeting (March 8, 2014)

➢ “Spirit or Satan?: The Christian and Missionary Alliance on Spiritual Manifestations and Sanctification after A.B. Simpson,” Wesleyan Theological Society Annual Meeting, March 22, 2013

➢ “Lutheran Charismatics and the ‘Chief Article’: A Historical-Theological Assessment,” Lutheran Historical Conference Biennial Meeting, October 13, 2012

➢ “Reclaiming William Arthur’s The Tongue of Fire for the Pentecostal Heritage,” Society for Pentecostal Studies Annual Meeting, March 3, 2012

➢ “Most Are Deceived: Richard Rogers and Assurance of Salvation in Early Puritanism,” Sixteenth Century Society Conference, October 29, 2011

➢ “The Hidden God in Bernard of Clairvaux and Martin Luther,” Texas Medieval Association Annual Meeting, September 30, 2011

➢ “Protecting the Pulpit: Rejection of Ministerial Candidates in Congregationalist New England, 1630-1722,” Southwestern Social Sciences Annual Meeting, March 17, 2011

➢ “Denominations, Doctrine, and the End Times: The Development of American Pentecostal Eschatology, 1910-1950,” Society for Pentecostal Studies Annual Meeting, March 12, 2011

➢ “Characters, Charisma, and the End of the Age: The Development of American Pentecostal Eschatology, 1898-1910,” American Academy of Religion Upper Midwest Region Meeting, April 9, 2010


➢ Baylor University: Religion Department Tuition Scholarship and Stipend; preliminary exams Passed with Distinction

➢ Luther Seminary: Full Tuition Presidential Scholarship; thesis recommended for online publication (available on WorldCat)

Teaching Experience and Training

➢ Courses Taught

▪ REL 1310: Introduction to Christian Scriptures (Baylor University)

▪ HIST 1311: History of World Civilizations (University of Mary Hardin Baylor)

➢ Graduate Colloquy in Teaching Religion (2014)

▪ Training in teaching religion, with weekly readings and discussion of teaching and learning methods, assignments in constructing syllabi, and general guidance in the teaching task

➢ Graduate Assistant to Dr. Rosalie Beck (2012-2014)

▪ Courses: The Christian Heritage, Women in Christian History, History of Eastern Orthodoxy, History of Roman Catholicism, Baptist Life and Thought

▪ Guest Lectures: Women and the Gospels, Early Monasticism, Reformation and the Eastern Orthodox Church, English Reformation, Baptist Confessions, Women in the Holiness and Pentecostal Movements

➢ Graduate Assistant to Dr. C. Douglas Weaver (2010-2012)

▪ Course: The Christian Heritage

▪ Guest Lectures: Pentecostalism, Lutheran Reformation, Slavery and Religion

Professional Experience

➢ Lay Minister, St. John Lutheran Church, Gatesville, TX (September 2010-Present)

▪ Weekly preaching and worship leading

▪ Weekly adult education

➢ Library and Archives Intern, The Texas Collection, Baylor University, Waco, TX (June-August 2013)

➢ Baptist Collection Archives Intern, Baylor University Baptist Collection, Waco, TX (June-August 2011)

➢ Youth Ministry Director, Youth Music and Worship Director, Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church, Bloomington, MN (October 2003-May 2010)

➢ Metro Lutheran (newspaper serving Minnesota Twin Cities area) writing intern and freelance writer (December 2005-June 2006)

➢ Editor, Arts and Entertainment section, the Clarion, Bethel University student newspaper (2005-2006 academic year)

Research Language Skills

➢ German (reading proficiency; 6 hours graduate coursework)

➢ Latin (reading proficiency; 6 hours graduate coursework)

Professional Organizations

➢ Society for Pentecostal Studies

➢ Lutheran Historical Conference

➢ Wesleyan Theological Society

➢ American Academy of Religion


➢ Doug Weaver, Ph.D.

Professor of Religion ( Baylor University

One Bear Place #97284 ( Waco, TX 76798 ( (254) 710-7283

➢ Bill Pitts, Ph.D.

Professor of Religion ( Baylor University

One Bear Place #97284 ( Waco, TX 76798 ( (254) 710-6321

➢ Mark Granquist, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of History ( Luther Seminary

2481 Como Ave. ( St. Paul, MN 55108 ( (651) 641-3489

➢ Phyllis Alsdurf, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of English ( Bethel University

3900 Bethel Dr. ( St. Paul, MN 55112 ( (651) 638-6149


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