Who’s who?

Who's who?

"Hello, I'm your...

... Primary Care Provider. I might have been the one to detect your cancer. I help manage other chronic health conditions, keep you up to date on your health care maintenance, and work with you to see who else needs to be involved in your

health care team."

Timothy Lopez, MD, ChrIsTus st. Vincent regional Medical Center

... Medical Oncologist. I specialize in treating

people with cancer. I will be reviewing your scans and making decisions on

your treatment/medications. Many times I specialize in your speciic

type of cancer."

scott herbert, MD, ChrIsTus st. Vincent

Cancer Center

... Radiation

Oncologist. I specialize in radiation

in the treatment of cancer and work closely with other physicians as part of your multi-disciplinary medical team."

... Psychiatrist. I am a doctor who wants to help you navigate through this mentally. If you feel depressed in any way, schedule an appointment with someone like me and I will work with you through

medicine and talk therapy."

Donald shina, MD, ChrIsTus st. Vincent regional Medical Center

... Surgeon. For those that need to have a part of the body removed or repaired, or any other kind of surgery, I will take

care of the operation."

stephanie Fine, MD, uNM Cancer Center

Getting a second opinion

At some point during your treatment, you may ind that you want to talk with another doctor.

Some people ind it hard to tell their doctors that they'd like a second opinion. Know that it is common for patients to get a second opinion, and most doctors are comfortable with the request. Try saying:

"Before we start treatment, I'd like to get a second opinion. Will you help me with that?"

"If you had my type of cancer, who would you see for a second opinion?"

"I'm thinking of getting a second opinion. Can you recommend someone?"

You can also ind the new doctor on your own. Once you have decided who you will see, ask doctor's oice staf for: your medical records, original x-rays, and all test results. You can have records sent or you can retrieve and take to second doctor yourself.

This is your health, and your body, so ensure that you feel taken care of to your satisfaction.


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