The main features of the Bus Rapid Transit System ... - Weebly

ReportPUBLIC PASSENGER TRANSPORTATION IN BAHRAINDone By: GROUP DMahmood Al-Sairaffi - 20900076Raed Fuad - 201000440Hisham Al-Hashimi - 20900027Abdulla Ali - 20900550Mohammed Abu-Traif - 201000575Table of Contents:Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Executive Summary: PAGEREF _Toc359188735 \h 4Introduction Factors that influence public transportation in Bahrain: PAGEREF _Toc359188736 \h 5Results from Surveys: PAGEREF _Toc359188737 \h 7Findings and Body: Mode Selection: - Bus Rapid Transit PAGEREF _Toc359188738 \h 8The main features of the Bus Rapid Transit System are: PAGEREF _Toc359188739 \h 9Safety of BRT and Buses PAGEREF _Toc359188740 \h 10Ownership- Public Private Partnership: PAGEREF _Toc359188741 \h 12Management structure + Function PAGEREF _Toc359188742 \h 12BRT Costs PAGEREF _Toc359188743 \h 15Bahrain Road Infrastructure Costs PAGEREF _Toc359188744 \h 15Bahrain Bus Stops PAGEREF _Toc359188745 \h 16Operating Costs:- PAGEREF _Toc359188746 \h 17Life Cycle costs and Fuel consumption PAGEREF _Toc359188747 \h 17Productivity:- Current Bus system Performance PAGEREF _Toc359188748 \h 18KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators: PAGEREF _Toc359188749 \h 20Practicability: PAGEREF _Toc359188750 \h 20Benchmarking – Stories of BRT success in other countries PAGEREF _Toc359188751 \h 20Practicability of BRT in Bahrain PAGEREF _Toc359188752 \h 21Financing of BRT PAGEREF _Toc359188753 \h 22Vehicle Maintenance PAGEREF _Toc359188754 \h 23Mercedes-Benz Citaro Maintenance features PAGEREF _Toc359188755 \h 23The BRT System Routes and Planning: PAGEREF _Toc359188756 \h 24BRT Routes: PAGEREF _Toc359188757 \h 25Selection of monorail lighting systems as mode of transport: PAGEREF _Toc359188758 \h 29Cost of monorails: PAGEREF _Toc359188759 \h 30Practicability – How useful is the monorail lighting system: PAGEREF _Toc359188760 \h 31Safety of monorails: PAGEREF _Toc359188761 \h 31Safety Policies for the Monorail PAGEREF _Toc359188762 \h 32Monorail Safety PAGEREF _Toc359188763 \h 32The Safety of the operation: PAGEREF _Toc359188764 \h 33Routes, Maps and Planning: PAGEREF _Toc359188765 \h 34Monorail - Public Private Partnerships PAGEREF _Toc359188766 \h 34Why and what are the advantages of Public Private Partnerships PAGEREF _Toc359188767 \h 35(Potential Benefits of Public Private Partnerships) PAGEREF _Toc359188768 \h 35Private Public Partnership Finance PAGEREF _Toc359188769 \h 35Financing and Funding PAGEREF _Toc359188770 \h 36Monorail Cost PAGEREF _Toc359188771 \h 36Structure: PAGEREF _Toc359188772 \h 36Monorail Maintenance PAGEREF _Toc359188773 \h 37The design of the monorail PAGEREF _Toc359188774 \h 37Recommendations: PAGEREF _Toc359188775 \h 38Conclusion: PAGEREF _Toc359188776 \h 39Previous SWOT ANALYSIS: PAGEREF _Toc359188777 \h 41Meeting Minutes: PAGEREF _Toc359188778 \h 42References in Bibliography PAGEREF _Toc359188804 \h 71Executive Summary:The aim of this paper is to introduce factors that influence the current public transport system in Bahrain, and to propose a new public transport system that helps the kingdom to provide efficient transport services. Firstly, we will introduce the proposed the transport modes and why we chose them and how they will work. Secondly, we will introduce the type of ownership and management structure and function. Thirdly, we will explain how the proposed system will be financed and which fare system we propose and why. Fourthly, we will explain maintenance and safety aspects of the proposed system. Fifthly, we will present some keep performance indicators (KPI’s) that can help to measure the proposed system and will use benchmarking to measure the performance against other successful experiences. Lastly, we will provide recommendations and conclusion of this paper. Introduction Factors that influence public transportation in Bahrain: In an urbanized society, an efficient transportation system is one of the basic components of the social, economic, and physical structure, and it has to be competitive and attractive to the commuters. To be well performed, public transport services must follow regular schedules, be safe and rapid, ensure high service quality, and utilize resources efficiently (Rakesh Belwal and Shweta Belwal, 2010, pp. 2).Improvements in the public transportation links between urban and suburban areas result in transfer the population from urban to suburban areas; this reduces the disparities in land prices and helps to reduce congestion and other problems. Despite the benefits of public transportation, the concept is still not popular in the Middle East, particularly within the Gulf Cooperative Council (GCC) countries (Rakesh Belwal and Shweta Belwal, 2010, pp. 2).4038600948690Bahrain is one of the GCC Countries that has inefficient, infrequent and indirect public transport system, the public bus network has remained the same since 1980 despite bus is the only significant public transport mode that is operating on 12 different routes covering various areas of the country; these routes have limited coverage and lacks connectivity to malls, offices and leisure facilities and do not comply with the standard norms of public transport accessibility to the people (Ministry of Works, 2011, pp.16). An example of a lack of connectivity is that there are no transport services available from Manama to the Seef District or Manama to the Airport (Gulf Daily News, May 09, 2010). The following map illustrates the poor coverage of the current, where there are no services offered to Sitra, Karbabad and the southern governance areas coverage (Bus System, 2013).Traffic congestion is considered to be a major problem in Bahrain because of the high population density and the space is limited, equally a combination of cheap fuels and cars has resulted in increase cars journeys causing traffic congestions in the kingdom (UK Essays, 2011, para. 2). People are relying on their cars rather than on public transport (Gulf Daily News, April 20, 2010). This has led public transport to experience traffic congestion along majority of the transport arteries, which in turn slow down its speed and reduce its efficiency and ability to attract new customers. This traffic congestion is back to several factors, including economic activity increase, fast population growth, urban landscape expansion, high rates of vehicle ownership (average 2 vehicles per Household) and low rates of public transport ridership (Ministry of Works, 2011, pp. 4), where 0.8% of people using public buses in Bahrain and 99.2% of people including around 52% of expatriates prefer to use private cars. In comparison, Bahrain only had 35 public buses being used by several thousand passengers, while Singapore had 3,400 buses used by 67% of its population (Trade Arabia News Service, September 26, 2012). In addition to the above-mentioned factors, there are some other factors that are greatly limiting the use of public transport facilities in the country. These factors include extreme weather conditions, unfriendly design of bus stops and absence of comfortable seating arrangements on-board (Ministry of Works, 2011, pp.16). Another factor that I observed from my personal experience is that there is no real-time information provided to customers while they are waiting bus at bus stops or even inside the bus. Passengers can not know if the bus will delay or will be on time.With growing urban development in the country, it is critical to invest and overhaul the transport system instantly. It is important to improve the public transport system as continuous development. Although Bahrain has did quite well in building roads and highways but did not invest on the improvement of its public transport network so far. Spending on renovating the public transport network now will surely save a large portion of budget allocated for road works as more and more commuters will start using public transport (Trade Arabia News Service, September 26, 2012). There is no point in investing billions in roads when they have to be re-done in keeping with an increase in population (Gulf Daily News, April 20, 2010).Therefore, the Ministry of Transportation planned to provide effective and efficient public transport in Bahrain to make it more attractive to all sections of the society, with high quality operating standards and customer service, and that is a viable alternative to the private vehicle (Land Transportation Projects, 2013, para. 2). The Ministry of Works also conducted a comprehensive study in 2007 to develop Integrated Transport Strategy for the country (Ministry of Works, 2011, pp. 16). In this paper, we aim to present a design of public transport system that will enable and encourage the current and future generations of Bahrain to make use of public transport. We will introduce how public transport system will work and will indentify the benefits in each aspect of the proposed public transport system. Examples and maps will be provided to illustrate and support our proposal.Results from Surveys: Surveys have been conducted to deduce a figurative idea for an overall view on the current existing public transport system, future possibilities, and what consumers value in a public transport service. The survey research has resulted in two charts that reveal information on what consumers value in the quality of service in the transport system, and also whether the population would be will to accept new transport modes. This figure reveals the values of customers in public transportation and the characteristics they are expecting in the service provided. The highest is reliability, in which the BRT and monorail hope to achieve by arriving and departing on time in their operations. Punctuality is the second highest characteristic customers are looking for. Accessibility is also important for consumers as they are looking for routes that will provide the maximum coverage to their destination. Comfort is looked down upon, along with affordability in which public transport users in Bahrain don’t value these characteristics to that extent. Nevertheless the transport company should ensure that they are offering tickets at an affordable price, and yet maintain the service integrity by having new, modernized clean buses to maintain overall quality experience for consumers.This diagram reveals whether the sampled portion of the survey would accept new transport systems if they were to offer a decent quality of service. Findings and Body:Mode Selection: - Bus Rapid TransitBuses have been selected as a mode that should be continued and expanded on. There are many reasons why this mode has been selected. First, this mode currently exists and serves a significant amount of customers, approximately 30,000 passengers on a daily basis CITATION Bil13 \l 1033 (Bilateral Chamber, N/A). Second, there is a large amount of buses in Bahrain, 532 buses provided by the government, and 125 buses provided locally CITATION Cen13 \l 1033 (Central Informatics Organization Bahrain, N/A). It is also more eco-friendly, economical and efficient in fuel consumption/per passenger, and safer than other modes. Moreover, bus as a public transport mode can be considered as a basic or default mode. According to Ahmed BinHindi CITATION Tra12 \l 1033 (Trade Arabia News Service, 2012), the average capacity load is 80 per bus, meaning the entire capacity allows 52,560 passengers per journey. This is a decent amount in terms of capacity that the current amount of buses allows. Also, that means not much fleet expansion should be made, since the current carrying capacity is good. In fact, it can be decreased (such as Malta's Arriva bus company where they reduced their buses from 500 to 200 by modernizing and putting buses into good use Reference NEEDED See PPT). Buses will mainly exist in this transport proposal for two reasons: To carry out express services for customers; and to allow integration with the other modes and serve as a feeder service (monorail and Bus rapid transit). On top of choosing buses, the system will be upgraded into a bus rapid transit (BRT). Bus rapid transit is a complex transport system that operates on a high performance basis that combines bus lanes with high quality bus stations, vehicles, amenities, and branding to achieve the performance matching of light rail transit. There are three main reasons and benefits on why BRT system should be implemented. The benefits are divided into three categories; Short term, medium term, and long term benefits. Short term benefits are that BRT provides efficient, reliable and frequent service while being affordable in terms of fares. Also, it provides safe and secure transport systems while being accessible to the disabled and disadvantaged. It decreases traffic congestion, energy consumption and vehicle emissions as well. Medium term benefits would include promoting urban sprawl and densification of cities (Such as Manama or older cities such as Muharraq). It promotes social inclusion and decreases population isolation, and creates jobs. Long term benefits however would include better economic development on nodes as well as mobility spines. Makes better use of existing infrastructure and improves journey times for all public transport users. Last but not least, it will reduce pollution and provide a world class public transport system in which Bahrain can be proud of. The main features of the Bus Rapid Transit System are:Bus lanes that are dedicated and operate segregated from all other traffic modes. Only buses are allowed to operate which provides the advantage of reduced accident rates and higher value of reliability.The location of bus ways can be selected depending on the type or pattern of the road. It can be in the median of the road, or on the curb lane. Allows the integration of different networks composing routes and passageways.Stations that offer comfort, security, and are weather protected. Special terminals are made to facilitate integration between feeder routes, and other forms of public transport and in this case being the monorail.Electronic fare collection that is pre-boarding for smooth and swift ticketing.Low- emission vehicles and eco-friendly.Prescribed operators enjoy the privilege of preventing others operating entering their system. However that depends on the business and administrative structure of the project. Information technology systems applications enable system management via centralized control centers. Provides accessibility for people with special needs (such as disabilities, children and students, the elderly and the disabled.)Real time information placed in stations containing information regarding routes, signage, bus arrival times and other relevant information (such as delays and cancellation of services)Allows dedicating all lanes of a city street to make exclusive use of buses in an urban center or city business district.BRT's have the advantage of being able to take over the existing roadways in cities that already has well-built infrastructure, giving BRT a comprehensive coverage.BRT essentially has the same functions of light rail transit. It is however lower in terms of costs, specifically in terms of infrastructure. Yet it can be engineered to provide the same quality in terms of frequency, speed, reliability. CITATION ArrNA \l 1033 (Arrive Alive, N/A)Safety of BRT and BusesTraffic accidents in 2004 were the top 9th leading causes of premature deaths. However in 2030, it is expected to rise to 5th rank CITATION Cla12 \p 6 \l 1033 (Adriazola-Delgado, 2012, p. 6). That means, that the transport journeys should encourage safety and reduce and prevent accidents. According to Peter Pantuso, Buses are known to be safest mode that travels on land despite being 3981450581025involved with other travel modes CITATION Pet11 \l 1033 (Pantuso, 2011). This does not mean that safety should be taken lightly. On the other hand, Bus rapid transit has the advantage in safety of being segregated from other unprofessional drivers on roads, meaning accidents are most likely to be reduced and as well as the costs of these mistakes.The best example to support the previous statement is looking at Macrobus, Guadalajara. When their buses operated mixed with traffic, they suffered 726 accidents per year. However, when they transformed their system and built the infrastructure to support a bus rapid transit system, the accident rate dropped down to six accidents per yearCITATION Cla12 \p 19 \l 1033 (Adriazola-Delgado, 2012, p. 19). Not only safety increased, but also transportation became more efficient and had a larger load factor. Passenger per hour (PPH) in peak times also significantly increased. Macrobus in Guadalajara has been able to improve PPH from 3194 passengers up to 5000CITATION Cla12 \p 19 \l 1033 (Adriazola-Delgado, 2012, p. 19). Moreover, the overall accident rate has decreased in Guadalajara after the BRT system has begun its operations.-1339851288415However application of safety in the bus rapid system in Bahrain would be different. Large cities in Bahrain that are denser than other cities in terms of population will have to segregate lanes. Manama for instance, suffered the highest rate in 2011 in terms of accidents with a total of 411 accidents; which is equivalent to 25.90% of all accidents. It would be necessary to segregate the major highway and routes in Bahrain, to reduce overall potential risks that could damage the BRT system. The key issue with BRT is that because it's segregated, human error can mostly be the sole contributor to bus accidents. Hence the bus company operating transport operations should be aware of this issue and ensure they hire professional bus drivers to reduce the possibility of accidents occurring. Also, it is advised to grant drivers frequent breaks to reduce stress and guarantee that they are fully capable physically and mentally to drive. Modern information technology systems also help to constantly monitor bus drivers, observing their current status and to eliminate "being your own boss" effect for drivers. This effect should be eliminated as the system of BRT is made on the basis of efficiency. If drivers fail to arrive at schedules, cause accidents and fail to deliver a satisfactory service for customers, it would damage the overall the quality of journey for customers. On the other hand, the buses should be equipped to deal with emergencies as well. The buses should contain and be equipped with medical kits, fire extinguishers, and be well maintained to ensure prevention of damage and losses of lives in case of a disaster. Picture above extracted from: CITATION BusNA \l 1033 (Buses and Coach Travel, N/A)Ownership- Public Private Partnership: Bahrain is off best if they were to conduct a Public Private Partnership. Bahrain has many reasons on why public ownership would fail, as well as private ownership. The government previously owned the bus system in Bahrain. As a result, constantly poor decisions have been made and allocation of resources have incurred in increased costs. Large amounts of buses have been bought and as a result Cars Company (the current bus operator) has been cancelling approximately eight to ten buses every year CITATION Cen13 \l 1033 (Central Informatics Organization Bahrain, N/A). Failure at providing routes that were profitable also was a huge mistake Bahraini government has committed. For example, there was no direct route to head to Bahrain International Airport from Manama, despite being the capital and having the highest amount of foreigners which is 258,664 in 2010. In this proposed Public Private Partnership, The government would own the infrastructure, however it would offer a tender for foreign companies on certain conditions with an official contract to take over the system (not own it) for a certain time frame to operate and gain profit from it (minimum 5 years maximum 15, or depending on profitability). The foreign company can help build the infrastructure. The aim and reason why this is necessary is that Bahrain does not have the expertise to operate such a system as the idea itself is still fresh, and it would act as a training session for the Bahraini labor. As mentioned previously, the laws and regulations would apply, meaning Bahrainization would also be applied on the company in terms of labor law. More regulations would include ticket fares, and safety policies mainly CITATION TraNA \l 1033 (Transport Safety Victoria, N/A). Later on, Bahrain would profit by it as soon as the private company starts making revenue. On the other hand though, Bahrain would be obliged to offer a subsidy to eliminate negative costs in case they occur. It is a double edged sword though, Bahrain would miss the opportunity to generate profit for a significant amount of time, yet they would not carry the burden of operating it while allowing a private company to operate and generate revenue CITATION Jac04 \l 1033 (Barrot, 2004). The government however, can conduct audits and KPIs on the private company that would operate the transport system. It can be used to measure their performance and improve the weaknesses. 476251162685Management structure + FunctionEvery organization will need staff and a different management structure to ensure tasks are done accordingly. Size, geographical spread, ownership, activities, diversification are some typical factors that would influence the size of labor. Also, to some extent the qualities and capabilities of the people concerned will also influence the amount of staff required to complete tasks.Starting from a top/bottom approach, the highest management position is the senior management. Typical senior management positions include:General Manager/CEO/President: Reports directly to the board of directors and responsible for the overall management of the organization.Operations Manager: Responsible for planning, operating, and marketing services and collection and control of revenue.Engineering Manager: Responsible for maintaining all vehicles, equipment, buildings and infrastructure.Financial Manager: Responsible for all financial and accounting functions.Administration Manager: Responsible for all administrative functions.On the operational level, there is a more variety of positions as well, including:Area Managers: Responsible for operations in a specific region (For instance in Manama BRT operators, Muharraq operators, Sitra operators etc...)Inspectors and Controllers: Monitoring drivers and conductors, and ensuring they operate in accordance with instructions.Cashiers: Responsible for counting and banking driver's cash receipts.Conductors: Responsible of collecting fares on the vehicle.Drivers: Responsible for driving the vehicle safely, and reaching destinations in accordance with regulations and schedules.Security Personnel: Positioned at terminals and in charge of security of the operating premises. Engineering department positions:Supervisors: Responsible for activities, functions, or individual jobs.Mechanics: Check, repair, and maintain vehicles, equipment, and infrastructure.Semi-skilled and Unskilled Labor: Allocated to general labor tasks such as tire fitters, cleaners, fuellers, greasers.Stores personnel: Perform purchasing, receipt and issue of parts.Finance and Administration positions: Personnel Manager: Responsible for employees and recruitment. Also perform tasks such as training, record, and monitor employee performance. Activities include: Performance appraisals, training courses, rmation Technology Manager: Responsible for implementing and maintaining the organization's technological infrastructure. The IT managers would monitor the organization's operational requirements as well as research strategies and technological solutions and build cost-effective systems to achieve those goals.Accounts staff: Responsible for providing management with financial information by researching and analyzing accounts and preparing financial statements. Clerical Staff: Many different jobs are allocated to clerical staff. Such jobs would include collecting money, communicate with customers/employees, work in call centers, complete bills, contracts, or invoices, operate machines, compile and sort files.Sales Staff: responsible for ticket sales, carry out functions such as marketing and advertising in promotional activities and perform front office functions to customersFinancing Public transport methods:There are many methods to finance public transport. In essence public transport is not designed to be profitable. In fact, it's designed to be accessible for all users in order to serve the city needs. Some of these methods might be associated with public transport; however it can generate revenue to help finance it instead.Parking charging: set an hourly charge on parking in the Manama and other city business district locations where large quantity of traffic exists. The revenue collected can be dedicated towards transportation and infrastructure.Road pricing: Start and implement road user charges on bridges and major highways. Bridges would include Sitra Bridge, Muharraq-Manama Bridge, and Al Hidd Bridge. These are all examples where road user charges can be implemented in effort to reduce traffic and manage to generate revenue. The toll charges should charge less during off-peak hours. However during peak times it should be higher to help reduce traffic and divert them to use different routes. The revenue generated can be used to reinvest in the infrastructure.Fuel Taxation: Imposing a tax on fuel. It is necessary to raise the prices of fuel for two main reasons. First, to generate more revenue in which the government can use it to finance public transport. Second, to encourage private vehicle users to shift towards public transport.Carbon taxation: Special tax that charges vehicles based on fuel carbon, the higher the carbon the more the private vehicle user pays.Payroll taxation: Imposing a special tax on employers and employees for public transport. Or, another system can be implemented to charge private vehicle users to pay a tax for public transport. It should be about 0.5% of their wages for example. CITATION Tra121 \l 1033 (Transport Demand Management Encyclopedia, 2012)Transportation impact fee: Government can charge this type of fee from developers who have caused, or imposed any sort of transportation costs by their projects. For example, a developer may be required to be for parking facilities or roadway improvements. CITATION Tra121 \l 1033 (Transport Demand Management Encyclopedia, 2012)Special property taxes that can be imposed on areas served by public transportation services. These taxes are also known as local improvement district.Vehicle fees: This is a fee on vehicles registered in a certain region to pay for public transport. The fees paid however are paid because of the negative impacts caused by private vehicle traffic. This can be implemented for example in Manama in which traffic is an issue.GCC grants: Bahrain is supported by the Gulf Cooperation Council. Grants are usually offered occasionally to help Bahrain develop its economy and military. For example, Bahrain has recently received the first package aimed to help housing, roads, electricity, water and social development projects CITATION Tra11 \l 1033 (Trade Arabia, 2012).BRT CostsThe BRT system requires low cost for implementation; in contrast to other public transport systems. Bus Rapid Transport (BRT) system is recognized as the cheaper alternative choice than LRT (Light Rail Network); it uses the same routes and provides a relative amount of ridership. CITATION the111 \l 1033 (, 2011) BRT is cost effective in both construction and operating costs when compared to LRT or other modes of public transport, in fact the low cost of BRT is the reason we chose it to be the most common mode of transport; in the fully integrated public transport system we are proposing for Bahrain. CITATION brt13 \l 1033 (brt.mercedes-, 2013)As mentioned previously; BRT is the cheaper choice of public transport, Bus Rapid Transit does not require much construction regarding infrastructure, and the reason is because it only requires setting dedicated road lanes to operate; as it operates using rubber tire buses, rather than LRT which costs much more as it requires construction of rail tracks. Other construction costs include; Bus stations and terminals, road refurbishment…etc. CITATION Fed04 \l 1033 (Federal Transport Administration, 2004)BRT is also proven cost effective by its flexibility in any future expansions; the local authority and operating company have the choice of expanding the transport system depending on increase or decrease of demand, as they would only need to purchase more buses, hire new staff, expand or refurbish roads. Or they could do the opposite and start cutting unnecessary costs by; canceling unwanted routes, release staff, sell extra buses available. CITATION brt13 \l 1033 (brt.mercedes-, 2013)Bahrain Road Infrastructure CostsBahrain should be able to implement the BRT system effectively and easily, as it already has enough road lanes available, and all that is left is to assign these dedicated lanes for the buses to operate. And Bahrain has recently invested thoroughly in the road infrastructure; most recently the Bahraini Government has paid up to $3bn on Road infrastructure and various other public transport projects. CITATION tra11 \l 1033 (, 2011) CITATION tra13 \l 1033 (, 2013)Cost of constructing a bus way on existing asphalt per km is $150,000 CITATION itd13 \l 1033 (), based on the full length of the BRT system routes which is 100km, the total cost of refurbishment of road lanes is $15,000,000. CITATION itd13 \l 1033 ()Bahrain Bus StopsBahrain already has bus stops from the existing bus system, yet it plans on building more than 500 modern bus stops across the country, with a BD2 million budget.CITATION MAN11 \l 1033 (SINGH, MANDEEP, 2011)-7620019050This picture shows the current bus stops in Bahrain-152400141605This picture shows the design on the new/future bus stops and terminals by MERCEDES.Operating Costs:-VehiclesBahrain’s existing bus system currently operates 673 Vehicles according to the CIO (Central Informatics Organization) CITATION cio11 \l 1033 (.bh, 2011), and our proposal is to reduce that number down to 400 operating vehicles, the plan is to sell about 370 older buses, replace them by adding a 100 new buses to the remaining 300 vehicles, leaving the final number of 400 operating vehicles for the new BRT system. We are predicting the sales of the old buses to cover most of the cost of the new Bus purchases, which is a very persuasive offer. And we plan on reducing the vehicle age average in the coming years; by gradually replacing the older cars from the previous bus system with new Mercedes- Benz Citaro buses.The new 100 vehicles will consist of:25 Mercedes-Benz 20m (meter) 4-axle articulated buses “Citaro GL "CapaCity", 75 standard 12meter twin-axle Citaro buses. The Mercedes Benz Citaro buses were voted best BRT Bus in 2013 according to the company’s website CITATION mer13 \l 1033 (mercedes-, 2013), and to prove this point, the operators of the famous Brazilian BRT system in Sao Paolo Brazil, has just recently bought about 80 new Mercedes-Benz buses to use in their BRT system, in preparation for the 2014 football world cup. CITATION dai13 \l 1033 (, 2013)StaffA huge amount of staff is expected to be released; because we’re going to reduce the number of vehicles, therefore giving a reason for reducing the number of drivers, engineers, maintenance workers, and even managers. Therefore this means we are going to actually be cutting costs with the implementation of the new BRT system, unless the released staff is expected to receive a severance check or contract termination fee; following their release.Life Cycle costs and Fuel consumptionThe Mercedes-Benz Citaro buses are a very economical choice for a BRT system CITATION alh13 \l 1033 (alhaddad-, 2013), and we expect the 100 Citaro buses we are buying would meet their reputation; and performance promised by their manufacturer. CITATION alh13 \l 1033 (alhaddad-, 2013) The Mercedes-Benz Citaro Buses we plan on buying; are in fact the world’s first service buses to meet the Euro VI standards and regulations, and the engines used promise a reduction of up to 5% in Fuel consumption than the previous Euro V compliant engine, and the latter mentioned (Euro V) was already low on fuel consumption itself.CITATION 125 \p 10 \l 1033 (, 2012, p. 10) The new Euro VI compliant engine also promises an equal reduction in CO2 emissions, and a vehicle’s operating costs savings of 800 to 1400 euros (400-700 BHD) per year; based on average fuel costs and mileage. CITATION the131 \l 1033 (, 2013) And these numbers were not calculated in Bahrain, therefore based on the lower cost of fuel in Bahrain; we expect a higher number in savings. CITATION 125 \p 10 \l 1033 (, 2012, p. 10) CITATION brt13 \l 1033 (brt.mercedes-, 2013)Productivity:-Current Bus system PerformanceAccording to the Ministry of Works; the current Bus system in Bahrain is poorly scheduled and the bus stops do not provide schedules, timings, or bus routes CITATION Placeholder1 \l 1033 (.bh, 2011). Some buses suffer from poor condition, and lack the simplest comfort and safety features like; Air conditioning, or fire extinguishers. And according to the Ministry of Works; the current bus system suffers from an average of 40 minutes of Headway, and high waiting times CITATION Placeholder1 \p 4,16,17,18 \l 1033 (.bh, 2011, pp. 4,16,17,18) CITATION gul10 \l 1033 (gulf-daily-, 2010).And the current system’s Total Average daily Ridership is30,000 passengersCITATION Bil13 \l 1033 (Bilateral Chamber, N/A).Yet Bahrain could benefit from some features of the current Bus system; as it already provides bus stations/stops, a fleet of 673 buses and experienced bus drivers CITATION cio11 \l 1033 (.bh, 2011), 12 Bus routes throughout the country, and is currently operated by a contract agency called CARS; all available to be used for the new BRT(Bus Rapid Transit system).CITATION wor11 \l 1033 (.bh, 2011)Current price: 100-150FilsCITATION wor11 \l 1033 (.bh, 2011)The Aim of this BRT system is to:Reduce Traffic CongestionProvide cheap ticket prices, whilst ensuring high quality serviceReduce the need of road expansions and refurbishments in the long term futureReduce CO2 emissions caused by private vehiclesEnsure passenger safety and security when using the public transport system CITATION wor11 \l 1033 (.bh, 2011)Total 4 routes Estimates:Length = 155kmTotal Ridership daily = 20,000 per peak hour, per direction.Attract passengers, by Bus Interior & Exterior Features:Ensure Safety and security by; CCTV security cameras, and fire extinguishersProvide Ease of Access like; special seating for physically challenged, providing ramps.Air conditioned busesSalik, ERP (Electric Road Pricing) is used on major highways in the UAE, and the system works by buying patches for an amount of toll payment, and these patches (stickers) are stuck on the windshield of the car, and radar above certain points on the highway will automatically collect the toll prices every time the car passes by. This eliminates the need to stop and pay tolls at booths; and avoids the traffic congestion resulted by it CITATION sal12 \l 1033 (.ae). This method should be adopted by the Bahraini government to try and attract people to use public transport, rather than pay for using highways.Provide information on routes, schedules, and headway timing inside all Buses and at bus stopsBus stops, as seen in Malta Arriva BRT system for example; should contain the following featuresCITATION ARR10 \p 28 \l 1033 (ARRIVA Malta, 2010, p. 28)CITATION ARR10 \l 1033 (ARRIVA Malta, 2010):Routes, schedulesMapTimetable containing time of arrivalContact, operating company’s Call Centre number, or email addressThe 550 new bus stops planned to be built; will have modern features, provide great comfort for passengers; like providing Kiosk’s and vending machines…etc. CITATION gul11 \l 1033 (gulf-daily-, 2011)The BRT system will use a Flat ticket Fare, and the fixed price we are proposing is 250-300fils. And the reason we chose a fixed fare is to attract more passengers to the public transport; targeting both expats and Bahraini’s. This way we could ensure high ridership of the BRT system at a very early stage. Therefore if the total BRT ridership per Bus Stop (Destination) is 20,000, then 250fils x 20,000 = 5000BD per peak hour per direction.KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators:Measure by Ridership daily average:The BRT system will be measured by its performance in reaching the ridership target, the Current system used to carry about 23,277 passengers daily, but according to the Ministry of Works CITATION Placeholder1 \p 17 \l 1033 (.bh, 2011, p. 17); the government is aiming for a 25% mode shift from private car drivers to use public transport. The current number of private car owners in Bahrain is 500,000 CITATION tra123 \l 1033 (, 2012), and 25% of this number is 125,000. Therefore our proposed Public transport system is designed to meet demanded ridership of 125,000 passengers a day. And the Government could measure the performance of the operating company by calculating the total ridership of the public transport system.Headway and time of arrival daily, the expected headway and time of arrival of each route differ from one another, but are all available for the government of Bahrain to measure the efficiency and speed of the public transport system, and the performance of the operating company. This process will help find obstacles and weaknesses in the passenger transport systems; and help eliminate them.Accidents, the number of accidents by public buses is expected to decrease, as mentioned earlier; this case was witnessed in Macrobus ,Guadalajara; where the number of bus accidents dropped from 726 to 6 accidents a year; by the implementation of BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) CITATION Cla12 \p 19 \l 1033 (Adriazola-Delgado, 2012, p. 19).Load factor, the rate of loading and unloading of passengers, this is related to headway and ridership as well, as the main concern is time consumption.Practicability:Benchmarking – Stories of BRT success in other countriesTransmilenio, Bogota, ColumbiaTransmilenio is located in the City of Bogota, Colombia, in South America. Bogota is the largest city of Colombia and its capital city as well, and has a population of 7,363,782, with an area of 1,587 km2. CITATION cia121 \l 1033 (, 2012) The Population density of Bogota is 4,310 km2, it has a tropical climate and has flat coastlines and highlands and mountains in the central area. CITATION cia121 \l 1033 (, 2012)The BRT System in Bogota was first opened in 2000, but completed full operational construction in 2007, and it is now consisting of 1,400 CITATION tra121 \l 1033 (.co, 2012)buses dedicated to transport passengers for a length of 87 km, to 115 different stations, and has 11 lines, and the ridership is recorded for 1.6 million passengers a day. CITATION Mor12 \l 1033 (Clendaniel) CITATION tra12 \l 1033 (.co, 2012)TransJakarta, Jakarta, IndonesiaThe TransJakarta is located in the city of Jakarta, Indonesia, in Southeast Asia, which described as a combination of islands. Jakarta has a population of 10,187,595, and its area is 740.28 km2, with a population density of 15,342 km2. Jakarta has a Tropical climate and is hot and high in humidity; it consists of low coastal lands and has some mountains. CITATION cia122 \l 1033 (, 2012)Due to high rates of overpopulation, and the increased number of vehicles in the city, Jakarta has a very high rate of air and noise pollution, not to mention the traffic congestion the busy city suffers from. CITATION Wen12 \l 1033 (Cox, 2012) In 2004 TRanJakarta was created to assess these overpopulating issues, in order to provide clean, economical and safe transportation for passengers around the city, using a environmentally friendly buses to transport 310,00 passengers a day, through 11 lines and 181 stations. CITATION ent12 \l 1033 (enterprise-, 2012) Still the buses were overcrowded due to overpopulation, and increasing demand on use of public transit, therefore more bus lanes are under construction, and bus hours were extended to accommodate as many passengers as possible. CITATION Wen12 \l 1033 (Cox, 2012) CITATION the11 \l 1033 (, 2011)I chose TransJakarta as an example of a city that has overcome overpopulation and air/ noise pollution by creating a simple environmentally friendly BRT system.Practicability of BRT in BahrainImproving the quality of the buses by purchasing a 100 new and modern Mercedes-Benz Cirato buses; might attract more passengers and increase the demand on public transport in BahrainCITATION MAN111 \l 1033 (gulf-daily-, 2011) CITATION New \l 1033 (New Buses with better quality would encourage more passengers)The infrastructure in Bahrain is Capable of handling and implementing a BRT system, the roads are available, and the government only needs to assign the bus lanes to be dedicated for BRT operations. Bahrain has recently invested in the Road infrastructure with BD3 billion, which proves that Bahrain is financially able and committed to the project. CITATION tra11 \l 1033 (, 2011) CITATION tra13 \l 1033 (, 2013)Bahrain’s existing Bus system could provide a great advantage in implementing a BRT system; and the reason is because it already operates a fleet of 673 buses CITATION cio11 \l 1033 (.bh, 2011) and includes experienced bus drivers, 12 Bus routes throughout the country, these features prove that Bahrain has a background in operating a Bus system. CITATION wor11 \l 1033 (.bh, 2011)Attract Passengers and increase demand by:Segregated Seating system, Women sit on the left, and Man or Mix sit on the right, unless capacity is exceededGradually reduce Government subsidy paid for Fuel prices, to encourage people in using public transport as a cheaper choice than their private car. For example; the price of fuel would increase from 100fils per liter to 125fils per liter, and this process could increase gradually in a couple of years, to slowly attract people to use public transport by the time construction has been completed.55,816 of the population work in the public sector, and the government has the authority to force them on using the public transport system as part of the job description. This way the government of Bahrain has easily guaranteed almost 56,000 passengers a day, and perhaps even more as this could therefore influence or encourage the families and friends of these employees CITATION blm12 \l 1033 (, 2012).The number of Vehicles for the BRT fleet we are proposing; is reasonable, we are reducing the number of vehicles from 673 CITATION cio11 \l 1033 (.bh, 2011) to 400, but we would be replacing the older buses with newly developed buses from Mercedes-Benz, which have higher capacity for ridership. Citaro standard 12m carries 40 seats + 30 standing, and the 20m articulated buses could carry up to 200 passengers each. Therefore we are decreasing the unnecessary costs and still providing the same amount of capacity/ridership; and even more. And we plan on reducing the vehicle age average in the coming years; by gradually replacing the older cars from the previous bus system with new Mercedes- Benz Citaro buses. Financing of BRTBecause the BRT system is going to be PPP (Public, Private Partnership), both the Government and the operating company will have to share the costs and the funding of the system, each party will have its fiscal responsibilities, and will have to come up with sources of income to cover the costs.The Government:-Interested in Fixed costsPays for infrastructure, to have the ultimate control and ownership of the system, and recently; the Bahraini Government paid BD 3 billion for road infrastructure and various public transport projects. CITATION gul111 \l 1033 (gulf-daily-, 2011)This way the Bahraini Government can fund the public transport system (BRT system), and own the infrastructure; whilst staying on the safe side, and having the ultimate control on the foundation of their public transport system (the infrastructure). This way if the operator leaves the project; the main features of the public transport system is still owned and controlled by the Government.Avoiding variable costs is the safest choice; because some operating companies could take advantage of the situation, and in worse scenarios embezzlement could occur.Subsidies:-Fuel price, the Government of Bahrain already subsidizes fuel prices, to make it affordable for the whole population. Recently the Bahraini government has paid up to BD81 million to maintain the fuel price for the sake of the public. CITATION tra131 \l 1033 (, 2013)Grant vehicle purchase offers, the government of Bahrain, specifically the Ministry of Transportation has the authority to offer special vehicle prices to the operating company. This agreement is to involve all three parties; The Ministry of Transport (MOT), Al-Haddad group (Mercedes-Benz Agent), and the chosen operating company. Operator:-Ticket fares, sales – as mentioned in Productivity section; the operator of the BRT system could benefit from the ticket fares; by using them to cover operating costs, and definitely make profit.Ticket Pricing There are three main choices of tickets:Flat FaresGraduated FaresZonal FaresWe chose the Flat Fare, and the Fixed price we are proposing is 250-300fils, therefore if the total BRT ridership per Bus Stop (Destination) is 20,000, then 250fils x 20,000 = 5000BD per peak hour per direction.Advertising & Sponsoring - the Operator could find a new source of income by selling advertising space on the Buses or bus stops, or receive financial support from sponsors. As mentioned on gulf daily news; by Bahrain Polymers and Steel Factory Company chairman MahmoodFarooq, that the company would pay the government an amount of 27,500 from its revenue generated by advertising on shelters and bus stops. CITATION gul11 \l 1033 (gulf-daily-, 2011) CITATION gul11 \l 1033 (gulf-daily-, 2011)Vehicle MaintenanceWe are proposing a 1,400km regular service checkup according to busandcoach CITATION bus122 \l 1033 (, 2012). It is the required timing for servicing the Citaro Euro VI buses. CITATION alh131 \l 1033 (alhaddad-, 2013)Mercedes-Benz Citaro Maintenance featuresAccording to Mercedes-Benz CITATION alh131 \l 1033 (alhaddad-, 2013); their Citaro buses provide high productivity, and the technology of the Citaro buses is designed to provide ease of maintenance; this is designed to ensure availability of the vehicles by reducing the amount of downtime in maintenance. The Citaro’s features were mainly designed for easier access, the air filter, battery compartment, and brake system can all be easily accessed through the engine compartment. Both the front and rear bumper are designed to be folded easily; without the use of any tools for easier replacement of head/rear lights. These maintenance features all help reduce maintenance time, and cost. The Citaro uses LED technology on the marker lamps, and number plates; to improve the vehicles lifecycle, as the LED technology improves the energy balance of the entire system of the vehicle. CITATION bus122 \l 1033 (, 2012)The BRT System Routes and Planning:Four fully integrated routes, able to function on its own; until the Monorail is fully constructed and ready to be interconnected to the BRT system. The Buses will be color coordinated; to make it easier for passengers to spot the buses they require by destination.Plan: The BRT system will be built and will start operations during the next 2-4 years.Vehicles: The Fleet consists of 400 vehicles;100 Mercedes-Benz Citaro: 75 Vehicles of 12meter Standard Citaro, Capacity = 70 max25 Vehicles of 20meter Articulated Citaro Buses, Capacity = 200 max300 older buses from pervious fleet, Average Capacity = 80 per bus; according to Ahmed Binhindi CITATION Tra12 \l 1033 (Trade Arabia News Service, 2012). 140 of these buses will operate within the BRT system itself, and the other 140 will serve as feeder buses. And the remaining 20 buses will be put on standby; whenever needed by demand.We divided the vehicles used; by the passenger demand on each route, and the distance (length) of each route.Total Targeted Ridership: 20,000 per peak hour per destination CITATION Placeholder1 \p 4,16,17,18 \l 1033 (.bh, 2011, pp. 4,16,17,18)Timings of Operation: Categorized in Alphabetical order6:00 – 12:00am (100% vehicles operating)12:00 – 18:00pm (100% vehicles operating)18:00 – 00:00pm (50% vehicles operating)00:00 – 6:00am (25% vehicles operating)Peak Hours:6:00 – 8:00am13:00 – 16:00pmTotal Staff (Drivers): 1100 drivers400 operating in Timing A400 operating in Timing B200 operating in Timing C100 operating in Timing DBRT Routes:2705100311785Route 1 (Green Line) Length – 30kmNumber of stations: 35Interchange stations: 2 Commercial Speed: 25kmph Ridership: 4000 passengers per peak hour per direction (per STOP, Per Journey)Average station spacing: 850m Areas served: Muharraq, Arad and Hidd Town, Shk Isa Bin Salman Causeway, and Bahrain International AirportRole: This BRT route will connect Muharraq, and Hidd Town with north eastern part of Manama, crossing the Shk. Isa Bin Salman Causeway and Shk. Hamad Bin Isa causway. And this route will help provide BRT services to the Bahrain International Airport, connecting it to the Capital city of Manama. The Green line will interconnected with three other routes; both the the Red Line (Monorail) and the Blue line (BRT) both across Shk. Isa Bin Salman Causeway, and also the Orange Line, which services across Shk. Khalifa Bin Salman Causeway, through interchange terminals. CITATION Placeholder1 \p 4,16,17,18 \l 1033 (.bh, 2011, pp. 4,16,17,18)Vehicles –12m Standard Citaro – 25 Vehicles20m articulatedCitaro – 11 VehiclesStandard buses (from old system) –40 VehiclesFeeder buses – 40 Vehicles covering the whole areaRoute 2 (Orange Line)2800350187960Role: The Orange route connects Hidd town to Juffair and mina Salman. This route also connects the BRT system to the Monorail Terminal near Sitra causeway.Length – 24.5kmNumber of stations: 20Interchange stations: 3Commercial Speed: 25kmph Ridership: 3000 passengers per peak hour per direction Average station spacing: 950 mAreas served: Hidd town, Mina Salman, Juffair, Al Adliya in Manama, and Sitra.12m Standard Citaro – 15 Vehicles20m articulatedCitaro – 11 VehiclesStandard buses (from old system) –30VehiclesFeeder buses –30 Vehicles covering the whole areaRoute 3 (Blue Line) – Length – 14kmNumber of stations: 18Interchange stations: 3Commercial Speed: 25kmph Ridership: 3000 passengers per peak hour per direction Average station spacing: 750 m Areas served: Diplomatic Area, Seef District, Bahrain City Centre, Bahrain Mall, Jidhafs&Budaiya.Role: Connecting the northern eastern area of Manama city to the western part of the kingdom; precisely the Diplomatic area to Budaiya. This route serves all areas in between as well; as it passes through the seef district, City Centre. The Blue Line is also interconnected through interchange terminals with two other lines; the Green Line (near Isa bin Salman Causeway) and Red line (in Budaiya).12m Standard Citaro – 10 VehiclesStandard buses (from old system) –20VehiclesFeeder buses –30 Vehicles covering the whole areaRoute 4 (Purple Line) – 358140021590Length – 32kmNumber of stations: 33 Interchange stations: 4Commercial Speed: 25kmph Ridership: 3000 passengers per peak hour per direction Average station spacing: 950 m Areas served: Juffair Area, Riffa, Isa Town and University of Bahrain – Sakhair.Role: The Purple Line (BRT system) will connect theJuffair region with, Riffa and Hamad Town, circuling back to Manama, this route provides 4 interchanging terminals connecting it to both Monorail and other BRT Lines. Its key service is connecting the Northern Area to the central region of the Kingdom.Vehicles - 12m Standard Citaro –25 VehiclesStandard buses (from old system) –40 VehiclesFeeder buses –40 Vehicles covering the whole areaSelection of monorail lighting systems as mode of transport: Monorail lighting systems are basically one of the best adaptable options that is recommended and used in many countries. They are perfect and have many different rooms which can be customized to suit a person. Monorail lighting system function in tracks but they do have flexibility on the rail and also have a huge selection choice of attachable monorail chandeliers and routes to go to CITATION Col13 \p 1 \l 1033 (Collapse, 2013, p. 1). Monorails are cost effective, fitting a retro and a subway to a crowded area would be extremely expensive and monorails are there to replace that in different forms. Monorails have also been proven in many countries; those monorails systems use high capacity by means of public transportation systems which do carry thousands of passengers per day at the speed of 80 kilometers per hour CITATION Mon13 \p 2 \l 1033 (Australia, 2013, p. 2). Monorails are safe because of having grade separated rails which makes it one of the safest methods of transportation. Example on that would be the Hitachi monorail systems which allows train to train services and tested the safety of monorails system in a rescue case and that it is much easier CITATION Hit13 \l 1033 (Hitachi, 2013). Another advantage that the monorails have over the subway systems is that they do not flood especially in serious weather in countries below sea-level. It is independent and would not need other transportation modes to make it function and they are also automated which also refers back to being cost effective by means of not needing many employees to make it work. Moreover, they have a lot of many different advantages in general in which they would be as following:2924175171451. Elevated – The monorails lighting systems are basically elevated which means they are above ground, above traffic, above vehicles, above congestions and also above pedestrians and that would be a great advantage to avoid or reduce the risks of accidents. CITATION Bob13 \p 1 \l 1033 (Fleming, 2013, p. 1)33432758058152. Safe – Due to having monorails lighting systems grade separated, it could never collide or crash with other cars or vehicles while also not run over pedestrians or bicycles. CITATION Bob13 \p 1 \l 1033 (Fleming, 2013, p. 1)3. Cost effective – Building monorails systems might not be as cheap as bus systems but however, they are might no cost as much by means on functioning and make them work. CITATION Bob13 \p 1 \l 1033 (Fleming, 2013, p. 1)4. Quiet – The most recent and common monorail systems designed nowadays are electrically powered and include rubber tires. Comparing that to trains that have steel wheels running on steel rails, it would be massive difference by means of being quiet and comfortable. CITATION Bob13 \p 1 \l 1033 (Fleming, 2013, p. 1)Cost of monorails: There are many variables that influence the cost of building a newly built monorail lighting system. Those factors include many different reasons which are:1. Length of the monorail system:Costs will definitely increase because, the longer the monorail lighting system was the more the cost will be for building the infrastructure CITATION The13 \p 1 \l 1033 (Society T. M., 2013, p. 1).2. Topography:Topography is a factor that will influence the most on building the infrastructure due to considering the area flat or hilly and if there many roads to cross over or seas to pass by CITATION The13 \p 1 \l 1033 (Society T. M., 2013, p. 1).3. Location:Depending on what kind of access to construction equipment available and if there is going to be heavy traffic or not CITATION The13 \p 1 \l 1033 (Society T. M., 2013, p. 1).4. Utilities:For example the location of the power lines, water mains etc. and those factors will increase the significant cost on the monorail lighting system CITATION The13 \p 1 \l 1033 (Society T. M., 2013, p. 1).5. Land:This factor will include how much work has to be done to the land and the easements that are needed to acquire the land CITATION The13 \p 1 \l 1033 (Society T. M., 2013, p. 1)6. Requirements of the passengers:Depending on the demand and depending on what sizes and numbers of monorail vehicles should be purchased CITATION The13 \p 1 \l 1033 (Society T. M., 2013, p. 1).7. Speed:Requirements of the speed which includes technology that the monorail needs to transport people from one station to another and if that there are higher speed trips for longer destinations CITATION The13 \p 1 \l 1033 (Society T. M., 2013, p. 1).8. Number of monorail stations:Every station that would be added to the monorail lighting system would add more to the cost of building and implementing the system works CITATION The13 \p 1 \l 1033 (Society T. M., 2013, p. 1).9. Other special structures:If there were special structures like tunnels, bridges to cross over, that would even add more to the cost CITATION The13 \p 1 \l 1033 (Society T. M., 2013, p. 1).10. Environmental mitigations:The environmental mitigations factor would consider if the re-establishment will be required and if the wildlife is protected or not and also considering the sound walls if the system is going to cause any sort of noise pollution. CITATION The13 \p 1 \l 1033 (Society T. M., 2013, p. 1) But on the other hand, no matter how expensive it was and how much would it cost to build a monorail lighting system, monorails are the best of all transit modes and also considering making profits out of it CITATION The13 \p 1 \l 1033 (Society T. M., 2013, p. 1).Comparing those factors to other countries who have implemented the monorail lighting systems, it has cost them a lot for example, the Hitachi monorails has varied between $27 million per kilometer in Okinawa and up to $73 million per kilometer in Dubai in 2006 but that has been making profits lately CITATION The13 \p 2 \l 1033 (Society T. M., 2013, p. 2).2857501391285Practicability – How useful is the monorail lighting system: The monorail in Tokyo-Haneda has proven that a monorail could be useful for more than four decades making profits and assuring reliable services because of the Double Track which is recommended for the infrastructure. If a monorail system had a single track, that would lead to limitations on services frequency but in case of having a double track, there would be no limitations and is more likely to carry more passengers and prevent issues of having full spaces. 3267075906145Safety of monorails: Several safety features are nowadays built into the new modern monorail system which makes them much safer compared to the older ones. Technology is an important for ensuring safety and making sure of avoiding issues, a second or a third monorail vehicle could be used in cases of emergency like evacuating passengers or incase of having a damaged monorail even though it has never been necessary in practice.Monorails are safe and the modern newly built monorails have technology and improvements that have been made to them which makes derailment virtually impossible and as the monorails are above the ground and above traffic as they are elevated, this makes it more safe by means of avoiding such accidents CITATION Mon122 \p 1 \l 1033 (Society M. , 2012, p. 1). Safety Policies for the MonorailHaving more than one monorail train that could be used to evacuate passengers from a stranded or damaged monorail train in case of emergency.Some monorails have walkways along much of the monorail track suspended between the beams. It is recommended to have this additional safety feature. Ladders to reach the walkway could easily be carried on the train but carriage-to-carriage rescue would be a better option.Emergency stairs or ladders should be placed along the monorail line that would allow passengers to exit to the ground from the above walkway in the event of an unexpected stop.All the recommended monorail designs allow passage between carriages for all passengers including those in a wheel chair. We recommend fire-resistant doors be fitted to trains to allow some partitioning of the train. We also recommend large CO2 extinguishers be carried on the trains in case of fire incidents.Elevated rail systems are inherently safer than subway systems due to the speed at which most elevated trains can be reached from the ground compared to stranded subway vehicles deep in the ground. Passengers on a burning elevated monorail train are less likely to be overcome with smoke and fumes than passengers on a burning subway car, especially if fire doors were fitted to the monorail.Where monorail pylons are located on or near road or rail lines they should be built to withstand substantial impacts without collapse. If monorail beams were to cross roads with a height clearance less than other existing infrastructure then a protecting beam should be placed across the road ahead of the monorail beam.The monorail should draw power at multiple points and have regular back-up generators capable of at least moving the monorail carriages to the next station.Monorail SafetyMonorail is very safe because it is separated from all other modes. Accidents in monorail are extremely rare when compared to other modes, and if they occur, they are usually technical errors that would have resulted in the accident. For example, Seattle Center Monorail has suffered only three accidents and it has been operating since 1962, and all were minor accidents. But the causes of these three accidents were also technical. The first accident which occurred in 1971 was a result of a brake failure that resulted in a strike at the grinder of the two trains CITATION His05 \l 1033 (HistoryLink Essay 7561, Last Edited 2005). The second accident which occurred in 2004, was a actually a fire. The cause of the fire was also a technical failure in the high speed shaft, causing an electric short CITATION Mat04 \l 1033 (Rodriguez, 2004). The most recent accident was in 2005, in which two trains clipped one another on a curve and tearing the door apart CITATION Mik05 \l 1033 (Lindblom, 2005 ). The blame of this disaster was poor design of the track system and driver error. However despite all these accidents, the monorail still has a high safety record.The Safety of the operation:The safety of the monorail operations have impacts to the way the monorails has been design. Therefore, the engineers incharge of designing the monorail have to be concerned about the operational safety of the monorails. So there are some factors that have to thought about like:1. Maximum angle for making a turn due to side pull.2. Safety of loading onto and unloading from the vehicle.3. Lifting design load.4. Methods to emergency cases and labels for example, warnings etc.Moreover, the engineer must have a full understanding of the monorail system and every function of by also knowing how it operates to assure safe operations. Without considering those factors, serious injuries and or death could occur.However, a safety plan would also be developed for the operation of the monorail and that should include all parties that are involved in building the monorail lighting system whom are the owner, operators, inspectors and engineers CITATION Tom13 \p 3 \l 1033 (Orihuela, 2013, p. 3). The plan they should be able to come up with to ensure safety should consist of the following information:1. Responsibility of each member present.2. Designing requirements for safety.3. Safety rules in general including regulations of using the monorail lighting system.4. Rules to carry the operations.5. Support requirements.6. Inspection along with maintenance that leads to testing before implementing.7. Keeping records.Moreover, there are other duties and responsibilities that have to be taken care of by the operators whom should be trained well and properly while also develop skills to ensure that the monorail system operates safely CITATION Tom13 \p 3 \l 1033 (Orihuela, 2013, p. 3) . Some of the skills that operators should have or develop that should be implemented to assure safe operations are as follows: 1. Training operators properly and the other individuals in the same area of the monorail usage.2. Using check lists while inspection and making notices of any faults or errors.3. Having a schedule to follow for inspections (based on level of use).4. Clear instructions given and unhindered labels which states the rated loads on the beams of the monorail and hoists CITATION Tom13 \p 3 \l 1033 (Orihuela, 2013, p. 3).-152400485775Routes, Maps and Planning:The map above shows the Monorail lighting system terminal stops and the routes that it is going to pass by. The monorail system will basically cover the major areas that usually get busy during peak hours and areas that people usually work in while also covering rural urban areas that have the highest population density. There would be 5 monorail terminals whereas there will be a BRT station under each monorail station in which will be used after a monorail journey and then use the BRT system to reach to other destinations. Monorail - Public Private Partnerships CITATION Pub \l 1033 (Public-Private Partnerships )An industry relationship between a private-sector company and a government activity for the need of doing a business that will help the public. Public-private partnerships could be used to finance, construct and functions the projects such as public transportation networks, parks and contract centers. Funding a plan through a public-private partnership can permit a project to be finished sooner or make it an opportunity in the first place. For the Monorail, the proposal Is that the government pays for the whole construction and their a foreign private investors run it, and the government could use the private as a backup to them, the government could use the private as an experience and could learn from it for the first 10 or 15 years, then they could operate the monorail by themselves. The government will pay for the infrastructure and own it, and will contract foreign companies to run it. We believe that Public Private Partnership is the best of owning the Monorail especially in the first 15 years. Why and what are the advantages of Public Private Partnerships:-These are the reasons why PPP is the best for owning the monorail: CITATION Pot \l 1033 (Potential Benefits of Public Private Partnerships)Discovering PPPs as a method of presenting private sector technology and invention in providing improved public services through better-qualityactiveeffectivenessHelp the private field to make projects on time and within financesImpressivefinancial certainty by making a present and the future costs of infrastructureplans over timeUsing PPPs as a method of improving local private sector competences through combined ownership with huge international companies, as well as sub-contracting chances for local firms in parts.Using PPPs as a method of slowlyrevealing state owned initiatives and?government to growing level of private sector contribution (especially foreign) and arranging PPPs in a method so as to guarantee transfer of services leading to capacitated objects that can finally export their capabilities by command for projects/ joint projects.Makingchange in the budget by making the kingdom more modest in terms of its easing infrastructure base as well as providing an improvement to its commercial and industry related with infrastructure growth (such as construction, equipment, support services, etc.)Adding limited public sector volumes to light the rising demand for infrastructure expansionRemoving long-term value-for-finance through good risk transmission to the private sector over the existence of the project – from strategy/ building to processes/ maintenancePrivate Public Partnership Finance CITATION Fin \l 1033 (Financing)A key incentive for governments seeing public private partnerships is the option of carrying in new bases of financing for funding public infrastructure and service requirements.This section delivers an introduction to the key instruments for infrastructure plans, the main investors in unindustrialized countries, bases of finance (limited recourse, debt, equity, etc), the characteristic plan finance structure, and key matters arising from emerging project backed transactions, risks and risk distribution in project financed dealings, risk extenuation instruments, government backing in financing PPPs and how governments can sets of debtors and investors and backup instruments such as assurances, insurance etc, with those that are obtainable to emerging countries from global financing organizations and export credit supports.?Financing and FundingAs we know, the monorail system doesn't need tunneling, it will cost significantly less than a rail system based on subways, so it will be much more easy to support and to finance. Public Funds or Private Investor funding are the two options, which have to be considered for the construction?of the monorail systems. Monorail can be constructed at 1/3 the price per mile of light rail, assists more neighborhoods, transports more people, and does it all silently, without getting involved with street cars or the congestion. CITATION BEN \l 1033 ( BENEFITS OF MONORAIL SYSTEM )Here in Bahrain the profit for the monorail won’t just come from ticket fees, there some ways to have the income from such as advertising. For example Batelco the communication company could advertise on the monorail system and could make a contract with the monorail ownership. In the other hand since the monorail is long you can advertise with more than just one company therefore more profits could be made.Monorail CostCOST EFFECTIVE — Monorail systems are not very low-priced. The will surely cost more than a bus system but in the other hand they will cost much less than a railway system, surely less than heavy rail traveler railroads, and much less than subway light rail or subway systems. LESS TROUBLEMAKING TO COMMUNITIES — the high and elevated nature of a monorail line makes people smoothly drive or walk back and onward among the two sides of the line.LESS DESTRUCTIVE TO COMMUNITIES — In almost all of the cases a monorail system can be located in the street, and the 4- or 5-foot pillars mean that the road does not need to be expanded in need to accommodate the monorail. Liken with surface light rail where double tracks are around twenty feet wide, and the road must be expanded to accommodate the railroad. While capital costs can be as much as or more than light rail, monorail can make a profit when it’s built directlyStructure: ELEVATED — The monorail Is basically in the air and it has no interactions with cars or walkers or congestion. Although monorails are usually thought of as elevated constructions on a series of pylons (columns), this is not an obligation. It is conceivable to make the guide way beams (rails) straight on the ground, such as in a subway. GRADE SEPARATED — “Grade separated” means disconnected from road traffic of all types — vehicles, vans, trains, people, animals, etc. — so that the monorail train can function with no any interfering from other side. CITATION Mon \l 1033 (Monorail Trains)Monorail Maintenance CITATION web \p 11 \l 1033 (Considering Monorail Rapid Transit for North American Cities, p. 11)Concrete monorail guide ways need very low maintenance. Rubber tires stay useful for around 100,000 miles. Monorail vehicles have a very good life distance, just like trains riding on rails (30 years or probably longer), while buses have a suggested life distance of only approximately ten years.What is the schedule? / How often do trains reach at the stations?The Monorail does not function on a fixed schedule. Trains reach about every 30 minutes depending on the amount of trains in process, which is set grounded on expected passenger levels. These levels will differ throughout the day to provision predictable peak hoursDo the tickets expire?The plan is tickets are useful for one year from the date they are published (shown on ticket). The Single Ride Ticket drops its usefulness after the passenger rides. The Limitless One-Day Pass dies 24 hours from first use during working hours. The Limitless Three-Day Pass expires after 72 hours from first use during operational hoursThese are the methods for paying:CardsCashDebit American ExpressMasterCardVisa Do you give money back? / How can you appeal for a repayment?Naturally, there are no repayments. But, situations can happen for which a repayment may be well-thought-of, such as ticket machine failures, long system delays, etc. Refund appeals are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. The design of the monorailLength of a 4car train is 50M.Size of the bearings is 3.149m likened to 2.651m.Capacity : 90 passenger per one carriageThe speed is 80 Km per hour (maximum)Least curve range is only 45m.Rail is 1.20m tall.Monorail Trains could have around one to seven carriages with a demanded least headway of 74 seconds. The operation of having no driver is possible. CITATION Why \l 1033 (Why Monorail)Ease of Construction-Monorails lately became an overall choice of transit system likened to rapid transit systems, because of its noiselessness, ease of building, low cost, and non-disruptive nature. The monorail tracks can wander through the very tight of corners, through?structures, and can go as tall as 8 floors. Its cost is moderately lower than the huge cost of building the light rail and it doesn’t also requires breaking down a lot of buildings to build the monorail like other systems. At the same time as the monorail needs 7ft. of land gap for each beam with a space of 17ftamong every and each beam the light rail track needs 36ft of land gap running in a similar line.Flexibility One more unique thing to the monorail technology is the point that some monorails can be pull to pieces and taken off one place to be reconstructed within 14 days in another place! But the light rail can’t do this.User FriendlyWheelchairs and bikes are effortlessly housed without trouble lifts or packed racks because of the fact that the monorail ground is the same level with the Station ground. You might sit or stand in air-conditioned comfort, watch TV or look at the internet as your?trip to your destination is going on. CITATION Why \l 1033 (Why Monorail)Safety policies for the monorail CITATION Saf \l 1033 (Safety And Security)With a recording camera on every train moving through all hours of working and closed-circuit TV cameras through the stations continually recording and checking all ticket selling machines (TVMs), stages, and stairways, you won’t be presenting funny play, but will be on point for the safety team that screens could provide news on what is happening.The stations are full of staff that has weapons and their job is to keep and have a safe environment. Also there will be a team to answer all passengers about their questions for tickets or prices or trip journeys.All locations and trains have the emergency Push-To-Talk intercom telephones (E-Tels) that gives fast information to Central Control. The telephones are situated on the trains nearby the doors and at several sites on the station boarding and stage areas. Use the telephones to inform about any action you think is vital or to obtain whatsoever emergency facilities may be wanted.Full maintenance checks are done daily.Pregnant women are not allowed.No smoking allowed in the monorail.The monorail office is not responsible for any lost luggage or people who fears from heights and might panic.Recommendations:Buses, BRT and monorail are the recommended modes to improve the transport system in the kingdom.The number of current buses operating to be reduced to 300 and 100 buses for the BRT system.Buy 100 buses of Mercedes-Benz Citaro model to be used for the BRT system due to its fuel effectiveness, environmentally friendly and lower operating costs. Do regular check for buses (every 1,400km).Do regular check for monorail and replace rubber tires every 100,000 miles.Re-design of the transport network in order to improve coverage and connectivity.Improve integration so that commuters can switch between modes.A Public Private Partnership is recommended to be the type of ownership for the entire system, where the government own and develop the infrastructure and a foreign company operate the system but not own it.The transport operator should train and empower Bahraini to take over the responsibility.Diversifying the resources of revenue is important in order to recover the operating costs and generate more revenues. Management structure and function have to be well-set up to ensure smooth information flow and effective decision-making.Safety polices have to be appropriately in place to ensure the safety of customers, staff and property.A flat fare system is recommended for the public transport due to its simplicity.Offer several options for customers to pay for fares, including cash, cards, master card and visa.KPI’s have to be in place to measure the performance of the system.Benchmarking is important to see how well the system works against other systems. Conclusion: In this paper, we identified several factors influencing the current public transport system in Bahrain. They include acute traffic congestion over major roads and highways, high rates of private car ownership, low rates of public transport ridership, poor coverage, lack of communication, unfriendly design of bus stops and absence of convenience. All of which have negative impact on public transport system leading it to inefficiency, unreliability and inability to attract new customers. To address these factors, we proposed a new public transport system that includes buses, BRT and monorail. Buses already existed in the current system and they are eco-friendly, economical and efficient in fuel consumption/per passenger. In our proposal, buses will mainly provide express services for customers and allow integration with the other modes and serve as a feeder service. BRT system is chose and recommended for the public transport due to its highly performance, efficiency, reliability, safety and speed. As discussed in this paper, BRT has many features that can greatly reduce or solve many of the current problems that the system is experiencing, including congestion, long journey times, energy consumption and pollution. The cost of implementing BRT system is quite cheap compared to light rail transit (LRT). BRT does not require much construction regarding infrastructure as roads already existed and suitable to operate the BRT system on. Monorail lighting system is proposed to improve the current system. Beside BRT system, monorail system has the ability to overcome the barriers that undermine the current system. This elevated system can solve traffic congestion problem, where this elevated system does not experience the problem on roads. Thus, reduce the number of accidents and enhance safety. We also discussed several variables that would influence the cost of building a new monorail lighting system.Practicality and productivity of each proposed mode explained in this paper to show how the system will work. We re-designed the network to improve the coverage and connectivity and ensure system integration.Safety policies for buses and monorail are important to ensure the safety of customers, staff and property. This will also reflect the picture of the public transport system.The type of ownership proposed for buses and BRT system is a Public Private Partnership. The government own the infrastructure and operating system will go through tendering to be for 10 to 15 years. During the contract period, the contractor should train and help Bahraini in order to enable them to operate the system by themselves.Management structure and function proposed have discussed starting from the top management to the operational level, showing tasks for each level. The size of labor will be influenced by the size, geographical spread, ownership, activities and diversification of the organization.In order to finance the public transport system, we proposed several sources to do so, including parking charging, road user charges, fuel taxation, carbon taxation, payroll taxation, transportation impact fee, special property taxes, advertisement, vehicle fees and GCC grants.Flat fares system is recommended to the public transportation. The main feature of this system is its simplicity, where all passengers are charged an identical fare. To pay fares, we proposed several options such as, cards, cash, debit American Express, master card and visa.Maintenance is considered in our proposal to enhance the productivity and safety, and reduce the number of breakdowns. For buses, regular check will be every 1,400km and monorail requires very low maintenance and rubber tires should be replaced every 100,000 mile.Keep performance indicators (KPIs) have also recommended in this paper to measure the performance of the system. The indicators include daily ridership average, headway and time of arrival, accidents per kilometer and load factor. Benchmarking is also recommended to measure the proposed system and we chose Bogota in Columbia and Jakarta in Indonesia as models.Previous SWOT ANALYSIS:-514350538480Meeting Minutes:Meeting 1MinutesMacrobutton DoFieldClick [Meeting Date]15/5/2013Macrobutton DoFieldClick [Meeting Time]4:20 PMMacrobutton DoFieldClick [Meeting Location]Building 11.04Meeting called byMahmood Al Saraifi (TL)Type of meetingResearchingFacilitatorNote takerAbdulla DadallaTimekeeperRaed ShehabAttendeesAll were present.Agenda topicsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]10 minsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]BrainstormingMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Mohammad AbutraifDiscussionDiscussed SWOT analysis with team members. Proposed comparisons with Singapore and Seoul regarding Their transport systems. Proposed to gather ideas from previous SWOT assignment. ConclusionsAgreed to write an introduction for the proposal using the SWOT information. Research regarding Seoul and Singapore transport systems has also been agreed to be carried out by him and send it to the person associated with the information. Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineResearched and presented data and sent to all members via mail.Mohammad Abutraif19/5/2013Writing an introduction for the assignment using the previous SWOT.SundayMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]10 minsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]BrainstormingMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Abdulla DadallaDiscussionProposed using ferries as a public transport system. Proposed to conduct a research on ticket and fareprices. ConclusionsFerry for public transport idea has been dismissed. Green light has been given in regards to research onfare structure for bus system instead. Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineCarrying out research to present next meeting on bus fares and fare Abdulla Dadalla19/5/2013structure.SundayMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]15 minMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]BrainstormingMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Mahmood SaraifiDiscussionProposed Light Rail Transit system to be implemented in BahrainProposed that all group members should research general data in regards to successful transport systems in foreign countries.Proposed that work should be submitted on Sunday, 19/5/2013ConclusionsGroup members agreed. All team members are required to carry out basic research.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineResearch and noting ideas. All team members19/5/13SundayMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]10minsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]BrainstormingMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Raed ShehabDiscussionProposed Bus Rapid Transit as a transport system for Bahrain.Proposed to conduct research on factors that will influence public transport to assist in the introduction of the assignment.ConclusionsBus rapid transit as a transport system has been agreed on.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineConduct research and collect data in regards to BRTRaedShehab19/5/13Conduct research about factors that influence transportSundayMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]10minsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]BrainstormingMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]HishamDiscussionProposed to conduct a case study in regards successful train systems in foreign countries.ConclusionsTeam granted Hisham's proposal for the case study data gathering.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineConduct and Present research in next meeting.Hisham Al Hashimi19/5/2013SundayObserversN/AResource personsSpecial notesThe purpose of this meeting was simply to gather ideas for our proposal. However nothing is certain.Meeting 2MinutesMacrobutton DoFieldClick [Meeting Date]19/5/2013Macrobutton DoFieldClick [Meeting Time]12 PMMacrobutton DoFieldClick [Meeting Location]Library Learning CenterMeeting called byTeam Leader Type of meetingLegendFacilitatorNote takerAbdulla DadallaTimekeeperRaedShehabAttendeesAll present.Agenda topicsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]10 minsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]Division of WorkMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Raed ShehabDiscussionPresented data about BRT characteristics and features. Proposed that All members work on BRT andGather data about the system. Discussed the importance of BRT and how efficient that system is. ConclusionsBRT has been agreed on for the transport proposal. The idea of all members working on BRT has been rejected by 2 out of 5 members. Raed is in charge of completing ownership, managerial structure, safety and safety policies, mode justification, and financing.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineResearch and completing tasks given.RaedShehab30/5/2013ThursdayMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]10 minMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]Light Rail TransitMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Mahmood ReyadDiscussionPresented previous data research about five countries: Australia, Indonesia, Sweden, South Africa, andCanada. Proposed to take over the rail project for the proposal along with Hisham. Proposed LRT for a mode to be the Main mode. Raed argued that BRT has the same functions of BRT. ConclusionsRaed proposed Monorail as a transport system. Mahmood has agreed to use it as a transport mode for the proposal. Hisham and Mahmood agreed to work together on this section. Mahmood is to write about the monorail, research data in regards to mode selection justification, cost, routes and mapping, and vehicle maintenance.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineMahmood researching with Hisham, gathering information and forming Mahmood30/5/2013the report. ThursdayMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]10 minsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic] Bus transport systemMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Abdulla DaddallaDiscussionPresented previous research in regards to bus ticketing systems and fares structures.Proposed to work with Raed on the BRT system. ConclusionsTasks given to Abdulla include financing, costs, maps and routes and vehicle maintenance. Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineResearch and complete tasks. Abdulla Dadalla30/5/2013MACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]10 MinsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]MonorailMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]HishamDiscussionProposed to research on monorail system and conduct benchmarking with other countries. ConclusionsTasks have been distributed to Hisham to work alongside Mahmood in regards to the monorail. Tasks include safety and safety policies, ownership and financing.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineResearch and complete tasksHisham Al Hashimi30/5/2013MACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]10 minsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]Introduction and SWOTMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Mohammad AbuTraifDiscussionPresented a well written introduction for the transport proposal. Discussed current factors influencing thePublic transport in Bahrain. Presented useful information in regards to ownership.ConclusionsGiven out a supporting role to research for more data regarding BRT and monorail and send it via mailto all team members.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineResearch Mohammad AbutraifN/AObserversResource personsSpecial notesMeeting 3MinutesMacrobutton DoFieldClick [Meeting Date]2/6/2013Macrobutton DoFieldClick [Meeting Time]2:30 PMMacrobutton DoFieldClick [Meeting Location]Library Learning CenterMeeting called byMahmood Al SaraifiType of meetingFollow up MeetingFacilitatorNote takerAbdulla DadallaTimekeeperRaedShehabAttendeesAll presentAgenda topicsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]10 MinsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]Presenting TasksMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Abdulla DadallaDiscussionCompleted productivity, practicability, costs, for the Bus rapid transit section of the assignment.Have not completed Planning, routes and maps.ConclusionsContinuity of work in regards to Planning, routes and Maps. Raed is also assisting on the taskAction itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineResearch and completion of tasksAbdulla Dadalla10/6/2013RaedShehabMondayMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]10 MinsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]Completed workMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Hisham Al HashimiDiscussionCompleted safety section for the monorail. Presented ownership section for Monorail to the pleted financing and cost section for pleted some parts of safety policy for Monorail.ConclusionsOwnership sections needs editing after contact and check-up with Mr. Ronald.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineEdit faulty tasks and ensure completion before deadline.Hisham Al Hashimi10/6/2013MondayMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]10MINsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]Completed workMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Raed ShehabDiscussionCompleted mode selection justification, ownership, safety and safety policies for Bus rapid pleted managerial structure and functions as well. Proposed surveys to be carried out.ConclusionsGeneral editing on the completed tasks (If needed).Create a survey and set criteria on what systems the survey targets.Work with Abdulla on un-finished tasks. Surveys will be sent via mail to all members to complete surveys.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineWrite and complete survey.RaedShehab10/6/2013Assist AbdullaMondayMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]10minsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]Presenting tasksMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Mahmood SaraifiDiscussionCompleted first section of the assignment which includes: Mode selection, cost, productivity, Practicability, and vehicle maintenance for Monorails. Presented some of the information to Mr. Ronald.ConclusionsDiscussed and agreed with Raed, Abdulla, and Mohammed about integrating the modes of transport.Map and routes to be completed later to integrate them. General editing must be done for completed tasks.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineGeneral editing on completed parts.Mahmood10/6/2013Complete Maps and routesMahmood, Raed, AbdullaMondayMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]10 minsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]Supporting informationMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Mohammad AbutraifDiscussionPresented data regarding Bus rapid transit in Seoul, presented additional information regarding Current existing system. Presented edited introduction. ConclusionsConducted continuous research on BRT and monorail. Preparing format of report to form a draft.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineResearchMohammad Abutraif10/6/2013Gather completed workMondayObserversResource personsSpecial notesMeeting 4MinutesMacrobutton DoFieldClick [Meeting Date]5/6/2013Macrobutton DoFieldClick [Meeting Time]12 PMMacrobutton DoFieldClick [Meeting Location]Library Learning CenterMeeting called byTeam LeaderType of meetingFollow up MeetingFacilitatorN/ANote takerAbdulla DadallaTimekeeperRaedShehabAttendeesAll group members presentAgenda topicsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]10 minsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]Presented Work & SurveyMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Raed ShehabDiscussionCompleted and presented survey and distributed to group members via mail. Edited Ownership, Managerial structure and presented flow chart.Worked alongside Abdulla Dadalla and assisted in Financing section for Government revenue and maps.ConclusionsPlanned an amount for the surveys.Most tasks completed. Completed tasks require minimum editing.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineConduct surveys with different types of peopleRaedShehab/Team members12/6/2013Analyze surveysMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]10 minsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]Presented Completed tasksMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Abdulla DadallaDiscussionCompleted and presented Maps and Routes section of the assignment.Planning section incomplete and needs to be coordinated along with Mahmood, Raed, MohammadAbutraif.ConclusionsRaed, Mahmood, Abdulla and Mohammad are to work together to complete the planning section.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineCompletion of the planning section, terminals. Abdulla, Mohammad, Raed12/6/2013And MahmoodThursdayMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]10 minsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]Present completed tasksMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Hisham Al HashimiDiscussionEdited and presented ownership.Did not complete safety policies.Did not complete vehicle maintenanceConclusionsCompletion for vehicle maintenance and safety policies will be carried on up on the next meeting.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineComplete task vehicle maintenance and Safety policiesHisham Al Hashimi12/6/2013MACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]10 minsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]Completed tasksMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Mohammad AbutraifDiscussionWrote an executive summary and presented executive summary. Proposed to write the conclusion. Proposed to conduct research on planning section. Proposed to take over the factors that influence public transport.ConclusionsTask delegated to work on Executive Summary and writing a conclusion. Factors that influence public transport has been delegated as well to all members.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineWrite and complete executive summary and conclusion.Mohammad Abutraif12/6/2013Assist on the planning sectionMohammad + Group members12/6/2013Factors that influence public transportMohammad + Group members12/6/2013MACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]10 minsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]Completed tasksMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Mahmood DiscussionPresented completed edited work which included mode selection, costs, productivity, practicability .And safety. Routes and planning section needs to be coordinated along with Abdulla and RaedCompleted the map for the monorail as well.ConclusionsRoutes and planning to be completed.Coordination with Abdulla on the maps, adding the monorail on the BRT map outline.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineComplete the planning sectionMahmood12/6/2013ObserversHishamResource personsSpecial notesAgenda topicsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]10 MinsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]Presenting TasksMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Abdulla DadallaDiscussionCompleted and presented productivity, practicability, costs, for the Bus rapid transit section of the assignment.Have not completed Planning, routes and maps.ConclusionsContinuity of work in regards to Planning, routes and Maps. Raed is also assisting on the taskAction itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineResearch and completion of tasksAbdulla Dadalla10/6/2013RaedShehabMondayMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]10 MinsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]Completed workMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Hisham Al HashimiDiscussionCompleted safety section for the monorail. Presented ownership section for Monorail to the pleted financing and cost section for pleted some parts of safety policy for Monorail.ConclusionsOwnership sections needs editing after contact and check-up with Mr. Ronald.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineEdit faulty tasks and ensure completion before deadline.Hisham Al Hashimi10/6/2013MondayMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]10MINsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]Completed workMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Raed ShehabDiscussionCompleted mode selection justification, ownership, and safety for Bus rapid pleted managerial structure and functions as well. Proposed surveys to be carried out.ConclusionsGeneral editing on the completed tasks (If needed).Create a survey and set criteria on what systems the survey targets.Work with Abdulla on un-finished tasks. Surveys will be sent via mail to all members to complete surveys.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineWrite and complete survey.RaedShehab10/6/2013Assist AbdullaMondayMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]10minsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]Presenting tasksMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Mahmood SaraifiDiscussionCompleted first section of the assignment which includes: Mode selection, cost, productivity, practicability and vehicle maintenance for Monorails. Presented some of the information to Mr. Ronald.ConclusionsDiscussed and agreed with Raed, Abdulla, and Mohammed about integrating the modes of transport.Map and routes to be completed later to integrate them. General editing must be done for completed tasks.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineGeneral editing on completed parts.Mahmood10/6/2013Complete Maps and routesMahmood, Raed, AbdullaMondayMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]10 minsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]Supporting informationMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Mohammad AbutraifDiscussionPresented data regarding Bus rapid transit in Seoul, presented additional information regarding Current existing system. Presented edited introduction. ConclusionsConducted continuous research on BRT and monorail. Preparing format of report to form a draft.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineResearchMohammad Abutraif10/6/2013Gather completed workMondayObserversResource personsSpecial notesMeeting 5MinutesMacrobutton DoFieldClick [Meeting Date]13/6/2013Macrobutton DoFieldClick [Meeting Time]2 PM Macrobutton DoFieldClick [Meeting Location]Career and employment CenterMeeting called byTeam LeaderType of meetingDraftFacilitatorN/ANote takerAbdulla DadallaTimekeeperRaedShehabAttendeesAll group members presentAgenda topicsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]10 minsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]Presented Work & SurveyMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Raed ShehabDiscussionGave a sample of the survey to Mr. Ronald on WednesdayCompleted 18 surveys. Contributed on safety section in Monorail, and Monorail safety Policies. Assisted Abdulla on planning section by sending out information.ConclusionsSurveys are to be collected from other group membersCompleted all tasks using 3,500 words. Analyze surveys after collection.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineCollect and analyze surveysRaedShehab14/6/2013MACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]10 minsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]Data collectionMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Abdulla DadallaDiscussionCompleted planning section along with Mahmood and enabled integration of the modes along with pleted general editing on the entire pleted all tasks using 2500 words. ConclusionsAll tasks completed.Work has been sent to Mahmood.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineDeliver tasks to MahmoodAbdulla Dadalla13/6/2013MACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]10 minsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]Draft tasksMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Hisham Al HashimiDiscussionCompleted un-edited assignment sections. Completed vehicle maintenance.ConclusionsCompleted all tasks using 2,000 words. Tasks given to Mahmood for first draft.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineDeliver work to MahmoodHisham Al Hashimi13/6/2013MACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]10 minsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]Completed tasks for draftMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Mohammad AbutraifDiscussionContributed in factors that influenced transport and proposed usage of SWOT after first draft pleted 5 surveys and sent it to Raed.ConclusionsCompleted entire tasks using 2,500 words. SWOT will be delegated on all members after first draft.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineSWOT analysis insertionAll members15/6/2013Send completed tasks to MahmoodMohammad Abutraif13/6/2013MACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]10 minsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]Completed tasksMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Mahmood SaraifiDiscussionCollected all data from membersGathered all the work in one document. Completed 5 surveys. Draft made and completed,Completed planning section for Monorail and presented task to the group.ConclusionsCompleted tasks using 3,000 words. Draft completed on the same day after collection.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineComplete the draft after gathering the work. Mahmood14/6/2013ObserversResource personsSpecial notesMeeting 6MinutesMacrobutton DoFieldClick [Meeting Date]14/6/2013Macrobutton DoFieldClick [Meeting Time]12 PMMacrobutton DoFieldClick [Meeting Location]Mashee caféMeeting called byTeam leader (Mahmood)Type of meetingContributorFacilitatorN/ANote takerAbdulla DadallaTimekeeperRaedShehabAttendeesAll presentAgenda topicsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]10 minsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]Survey resultsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Raed ShehabDiscussionPresented complete survey analysis. Presented pie charts and bar charts.ConclusionsWork has been gathered and added into the assignment and can be used as a resource.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineDeliver results to MahmoodRaedShehab14/6/2013MACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]20 minsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]Draft MACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]MahmoodDiscussionDraft has been completed. Conclusion has been completed by Mohammad Abutraif. References completed as well. Entire word count is 13,500 words.ConclusionsRecommendations must be added to the assignment.Some unnecessary parts should be deleted in the additional partsAction itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineRecommendationsMahmood, Mohammad Abutraif15/6/2013EditingEveryone16/6/2013MACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]10 minsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]PresentationMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]MahmoodDiscussionPresentation is now under sequence of being made. All group members are required to create theirOwn slides and deliver it to Mahmood. Raed proposed rehearsal to ensure everyone smoothly conducts the presentationConclusionsMahmood will create the presentation and gather all the slides together once made by the group members.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineCreating slidesAll members15/6/2013Powerpoint madeMahmood16/6/2013MACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]MACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]MACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]DiscussionConclusionsAction itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]MACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]MACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]DiscussionConclusionsAction itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineObserversResource personsSpecial notesMeeting 7MinutesMacrobutton DoFieldClick [Meeting Date]15/6/2013Macrobutton DoFieldClick [Meeting Time]12 pmMacrobutton DoFieldClick [Meeting Location]Mashee CaffeeMeeting called byTeam Leader MahmoodSaraifiType of meetingFinal Draft and PresentationFacilitatorN/ANote takerAbdulla DadallaTimekeeperRaedShehabAttendeesEveryone presentAgenda topicsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]10 minsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]Presentation and DraftMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]MahmoodDiscussionDraft has been completed. If any member of the group wanted to conduct editing on his part is free to do So. Presentation has also been completed ahead of schedule. ConclusionsAll members are free to edit their parts before leaving the meeting in case any data is missing.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineGeneral editingAll members15/6/2013MACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]40 minsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]EditingMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Raed ShehabDiscussionUrged to edit ownership section, add SWOT and more details about public transport in Bahrain.Added more sections in financing collaborating with Abdulla Dadalla. ConclusionsEdited and completed ownership sectionEdited and completed financing section. Added the survey results to the final draft as anizational Structure has been edited.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineEditing completedRaedShehab15/6/2013MACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]30 minsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]EditingMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Abdulla DadallaDiscussionEdited practicability and productivity section.Proposed to add more resources and diagrams.Checked his assignment section with Mr. Ronald.ConclusionsUsed survey results to support some statements in the assignment.Added more information along with Raed on the organizational structure and coordinated the amount of employees.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineEditing CompletedAbdulla Dadalla/Raed15/6/2013MACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]40 minsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]Editing and SwotMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Mohammad AbutraifDiscussionSWOT and facts about Bahrain has been inserted and re-edited. More additional information has been added into the assignment. Recommendations have been worked with Mahmood, Raed, and Abdulla.ConclusionsGeneral editing on the Introduction, Recommendations, executive summary, SWOT and other factorsThat influence Bahrain has been fully completed by collaborating with other group members.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineExecutive Summary, Introduction, and recommendations EditingAll members15/6/2013Editing completed on factors that influence transportationMohammad Abutraif15/6/2013MACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]20 minsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]EditingMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Hisham Al HashimiDiscussionVehicles maintenance re-edit due to changes in other figures such train amount.ConclusionsCompleted the vehicle maintenance for the monorail section.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineEditing Hisham Al Hashimi15/6/2013ObserversResource personsSpecial notesMeeting 8MinutesMacrobutton DoFieldClick [Meeting Date]16/6/2013Macrobutton DoFieldClick [Meeting Time]6 PMMacrobutton DoFieldClick [Meeting Location]mashee CafeeMeeting called byTeam Leader MahmoodType of meetingSignoffFacilitatorN/ANote takerAbdulla DadallaTimekeeperRaed ShehabAttendeesAll have attendedAgenda topicsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]40 minsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic] Proof readingMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Mahmood SairafiDiscussionThe assignment has been presented after being fully completed and edited in terms of format.The members were able to read and edit any mistakes for the last time.The presentation has been also presented to the group members.ConclusionsGroup members were capable to correct and edit any spelling mistakes, forgotten references, and fix Anything that was wrong.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineProof readingAll membersN/AMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]5minsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]PresentationMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]Raed ShehabDiscussionPointed out that we should come to agreement to rehearse for the presentation to ensure smoothPresenting on Tuesday. ConclusionsRehearsals will be conducted on Monday.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineRehearsals for the PresentationEveryone is involved18/6/2013MACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]15 minsMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]CertainityMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]All membersDiscussionAll members were pleased about their work, as they have worked before hand to edit their parts.ConclusionsAll members were certain and overall pleased with the assignment and the report.Action itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineAssignment completedEveryone16/6/2013Turning it inMahmood Saraifi16/6/2013MACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]MACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]MACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]DiscussionConclusionsAction itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineMACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Time allotted]MACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Agenda topic]MACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [Presenter]DiscussionConclusionsAction itemsPerson responsibleDeadlineObserversResource personsSpecial notesReferences in BibliographyBibliography BIBLIOGRAPHY (n.d.). 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