Constantly updated, most recent entries August 2012

Search Codes:

AP = Anatomy and Physiology

BD = Biogeography/distribution

CS = Conservation, status, and management

DP = Diseases, parasites, and predators

ED = Exploration and discovery

EN = Endangered species

EV = Evolution and systematics

EX = Extinct birds

FA = Faunal studies, surveys, birder reports, and checklists

FG = Field guides, family guides, and similar publications

HC = Birds in culture and history; ornithologists and birders

HH = Hawaiian honeycreepers (Drepanidinae)

ID = Field identification

IN = Introduced birds and invasive species

LH = Life history studies, breeding biology

PA = Paleontology/archaeology

PP = Popular press articles (including internet)

RC = Records of birds

SE = Seabirds

SH = Shorebirds

TX = Taxonomy and nomenclature

WF = Waterfowl


Maben, A. F. 1980. Survey and inventory of shorebirds on Guam. In Division of Aquatic & Wildlife Resources Annual Report, Fiscal Year 1980, pp. 189-198, Guam Department of Agriculture, Mangilao, Guam. SH

Maben, A. F. 1980. Survey and inventory of seabirds on Guam. In Division of Aquatic & Wildlife Resources Annual Report, Fiscal Year 1980, pp. 199-209, Guam Department of Agriculture, Mangilao, Guam. SE

Maben, A. F. 1981. Survey and inventory of shorebirds on Guam. In Division of Aquatic & Wildlife Resources Annual Report, Fiscal Year 1981, pp. 125-130, Guam Department of Agriculture, Mangilao, Guam. SH

Maben, A. F. 1981. Survey and inventory of seabirds on Guam. In Division of Aquatic & Wildlife Resources Annual Report, Fiscal Year 1981, pp. 131-135, Guam Department of Agriculture, Mangilao, Guam. SE

Maben, A. 1981. Guam's endangered birds. Glimpses 21 (2): 44-52. CS EN

Maben, A. F. 1982. The feeding ecology of the Black Drongo (Dicrurus macrocercus) on Guam. M. S. thesis. California State University, Long Beach, Long Beach, CA.

Maben, A. F., and G. J. Wiles. 1981. Nine new bird records for Guam and Rota. Micronesica 17: 192-195. RC

MacCaughey, V. 1919. The Hawaiian Elepaio. Auk 36:22-35. LH

MacDonald, M.A. 2008. Nihoa Millerbird pre-translocation and Nihoa Biological Monitoring Expedition, July 17-September 22, 2007. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Honolulu. CS

MacKaye, A. L. 1915. Marooned on a bird island. Mid-Pacific Mag. 9:35-39. SE PP

Mackereth, B. 1992. Sightings of White Heron at Suva. Notornis 39:70-71. RC

MacMillen, R. E. 1974. Bioenergetics of Hawaiian honeycreepers: the Amakihi (Loxops virens) and the Anianiau (L. parva). Condor 76: 62-69. HH

MacMillen, R. E. 1981. Nonconformance of standard metabolic rate with body mass in Hawaiian honeycreepers. Oecologica 49:340-343. HH

MacMillen, R. E., and F. L. Carpenter. 1980. Evening roosting flights of the honeycreepers Himatione sanguinea and Vestiaria coccinea on Hawaii. Auk 97: 28-37. HH

MacWhirter, B., P. Austin-Smith, Jr., and D. Kroodsma. 2002. Sanderling (Calidris alba). In The Birds of North America, No. 653 (A. Poole and F. Gill, Eds.). The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA. SH,

Madge, S., and H. Burn. 1988. Waterfowl: An identification guide to the ducks, geese, and swans of the world. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.

Madge, S., and H. Burn. 1994. Crows and jays. Princeton University Press, Princeton NJ.

Madge, S., and P. McGowan. 2002. Pheasants, partridges, and Grouse: A guide to the pheasants, partridges, quails, grouse, guineafowl, buttonquails, and sandgrouse of the world. Princeton U. Press, Princeton and Oxford. IN, ID

Maguire, A. 2009. Temporarily Terrestrial Tropicbirds: Courtship and time budgets of white-tailed tropicbirds (Phaethon lepturus) on Mo'orea, French Polynesia. Student Research Papers, Fall 2009, UCB Moorea Class: Biology and Geomorphology of TropicalIslands, Berkeley Natural History Museum, UC Berkeley. accessed 12 October 2010. LH SE

Malcom, T. R., K. J. Swinnerton, J. J Groombridge, B. D. Sparklin, C. N. Brosius, J. P. Vetter, and J. T. Foster. 2008. Ground-based rodent control in a remote Hawaiian rainforest on Maui. Pacific Conservation Biology 14: 206-14. EN IN

Male, T. D., & M. J. Bean. 2005. Measuring progress in US endangered species conservation. Ecological Letters 8:986-992. CS

Male, T. D., and T. J. Snetsinger. 1998. Has the Red-billed Leiothrix disappeared from Kaua‘i? ‘Elepaio 58:39-43. IN

Male, T. D., S. G. Fancy, and C. J. Ralph. 1998. Red-billed Leiothrix (Leiothrix lutea). In The Birds of North America, No. 359 (A. Poole and F. Gill, Eds.). The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA. IN,

Malling Olsen, K. 1989. Field identification of the smaller skuas. British Birds 82: 143-176. SE, ID

Malling Olsen, K., and H. Larsson. 1995. Terns of Europe and North America. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ. SE, ID

Malling Olsen, K., and H. Larsson. 2004. Gulls of North America, Europe, and Asia. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ. SE, ID

Malling Olsen, K. and H. Larsson. 1997. Skuas and Jaegers: a Guide to the Skuas and Jaegers of the World. Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut. SE

Malo, D. 1951. Hawaiian antiquities. 2nd. Edition. Bernice P. Bishop MuseumSpecial Pub. 2. [First published in 1903.] HC

Manning, A. 1978. James D. Mills: Hilo bird collector. Hawaiian Journal of History 12:84-98. HC

Manning, A. 1979. Bishop Museum's first Hawaiian birds: The Mills collection. ‘Elepaio 40:35-43. HC

Manning, A. 1982. Hawaiian and Laysan rails: S. B . Dole corresponds with A. Agassiz. ‘Elepaio 42:87-88.

Manning, A. 1986. The Sandwich Islands Committee, Bishop Museum, and R. C. L. Perkins: cooperative zoological exploration and publication. Bishop MuseumOccas. Pap. 26:1-46. HC

Manson-Bahr, P. 1953. On the migration of the Pacific Golden Plower (Pluvialis dominica fulva), the eastern Bar-tailed Godwit (Limosa lapponica baueri) and other Limicolae. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 73:50-55. SH

Marchant, S. and P. J. Higgins, editors. 1990. Handbook of Australian, New Zealand, and Antarctic birds. Vol. 1. 2 vols. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Marche, A. 1891. Rapport general sur une mission aux îles Mariannes. Nov. Arch Missions Sci. et Litt. 1:241-280. ED

Marianas Avifauna Conservation (MAC) Working Group. 2008. Conservation introduction of the Birdled White-eye (Zosterops conspicillatus saypani) from the island of Saipan to the island of Sarigan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. MAC Project Plan No. 1., Division of Fish and Wildlife, CNMI.

Marianas Avifauna Conservation (MAC) Working Group. In draft. Marianas avifauna conservation (MAC) plan: long-term conservation plan for the native forest birds of the Northern Mariana Islands. Division of Fish and Wildlife, Saipan, CNMI.

Marion, J. 2002. Participation au programme de sauvegarde du Monarque de Tahiti. Te Manu 38:4-5.

Marko, T. 2006. Guam trip report, 14th-21st February 2006. [Downloaded 5-4-06]


Marks, J. S. 1990. Streaked Shearwater (Calonectris leucomelas) on Laysan Island: first documented record for Hawaii. ‘Elepaio 50: 31-32. SE RC

Marks, J. S. 1992. Longevity record for the Bristle-thighed Curlew: an extension. J. Field Ornithology 63:309-310. SH

Marks, J. S. 1993. Molt of Bristle-thighed Curlews in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Auk 110:573-587. SH

Marks, J. S. 1995. Migratory behaviour of curlews with broken wings. Wader Study Group Bulletin 76:37-38. SH

Marks, J. S. 1996. Red data bird: Bristle-thighed Curlew. World Birdwatch 18:20-21. SH, CS

Marks, J. S., and C. S. Hall. 1992. Tool use by Bristle-thighed Curlews feeding on albatross eggs. Condor 94:1032-1034. SH

Marks, J. S., and P. Hendricks. 1989. On the flushing behavior of incubating White Terns. Condor 91:997-998. SE

Marks, J. S., and S. M. Leasure. 1992. Breeding biology of Tristram's Storm-Petrel on Laysan Island. Wilson Bulletin 104: 719-731

Marks, J. S., and R. L. Redmond. 1994. Migration of Bristle-thighed Curlews on Laysan Island: timing, behavior and estimated flight range. Condor 96: 326-330. SH

Marks, J. S., and R. L. Redmond. 1994. Conservation problems and research needs for Bristle-thighed Curlews Numenius tahitiensis on their wintering grounds. Bird Conservation International 4:329-341. SH, CS

Marks, J. S., and R. L. Redmond. 1996. Demography of Bristle-thighed Curlews Numenius tahitiensis wintering on Laysan Island. Ibis 138:438-447. SH

Marks, J. S., and L. G. Underhill. 1994. Moult, migration and mass of a handicapped Bristle-thighed Curlew Numenius tahitiensis. Ardea 82:153-155. SH

Marks, J. S., R. L. Redmond. P. Hendricks, R. B. Clapp, and R. E. Gill, Jr. 1990. Notes on longevity and flightlessness in Bristle-thighed Curlews. Auk 107:779-781. SH

Marks, J. S., R. J. Cannings, and H. Mikkola. 1999. Family Strigidae (typical owls). Pp. 76-151 in del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., and Sargatal, J. eds. (1999). Handbook of the Birds of the World. Vol. 5. Barn-owls to Hummingbirds. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. PA

Marks, J. S., T. L. Tibbitts, R. E. Gill, and B. J. McCaffery. 2002. Bristle-thighed Curlew (Numenius tahitiensis). In The Birds of North America, No. 705 (A. Poole and F. Gill, Eds.). The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA. SH

Marren, P. 2003. Stuart Keith: Record-breaking bird-watcher. The Independent, 21 March 2003. Downloaded from 18 September 2009. HC

Marsh, J.W. 1855. Report on birds, bees, insects, and worms. Transactions of the Royal Hawaiian Agricultural Society 2(2):47-50.

Marshall, A. P. 1989. The behavior of Laysan Ducks (Anas laysanensis) in captivity and on Laysan Island. Ph.D. dissertation, Ohio State University , Columbus. WF EN

Marshall, A. P. 1992. Censusing Laysan Ducks Anas laysanensis: a lesson in the pitfalls of estimating threatened species populations. Bird Conservation International 2:239-251. WF EN

Marshall, A. P. 1992. Activity budgets of captive Lasan Ducklings (Anas laysanensis). Zoo Biology 11:353-362. WF

Marshall Cavendish Corporation. 2001. Endangered Wildlife and Plants of the World. Marshall Cavendish,[city]. EN

Marshall, D. B. 1964. Treasure islands--of wildlife. Audubon 66:160-165.

Marshall, J. T., Jr. 1949. The endemic avifauna of Saipan, Tinian, Guam, and Palau. Condor 51: 200-221. FA BD

Marshall, J. T., Jr. 1950. Vertebrate ecology of Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 3:1-38. BD

Marshall, J. T., Jr. 1985. Special conservation review: Guam: a problem in avian conservation. Wilson Bulletin 97:259-262. CS

Marshall, J. T., Jr. 1957. Atolls visited during the first year of the Pacific Islands Rat Ecology Project. Atoll Research Bulletin 56:1-11. BD RC [Eurasian Tree Sparrow on Guam]

Marshall, M. 1971. Notes on birds from Namoluk Atoll. Micronesica 7: 234-236. FA

Marshall, M. 1975. The natural history of Namoluk Atoll, eastern Caroline Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 189:1-54. FA

Marshall, M. 1977. Kermadec Petrel in the eastern Caroline Islands. Micronesica 13: 83. RC SE

Marshall, M. 2004. Namoluk beyond the reef. Westview Press, Perseus Books Group, Boulder, Colorado.

Marshall, M., and F. R. Fosberg. 1975. The natural history of Namoluk Atoll, eastern Caroline Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin No. 189. FA

Marshall, S. D. 1989. Nest sites of the Micronesian Kingfisher on Guam. Wilson Bulletin 101: 472-477. EN

Marshall, S., and K. Kozar. 2008. Forest bird inventory Kalaupapa National Historical Park. Pacific Coopetative Studies Unit, University of Hawai‘i at Manoa, Technical Report 154.

Martin, C. 2008. ‘Tis the season--for rats. Na leo o ka ‘aina (Newsletter of the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Division of Forestry and Wildlife) 3(2):11-12. CS SE

Martin, G., and S. Kremer. 2006. Saving Saipan’s white-eye. Endangered Species Bulletin 31(3):8-11. EN CS

Martin, G., L. L. Williams, J. B. de Cruz, N. B. Hawley, S. Vogt, B. D. Smith, O. Bourquin, S. Kremer and C. Kessler. 2008. Wildlife and Vegetation Surveys of Sarigan Island, April 13 – 25, 2006. 2008 Technical Report #14. Saipan, CNMI: CNMI Division of Fish and Wildlife. FA

Martin, R. M. 1980. Cage & aviary birds. Longmeadow Press, Stamford CT. ID

Martins, R. 1988. [Review] A field guide to the birds of Hawaii and the tropical Pacific. By H. Douglas Pratt, Phillip L. Bruner, and Delwyn G. Berrett. British Birds 81: 81-82.

Masaki, K. 1971. Spare the birds of Kaula. Honolulu Advertiser, 13 September 1971:A111.

Massey, B. W. 1976. Vocal differences between American Least Terns and the European Little Tern. Auk 93: 760-773. SE, ID

Massey, J. G., T. K. Graczyk, and M. R. Cranfield. 1996. Characteristics of naturally acquired Plasmodium relictum capistranoae infections in native Hawaiian Crows (Corvus hawaiiensis) in Hawaii. Journal of Parasitology 82:182-185. DP

Mathews, G. M. 1914. Austral avian record, Vol 2. Witherby and Sons, London.

Mathews, G. M. 1925. [Descriptions of new genera of birds]. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 45:93-94. HH TX

Mathews, G. M. 1926. On some changes in names, Nycticorax caledonicus pelewensis subsp. Nov. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 46:60. TX

Mathews, G. M. 1927. Systema Avium Australasianarum. Part 1, pp. 1-426. British Ornithologists’ Union. TX

Mathews, G. M. 1930. Systema Avium Australasianarum. Part 2, pp. 427-1048. British Ornithologists’ Union. TX

Mathews, G. M. 1931. Additions and corrections to the ‘Systema Avium Australasianarum’. Ibis, 13th ser., 1:44-57. TX

Mathews, G. M. 1932. Additions and corrections to the ‘Systema Avium Australasianarum’ Part II. Ibis, 13th ser., 2:132-161. TX

Mathews, G. M. 1933. Additions and corrections to the ‘Systema Avium Australasianarum’ Part III. Ibis, 13th ser., 3:87-97. TX

Mathews, G. M. 1936. A note on the black Fiji Petrel. Ibis 6:309. SE EN

Mathews, G. M. 1938. Aplornis versus Aplonis. Ibis, 13th ser., 2:342. TX

Mathiu, P. M., W. R. Dawson, and G. C. Whittow. 1991. Development of thermoregulation in Hawaiian Brown Noddies (Anous stolidus pileatus). J. Therm. Biology. 16:317-325. SE

Mathiu, P. M., G. C. Whittow, and W. R. Dawson. 1992. Hatching and the establishment of thermoregulation in the Wedge-tailed Shearwater (Puffinus pacificus). Physiological Zoology 65:583-603. SE

Mathys, B. A., and J. L. Lockwood. 2011. Contemporary morphological diversification of passerine birds introduced to the Hawaiian archipelago. Proceeding of the Royal Society B 278(1716):2392-2400. IN

Matson, K. D. 2006. Are there differences in immune function between continental and insular birds? Proceedings of the Royal Society B 273:2267-2274. DP

Matthews, C. W., and R. A. Fordham. 1986. Bahaviour of the Little Pied Cormorant Phalacrocorax malanoleucos. Emu 86:118-121.

Matthews, J. R., and C. J. Moseley, editors. 1990. The official World Wildlife Fund guide to endangered species of North America. Volume 2. Beacham Publishing, Inc., Washington D. C. CS, EN

Matthiessen, P. 1970. Kipahulu from cinders to the sea. Audubon 72: 10-22.

Maxfield, B. A. 1996. The Hawaiian Islands, 20 years later. Endangered Species Bulletin 21(4):18-21. CS

Maxfield, B. 1998. Hakalau Forest NWR. Endangered Species Bulletin 23(6):26-27. CS

Maxfield, B. 2000. Hawaiian bird chick a first. Endangered Species Bulletin 25(5):22. HH

Maxwell, B. 2003. Critical habitat designated for O‘ahu ‘Elepaio. ‘Elepaio 62:1-3.

Maxwell, B. 2003. Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge. Endangered Species Bulletin 27(1):9-11. [Reprinted ‘Elepaio 63:31.]

Maui Forest Bird Recovery Project (MFBRP). 2011. Semi-annual report – March 2011. MFBRP Newsletter March 2011. [Maui Parrotbill] HH CS

Mayr, E. 1931a. Birds collected during the Whitney South Sea Expedition, XII. Notes on Halcyon chloris and some of its subspecies. American Museum Novitates No. 469. TX

Mayr, E. 1931b. Birds collected during the Whitney South Sea Expedition, XVI. Notes on fantails of the genus Rhipidura. American Museum Novitates No. 502. TX

Mayr, E. 1931c. The parrot finches (genus Erythrura). American Museum Novitates No. 489. BD TX

Mayr, E. 1932a. Birds collected during the Whitney South Sea Expedition, XVIII. Notes on Meliphagidae from Polynesia and the Solomon Islands. American Museum Novitates No. 516. TX

Mayr, E. 1932b. Birds collected during the Whitney South Sea Expedition, XXI. Notes on thickheads (Pachycephala) from Polynesia. American Museum Novitates No. 531. TX

Mayr, E. 1933. Die Vogelwelt Polynesiens. Mitteilungen Zool. Museum, Berlin 19:306-323.

Mayr, E. 1933. Birds collected during the Whitney South Sea Expedition. XXII. Three new genera from Polynesia and Melanesia. American Museum Novitates No. 590. TX

Mayr, E. 1933. Birds collected during the Whitney South Sea Expedition. XXIII. Two new birds from Micronesia. American Museum Novitates No. 609. TX

Mayr, E. 1933. Birds collected during the Whitney South Sea Expedition. XXIV. Notes on Polynesian flycatchers and a revision of the genus Clytorhynchus Elliot. American Museum Novitates No 628. TX

Mayr, E. 1933. Birds collected during the Whitney South Sea Expedition. XXV. Notes on the genera Myiagra and Mayrornis. American Museum Novitates No 651. TX

Mayr, E. 1934. Birds collected during the Whitney South Sea Expedition. XXIX. Notes on the genus Petroica. American Museum Novitates No 714. TX

Mayr, E. 1935a. Birds collected during the Whitney South Sea Expedition. XXX. Descriptions of twenty-five new species and subspecies. American Museum Novitates No 820. TX

Mayr, E. 1935b. Birds collected during the Whitney South Sea Expedition. XXXI. Descriptions of twenty-five species and subspecies. American Museum Novitates No 828. TX

Mayr, E. 1937. Birds collected during the Whitney South Sea Expedition. XXXIII. Notes on New Guinea birds 1. American Museum Novitates No 915. TX

Mayr, E. 1939a. Borders and subdivisions of the Polynesian Region based on our knowledge of the distribution of birds. Proceedings of the Sixth Pacific Science Congress 4:191-195. BD

Mayr, E. 1939b. The origin and history of the bird fauna of Polynesia. Proceedings of the Sixth Pacific Science Congress 4:197-216.

Mayr, E. 1941a. Birds collected during the Whitney South Sea Expedition. XLIV. Notes on the genus Lalage Boie. American Museum Novitates No. 1116.

Mayr, E. 1941b. Birds collected during the Whitney South Sea Expedition. XLVII. Notes on the genera Halcyon, Turdus, and Eurostopodus. American Museum Novitates No 1152. TX

Mayr, E. 1941c. The origin and the history of the bird fauna of Polynesia. Proceedings of the Sixth Pacific Science Congress 4:197-216. BD

Mayr, E. 1942. Birds collected during the Whitney South Sea Expedition. XLVIII. Notes on the Polynesian species of Aplonis. American Museum Novitates No 1166. TX

Mayr, E. 1942. Systematics and the Origin of Species from the Viewpoint of a Zoologist. Columbia Biological Series No. 13. Columbia University Press, New York. [Republished with new preface 1964 by Dover Publications, New York.] EV

Mayr, E. 1943. The Zoogeographic position of the Hawaiian Islands. Condor 45: 45-48. BD

Mayr, E. 1944. Birds collected during the Whitney South Sea Expedition. LIV. Notes on some genera from the southwest Pacific. American Museum Novitates No 1269. TX

Mayr, E. 1945. Birds of the southwest Pacific: a field guide to the birds of the area between Samoa, New Caledonia and Micronesia. Macmillan Co., New York.

Mayr, E. 1945. Bird habitats in the Southwest Pacific. Audubon Magazine 47:279-282.

Mayr, E. 1945. The correct name of the Fijian Mountain Lorikeet. Auk 62:139-140. [Charmosyna amabilis] TX

Mayr, E. 1946. Evolution in the Rhipidura rufifrons group. American Museum Novitates No. 1321. TX

Mayr, E. 1955. Notes on the birds of northern Melanesia. 3. Passeres. American Museum Novit. No. 1707. [Hirundo, Coracina, Turdus poliocephalus] TX EV

Mayr, E. 1986. Family Sylviidae (Australian species). Pp. 3-294 in Check-list of birds of the woirld. Vol. 11 (E. Mayr and G. W. Cottrell, eds.). Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, MA. TX

Mayr, E., and D. Amadon. 1941. Birds collected during the Whitney South Sea Expedition. XLVI. Geographical variation in Demigretta sacra (Gmelin). American Museum Novit. No 1144.

Mayr, E., and S. Camras. 1938. Birds of the Crane Pacific Expedition. Field Museum of Natural History, Zoological Series 20:453-473. RC TX

Mayr. E., and G.W. Cottrell, eds. 1979. Check-list of the birds of the World. Vol. 1, 2nd edition. Revision of the work of James L. Peters. Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, MA.

Mayr. E., and G.W. Cottrell, eds. 1986. Check-list of the birds of the World. Vol. 11. A continuation of the work of James L. Peters. Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, MA.

Mayr, E., and J. Diamond. 2001. The birds of northern Melanesia: speciation, ecology, and biogeography. Oxford U. Press, Oxford, U. K.

Mayr, E., and J.C. Greenway Jr., eds. 1962. Check-list of the birds of the World. Vol. 15. A continuation of the work of James L. Peters. Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, MA.

Mayr, E., and M. Moynihan. 1946. Evolution in the Rhipidura rufifrons group. American Museum Novit. No. 1321. EV TX

Mayr, E., and S. D. Ripley. 1941. Birds collected during the Whitney South Sea Expedition. XLIV. Notes on the genus Lalage Boie. American Museum Novit. No 1116. TX

Mayr, E., and L. L. Short. 1970. Species taxa of North American birds: a contribution to comparative systematics. Publications of the Nuttall Ornithologists’ Club no. 9. [Hawaiian Coot, Hawaiian Stilt] TX

McAllen, I. A. W . 2006. Fijian birds described in newspapers. Notornis 53:254-257. TX

McAllen, I. A. W., and D. Hobcroft. 2005a. The further spread of introduced birds in Samoa. Notornis 52:16-20. IN

McAllen, I. A. W., and D. Hobcroft. 2005b. [Corrections to McAllen and Hobcroft 2005a]. Notornis 52(2):[pages] IN

McAtee, W. L. 1925. Introduction upon introduction. Auk 42:160. IN

McAvoy, A. 2009. Report: Nearly all native birds in Hawaii in peril. Associated Press (AP) release, 20 March 2009. CS EN HH PP

McAvoy, A. 2011. Endangered nene geese pose hazards at Kauai airport. Associated Press (AP) release, 25 June 2011. CS EN

McCaffery, B. J. 2008. On scimitar wings: long-distance migration by the Bar-tailed Godwit and Bristle-thighed Curlew. Birding 40(5):50-59. SH

McCaffery, B., and R. Gill. 2001. Bar-tailed Godwit (Limosa lapponica). In The Birds of North America, No. 581 (A. Poole and F. Gill, Eds.). The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA. SH,

McCanch, N. V., and M. McCanch. 1991. Alert posture of Yellow-billed and Great White Egrets. British Birds 84:341-342. ID

McCarthy, E. M. 2006. Handbook of Avian Hybrids of the World. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

McCaskie, G. 1990. First record of the Band-rumped Storm-Petrel in California. Western Birds 21:65-68. SE, ID

McCaskie, G., and D. Roberson. 1992. First record of the Stejneger's Petrel in California. Western Birds 23:145-152. SE, ID

McCaskie, G., and R. E. Webster. 1990. A second Wedge-tailed Shearwater in California. Western Birds 21:139-140. SE, ID

McClung, A. 2005. A count-based population viability analysis of the Laysan Finch (Telespiza cantans). Ph.D. Thesis, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI. HH

McCoid, M. J. 1991. Brown tree snake (Boiga irregularis) on Guam: a worst case scenario of an introduced predator. Micronesica Supplement 3:63-70. IN

McCoid, M. J., and D. W. Stinson. 1991. Recent snake sightings in the Mariana Islands. ‘Elepaio 51:36-37. CS

McConkey, K. R. and D. R. Drake. 2002. Extinct pigeons and declining bat populations: are large seeds still being dispersed in the tropical Pacific? Pp. 381-395 in D. J. Levey, W. R. Silva & M. Galetti (eds.). Seed Dispersal and Frugivory: Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation. CAB International Publishing, Wallingford, UK.

McConkey, K. R., H. J. Meehan and D. R. Drake. 2004. Seed dispersal by Pacific Pigeons (Ducula pacifica) in Tonga, Western Polynesia. Emu 104: 369-376.

McCormack, G. 1994. Takutea Wildlife Sanctuary, Cook Islands. South Pacific Regional Envireonment Programme, SPREP Reports and Studies Series no. 66. CS SE

McCormack, G. 1997. Cook Islands: an oceanic oasis. World Birdwatch 19:13-16.

McCormack, G. 2005. Masked Lapwing - A very rare visitor. Cook Islands Natural Heritage Trust, Rarotonga. accessed 3/17/09. RC

McCormack, G. 2005. Rare seabirds on Aitutaki and Rarotonga. Cook Islands Natural Heritage Trust, Rarotonga. accessed 3/17/09. RC

McCormack, G. 2006. Rimatara Lorikeet reintroduction programme. Cook Islands Natural Heritage Trust, Rarotonga. Available at . BD CS

McCormack, G. 2006. New bird on Mangaia identified. Cook Islands Natural Heritage Trust, Rarotonga. Available at . RC [Chestnut-breasted Muunia]

McCormack, G., and J. Kunzle. 1990. Kakerori Rarotonga's endangered flycatcher. Cook Islands Conservation Service, Rarotonga. CS EN

McCormack, G., and J. Kunzle. 1990. Rarotonga's cloud forest. Cook Islands Conservation Service, Rarotonga.

McCormack, G., and J. Kunzle. 1990. Seabirds of Takutea and Suwarrow. Cook Islands Conservation Service, Rarotonga. SE

McCormack, G., and J. Kunzle. 1991. Rarotonga's cross-island walk. Prime Minister's Department, Cook Islands. FA

McCormack, G. and J. Künzle. 1995. Rarotonga’s mountain tracks and plants: a field guide. Cook Islands Natural Heritage Project, Rarotonga. FG

McCormack, G. and J. Künzlé. 1996. The ‘Ura or Rimatara Lorikeet Vini kuhlii : its former range, present status and conservation priorities. Bird Conservation International 6: 325–334. CS

McCready, A. 1997. Seeing Hawaii--and its birds. Sacramento Wild Bird Center News 11:3,5. PP

McCutcheon, M. 1991. Contents list and indexes for the Atoll Research Bulletin. Atoll Research Bulletin No. 347.

McDermond, D. K. and K. H. Morgan. 1993. Status and conservation of North Pacific albatrosses. Pp. 70-81 in K. Vermeer, K. H. Briggs, and D. Siegel-Causey, eds. The status, ecology and conservation of marine birds of the North Pacific. Canadian Wildlife Service, Ottawa. SE CS

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Pratt, H. D., V. Masibalavu, and M. Abbott. 2008. Grey Heron Ardea cinerea sightings in Fiji. Notornis 55:42-43.

Pratt, H. D., M. L. P. Retter, D. Chapman, W. M. Ord, and P. Pisano. 2009. An Abbott’s Booby (Papasula abbotti) on Rota, Mariana Islands: first historical record for the Pacific Ocean. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 129:87-91.

Pratt, H. D., M. Falanruw, M. T. Etpison, D. Klauber, D. W. Buden, P. Clement, A. Gupta, D. R. Herter, H. Ketebengang, A. Olsen, P. Pisano, D. S. Vice, G. W. Wiles, & Y. P. Yalap. 2010. Noteworthy bird observations from the Caroline and Marshall Islands 1988-2009, including five new records for Micronesia. Western Birds 41:70-100. RC BD

Pratt, H. D., J. Denny, M. Walther, and C. Walther. 2011. Rapid and widespread appearance of bait-fishing, a form of tool-use, by Black-crowned Night Herons in Hawaii. ‘Elepaio 71:24-28.

Pratt, T. 1974. Plant communities and bird distribution in east Molokai. ‘Elepaio 33:66-70. [Reprinted in Birding 6:195-196.] BD FA

Pratt, T. K. 1975. The Kalij Pheasant on Hawaii. Elepaio 36: 66-67. IN BD

Pratt, T. K. 1984. Shorebird surveys and inventories. In Division of Fish and Wildlife Annual Report, Fiscal Year 1984, pp. 60-68. Division of Fish and Wildlife, Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

Pratt, T. K. 1988. Recent observations June and July. ‘Elepaio 48:113-114. BD RC [Japanese Bush-Warbler on Kauai]

Pratt, T. K. 1991. Palila nesting - past and future. Hawaii's Forests and Wildlife 6: 8, 16. HH, EN

Pratt, T. K. 1994. Palila bounce back after drought. Hawaii's Forests and Wildlife 9(1): 1, 3. HH, EN

Pratt, T. K. 2002. The 102nd Christmas Bird Count: Hawaii/Pacific Islands. American Birds 56:88-90. RC

Pratt, T. K. 2003. The 103rd Christmas Bird Count: Hawaii/Pacific Islands. American Birds 57:103-104. RC

Pratt, T. K. 2003. Christmas bird count No. 103: Hawai‘i/Pacific Islands 2002-2003. ‘Elepaio 63:35, 37-40.

Pratt, T. K. 2004. The 104th Christmas Bird Count: Hawaii/Pacific Islands. American Birds 58:102-104. RC

Pratt, T. K. 2005. The 105th Christmas Bird Count: Hawaii/Pacific Islands. American Birds 59:101-103. RC

Pratt, T. K. 2006. The 106th Christmas Bird Count: Hawaii/Pacific Islands. American Birds 60:102-103. RC

Pratt, T. K. 2007. The 107th Christmas Bird Count: Hawaii/Pacific Islands. American Birds 61:102-103. RC

Pratt, T. K. 2008. The 108th Christmas Bird Count: Hawaii/Pacific Islands. American Birds 62:102-103. RC [Short-tailed Albatross]

Pratt, T. K. 2009. The 109th Christmas Bird Count: Hawaii/Pacific Islands. American Birds 63:102-103. RC [Brewster’s Brown Booby]

Pratt, T. K. 2010. The 110th Christmas Bird Count: Hawaii/Pacific Islands. American Birds 64:88-89. RC

Pratt, T. K. 2011. The 111th Christmas Bird Count: Hawaii/Pacific Islands. American Birds 65:100-101. RC [Abbott’s Booby]

Pratt, T. K. 2006. [Review] The Hawaiian honeycreepers by H. Douglas Pratt. 2005. Bird Families of he World Series. Published by Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. 342. pp. Hardcover, £95, $US189.50 or $A260, ISBN 0-19-854653-X. Emu 106:90-91.

Pratt, T. K. 2008. Hawaii/Pacific Islands, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands and Guam. The 108th Christmas bird count, American Birds 62:102-103.

Pratt, T. K., and R. L. Pyle. 2000. Nukupu‘u in the Twentieth Century: Endangered Species or phantom presence? ‘Elepaio 60:35-41. HH CS

Pratt, T. K., J. G. Giffin, and F. P. Duvall, III. 1989. Recent observations of ‘Akepa and other endangered forest birds in central Kona, Hawai'i Island. ‘Elepaio 49: 53-55. HH EN

Pratt, T. K., B. Gagné, and T. Casey. 1993. Po‘ouli again seen at Hanawi. Hawaii's Forests and Wildlife 8:1, 9. HH EN

Pratt, T. K., and S. G. Fancy. 1993. Survival of Hawaiian finches not affected by blood sampling. Research Information Bulletin No. 20, USFWS, Washington DC. HH CS

Pratt, T. K., S. G. Fancy, C. K. Harada, G. D. Lindsey, and J. D. Jacobi. 1994. Identifying sex and age of Akiapolaau. Wilson Bulletin 106:421-430. HH EN

Pratt, T. K., P. C. Banko, S. G. Fancy, G. D. Lindsey, and J. D. Jacobi. 1997. Status and management of the Palila, an endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper, 1987-1996. Pacific Conservation Biology 3:330-340. HH EN

Pratt, T. K., C. B. Kepler, and T. L. C. Casey. 1997. Po‘o-uli (Melamprosops phaeosoma). In The Birds of North America, No. 272 (A. Poole and F. Gill, Eds.). The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia PA, and The American Ornithologists' Union, Washington D. C. HH EN

Pratt, T. K., S. G. Fancy, and C. J. Ralph. 2001. ‘Akiapòlà‘au (Hemignathus munroi) and Nukupu‘u (Hemignathus lucidus). In The Birds of North America, No. 600 (A. Poole and F. Gill, Eds.). The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA. HH EN

Pratt, T. K., J. C. Simon, B. P. Farm, K. E. Berline, and J. R. Kowalsky. 2001. Home range and territoriality of two honeycreepers, the ‘Akohekohe and Maui Parrotbill. Condor 103:746-755. HH EN

Pratt, T. K., B. L. Woodworth, R. J. Camp, and P. M. Gorresen. 2006. Hawaii Forest Bird Interagency Database Project: collecting, understanding, and sharing population data on Hawaiian forest birds. U. S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2006-3013. HH CS EN

Pratt, T. K., E. Tweed, and S. Fretz. 2009. Status of ‘Akiapola‘au at Kapapala, Hawai‘i. ‘Elepaio 69:1-4. HH CS EN

Pratt, T. K., C. T. Atkinson, P. C. Banko, J. D. Jacobi, and B. Woodworth, eds. 2009. Conservation Biology of Hawaiian Forest Birds: Implications for Island Avifauna. Yale University Press, New Haven. CS EN

Pratt, T. K., P. M. Gorresen, and R. J. Camp. 2010. How are native birds doing at the Pu‘u Wa‘a Wa‘a Forest Bird Sanctuary? ‘Elepaio 70:1-4. HH EN CS

Pregill, G. K. & D. W. Steadman. 2000. Fossil vertebrates from Palau, Micronesia: a resource assessment. Micronesica 33:137-152.

Prévost, F., and O. Des Murs. 1849. Notice sur le genre hemignathe (Hemignathus, Lichtenstein), (1837). Heterorhynchus (La Fresnaye), 1839. Pp. 183-193 in Oiseaux; pp. 177-284, in Abel du Petit-Thouars. Voyage autour du monde sur la frégate La Venus commandée par Abel du Petit-Thouars. Zoologie. Mammifères, oiseaux, reptiles et poissons. Gide at J. Baudry, Paris. HH

Price, J. 2009. Hawaiian Islands, biology. Pp. 397-404 in R. G. Gillespie and D. A. Clague, eds. Encyclopedia of Islands. University of California Press, Berkeley.

Price, J. P. , and D. A. Clague. 2002. How old is the Hawaiian biota? Geology and Phylogeny suggest recent divergence. Proceedings of the Royal “Society of London, Ser. B. Biological Sciences, 269, 2429-2435. BD

Price, J. P. and D. Elliott-Fisk. 2004. Topographic history of the Maui Nui Complex, Hawai‘i, and its implications for biogeography. Pacific Science 58:27-45.

Price, J. P., and W. L. Wagner. 2004. Speciation in Hawaiian angiosperm lineages: cause, consequence, and mode. Evolution 58:2185-2200.

Price, T. 2008. Speciation in birds. Roberts and Company Publishers, Greenwood Village, CO. EV

Priddel, D. and N. Carlile. 2004. Spotlight on the Fiji Petrel, a rare bird indeed! Wildlife Conservation 107(4):6-7. EN CS SE

Priddel, D., N. Carlile, K. Moce, and D. Watling. 2008. A review of records and recovery actions for the critically endangered Fiji Petrel Pseudobulweria macgillivrayi. Bird Conservation International 18:381-393. SE EN

Primack, R. 2011. Endangered and threatened species. Pp. 189-193 in Encyclopedia of Biological Invasions (D. Simberloff and M. Rejmánek, eds.). University of California Press, Berkeley. IN EN CS

Prince, H. H., P. Squibb, and G. Y. Belyea. 1988. Sichuans, pheasants of the future?—learning from past release programs. Pp. 291-305 in Pheasants: symptoms of wildlife problems on agricultural lands (D. L. Hallett, W. R. Edwards, and G. V. Burger, eds.). North Central Section of The Wildlife Society, Bloomington, NJ. IN

Programme Régional Océanien de l’Environnement (PROE). 2002. “Bird Specialist Meeting” a Rarotonga (Iles Cook). Te Manu 40:5. CS

Prowazek, S. von. 1913. Die deutschen Marianen. Leipzig. [Pacific Reef Heron on Tinian] RC

Pukui, M. K., and S. H. Elbert. 1971. Hawaiian dictionary. University Press of Hawaii, Honolulu. HC

Pukui, M. K., S. H. Elbert, and E. T. Mookini. 1974. Place names of Hawaii. University Press of Hawaii, Honolulu. HC

Purcell, R. 1999. Swift as a Shadow. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston.

Purchase, D. 1980. Giant petrel records from Fiji. Notornis 27: 406-407. RC SE

Putnam, C. 2005. Fall molts of adult dowitchers. Birding 37:380-390 SH

Pyle, B. L. 2009. Kolea stones—their features and ethnohistory. ‘Elepaio 69:25-27. [Pacific Golden Plover] HC SH

Pyle, L. 1967. Field notes: observations of waterfowl at Kahuku, Oahu. Elepaio 28:6. WF

Pyle, L. 1979. Japanese Bushwarbler and Northern Cardinal on Molokai. ‘Elepaio 40: 27. RC IN

Pyle, P. 1984. Observations of migrant and vagrant birds from Kure and Midway atolls, 1982-1983. ‘Elepaio 44: 107-111. RC

Pyle, P. 1987. [Letter in response to Ben King.] ‘Elepaio 47:28-29. [Bristle-thighed Curlew on Guam]

Pyle, P. 1997. First-year Slaty-backed Gull. Birders’ Journal 6:251. ID

Pyle, P. 2001. [Review] Isles of Refuge, by Mark J. Rauzon. 2001. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, 206 pp., 97 color and 46 black-and-white photos, 21 illustrations, 11 maps. Paperback, $29.95. ISBN 0-8248-2330-3. Western Birds 32:234. SE FA

Pyle, P. 2006. Offshore Pacific highlights in summer-fall 2005: just another year. North American Birds 60:4-13. SE BD

Pyle, P. 2008. [Review] Barefoot on Lava: The Journals and Correspondence of Naturalist R. C. L. Perkinns in Hawai‘i, 1892-1901, edited by Neal L. Evenhuis. 2007. Bishop Museum Press, Honolulu. 412 pages, 49 figures including black-and-white photographs, maps, and reprints of newspaper clippings and correspondence. Cloth. $29.95. ISBN 978-1-58178-061-1. Western Birds 39:230-232. HC

Pyle, P. 2011. Nomenclature of the Laysan Honeycreeper Himatione [sanguinea] fraithii. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 131:116-117.

Pyle, P., and B. Eilerts. 1986. Pelagic seabird observations from Northwest Hawaiian Island waters. ‘Elepaio 46: 181-183. SE RC

Pyle, P., and J. Engbring. 1985. Checklist of the birds of Micronesia. ‘Elepaio 46: 57-68. BD

Pyle, P., and J. Engbring. 1987. New bird records and migrant observations from Micronesia, 1977-1984. ‘Elepaio 47: 11-16. RC

Pyle, P. and J. Engbring. 1988. First described nest and nest site activity of the Truk Greater White-eye (Rukia ruki). Micronesica 21:281-283.

Pyle, P. and J. Nestler. 1998. First record of a Cuculus cuckoo on Midway Atoll and the Hawaiian Islands. Western Birds 29:124-127. RC

Pyle, P. B., P. V. Donaldson, R. David, and R. L. Pyle. 1988. The status of small Calidris sandpipers in the Hawaiian Islands, documentation of three first records for the state. ‘Elepaio 48: 71-77. BE SH

Pyle, P., L. Spear and J. Engbring. 1990. A previously unreported population of Herald Petrel on Ta’u Island, American Samoa. Colonial Waterbirds. 13(2):136-138. RC

Pyle, P., L. B. Spear, and D. G. Ainley. 1993. Observations of Dark-rumped Petrels off Oregon and California. Western Birds 24:110-112. SE, ID

Pyle, P., N. Hoffman, B. Casler, and T. McKee. 2001. Little and Least Terns breeding on Midway Atoll: Identification, range extensions, and assortative breeding behavior. North American Birds 55:3-6. BD SE ID RC

Pyle, P., P. Radley, J. Bradley, and C. Carter. 2008. Manual for Ageing and Sexing Birds of Saipan, with Notes on Breeding Seasonality. Institute for Bird Populations, Point Reyes Station, CA.

Pyle, P., A. J. Welch, and R. C. Fleischer. 2011. A new species of shearwater (Puffinus) recorded from Midway Atoll, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Condor 113:518-527. TX SE

Pyle, P., D. L. Webster, and R. W. Baird. 2011. Notes on petrels of the Dark-rumped Petrel complex (Pterodroma phaeopygia/sandwichensis) in Hawaiian waters. North American Birds 65:364-367. ID SE

Pyle, R. L. 1954. Further observations of Garrulax on Oahu. 'Elepaio 15:1-3. RC IN

Pyle, R. L. 1976. Hawaii, Waikiki (Kapiolani Park, Na Laau Arboretum). Birding 8:43-44. PP

Pyle, R. L. 1977a. Recent observations of birds on O‘ahu--August 1976 to February 1977. Elepaio 38:2-5.

Pyle, R. L. 1977b. Comment on the hawk sighting. ‘Elepaio 38:67.

Pyle, R. L. 1977. Preliminary list of the birds of Hawaii. ‘Elepaio 37:110-121.

Pyle, R. L. 1978. Recent observations of birds---December 1977 to February 1978. ‘Elepaio 39:15-20.

Pyle, R. L. 1978. Hawaii bird observations March through July 1978. ‘Elepaio 39:60-64.

Pyle, R. L. 1979. Preliminary list of the birds of Hawaii. Amendment no. 1. ‘Elepaio 40:55-58.

Pyle, R. L. 1982a. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 36:896-897. [Great Egret, Black-legged Kittiwake, Po‘ouli]

Pyle, R. L. 1982b. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 36:1018-1019. [Fulvous Whistling Duck, Blue-winged Teal, Po‘ouli]

Pyle, R. L. 1983. Checklist of the birds of Hawaii. ‘Elepaio 44:47-58.

Pyle, R. L. 1983a. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 37:226-228. [Peregrine Falcon, Fulvous Whistling Duck, Baird’s Sandpiper, Red Knot, Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Black Tern, Snow Goose, Cinnamon Teal, Greater Scaup, Bar-tailed Godwit, Whimbrel, Common Redpoll]

Pyle, R. L. 1983b. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 37:340-342. [Eared Grebe, Great Blue Heron, Peregrine Falcon, Black-legged Kittiwake, Parakeet Auklet, Horned Puffin]

Pyle, R. L. 1983c. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 37:914-916. [Red-billed Tropicbird, Greater Yellowlegs, Blue-winged Teal nesting, Puaiohi, Ou, Ooaa]

Pyle, R. L. 1983d. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 37:1028-1029. [Maui Nukupu‘u]

Pyle, R. L. 1984a. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 38:249-251. [Northern Fulmar, Leach’s Storm Petrel, Band-rumped Storm Petrel, Lesser Frigatebird, Fulvous Whistling Duck, Snow Goose, Steller’s Sea Eagle, Peregrine Falcon, Solitary Sandpiper, Semipalmated Sandpiper, Garganey, Gray-tailed Tattler, Bar-tailed Godwit, Rufous-necked Stint, Red-throated Pipit, Olive Tree Pipit]

Pyle, R. L. 1984b. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 38:359-361. [Great Egret, Garganey, Barn Swallow, Little Stint]

Pyle, R. L. 1984c. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 38:966-968. [Mariana Swiftlet]

Pyle, R. L. 1984d. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 38:1063-1064. [Christmas Shearwater, Fulvous Whistling Duck]

Pyle, R. L. 1985a. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 39:105-107. [White-necked Petrel, Kermadec Petrel, Cook’s Petrel, Buller’s Shearwater, Short-tailed Shearwater, Wilson’s Storm Petrel, Band-rumped Storm Petrel, Mariana Swiftlet, Belted Kingfisher]

Pyle, R. L. 1985b. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 39:212-213. [Short-tailed Albatross, Lesser Frigatebird, Gadwall, Greater Yellowlegs, Willet, American Whimbrel, Red-necked Phalarope]

Pyle, R. L. 1985c. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 39:351-353. [Pied-billed Grebe, Laysan Albatross, Lesser Frigatebird, Long-tailed Jaeger, Kauai Nukupu‘u]

Pyle, R. L. 1985d. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 39:964-965. [Kamao, Puaiohi, ‘O‘o‘a‘a, Kauai Nukupu‘u, O‘u]

Pyle, R. L. 1986. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 40:161-163. [Short-tailed Albatross, Mottled Petrel, Kermadec Petrel, Stejneger’s Petrel, Great Blue Heron, Red-breasted Merganser, Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Little Tern, Maui Nukupu‘u, Po‘ouli]

Pyle, R. L. 1986. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 40:336-338. [Horned Grebe, Common Goldeneye, European Starling]

Pyle, R. L. 1986. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 40:526-527. [Flesh-footed Shearwater, Great Blue Heron, Asiatic Whimbrel, Hawaiian Crow, Po‘o-uli]

Pyle, R. L. 1986. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 40:1257-1258. [Blue-gray Noddy, Common Nighthawk]

Pyle, R. L. 1986. Recent observations December 1985-February 1986. ‘Elepaio 46:135-136.

Pyle, R. L. 1987. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 41:148-150. [Solander’s Petrel, Flesh-footed Shearwater, Greater Scaup, Greater Yellowlegs, Asiatic Whimbrel, Rufous-necked Stint, Curlew Sandpiper, Buff-breasted Sandpiper]

Pyle, R. L. 1987. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 41:332-334. [Short-tailed Albatross]

Pyle, R. L. 1987. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 41:491-493. [Christmas Shearwater, Little Stint, Hawaiian Crow, Kama‘o, ‘O‘o‘a‘a]

Pyle, R. L. 1987. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 41:1489-1490. [Hudsonian Godwit, Ruff, Osprey at Kiritimati]

Pyle, R. L. 1988. Recent observations March-May 1988. ‘Elepaio 48:65-66.

Pyle, R. L. 1988. Checklist of the birds of Hawaii. ‘Elepaio 48:95-106.

Pyle, R. L. 1988. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 42:140-142. [Juan Fernandez Petrel, Black-winged Petrel, Mottled Petrel, Cook’s Petrel, Flesh-footed Shearwater, Lesser Frigatebird, Green Heron, Great Blue Heron, Common Merganser, Asiatic Whimbrel, Rufous-necked Stint, South Polar Skua, Belted Kingfisher, Black-rumped Waxbill]

Pyle, R. L. 1988. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 42:324-326. [Red-necked Grebe, Tundra Swan, Killdeer, Gull-billed Tern]

Pyle, R. L. 1988. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 42:484-485. [Rough-legged Hawk, Gray-tailed Tattler, American Whimbrel, Long-tailed Jaeger, Franklin’s Gull, Olomao, Maui Akepa]

Pyle, R. L. 1988. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 42:1342-1343. [Kermadec Petrel, Black-winged Petrel, Rufous-necked Stint]

Pyle, R. L. 1989. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 43:172-174. [Mottled Petrel, Redhead, Common Goldeneye, Common Merganser, Northern Harrier, Gray-tailed Tattler, Red Knot, Marbled Godwit, Great Crested Tern]

Pyle, R. L. 1989. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 43:369-371. [Northern Fulmar, White-necked Petrel, Red-billed Tropicbird]

Pyle, R. L. 1989. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 43:539-540. [Maui Nukupu‘u]

Pyle, R. L. 1989. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 43:1370-1371.

Pyle, R. L. 1989. Fifty years of Christmas bird counts. ‘Elepaio 49:79-80.

Pyle, R. L. 1990. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 44:166-168. [Mottled Petrel, Black-winged Petrel, Tristram’s Storm Petrel, Streaked Shearwater, South Polar Skua]

Pyle, R. L. 1990. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 44:332-334. [Solitary Sandpiper, Belted Kingfisher]

Pyle, R. L. 1990. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 44:499-501. [Northern Fulmar]

Pyle, R. L. 1990. First record of Great Crested Tern in Hawai’i. ‘Elepaio 50:21-22. RC SE

Pyle, R. L. 1990. Native breeding birds of Hawaii. ‘Elepaio 50: 99-100.

Pyle, R. L. 1990. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 44:1189-1190.

Pyle, R. L. 1991. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 45:155-156.

Pyle, R. L. 1991. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 45:324-325. [Red-billed Tropicbird, Common Merganser]

Pyle, R. L. 1991. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 45:498-499. [Glaucous Gull, Great-tailed Grackle]

Pyle, R. L. 1991d. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 45:1163-1165. [Stejneger’s Petrel, Hawaiian Crow]

Pyle, R. L. 1992a. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 46:153-155. [Kermadec Petrel, Herald Petrel, Snow Goose, Parasitic Jaeger]

Pyle, R. L. 1992b. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 46:317-318. [Pelagic Cormorant, Merlin]

Pyle, R. L. 1992c. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 46:483-485. [Hawaiian Crow]

Pyle, R. L. 1992d. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 46:1181-1182. [Band-rumped Storm Petrel, South Polar Skua]

Pyle, R. L. 1992e. Checklist of the birds of Hawaii - 1992. ‘Elepaio 52: 53-62.

Pyle, R. L. 1993a. Hawai‘i Christmas bird counts--1992. ‘Elepaio 53:31-33.

Pyle, R. L. 1993b. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 47:152-153. [Green Heron]

Pyle, R. L. 1993c. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 47:302-304. [Short-tailed Albatross]

Pyle, R. L. 1993d. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 47:455-456. [Hawaiian Crow]

Pyle, R. L. 1993e. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 47:1152-1153. [Little Blue Heron]

Pyle, R. L. 1994a. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 48:155-156.

Pyle, R. L. 1994b. Hawaiian Islands region. National Audubon Society Field Notes 48:251-252. [Short-tailed Albatross, Fulvous Whistling Duck, Hooded Merganser, Ruddy Duck, Long-tailed Duck]

Pyle, R. L. 1994c. Hawaiian Islands region. National Audubon Society Field Notes 48:343-344.

Pyle, R. L. 1994d. Name changes for some Hawaiian birds. ‘Elepaio 54:10.

Pyle, R. L. 1994. Oops! ‘Elepaio 54:15.

Pyle, R. L. 1995. Hawaiian Islands region. National Audubon Society Field Notes 49:104-105.

Pyle, R. L. 1995. Hawaiian Islands region. National Audubon Society Field Notes 49:201-202.

Pyle, R. L. 1995. Hawaiian Islands region. National Audubon Society Field Notes 49:311-312. [Parasitic Jaeger, Long-tailed Jaeger]

Pyle, R. L. 1995. Hawaiian Islands region. National Audubon Society Field Notes 49:984-985.

Pyle, R. L. 1995. Birds of Hawaii. Pp. 372-375 in E.T. LaRoe, et al., eds., Our living resources: A report to the nation on the distribution, abundance, and health of U.S. plants, animals, and ecosystems. U.S. Department of the Interior, National Biological Service, Washington, DC. CS EN

Pyle, R. L. 1996. Some changes in Hawaiian bird names. ‘Elepaio 56:39.

Pyle, R. L. 1996. Hawaiian Islands region. National Audubon Society Field Notes 50:119-120.

Pyle, R. L. 1996. Hawaiian Islands region. National Audubon Society Field Notes 50:226-227. [Killdeer, Spotted Sandpiper, Belted Kingfisher]

Pyle, R. L. 1996. Hawaiian Islands region. National Audubon Society Field Notes 50:336-337.

Pyle, R. L. 1996e. Hawaiian Islands region. National Audubon Society Field Notes 50:999-1000.

Pyle, R. L. 1997. Hawaiian Islands region. National Audubon Society Field Notes 51:123-126. [Arctic/Pacific Loon]

Pyle, R. L. 1997. Checklist of the birds of Hawaii - 1997. ‘Elepaio 87: 129-138.

Pyle, R. L. 1997. Hawaiian Islands region. Field Notes 51:930-931. [Kermadec Petrel, Common Ringed Plover, Hawaiian Crow]

Pyle, R. L. 1997. Hawaiian Islands region. Field Notes 51:1056-1057. [Lesser Frigatebird, Lesser Sand Plover, Little Tern, Least Tern]

Pyle, R. L. 1998. Hawaiian Islands region. Field Notes 52:130-131. [Brown Booby brewsteri]

Pyle, R. L. 1998. Hawaiian Islands region. Field Notes 52:260-262. [Red-billed Tropicbird, Long-tailed Duck, Black Kite, Eye-browed Thrush, Snow Bunting, Po‘ouli]

Pyle, R. L. 1998c. Hawaiian Islands region. Field Notes 52:393-394. [Lesser Frigatebird, Black Kite]

Pyle, R. L. 1998d. Hawaiian Islands region. Field Notes 52:505-506. [Kermadec Petrel]

Pyle, R. L. 1999a. Hawaiian Islands region. North American Birds 53:108-109. [Eared Grebe, Short-tailed Albatross, Willet, Belted Kingfisher, Hawaiian Crow]

Pyle, R. L. 1999b. Hawaiian Islands region. North American Birds 53:212-213. [Puaiohi]

Pyle, R. L. 1999c. Hawaiian Islands region. North American Birds 53:332-333. [Kermadec Petrel,Tahiti Petrel, Little Tern, Fork-tailed Swift, Hawaiian Crow]

Pyle, R. L. 1999d. Hawaiian Islands region. North American Birds 53:435-436. [Kermadec Petrel, Gray-tailed Tattler, Little Tern, Least Tern]

Pyle, R. L. 1999e. Christmas Bird Count—1998: Regional summary for Hawai‘i and Pacific Islands. ‘Elepaio 59:81, 83-85.

Pyle, R. L. 2001. Christmas Bird Count 1999-2000: Regional summary for Hawai‘i and Pacific Islands. ‘Elepaio 60:83-87.

Pyle, R. L. 2002. Checklist of the birds of Hawaii - 2002. ‘Elepaio 62:137-148.

Pyle, R. L., and P. Donaldson. 2000. Hawaiian Islands. North American Birds 54:108-109. [Lesser Frigatebird, Harlequin Duck]

Pyle, R. L., and P. Donaldson. 2000. Hawaiian Islands. North American Birds 54:330-331. [Short-tailed Albatross, Kermadec Petrel, Streaked Shearwater, Short-tailed Shearwater, Red-billed Tropicbird]

Pyle, R. L., and P. Donaldson. 2000. Hawaiian Islands. North American Birds 54:425-426. [South Polar Skua]

Pyle, R. L., and P. Donaldson. 2001. Hawaiian Islands. North American Birds 55:109-110. [Sora, Black-tailed Godwit, Black-headed Gull, Herring Gull vega]

Pyle, R. L., and P. Donaldson. 2001. Hawaiian Islands. North American Birds 55:232-233. [Short-tailed Albatross, Red-billed Tropicbird, Phylloscopus sp.]

Pyle, R. L., and P. Donaldson. 2001. Hawaiian Islands. North American Birds 55:234-235. [Black-tailed Godwit]

Pyle, R. L., and P. Donaldson. 2001. Hawaiian Islands. North American Birds 55:368-370. [Black-tailed Godwit, Po‘ouli]

Pyle, R. L., and P. Donaldson. 2001. Hawaiian Islands. North American Birds 55:491-492. [Black-tailed Godwit, Bar-tailed Godwit, Hawaiian Crow]

Pyle, R. L., and P. Donaldson. 2002. Hawaiian Islands. North American Birds 56:120-121. [Rough-legged Hawk, Black-tailed Godwit, Po‘ouli]

Pyle, R. L., and P. Donaldson. 2002. Hawaiian Islands. North American Birds 56:237-238. [Rough-legged Hawk, American Coot, Black-tailed Godwit]

Pyle, R. L., and P. Donaldson. 2002. Hawaiian Islands. North American Birds 56:374-375. [Streaked Shearwater, Rough-legged Hawk, Black-tailed Godwit]

Pyle, R. L., and P. Donaldson. 2002. Hawaiian Islands. North American Birds 56:498-499. [Far Eastern Curlew]

Pyle, R. L., and P. Donaldson. 2003. Hawaiian Islands. North American Birds 57:134-135. [Short-tailed Shearwater, Marsh Sandpiper, Solitary Sandpiper, Willet]

Pyle, R. L., and P. Donaldson. 2003. Hawaiian Islands. North American Birds 57:275-276. [Baikal Teal, Marsh Sandpiper]

Pyle, R. L., and P. Donaldson. 2003. Hawaiian Islands. North American Birds 57:420-421. [Shy Albatross, Baikal Teal, Rough-legged Hawk, Marsh Sandpiper]

Pyle, R. L., and P. Donaldson. 2004. Hawaiian Islands. North American Birds 57:557-558. [Buller‘s Shearwater, South Polar Skua]

Pyle, R. L., and P. Donaldson. 2004. Hawaiian Islands. North American Birds 58:162-163. [Stejneger’s Petrel, Surf Scoter, Sora, Ancient Murrelet, Tundra Swan]

Pyle, R. L., and P. Donaldson. 2004c. Hawaiian Islands. North American Birds 58:296-297. [White-faced Ibis]

Pyle, R. L., and P. Donaldson. 2004d. Hawaiian Islands. North American Birds 58:452-453. [Blue-gray Noddy, Tufted Puffin]

Pyle, R. L., and P. Donaldson. 2004e. Hawaiian Islands. North American Birds 58:615-616. [Lesser Yellowlegs]

Pyle, R. L., and P. Donaldson. 2005. Hawaiian Islands. North American Birds 59:170-171. [White-necked Petrel, Juan Fernandez Petrel, Marbled Godwit, Po‘o-uli]

Pyle, R. L., and P. Donaldson. 2005. Hawaiian Islands. North American Birds 59:667-668. [Nazca Booby, Whimbrel, Marbled Godwit, Red Knot, Curlew Sandpiper]

Pyle, R. L., and P. Donaldson. 2006a. Hawaiian Islands. North American Birds 60:159-161. {Hooded Merganser, Willet, Curlew Sandpiper, Marbled Godwit]

Pyle, R. L., and P. Donaldson. 2006b. Hawaiian Islands. North American Birds 60:303-304. [Nazca Booby, Christmas Shearwater, Hooded Merganser]

Pyle, R. L., and P. Donaldson. 2006c. Hawaiian Islands. North American Birds 60:460-461. [American Avocet]

Pyle, R. L., and P. Donaldson. 2007a. Hawaiian Islands. North American Birds 60:591-592.

Pyle, R. L., and P. Donaldson. 2007b. Hawaiian Islands. North American Birds 61:163-164. [Harlequin Duck, White-rumped Sandpiper, Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Snow Bunting]

Pyle, R. L., and P. Donaldson. 2007c. Hawaiian Islands. North American Birds 61:348-350. [Tundra Swan, Murphy’s Petrel, White-tailed Eagle]

Pyle, R. L., and P. Donaldson. 2007d. Hawaiian Islands. North American Birds 61:529-531. [Bewick’s Swan, Nazca Booby, Lesser Frigatebird, Burrowing Parrot, White-tailed Eagle]

Pyle, R. L., and P. Donaldson. 2007e. Hawaiian Islands. North American Birds 62:321-323. [Brewster’s Brown Booby, Franklin’s Gull]

Pyle, R. L., and P. Donaldson. 2008. Hawaiian Islands. North American Birds 62:494-496.

Pyle, R.L., and P. Pyle. 2009. The Birds of the Hawaiian Islands: Occurrence, History, Distribution, and Status. B.P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, HI, U.S.A. Version 1 (31 December 2009)

Pyle, R. L., and C. J. Ralph. 1978. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 32:1057-1058.

Pyle, R. L., and C. J. Ralph. 1979a Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 33:317-318. [Pied-billed Grebe, Common Snipe, Caspian Tern, Palila]

Pyle, R. L., and C. J. Ralph. 1979b. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 33:807-808. [Garganey, Caspian Tern]

Pyle, R. L., and C. J. Ralph. 1979c. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 33:898-899.

Pyle, R. L., and C. J. Ralph. 1980a. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 34:204-205. [Newell’s Shearwater, Band-rumped Storm Petrel, Little Blue Heron, Black Tern]

Pyle, R. L., and C. J. Ralph. 1980a. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 34:309-310. [Tundra Swan, Parakeet Auklet, Snow Bunting]

Pyle, R. L., and C. J. Ralph. 1980b. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 34:817-818. [Snowy Egret, Red Phalarope, many gulls]

Pyle, R. L., and C. J. Ralph. 1981. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 35:230-231. [Buff-breasted Sandpiper]

Pyle, R. L., and C. J. Ralph. 1981. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 35:337-338. [Snowy Egret, Green Heron, Black-legged Kittiwake]

Pyle, R. L., and C. J. Ralph. 1981. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 35:865-866. [Greater White-fronted Goose, Whimbrel, Common Tern

Pyle, R. L., and C. J. Ralph. 1981. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 35:980-981. [Lesser Frigatebird, Great Blue Heron]

Pyle, R. L., and C. J. Ralph. 1982. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 36:221-223. [Great Blue Heron, Green Heron, Little Blue Heron, Spotted Sandpiper, Bishop’s ‘O‘o]

Pyle, R. L., and C. J. Ralph. 1982. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 36:333-334. [Arctic Loon, Great Egret, Fulvous Whistling Duck, Great-tailed Grackle, Common Waxbill]


Quammen, D. 1996. The song of the Dodo: Island biogeography in an age of extinctions. Simon & Schuster, New York. BD

Quinn, T. W., G. F. Shields, and A. C. Wilson. 1991. Affinities of the Hawaiian Goose based on two types of mitochondrial DNA data. Auk 108:585-593. WF EV TX EN

Quoy, J.-R.-C. and J. Gaimard. 1824-1826. Zoologie. In Louis de Freycinet’s voyage autour de monde, execute sur les corvettes de S. M. l’Uranie et la Physicienne, pendant les anees 1817, 1818, 1819 et 1820. Phillet Aine, Paris.

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Radley, P. M. 2008. Preparation, translocation, and monitoring of Bridled White-eyes (Zosterops conspicillatus) on Sarigan, 22 April – 13 May 2008. Marianas Avifauna Conservation (MAC) project, Preliminary report. Division Of Fish and Wildlife, Saipan, CNMI.

Radley, P. M. 2009. Post-2008 Translocation Monitoring, a Second Translocation of Bridled White-eyes (Zosterops conspicillatus), and On-Site Flight Test of a Prototype Aerial Locator System, Sarigan, 23 March – 13 May 2008. Marianas Avifauna Conservation (MAC) project, Division Of Fish and Wildlife, Saipan, CNMI.

Radley, P. M., A. L. Crary, J. Bradley, C. Carter, and P. Pyle. 2011. Molt patterns, biometrics, and age and gender classification of land birds on Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 123:588-594. EC

Radway, S. 2003. Guam Rail release: A Milestone. Wildlife Conservation 106:18. CS

Rahn, H., I. C. Paganelli, I. C. T. Nisbet, and G. C. Whittow. 1976. Regulation of incubation water loss in eggs of seven species of terns. Physiological Zoology 49:245-259. SE

Raikow, R. J. 1974. Species-specific foraging behavior in some Hawaiian honeycreepers (Loxops). Wilson Bulletin 86: 471-474. HH

Raikow, R. J. 1976. Pelvic appendage myology of the Hawaiian honeycreepers (Drepanididae). Auk 93: 774-792. HH

Raikow, R. J. 1977a. Pectoral appendage myology of the Hawaiian honeycreepers (Drepanididae). Auk 94: 331-342. HH

Raikow, R. J. 1977b. The origin and evolution of the Hawaiian honeycreepers (Drepanididae). Living Bird 15: 95-117. HH, EV, TX

Raikow, R. J. 1978. Appendicular myology and relationships of the New World nine-primaried oscines (Aves: Passeriformes). Bulletin of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History No. 7. HH, EV

Raikow, R. J. 1985. Problems in avian classification. Current Ornith. 2:187-212. HH, EV

Raikow, R. J. 1986. Reshaping the avian ‘tree of life.’ Point Reyes Bird Observatory, Newsletter 74:8-13. HH, EV

Ralph, C. J. 1977. Status and requirements of forest birds in the Hawaiian Islands: a problem analysis. Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry, Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, USFS, United States Dept. Agriculture. CS

Ralph, C. J. 1981a. An investigation of the effect of seasonal activity levels on avian censusing. Studies in Avian Biology No. 6:265-270.

Ralph, C. J. 1981b. Terminology used in estimating numbers of birds. Studies in Avian Biology No. 6:577-578.

Ralph, C. J. 1982. Birds of the forest. Natural History 91: 40-45.

Ralph, C. J. 1984. Opportunistic nectarivory in some introduced Hawaiian birds. ‘Elepaio 45:17-18.

Ralph, C. J. 1990. The island forests of Hawaii: Few species, many specialists. Pp. 275-283 In A. Keast, editor. Biogeography and ecology of forest bird communities, SPB Academic Publishing bv, The Hague.

Ralph, C.J. 1991. Population dynamics of land bird populations on Oahu, Hawaii: fifty years of introductions and competition. Pp. 1444-1457 in Proceedings of the XX Cong. Int. Ornith., Christchurch, New Zealand, 2-9 December 1990. Vol. 3 (B. D. Bell, R. O. Cossee, J. E. C. Flux, B. D. Heather, R. A. Hitchmough, C. J. R. Robertson, and M. J. Williams, eds.).

Ralph, C. J., and S. G. Fancy. 1994a. Timing of breeding and molting in six species of Hawaiian honeycreepers. Condor 96:151-161. HH

Ralph, C. J., and S. G. Fancy. 1994b. . Demography and movements of the ‘Öma‘o (Myadestes obscurus). Condor 96:503-511.

Ralph, C. J., and S. G. Fancy. 1994c. Demography and movements of the endangered Akepa and Hawaii Creeper. Wilson Bulletin 106:615-628. HH, EN,

Ralph, C. J., and S. G. Fancy. 1995. Demography and movements of Apapane and Iiwi in Hawaii. Condor 97:729-742. HH,

Ralph, C. J., and S. G. Fancy. 1996. Aspects of the life history and foraging ecology of the endangered Akiapolaau. Condor 98:312-321. HH, EN,

Ralph, C. J. and B. D. Maxwell. 1984. Relative effects of human and feral hog disturbance on a wet forest in Hawaii. Biol. Conservation 30: 291-303. CS

Ralph, C. J., and B. R. Noon. 1988. Foraging interactions of small Hawaiian forest birds. Proceedings of the Int. Ornithol. Congr. 19:1992-2006.

Ralph, C. J. and R. L. Pyle. 1977. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 31:376-377.

Ralph, C. J. and R. L. Pyle. 1977. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 31:1049-1050.

Ralph, C. J. and R. L. Pyle. 1977. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 31:1192-1193.

Ralph, C. J. and R. L. Pyle. 1978. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 32:265-267.

Ralph, C. J. and R. L. Pyle. 1978. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 32:402-403.

Ralph, C. J. and R. L. Pyle. 1978. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 32:1211.

Ralph, C. J. and R. L. Pyle. 1979. First record of Buff-breasted Sandpiper in Hawaii. ‘Elepaio 39:140. SH RC

Ralph, C. J. and R. L. Pyle. 1980. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 31:309-310.

Ralph, C. J. and R. L. Pyle. 1980. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 34:931-932.

Ralph, C. J. and R. L. Pyle. 1981. Hawaiian Islands region. American Birds 35:980-981.

Ralph, C. J., and C. van Riper III. 1985. Historical and current factors affecting Hawaiian native birds. Bird Conservation 2: 7-42. CS, DP

Ralph, C. J., S.G. Fancy, and T.D. Male. 1998. Demography of an introduced Red-billed Leiothrix population in Hawaii. Condor 100:468-473. IN

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Raust, P. 2006. Les Zones Importantes pour la Conservation des Oiseaux de Polynésie Française. Te Manu 57:6-8. CS

Raust, P. 2006. Noms d’oiseaux: les Tuamotu et les Gambier. Te Manu 57:8-10. HC

Raust, P. 2006. La liste provisoire des Zones Importantes pour la Conservation des Oiseaux. Société d'Ornithologie de Polynésie, Papeete. CS

Raust, P. 2006. Rapport d'activité du programme d'inventaire des zones importantes pour la conservation des oiseaux (Z.I.C.O.) - Décembre 2005 à Novembre 2006. Société d'Ornithologie de Polynésie, Papeete. CS

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Raust, P. 2007. Psittacidés disparus de Polynésie Française. CEPA Magazine 16:8. EX

Raust, P. 2008. Comment observer 8 espèces rares en 12 jours. Te Manu 64:3–4.

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Rauzon, M. J. 1985. Feral cats of Jarvis Island, their effects and their eradication. Atoll Research Bulletin 283:1-32. SE IN CS

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Restall, R. 1996. Munias and mannikins. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT.

Reti, I. 1993. The South Pacific Biodiversity Conservation Programme: Its concept and scope. Pacific Science Association Information Bulletin 45(1-2):9-14. CS

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Revkin, A. C. 2000. Extinction turns out to be a slow, slow process; some severely depleted species adapt to altered habitats and hang on for years, puzzling biologists. New York Times, 24 October 2000. [Po‘ouli] EN HH PP

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Reynolds, M. H., 2002. The foraging ecology, habitat use and population dynamics of the Laysan teal (Anas laysanensis). Ph. D. dissertation. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA. WF EN

Reynolds, M. 2003. Midway Atoll possible translocation site for Laysan Duck. Threatened Waterfowl Research Group News 14:81. WF EN

Reynolds, M. H. 2004. Habitat use and home range of the Laysan Teal on Laysan Island, Hawaii. Waterbirds 27:183–192. WF EN

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Reynolds, M. H., and T. J. Snetsinger 2001. The Hawaii Rare Bird Search 1994-1996. Studies in Avian Biology 22:133-143. CS HH EN HI

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Reynolds, M. H., and T. M. Work. 2005. Mortality in the Laysan Teal: conservation implications. Wildfowl 55:31-48. WF CS EN

Reynolds, M. H. & T. M. Work 2007. Translocation and disease monitoring of wild Laysan Ducks. Endangered Species Bulletin Highlights 2007:52-54. WF EN CS

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Reynolds, M., B. A. Cooper, and R. H. Day. 1997. Radar study of seabirds and bats on windward Hawai‘i. Pacific Science 51:97-106. SE

Reynolds, M. H., T. J. Snetsinger, and C. M Herrmann. 1997. Kauai’s endangered solitaires: update on population status and distribution 1996. Transactions of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society 33:49-55.

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Reynolds, M., M. Vekasy, and E. Flint. 2006. Population status of the endangered Laysan Duck (Anas laysanensis). Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center, Honolulu. CS EN WF HI

Reynolds, M. H., J. W. Slotterbeck, and J. R. Walters. 2006. Diet composition and terrestrial prey selection of the Laysan Teal on Laysan Island. Atoll Research Bulletin 543:181-199. WF EN

Reynolds, M. H., L. H. Crampton, and M. S. Vekasy. 2007. Laysan teal nesting phenology and site characteristics on Laysan Island. Wildfowl 57:54-67. EN

Reynolds, M. H., J.H. Breeden Jr., and J.L. Klavitter. 2007. Translocation of wild Laysan Teal from Laysan Island to Midway Atoll: Project update. Wildfowl 57: 120-124. EN

Reynolds, M. H., N. E. Seavy, M. S. Vekasy, J. L. Klavitter & L. P. Laniawe. 2008. Translocation and early post-release demography of endangered Laysan Teal. Animal Conservation 11:160-168. WF EN CS

Reynolds, M. H., J. H. Breeden Jr., M. S. Vekasy, and T. M. Ellis. 2009. Long-term pair bonds in the Laysan Duck. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121:187-190. EN WF

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Richards, T. W. 1909. Nesting of Diomedia nigripes and D. immutabilis on Midway Islands. Condor 11:122-123. SE HI

Richardson, F. 1948. Holes in the webs of shearwaters. Pacific Science 2: 2. SE

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Rinke, D. R. 1994. Again: the English name of Gallicolumba stairii. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 114:130-131. TX

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Robertson, H.A., I. Karika, and E. K Saul. 2006. Translocation of Rarotonga Monarchs Pomarea dimidiata within the southern Cook Islands. Bird Conservation International, 16:197–215. CS BD EN

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Rodda, G.H. 1992. Loss of native reptiles associated with introduction of exotics in the Mariana Islands. Pacific Science 46(3):383-404.

Rodda, G. H. 1992. Foraging behaviour of the Brown Tree Snake, Boiga irregularis. Journal of Herpetology 2:110-114. CS

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Rodda, G.H. and T. H. Fritts 1992. The impact of the introduction of the colubrid snake Boiga irregularis on Guam’s lizards. Journal of Herpetology 26:166-174.

Rodda, G.H. and T. H. Fritts 1992. Sampling techniques for an arboreal snake, Boiga irregularis. Micronesica 25:23-40.

Rodda, G. H. and T. H. Fritts. 1993. The brown tree snake on Pacific islands: 1993 status. Pacific Science Association Information Bulletin 45:1-3. EN

Rodda, G. H. and J. A. Savidge. 2007. Biology and impacts of Pacific Island invasive species 2. Boiga irregularis, the brown tree snake (Reptilia: Colubridae). Pacific Science 61:307-324. EN CS

Rodda, G.H., T.H. Fritts, C.S. Clark, and S.W. Gotte. 1992. Trapping the brown tree snake. Snake 24(1):100.

Rodda, G.H., T.H. Fritts, and E.W. Campbell III. 1992. The feasibility of controlling the brown tree snake in small plots. Snake 24(1):102.

Rodda, G. H., T. H. Fritts, and P. J. Conry. 1992. Origin and population growth of the brown treesnake, Boiga irregularis, on Guam. Pacific Science 46: 46-57. IN EN

Rodda, G.H., R.J. Rondeau, T.H. Fritts, and O.E. Maughan. 1992. Trapping the arboreal snake, Boiga irregularis. Amphibia-Reptilia 13:47-56.

Rodda, G. H., T. H. Fritts and D. Chiszar. 1997. The disappearance of Guam’s wildlife: new insights for herpetology, evolutionary ecology, and conservation. BioScience 47:565-574. CS IN

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Rodda, G. H., T. H. Fritts, G. Perry and E. W. Campbell, III. 1998. Managing island biotas: can indigenous species be protected from intyroduced predators such as the brown treesnake? Pp. 95-108 in G. H. Rodda, Y. Sawai, D. Chiszar, and H. Tanaka (editors) Problem snake management the habu and the brown treesnake. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York. IN CS

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Rothschild, W. 1892. Anas laysanensis sp. n. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 1:17. [Reprinted Ibis 5(6th Ser.):249-250.] WF TX

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Rothschild, W. 1893. [Descriptions of 3 new Hawaiian birds]. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 1:41-42. [Reprinted Ibis 6(5th Ser.): 442-443.] HH TX

Rothschild, W. 1893. Diomedea immutabilis sp. n. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 1:48 [Reprinted Ibis 6(5th Ser.):448.] SE TX

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Rothschild, W. 1893. Descriptions of three new birds from the Sandwich Islands. Ibis, ser. 6, 5:112-114. HH, TX

Rothschild, W. 1893d. [Ornithological notes including description of Loxops wolstenholmei.] Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 1:56-59. HH, TX

Rothschild, W. 1893e. [Taxonomic note on Oahu akepa.] Ibis 1893:281-282. HH, TX

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Rothschild, W. 1894. Pseudonestor xanthophrys a drepanine bird. Novitates Zoologicae. 1:692. HH, TX

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TenBruggencate, J. 1999. Students to track Kauai albatrosses. Honolulu Advertiser, 19 January 1999. SE

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TenBruggencate, J. 1999. Help sought for over-eager albatross. Honolulu Advertiser, 16 February 1999. SE CS

TenBruggencate, J. 1999. Albatrosses abandoning nests in record numbers. Honolulu Advertiser, 7 March 1999. SE

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TenBruggencate, J. 1999. Hawaii’s Environment: Lights can hurt birds, enjoymentof nature. Honolulu Advertiser, 5 April 1999. EN SE CS [Newell’s Shearwater]

TenBruggencate, J. 1999. Bird program cheers Kauai hatching. Honolulu Advertiser, 17 April 1999. EN CS [Puaiohi]

TenBruggencate, J. 1999. Hawaii’s Environment: Impact of mynas increasing. Honolulu Advertiser, 19 April 1999. IN

TenBruggencate, J. 1999. Kauai's birds, one and all, perch here. Honolulu Advertiser, 24 April 1999.

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TenBruggencate, J. 1999. Rare bird coming back: Kauai thrush reproduces in wild. Honolulu Advertiser, 10 July 1999. EN CS [Puaiohi]

TenBruggencate, J. 1999. Hawaii’s Environment: Feared rats not spotted on Midway. Honolulu Advertiser, 6 September 1999. SE CS

TenBruggencate, J. 1999. Hawaii’s Environment: Isle birds show ingenuity to adapt. Honolulu Advertiser, 27 September 1999. EN CS

TenBruggencate, J. 1999. Dark evenings of autumn a risky time for fledglings. Honolulu Advertiser, 8 October 1999. SE EN CS [Newell’s Shearwater]

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TenBruggencate, J. 1999. Cupid takes wing to Midway Atoll: Rare bird may have new friend. Honolulu Advertiser, 27 November 1999. SE EN [Short-tailed Albatross]

TenBruggencate, J. 2000. Suit seeks to save rare bird: About 500 ‘elepaio remain. Honolulu Advertiser, 4 January 2000. EN CS

TenBruggencate, J. 2000. Hawaii’s Environment: ‘Elepaio struggling on Oahu. Honolulu Advertiser, 24 January 2000. EN CS

TenBruggencate, J. 2000. Land board to examine Molokai nene proposal. Honolulu Advertiser, 27 January 2000. CS EN WF

TenBruggencate, J. 2000. Shining a light on Lehua. Honolulu Advertiser, 7 February 2000. SE

TenBruggencate, J. 2000. Hawaii’s Environment: Birds elude attempts at tracking . Honolulu Advertiser, 14 February 2000.

TenBruggencate, J. 2000. Hawaii’s Environment: Rats prey on forest birds, resist control. Honolulu Advertiser, 27 March 2000. EN CS

TenBruggencate, J. 2000. ‘Elepaio wings way onto endangered list. Honolulu Advertiser, 20 April 2000. CS EN

TenBruggencate, J. 2000. Study describes crisis facing Hawaii birds: Multiple actions recommended. Honolulu Advertiser, 23 April 2000. CS

TenBruggencate, J. 2000. Identify `elepaio habitat, court says. Honolulu Advertiser, 27 June 2000. CS EN

TenBruggencate, J. 2000. Protection upgraded for golden albatross. Honolulu Advertiser, 4 August 2000. CS SE EN [Short-tailed Albatross]

TenBruggencate, J. 2000. Sea birds found dead on Kauai: Biologist says dog attacks common. Honolulu Advertiser, 12 August 2000. CS SE

TenBruggencate, J. 2000. Plan would expand rare-bird programs. Honolulu Advertiser, 6 October 2000. CS EN

TenBruggencate, J. 2000. Hawaii’s Environment: Laysan recovering after years of abuse. Honolulu Advertiser, 23 October 2000. SE EN CS

TenBruggencate, J. 2001. Group sues for forest bird habitat. Honolulu Advertiser, 4 January 2001. CS

TenBruggencate, J. 2001. Hawaii’s Environment: Rare birds socializing again at Midway. Honolulu Advertiser, 15 January 2001. CS SE EN [Short-tailed Albatross]

TenBruggencate, J. 2001. Researchers enter Maui forests for bird census. Honolulu Advertiser, 10 April 2001. EN CS

TenBruggencate, J. 2001. Ranch life might appeal to nene, koloa. Honolulu Advertiser, 22 April 2001. EN CS WF

TenBruggencate, J. 2001. Oahu habitat proposed for endangered bird. Honolulu Advertiser, 7 June 2001. EN CS

TenBruggencate, J. 2001. 66,350 acres of Oahu forest land said critical to endangered `elepaio. Honolulu Advertiser, 8 June 2001. EN CS

TenBruggencate, J. 2001. Humans not in way of Oahu bird's area. Honolulu Advertiser, 10 August 2001. EN CS [O‘ahu ‘Elepaio]

TenBruggencate, J. 2001. Hawaii’s Environment: Newell's shearwater decline mysterious. Honolulu Advertiser, 22 October 2001. CS SE EN

TenBruggencate, J. 2001. Hawaii’s Environment: Floating plastic tubes a threat to albatrosses. Honolulu Advertiser, 3 December 2001. SE CS

TenBruggencate, J. 2002. Matchmaking added to biologists' duties. Honolulu Advertiser, 5 January 2002. CS EN [Po‘o-uli]

TenBruggencate, J. 2002. Hawaii’s Environment: Nene finds home on Molokai. Honolulu Advertiser, 7 January 2002. CS WF

TenBruggencate, J. 2002. Hawaii’s Environment: Reforested land proves to be native attraction. Honolulu Advertiser, 21 January 2002. CS

TenBruggencate, J. 2002. 2 rare species of Pacific birds may be extinct. Honolulu Advertiser, 26 January 2002. CS EN [Mariana Mallard, Guam Flycatcher]

TenBruggencate, J. 2002. Songbird showing promise in wild: Efforts tested on Kauai thrush. Honolulu Advertiser, 22 February 2002. CS EN [Puaiohi]

TenBruggencate, J. 2002. Hawaii’s Environment: Sinkhole yields trove of bird fossils. Honolulu Advertiser, 25 February 2002. PA

TenBruggencate, J. 2002. Hawaii’s Environment: How our forests have changed. Honolulu Advertiser, 25 March 2002. PA CS

TenBruggencate, J. 2002. Hawaii’s Environment: Help keep watch on our kolea. Honolulu Advertiser, 25 March 2002. [Pacific Golden Plover]

TenBruggencate, J. 2002. Hawaii’s Environment: Alien species ride on debris. Honolulu Advertiser, 29 April 2002. CS SE

TenBruggencate, J. 2002. Mating fails, but project continues: Rarest forest bird might be bred in captivity. Honolulu Advertiser, 9 May 2002. EN CS [Po‘o-uli]

TenBruggencate, J. 2002. Midler's Kauai land offered as bird refuge. Honolulu Advertiser, 2 June 2002. CS

TenBruggencate, J. 2002. Hawaii’s Environment: Loss of variability left nene vulnerable. Honolulu Advertiser, 5 August 2002.

TenBruggencate, J. 2002. Hawaii’s Environment: Amazing kolea faithfully return. Honolulu Advertiser, 26 August 2002. [Pacific Golden Plover]

TenBruggencate, J. 2003. Effort to save Maui bird stirs controversy. Honolulu Advertiser, 29 January 2003 EN CS [Po‘o-uli]

TenBruggencate, J. 2003. Hawaii’s Environment: Poison could bring in alien pest. Honolulu Advertiser, 14 April 2003. CS EN

TenBruggencate, J. 2003. Hawaii’s Environment: Birds of a feather aren't together. Honolulu Advertiser, 26 May 2003. CS EN

TenBruggencate, J. 2003. Muted streetlights brighten sea birds' future on Kaua‘i. Honolulu Advertiser, 5 June 2003.

TenBruggencate, J. 2003. Marine base investigates slaughter of sea birds. Honolulu Advertiser, 21 June 2003. SE

TenBruggencate, J. 2003. Lead paint hurts birds as well as humans. Honolulu Advertiser, 14 July 2003.

TenBruggencate, J. 2003. Longline method may help prevent albatross hookings. Honolulu Advertiser, 15 October 2003.

TenBruggencate, J. 2003. New longline technique may spare albatross. Honolulu Advertiser, 16 October 2003

TenBruggencate, J. 2003. Effort resumes to breed last 3 po`ouli. Honolulu Advertiser, 25 October 2003. EN CS

TenBruggencate, J. 2003. Release aims to widen habitat of bird. Honolulu Advertiser, 12 December 2003. EN CS

TenBruggencate, J. 2004. Hawaii’s Environment: Predators keep `forest' birds from prospering. Honolulu Advertiser, 5 January 2004. CS EN

TenBruggencate, J. 2004. Midway albatross count up sharply. Honolulu Advertiser, 9 January 2004. SE CS

TenBruggencate, J. 2004. Hawaii’s Environment: Controlling rats aids rare bird. Honolulu Advertiser, 29 March 2004. CS EN [Rarotonga Monarch]

TenBruggencate, J. 2004. Tourists stew over the sounds: Kaua`i cries fowl as wild chickens flourish. Honolulu Advertiser, 30 March 2004. IN

TenBruggencate, J. 2004. Hawaii’s Environment: Rat control meant to help birds. Honolulu Advertiser, 10 May 2004. CS

TenBruggencate, J. 2004. Lehua rat, rabbit kill proposed. Honolulu Advertiser, 18 May 2004.

TenBruggencate, J. 2004. The Other Hawai‘i: Nihoa island offers haven to sea birds. Honolulu Advertiser, 26 May 2004.

TenBruggencate, J. 2004. Hawaii’s Environment: Native bird makes comeback. Honolulu Advertiser, 19 July 2004. CS [Hawaii ‘Amakihi]

TenBruggencate, J. 2004. Preserve expanded in Kona: Forested area home to endangered birds and Hawaiian bat. Honolulu Advertiser, 3 September 2004. CS EN

TenBruggencate, J. 2004. Biologists trap bird in species-saving effort. Honolulu Advertiser, 11 September 2004. CS EN

TenBruggencate, J. 2004. Hawaii’s Environment: Mosquito control essential. Honolulu Advertiser, 11 October 2004. CS

TenBruggencate, J. 2004. Laysan ducks go to Midway. Honolulu Advertiser, 6 November 2004. CS EN WF

TenBruggencate, J. 2004. Grants help save native species. Honolulu Advertiser, 14 November 2004. CS EN

TenBruggencate, J. 2004. Hawaii’s Environment: Seabirds find mates via smell. Honolulu Advertiser, 15 November 2004. SE

TenBruggencate, J. 2005. Navy to break eggs, move adult albatrosses. Honolulu Advertiser, 8 January 2005. SE

TenBruggencate, J. 2005. Kaua’i albatross eggs adopted, not crushed. Honolulu Advertiser, 8 April 2005. SE

TenBruggencate, J. 2005. Rat removal planned for remote island. Honolulu Advertiser, 10 June 2005. CS SE

TenBruggencate, J. 2005. Laysan ducks spreading wings on Midway Atoll. Honolulu Advertiser, 27 July 2005. EN CS WF

TenBruggencate, J. 2005. Bird lovers sue over 7 utility towers: FCC lapse blamed when night fliers die running into wires. Honolulu Advertiser, 27 July 2005. EN CS

TenBruggencate, J. 2005. Hawaii’s Environment: Team tries to save Laysan teal. Honolulu Advertiser, 5 October 2005. SE

TenBruggencate, J. 2005. Council seeks ways to keep birds off longline fleet's hooks. Honolulu Advertiser, 3 October 2005.

TenBruggencate, J. 2005. Hawaii’s Environment: Invader threatens forest bird. Honolulu Advertiser, 31 October 2005. CS EN [‘Akepa, Japanese White-eye]

TenBruggencate, J. 2005. Biologists move more Laysan ducks to Midway. Honolulu Advertiser, 1 November 2005. EN WF CS

TenBruggencate, J. 2005. Longliners won't have to use bird-scarers. Honolulu Advertiser, 14 November 2005. CS SE

TenBruggencate, J. 2005. Dogs blamed for sea-bird kills: Animals accompany hikers illegally at Ka‘ena Point reserve. Honolulu Advertiser, 1 December 2005. SE CS

TenBruggencate, J. 2005. Hawaii’s Environment: Palila flock making progress. Honolulu Advertiser, 5 December 2005. EN CS

TenBruggencate, J. 2006. Albatross population explosion reported on Midway. Honolulu Advertiser, 6 January 2006. SE BD CS

TenBruggencate, J. 2006. Hawaii’s Environment: Safer nests sought for albatrosses. Honolulu Advertiser, 6 February 2006. SE BD CS

TenBruggencate, J. 2007. Oahu sinkholes yield extinct birds. Honolulu Advertiser 7 August 2007. PA HH

TenBruggencate, J. 2007. The ‘io, Hawaiian Hawk, holding its own. Raising Islands September 24, 2007. URL: accessed 26 November 2007.

TenBruggencate, J. 2007. Laysan Duck boom on Midway. Raising Islands October 3, 2007. URL: accessed 26 November 2007.

TenBruggencate, J. 2007. Alien birds may be providing native plants a critical service. Raising Islands 14 November, 2007. URL: accessed 26 November 2007. IN

TenBruggencate, J. 2007. Counting populations: superferries and tropicbirds. Raising Islands 19 November, 2007. URL: accessed 26 November 2007. SE

TenBruggencate, J. 2007. Forest birds, beetles and koa trees: size matters. Raising Islands 25 November, 2007. URL: accessed 26 November 2007. HH EN

TenBruggencate, J. 2007. Snakes and other scary creatures targeted. Raising Islands 25 November, 2007. URL: accessed 22 May 2008. IN CS

TenBruggencate, J. 2007. Amazing upper Wainiha Valley set for protection. Raising Islands 30 November, 2007. accessed 22 May 2008.

TenBruggencate, J. 2007. Birds at Christmas: An accounting. Raising Islands 9 December 2007. accessed 17 November 2008. CS HC

TenBruggencate, J. 2007. Climate change to disrupt marine life generally, and fisheries. Raising Islands 21 December 2007. accessed 17 November 2008. CS

TenBruggencate, J. 2008. New Phoenix marine reserve dwarfs Hawaiian Papahanaumokuakea. Raising Islands 15 February 2008. accessed 17 November 2008. SE CS

TenBruggencate, J. 2008. Snakes! Interception, or search-and-destroy? A million-dollar question. Raising Islands 18 February 2008. accessed 22 May 2008. EX PA CS

TenBruggencate, J. 2008. Air drops eradicate Hawaii islet rat population. Raising Islands 5 March 2008. accessed 17 November 2008. CS SE

TenBruggencate, J. 2008. Laysan teals ascendant at Midway. Raising Islands 9 April 2008 accessed 17 November 2008. WF EN CS IN

TenBruggencate, J. 2008. Invasive locust ravages birds, plants on remote Nihoa. Raising Islands 19 April 2008. accessed 17 November 2008. CS

TenBruggencate, J. 2008. Hawai'i bird extinction: size matters, but also habitat, predators. Raising Islands 20 May 2008. accessed 22 May 2008. EX PA CS

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Udvardy, M. D. F. 1975. California Gulls on Maui. ‘Elepaio 35:136-137. RC

Udvardy, M. D. F. 1986. Richard E. Warner. ‘Elepaio 46:126-127. HC

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U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1991. Recovery plan for the Mariana Islands Population of the Vanikoro Swiftlet, Aerodramus vanikorensis bartschi. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Portland, Oregon. EN CS

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U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1997. The impact of a ship grounding and associated fuel spill at Rose Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, American Samoa. Honolulu: Pacific Islands Ecoregion. CS

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1998. Biological opinion of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service for the Saddle Road realignment and improvement project. 27 July 1998. USFWS, Honolulu, HI.

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U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1999. Draft environmental assessment for population reestablishment of the Alala (Corvus hawaiiensis). US Fish and Wildlife Service, Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office, Pacific Islands Ecoregion and Hawaii De[partment of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Honolulu. EN CS

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service 2000. Final rule to list as endangered the Oahu elepaio from the Hawaiian Islands and determination of whether designation of critical habitat is prudent. Federal Register 65:20760–20769.

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U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2003. Draft recovery plan for the Alala (Corvus hawaiiensis). USFWS, Region 1, Portland, Oregon. CS

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2003. Draft revised recovery plan for Hawaiian forest birds. U. S. Department of the Interior, USFWS, Region 1, Portland, Oregon.

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2004. Biological opinion on the effects of the reopened shallow-set sector of the Hawaii-based longline fishery on the short-tailed albatross (Phoebastria albatrus). U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Honolulu, HI

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U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2004. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; designation of critical habitat for the Mariana Fruit Bat and Guam Micronesian Kingfisher on Guam and the Mariana Crow on guam and in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Federal Register 69:62944-62990.

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2004. Threatened and endangered animals in the Pacific Islands: Rota Bridled White-eye Zosterops rotensis.

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U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2004. Draft Revised Recovery Plan for the Laysan Duck (Anas laysanensis). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Portland, OR. 94 pp. Found at: .

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2004. “Last ditch” effort to save Po‘ouli. ‘Elepaio 64(8): 49, 53. HH, EN, CS

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2004. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; endangered status for the Rota Birdled White-eye (Zosterops rotensis) from the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands; final rule. Federal Register 69:3022-3029. EN CS

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2004. Review of native species that are candidates or proposed for listing as endangered or threatened; annual notice of findings on resubmitted petitions; annual description of progress on listing actions; notice of review. Federal Register 71:53756-53835. EN CS

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2004. Recovery outline for the Rota Bridled White-eye Zosterops rotensis. Portland, OR 16 pp. EN CS

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2005. Draft revised recovery plan for the Aga or Mariana Crow, Corvus kubaryi. Portland, OR x + 147 pp. EN CS

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2005. Draft recovery plan for the Band-rumped Storm-Petrel in Hawaii. USFWS, Portland, OR.

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2005. Po‘o-uli death leaves species’ future uncertain. ‘Elepaio 65(1):3. (USFWS news release from 30 Nov. 2004.) HH, EN, CS

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2005. Draft Revised Recovery Plan for the Hawaiian Waterbirds, 2nd Draft of 2nd Rev. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Portland, OR. Found at: .

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U. S.Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2005. Post-delisting monitoring plan for the Tinian Monarch, Monarcha takatsukasae. Endangered Species Division, Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office, Honolulu, Hawaii. EN

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2006. Record albatross numbers tallied at Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge. ‘Elepaio 66:10. (USFWS news release from 25 January 2006.) SE CS

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2006. Draft interim visitor services plan for Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge and the Battle of Midway National Memorial and the Hawaiian Islands Marine National Monument’s Midway Atoll Special Management Area. Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge and Pacific Islands Division of External Affairs and Visitor Services, Honolulu, HI. HC

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2006. Final revised recovery plan for Hawaiian forest birds. U. S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 1, Portland, OR. CS EN HH

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2007. Laysan Finch (Honeycreeper) (Telespiza cantans), 5-year review: Summary and evaluation. USFWS, Honolulu, Hawaii. CS EN HH

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2007. Petition to list the Akikiki or Kauai Creeper (Oreomystis bairdi) and the Akekee or Kauai Akepa (Loxops caeuleirostris) as endangered or threatened under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. USFWS, Portland, OR. CS EN HH

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2008. Short-tailed Albatrosses on Sand Island and Eastern Island, Midway Atoll NWR. ‘Elepaio 68:32. SE EN

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2008. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; listing 48 species on Kauai as Endangered and designating critical habitat. Federal Register 73:62592-62639. CS EN

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2008. Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office Annual Report, Fiscal Year 2007. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Office, Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office, Honolulu, HI.

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U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2008. Environmental assessment for Lehua Island Ecosystem Restoration Project finalized. News Release, USFWS Pacific Islands External Affairs Office, Honolulu, 29 October 2008. CS

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2009. Revised recovery plan for ‘Alala released. ‘Elepaio 69:37. CS EN

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USDI) and Dept. of Land and Natural Resources (State of Hawaii). 2005. Lehua Island ecosystem restoration project. Draft Environmental Assessment. Pacific Islands Coastal Program, 300 Ala Moana Blvd., Honolulu, HI 96850.

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U. S. Geological Survey (USGS). 2005. Ecology and diagnosis of introduced avian malaria in Hawaiian forest birds. USGS FS 2005-3151. DP

U. S. Geological Survey (USGS). 2006. Feral pigs, introduced mosquitoes, and the decline of Hawai‘i’s native birds. USGS FS 2006-3029. CS DP EN

U. S. Geological Survey (USGS). 2006. Palila restoration: lessons from long-term research. USGS FS 2006-3104. EN HH CS

U. S. National Marine Fisheries Service. 2005. Fisheries off west coast states and in the western Pacific; pelagic fisheries; additional measures to reduce the incidental catch of seabirds in the Hawaii pelagic longline fishery. Federal Register 70:75075–75080. SE CS

U. S. National Marine Fisheries Service. 2008. The Hawaii-based longline logbook summary report, October–December 2007. Data Report DR-08-002, Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, Honolulu, HI. SE CS

U. S. Western Pacific Fishery Management Council. 2004. Additional measures to reduce the incidental catch of seabirds in the Hawaii-based longline fishery. A Regulatory Amendment to the Western Pacific Pelagic Fisheries Management Plan. U. S. Western Pacific Fishery Management Council, Honolulu, HI. SE CS

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Utzurrum, R. C. B., and J. O. Seamon. 2001. Monitoring for conservation and management: some empirical and theoretical approaches. Sylvatrop: The Technical Journal of Ecosystems and Natural Resources 10:88-105. CS

Uyehara, K. J. 2004. First record of the Sora in the State of Hawaii. Western Birds 35:47-49. RC

Uyehara, K. 2007. Site reconnaissance for Koloa (Hawaiian Duck) study, May 2006. USGS Open File Report OF 2007-1351 (Reston, VA). WF EN CS

Uyehara, K. J., A. Engilis, Jr., and M. Reynolds. 2007. Hawaiian Duck’s future threatened by feral Mallards: USGS Fact Sheet 2007-3047. Found at: . CS WF EN

Uyehara, K., A. Engilis, A. Marshall, G. Koob, A. Henry, and B. Zaun. 2008. The feral Mallard threat to Hawai‘i’s native duck: recommendations for preventing the extinction of the endangered Koloa Maoli. Hawai‘i Conservation Alliance Position Paper, September 2008. WF CS EN

Uyehara, K. J., A. Engilis, Jr., and B. D. Dugger. 2008. Wetland features that influence occupancy by the endangered Hawaiian Duck. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120:311-319. CS EN WF


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Vanderlip, C. 2008. Kure Atoll--DLNR’s most remote sanctuary. Na leo o ka ‘aina (Newsletter of the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Division of Forestry and Wildlife) 3(2):2. CS SE

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VanderWerf, E. 1993a. Scales of habitat selection by foraging Elepaio in undisturbed and human-altered Hawaiian forests. Condor 95:980-989.

VanderWerf, E. 1993b. Report from a 3-day hike on the Ko‘olau Summit Trail. ‘Elepaio 53:79-80.

VanderWerf, E. 1994. Intraspecific variation in foraging behavior of Elepaio in Hawaiian forests of different structure. Auk 111:917-932.

VanderWerf, E. 1997. O‘ahu ‘Amakihi nest in Manoa Valley. ‘Elepaio 57:125-126. HH,

VanderWerf, E. A. 1998a. Breeding biology and territoriality of the Hawaii Creeper. Condor 100:541-545. HH,

VanderWerf, E. A. 1998b. ‘Elepaio (Chasiempis sandwichensis). In The Birds of North America, No. 344 (A. Poole and F. Gill, Eds.). The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA.

VanderWerf, E. A. 2001a. Distribution and potential impacts of avian pox-like lesions in ‘Elepaio at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge. Studies in Avian Biology 22:247-253. DP

VanderWerf, E. A. 2001b. Two-year delay in plumage maturation of male and female ‘Elepaio. Condor 103:756-766.

VanderWerf, E. A. 2002. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; determinations of prudency for two mammal and four bird species in Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and proposed designation of critical habitat for one mammal and two bird species. Federal Register 67:63738-63772. EN CS

VanderWerf, E. A. 2002. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; determinations of prudency for two mammal and four bird species in Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and proposed designation of critical habitat for one mammal and two bird species. [Extension of comment period and notice of availability of draft economic analysis.] Federal Register 67:72407-72408. EN CS

VanderWerf, E. A. 2003. Distribution, abundance, and breeding biology of White Terns on Oahu, Hawaii. Wilson Bulletin 115:258-262. SE BD

VanderWerf, E. A. 2004. Demography of Hawai‘i ‘Elepaio: variation with habitat disturbance and population density. Ecology 85:770-783.

VanderWerf, E. A. 2005. ‘Elepaio “anting” with a garlic snail and a Schinus fruit. Journal of Field Ornithology 76:134-137. DP

VanderWerf, E. A. 2006. Observations on the birds of Kwajalein Atoll, including six new species records for the Marshall Islands. Micronesica 38:221-237. RC

VanderWerf, E. A. 2007. Monitoring of nesting Red-tailed Tropicbirds in southeastern Oahu, 2007. Pacific Seabirds 34:42-44.

VanderWerf, E. A. 2007. Biogeography of Elepaio: evidence from inter-island song playbacks. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 119:325-333. EV BD

VanderWerf, E. A. 2008. Sources of variation in survival, recruitment, and natal dispersal of the Hawai‘i ‘Elepaio. Condor 110:241-250.

VanderWerf, E. A. 2008. Important Bird Areas in the Hawaiian Islands. ‘Elepaio 68:51-59. CS EN

VanderWerf, E. A. 2009 Importance of nest predation by alien rodents and avian poxvirus in conservation of Oahu elepaio. Journal of Wildlife Management 73:737–746.

VanderWerf, E. A. 2010. [Review] The race to save the world’s rarest bird: The discovery and death of the Po‘ouli.—Alvin Powell. 2008. Stackpole Books, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. v iii + 280 pp. ISBN 9780811734486. Hardcover, $24.95. Auk 127:958-959.

VanderWerf, E. A. 2012. Meet the ‘elepaios: Hawaii’s “new” endemics. Birding 44(4):34-45. PP

VanderWerf, E. A. In press. Evolution of nesting height in an endangered Hawaiian forest bird in response to a non-native predator. Conservation Biology.

VanderWerf, E., and L. A. Freed. 2003. ‘Elepaio subadult plumages reduce aggression through graded status-signaling, not mimicry. Journal of Field Ornithology 74:406-415.

VanderWerf, E., and P. K. Roberts. 2008. Foraging and nesting of the ‘Akikiki or Kaua‘i Creeper (Oreomystis bairdi). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120:195-199. HH

VanderWerf, E., and J. L. Rohrer. 1996. Discovery of an ‘I‘iwi population in the Ko‘olau Mountains of O‘ahu. ‘Elepaio 56:25-28. BD

VanderWerf, E. A., and D. G. Smith. 2002. Effects of alien rodent control on demography of the O‘ahu ‘Elepaio, and endangered Hawaiian forest bird. Pacific Conservation Biology 8:73-81.

VanderWerf, E. A., and L. C. Young. 2007. The Red-billed Tropicbird Phaethon rubricauda in Hawaii, with notes on interspecific behavior of tropicbirds. Marine Ornithology 35:81-84. [Reprinted with M. Walther ‘Elepaio 68:43-46] SE BD

VanderWerf, E. A., A. Cowell, and J. L. Rohrer. 1997. Distribution, abundance, and conservation of O‘ahu ‘Elepaio in the southern leeward Ko‘olau Range. ‘Elepaio 57:99-105. EN CS

VanderWerf, E. A., J. L. Rohrer, D. G. Smith, and M. D. Burt. 2001. Current distribution and abundance of the O‘ahu ‘Elepaio. ‘Elepaio 61:55, 57-61. BD CS

VanderWerf, E. A., T. R. Malcolm, J. S. Fretz, J. G. Massey, A. Lieberman, J. J. Groombridge, B. D. Sparklin, M. M. Okada, and C. N. Brosius. 2003. Update on recovery efforts for the Po‘ouli. ‘Elepaio 63:25, 27-30. CS HH EN

VanderWerf, E.A., R. J. Pierce, T. L. Tibbitts, J-M. Salducci, V. A. Gill, and Wragg, G. 2004. First record of Laughing Gull (Larus atricilla) in French Polynesia. Notornis 51: 51-52. SE RC

VanderWerf, E. A., K. A. Swindle, and L. C. Young. 2005. Pox virus in Laysan Albatross chicks at Ka‘ena Point, O‘ahu: How can we help? ‘Elepaio 65:1, 6-7. DP

VanderWerf, E. A., L. Elliott, and J. S. Fretz. 2005. Observations on the abundance and behavior of seabirds south of O‘ahu during the F/V Ehime Maru relocation and fuel spill. ‘Elepaio 65:25,27-29. SE BD

VanderWerf, E. A., J. J. Groombridge, J. S. Fretz and K. J. Swinnerton . 2006. Decision analysis to guide recovery of the Po‘ouli, a critically endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper. Biological Conservation 129:383-392. EN HH CS

VanderWerf, E.A., R. J. Pierce, V. A. Gill, Wragg, G., P. Raust, and T. L. Tibbitts. 2006. Pelagic seabird surveys in the Tuamotu and Gambier archipelagos, French Polynesia. Marine Ornithology 34:65-70. BD SE

VanderWerf, E.A., G. J. Wiles, A. P. Marshall, and M. Knecht. 2006. Observations of migrants and other birds in Palau, April-May 2005, including the first Micronesian record of a Richard’s Pipit. Micronesica 39:11-29. RC

VanderWerf, E. A., M. D. Burt, J. L. Rohrer, and S. M. Mosher. 2006. Distribution and prevalence of mosquito-borne diseases in O‘ahu ‘Elepaio. Condor 108:770-777. DP

VanderWerf, E.A., K. R. Wood, C. Swenson, M. LeGrande, H. Eijzenga, & R. L. Walker. 2007. Avifauna of Lehua Islet, Hawai'i: conservation value and management needs. Pacific Science 61:13. CS SE

VanderWerf, E.A., K. R. Wood, C. Swenson, M. LeGrande, H. Eijzenga, & R. L. Walker. 2007. Avifauna of Lehua Islet, Hawai'i: conservation value and management needs. Pacific Science 61:39-52. CS SE

VanderWerf, E. A., B. L. Becker, J. Eijzenga, & H. Eijzenga. 2008. Nazca Booby Sula granti and Brewster’s Brown Booby Sula leucogaster brewsteri in the Hawaiian Islands and Johnston and Palmyra atolls. Marine Ornithology 36:67-71. SE RC

VanderWerf, E. A., L. C. Young, N. W. Yeung, and D. B. Carlon. 2009. Stepping stone speciation in Hawaii’s flycatchers: molecular divergence supports new island endemics within the elepaio. Conservation Genetics 11:1283-1298. TX EV

VanderWerf, E. A., L. C. Young, and C. Blackburn. 2011. First record of Tristram’s Storm-Petrel in the southeastern Hawaiian Islands. ‘Elepaio 71:41-43. RC SE

VanderWerf, E.A., S. M. Mosher, M. D. Burt, and P. E. Taylor. 2011. Current distribution and abundance of O‘ahu ‘Elepaio (Aves: Monarchidae) in the Wai‘anae Mountains. Pacific Science 65:311-319. BD EN

Van Fossen, L. 2007. Annual report on seabird interactions and mitigation efforts in the Hawaii longline fishery for 2006. National Marine Fisheries Service, Pacific Islands Regional Office, Honolulu, HI. SE CS

VanGelder, E. 1992. Crested Honeycreeper nests discovered. Hawaii's Forests and Wildlife 7 (1): 3. HH,

VanGelder, E. 1993. First Maui Parrotbill nest found. ‘Elepaio 53: 50. [Also published verbatim as “First Maui Parrotbill nests found.” Hawaii’s Forests and Wildlife 8(1):9.] HH,

VanGelder, E. M. 1996. The breeding biology of the ‘Ákohekohe (Palmeria dolei), an endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper. Unpub. M. S. thesis, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA. HH, , EN

VanGelder, E. M., and T. B. Smith. 2001. Breeding characteristics of the ‘Akohekohe (Palmeria dolei), on East Maui. Studies in Avian Biology 22:194-201. HH EN

van Gils, J. and P. Wiersma. 1996. Scolopacidae. Pp. 444-533. in J. del Hoyo, A. Elliott & J. Sargatal (eds.). Handbook of the Birds of the World, vol. 3, Hoatzin to Auks. Lynx, Barcelona.

van Ijzendoorn, E. J., and J. F. de Miranda. On plumages of White-winged Black Tern in September. Dutch Birding 2: 62-64. SE ID

van Perlo, B. 2011. Birds of Hawaii, New Zealand, and the Central and West Pacific. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ. ID

van Riper, C., III. 1972. Discovery of the nest of the Maui Creeper. Elepaio 32: 101-102. HH

van Riper, C., III. 1973a. The nesting of the Apapane in lava caves on the Island of Hawaii. Wilson Bulletin 85: 238-240. HH

van Riper, C., III. 1973b. Island of Hawaii land bird distribution and abundance. Elepaio 34: 1-3. [Reprinted 1975 in Birding 7:78-81.] FA, CS, BD

van Riper, C., III. 1974. An albinistic Elepaio from Hawaii. Auk 91:841. HH

van Riper, C., III. 1974. Linnet breeding biology on Hawaii. US-IBP Island Ecosystems IRP Technical Report, no. 46, University of Hawaii, Honolulu. IN

van Riper, C., III. 1975. Composition & phenology of the dry forest on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, as related to the annual cycle of the Amakihi (Loxops virens) & Palila (Psittirostra bailleui). US-IBP Island Ecosystems IRP Technical Report, no. 51, University of Hawaii, Honolulu.

van Riper, C., III. 1975. Parasites of the Hawaii Amakihi (Loxops virens virens). US-IBP Island Ecosystems IRP Technical Report, no. 62, University of Hawaii, Honolulu. HH, DP

van Riper, C., III. 1976a. Aspects of House Finch breeding biology in Hawaii. Condor 78:224-229. IN

van Riper, C., III. 1976b. Superimposition of Amakihi nest on one of an Elepaio. Condor 78:267-269. HH

van Riper, C., III. 1977. Use of sheep wool in nest construction by Hawaiian birds. Auk 94:646-651. HH

van Riper, C., III. 1978a. An ‘O‘u observation at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Elepaio 39: 32-33. HH, RC

van Riper, C., III. 1978b. The breeding ecology of the Amakihi (Loxops virens) and the Palila (Psittirostra bailleui) on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Ph. D. Dissertation in Zoology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu. HH, , EN

van Riper, C., III. 1978c. Dark-rumped Petrel at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Bird-Banding 49:372. SE, EN

van Riper, C., III. 1978d. Discovery of the Yellow-fronted Canary on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Elepaio 39: 99-100. IN RC

van Riper, C., III. 1980. Observations on the breeding of the Palila Psittirostra bailleui of Hawaii. Ibis 122: 462-475. HH, EN

van Riper, C., III. 1980. The phenology of the dryland forest of Mauna Kea, Hawaii, and the impact of recent environmental perturbations. Biotropica 12:282-291.

van Riper, C. III. 1982. Avifauna of Kohala Mountain, Hawai‘i. Coolperative national Park Resources Studies Unit, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Technical Report 44. FA

van Riper, C., III. 1982. Censuses and breeding observations of the birds on Kohala Mountain, Hawaii. Wilson Bulletin 94: 463-476. FA

van Riper, C., III. 1984. The influence of nectar resources on nesting success and movement patterns of the Common Amakihi (Hemignathus virens). Auk 101: 38-46. HH

van Riper, C., III. 1987. Breeding ecology of the Hawaii Common Amakihi. Condor 89: 85-102. HH,

van Riper, C., III. 1991a. Parasite communities in wet and dry forest subpopulations of the Hawaii Common Amakihi. In J. E. Loye and M. Zuk (editors), Bird-parasite interactions: ecology, evolution and behaviour, pp. 140-153. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. HH, DP

van Riper, C., III. 1991b. The impact of introduced vectors and avian malaria on insular passeriform bird populations in Hawaii. Bulletin of the Society of Vector Ecology 16:59-83. CS. DP

van Riper, C., III. 1995. Ecology and breeding biology of the Hawaii Elepaio (Chasiempis sandwichensis bryani). Condor 97:512-527.

van Riper, C., III. 2007. In memoriam: Paul Herbert Baldwin, 1913-2006. Auk 124:1088-1089. HC HH

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van Riper, C., III, and D. J. Forrester. 2007 Avian pox. Pp. 131-176 in N. J. Thomas, D. B. Hunter, and C. T. Atkinson (editors) Infectious Diseases of Wild Birds, Blackwell, Ames, Iowa. DP

van Riper, C., III., and L. T. Hirai. 1994. Coloration frequencies of male House Finches in Hawaii. Western Birds 25:163-165.

van Riper, C., III, and J. F. Quinn. 1988. Alternative views of reserve design for wildlife managers. Trans. Western Section Wildlife Society 24:12-17. CS

van Riper, C., III, and J. M. Scott. 1979. Observations on distribution, diet, and breeding of the Hawaiian Thrush. Condor 81: 65-71. BD

van Riper, C., III, and J. M. Scott. 2001. Limiting factors affecting Hawaiian native birds. Studies in Avian Biology 22:221-233. CS

van Riper, C., III, and S. G. van Riper. 1978. Observations on white Apapane at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Condor 80: 452. HH

van Riper, C., III, J. M. Scott, and D. W. Woodside. 1978. Distribution and abundance patterns of the Palila on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Auk 95: 518-527. HH, BD, EN

van Riper, C., III, S. G. van Riper, and A. J. Berger. 1979. The Red-whiskered Bulbul in Hawaii. Wilson Bulletin 91:323-328. IN

van Riper, C., III, S. van Riper, M. L. Goff, and M. Laird. 1980. Investigation of avian malaria in Hawai‘i’s national parks. P. 371 in C. W. Smith, ed. Proceedings of the Third Conference in Natural Science, Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park, 4-6 June 1980. CPSU/UH, University of Hawai‘i, Honolulu

van Riper, C., III, S. G. van Riper, M. L. Goff, and M. Laird. 1982. The impact of malaria on birds in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Technical Report 47, Cooperative National Park Resources Studies Unit, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu. CS DP

van Riper, C., III, S. G. van Riper, M. L. Goff, and M. Laird. 1986. The epizootiology and ecological significance of malaria in Hawaiian land birds. Ecological Monographs 56: 327-344. CS, DP

van Riper, C., III, S. G. van Riper, and M. Laird. 1987. Discovery of Atoxoplasma in Hawaii. Journal of Parasitology 73:1071-1073. CS, DP

van Riper, C., III, M. D. Kern, and M. K. Sogge. 1993. Changing nest placement of Hawaiian Common Amakihi during the breeding cycle. Wilson Bulletin 105:436-447. HH,

van Riper, C., III, C. T. Atkinson, and T. M. Seed. 1994. Plasmodia of birds. Pp 73-140 in J. P. Krier and J. R. Baker (editors), Parasitic Protozoa Vol. 7, 2nd. Edition. Academic Press, New York. DP

van Riper, C., III, S. G. van Riper, and W. R. Hansen. 2002. The epizootiology and effect of avian pox on Hawaiian forest birds. Auk 119:929-942. CS, DP

van Riper, S. G. 2000. Japanese White-eye (Zosterops japonicus). In The Birds of North America, No. 487 (A. Poole and F. Gill, Eds.). The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA. IN,

van Riper, S. G., and C. van Riper III. 1985. A summary of known parasites and diseases recorded from the avifauna of the Hawaiian Islands. In Stone and Scott (1985), pp. 298-371. DP

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Vaughn, C. 1945. Observations on the birds of Wake Island. Migrant 16:26-28. FA EX

Veillet, A., R. Shrestha, and D. K. Price. 2008. Polymorphic microsatellites in Nene, the endangered Hawaiian Goose (Branta sandvicensis). Molecular Ecology Resources 8:1158-1160. EV WF

Veit, A. C., and I. L. Jones. 2004. Timing and patterns of growth of Red-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon rubricauda tail streamer ornaments. Ibis 146:355-359. SE ID

Veit, R. R. 1988. Identification of the Salton Sea Rufous-necked Sandpiper. Western Birds 19:165-169. ID SH

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Vera, C. del P., A. R. Maggenti, and C. van Riper III. 1985. New species of Spiruridae (Nematoda: Spirurida) from endemic Hawaiian honeycreepers (Passeriformes: Drepanididae), the Japanese White-eye (Passeriformes: Zosteropidae) and a new species of Acuariidae (Nematoda: Spirurida) from the Japanese White-eye collected on the Island of Hawaii. Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington 52:247-259. HH DP IN

Véran, S., O. Gimenez, E. Flint, W. L. Kendall, P. F. Doherty, Jr., and J.-D. Lebreton. 2007. Quantifying the impact of longline fisheries on adult survival in the Black-footed Albatross. Journal of Applied Ecology 44:942-952. SE CS

Verbeek, N. A. M. 1993. Glaucous-winged Gull (Larus glaucescens). In The Birds of North America, No. 59 (A. Poole and F. Gill, Eds.). Philadelphia: The Academy of Natural Sciences; Washington, D. C.: The American Ornithologists’ Union. SE

Vercelli, J., ed. 2012. Draft Environmenta Assessment: Mana Plain Wetland Restoration. State of Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife. CS EN

Vermeer, K., K. H. Briggs, and D. Siegel-Causey, eds. 1993. The status, ecology and conservation of marine birds of the North Pacific. Canadian Wildlife Service, Ottawa.

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Vice, D.S., D.L. Vice & J.S. Gibbons. 2005. Wild bird predations by brown treesnakes (Boiga irregularis) on Guam. Micronesica 38:121-124.

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Villard, P., M.-N. De Visscher, and G. Balanca. 2003. Population size, habitats and conservation of Marquesan Imperial Pigeon Ducula galeata. Bird Conservation International 13:189-197. CS EN

Villard, P., S. Dano, and V. Bretagnolle. 2006. Morphometrics and the breeding biology of the Tahiti Petrel Pseudobulweria rostrata. Ibis 148:285-291.

Vinicombe, K. 1989. Field identification of Gull-billed Tern. British Birds 82: 3-13. SE. ID

Vinicombe, K., & R. Ryan. 1998. Strange Aythya ducks: Can Canvasbacks show white on the bill? Birding 30:60-62. ID

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Vitousek, P. M. 1992. Effects of alien plants on native ecosystems. Pp. 29-41 in C. P. Stone, C. W. Smith, and J. T. Tunison, eds. Alien plant invasions in antive ecosystems of Hawai‘i: management and research. Cooperative National Park Resources Studies Unit, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu.

Vitousek, P. M., L. L. Loope, and C. P. Stone. 1987. Introduced species in Hawaii: biological effects and opportunities for ecological research. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 2:224-227. IN

Vitousek, P.M., C.M. D’Antonio, L.L. Loope, and R. Westbrooks 1996. Biological invasions as global environmental change. American Scientist 84:468-478.

Vitousek, P.M., C.M. D’Antonio, L.L. Loope, M. Rejmanek, & R. Westbrooks 1997. Introduced species: a significant component of human-caused global change. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 21:1-16.

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Walker, R. L. 1967. A brief history of exotic gamebird and mammal introductions into Hawaii. Proc. 4th Annual Conference of the Western Association of State Game and Fish Commissions, 94-112. [Excerpted and reprinted ‘Elepaio 28:29-32, 39-43]

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Walker, R. L. 1969. Field notes, 1958-62: Hawaiian Hawk. Elepaio 30:17.

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Walker, R., ed. 2007-2008. Excerpts from the journal of George C. Munro December 1890 to August 1891. ‘Elepaio 67:37, 45, 72; 68:33. EN EX

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Walker, R. 2008. In memorium: David H. Woodside. ‘Elepaio 68:61.

Walker, R. 2008. The Red-vented Bulbul—“Superbird”? ‘Elepaio 68:73. IN

Walker, R. 2009. Extinct Hawaiian birds—a follow-up. ‘Elepaio 69:6. EX HH

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Walker, R. 2009. The Black-crowned Night-Heron: The bad and the good. ‘Elepaio 69:41-42, 44.

Walker, R. 2009. Cry of the peacock. ‘Elepaio 69:55-57. IN

Walker, R. 2010. “Pigeon biset” the Rock Dove. ‘Elepaio 71:37-38.

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Walker, R. 2011. World travelers: Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis. ‘Elepaio 71:41-44. PP IN

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Walther, M. L. 1995. Forest bird distribution and abundance west of the Alaka’i Wilderness Preserve, Kaua’i, summer 1994. ‘Elepaio 55:35-36. [Reprinted Hawaii’s Forests and Wildlife 9(4):6,11] FA CS EN EX

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CH965-6 Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu.

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Warner, R. E. 1958. Wildlife of Laysan Island. Elepaio 19:8-10, 20-23. FA

Warner, R. E. 1959. Present status of the avifauna of the Hawaiian Islands - an appraisal. Elepaio 20:16-19. CS

Warner, R. E. 1960. A forest dies on Mauna Kea. Pacific Discovery 13:6-14. CS

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Warner, R. E. 1968. The role of introduced diseases in the extinction of the endemic Hawaiian avifauna. Condor 70: 101-120. CS, DP, HH

Warner, R. E. 1973. To kill a honeycreeper. Natural History 82(7):30-39, 74-78. HH CS DP

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Warren, R. L. M. 1966. Type-specimens of birds in the British Museum (Natural History) Vol. 1. Non-passerines. British Museum of Natural History, London. 320 pp.

Warshauer, F. R., J. D. Jacobi, A. M. LaRosa, J. M. Scotgt, and C. W. Smith. 1983. The distribution, impact and potential management of the introduced vine Passiflora mollissima (Passifloraceae) in Hawai‘i. Technical Report 48, Cooperative National Park Resources Study Unit, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu. CS

Watling, D. 1975. Observations on the ecological separation of two introduced congeneric mynahs (Acridotheres) in Fiji. Notornis 22:37-53. IN

Watling, D. 1978. Observations on the naturalised distribution of the Red-vented Bulbul in the Pacific, with special reference to the Fiji Islands. Notornis 25: 109-117. BD IN

Watling, D. 1978. A myna matter. Notornis 25: 117. BD IN

Watling, D. 1978. The Cambridge collection of Fijian and Tongan landbirds. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 98:95-98.

Watling, D. 1982. Notes on the birds of Makogai Island, Fiji Islands. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 102: 123-127. FA

Watling, D. 1982. Fiji's sedentary starlings. Notornis 29: 227-230. IN

Watling, D. 1982. Birds of Fiji, Tonga, and Samoa. Millwood Press, Wellington, New Zealand. FG

Watling, D. 1983. The breeding biology of the Red-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus cafer in Fiji. Emu 83:173-180. IN

Watling, D. 1984. A Southern Giant Petrel (Macronectes giganteus) on Kabara, Fiji. Domodomo (Fiji Musem Quarterly) 2: 136. SE RC

Watling, D. 1985. Notes on the birds of Gau Island, Fiji. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 105: 96-102. FA

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Winkler, H., and B. Leisler. 1999. Exploration and curiosity in birds: functions and mechanisms. Pp. 915-932 in Proceedings of the 22nd International Ornithological Congress, Durban, South Africa, 1998. BirdLife South Africa, Johannesburg. [Acrocephalus]

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Withrow, J.J., and M. T. Schwitters. 2012. First North American record of the Common Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) confirmed by molecular analysis. Western Birds 43:259-265. [Includes Hawaiian gallinule in genetic analysis]

Witteman, G. J. and R. E. Beck, Jr. 1991. Decline and conservation of the Guam Rail. Pp. 73-178 in Maruyama, N, B. Bobek, Y. Ono, W. Regelin, L. Bartos and P. Ratcliffe eds., 1991. Wildlife Conservation, Present Trends and Perspectives for the 21th Century. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Wildlife Conservation, The 5th International Congress of Ecology, Yokohama, Japan. EN CS

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