Residence Hall Association

February 25th, 2008

I. Call to Order (7:02 pm)

a. Rules of Order

b. Roll Call

c. Additions/Changes to the Agenda

i. ASWSU tickets will be here tonight after the Q & A, they will speak right away

d. Approval of the Minutes

i. February 11th Minutes

ii. DD- moves

iii. Rogers

iv. DD- yields

v. Rogers- yields

vi. DD calls consent

e. Media Introductions

i. Cable 8-

1. People director their own shows

2. Passing around sign-up sheet

3. March 3rd, Presidential debate in Cadd 21

f. Guests

i. Residence Life


1. Executives

a. Shawn Hoey

b. Next Tuesday, Housing fair, in the Holland Terrell Library

c. 11 apartments there

d. Student legal services

e. From 10 am and 2pm

f. Raffling off

2. Senate

a. Pullman transit

i. Proposal to add additional services to transit

ii. Was going

iii. Thursday night services, Sunday day services, and an Express route

iv. Due to over use of the

v. Right now the fee is 15 dollars but will be increased to 30 dollars.

vi. Referendum will be on the ballot, Next week March 4th and 5th. Will be a

vii. Will allow for Transit to not go in the defect

viii. Was a student run proposal,

ix. If we don’t do it they will have to cut the

x. Stimson- do you have percentage

xi. It was sent out to random students, all the one that returned the survey

xii. Q and A, look at Cue 203 or 202 at the end of the day.

b. Last week, City council

c. Parking, college hill

d. Proposed fighting ordinance

e. Thursday 28, Daily Evergreen debate,

f. Need a sectary

g. March 25th in Scott Common

h. Voting will be on MyWSU, start on March 4th at 8 am and ends March 5th at 8 pm

3. SEB

a. Patti

b. Thursday Jason Reeves, at 7pm free event, at Wadley Theater. Doors open at 6:30

c. Movie playing this weekend is

d. Tommy is opening for Jason Reeves

e. Up All Night, this Friday, There is two showing

f. Next Tuesday, Lecture by

g. Ryan Stolk will be heading up the battle of the bands

h. Have applications for SEB

i. Honors- location and time of Jason Reeves

j. Daggy Hall, at 7pm

k. Regents- who do you contact for

l. Contact us at

iii. Dining

iv. NRHH Recognition

1. We have two regional awards and two national awards

2. National Award- Rogers

3. National Award- Individual

4. OTM for the Campus

5. Turn in the OTM, so we can recognize the whole group

II. Public Testimony

a. Andy- Progressive Student Union

i. Sweat shops, is where

ii. We want to sign another pack, to move all of our WSU apparel

iii. Petitions, to allow us to sign this pack

iv. Rogers- Research done

v. Yes they are from countries

vi. Honors-

vii. Trying to get

viii. We would love to

ix. Rogers- Cost different

x. If you email me I can send you research done from other universities

III. On the Ball Award

a. Actually have the ball this week

b. Nominations

c. Community- go green

d. Rogers- for winning the national OTM

IV. Old Business

a. Gannon-Goldsworthy- Toga Party

i. Dan

ii. Honors- Minimum amount needed

iii. We really do not have a minimum amount, we want it to be for best it can be

iv. Gannon Goldsworthy- Toga Party, we want to get people form outside residence halls and Greek life

v. Nearly have 600 students, which means that we give 6000 of your total budget


vii. North- How much money

viii. Will be going to ASWSU senate

ix. North- How much form you hall government

x. 800

xi. Discussion

1. WD- thought it was a good idea

2. Honors- Thought 1400 was to much

3. Stevens- agreed

4. Community- liked the idea but scared

5. DD- we were undecided

6. SP- lots of money but ok with

7. SC- hall was cool

8. Regents- in favor

9. Orton- positive

10. Rogers- 500 enough

11. Stimson- no

12. GG- matching was a good thing to do, we have more residence and

13. East- agree

14. South- fine

15. Rogers motions to 500.01 from PPS

16. Orton- 2nds

17. Rogers- good event

18. Orton- yield

19. GG- Friendly amend 800.01

20. Stimson- if you look at the budget and they give

21. Stimson-Friendly amend to 600.01

22. Rogers accepts

23. POI Waller- current amount

24. Is at 600.01

25. Motion passes


i. Asking for 2000 to be moved to my line

ii. Five flights that go in

iii. There are flights to Tulsa

iv. Will be for travel and any un foreseen concerns

v. East- explains

vi. Will be for plane tickets and registration, housing to cover my cost

vii. The 1000 will be for my room, board, and my plane ticket home

viii. DD- requesting a transfer of funds

ix. Yes

x. North how many are you taking

xi. We are taking four

xii. Waller- using your own money for food

xiii. Yes I’m planning

xiv. Discussion

1. South- find with it

2. North- no problem with it, prompt us

3. East- like it but flying here home

4. GG- we were fine, but we really do not see effect for our hall

5. Waller- fine with the

6. Stimson

7. Rogers- conference

8. Orton- no objects

9. Regents

10. SC- no

11. SP- no problems

12. DD- in support

13. Com- no problem

14. Stevens- fine with give money

15. Honors- disagreed with the,

16. WD-

17. DD

18. Community

19. Waller-Friendly amendment

20. GG- Cost

21. Rogers- Flying for home was a huge concern for , asking how to friendly amend so we can

22. President- table it for a week

23. Waller- move to amend to 1000

24. Rogers 2nds

25. Waller- disagreement

26. Rogers- we should not

27. DAA-

28. GG-

29. DAA- Every one else

30. President- Flown Home, we have to think of all the different options


32. GG- wants to now what is cheaper to do, I’m fine with flying her back to Hawaii

33. Regents- Want to know the transportation

34. DD- if we do table this, it will be

35. Waller- POI how often

36. Rogers- Move to table

37. Waller POI what about the

38. Stimson- 2nds

39. Rogers- we are shooting back and forth, table and come back

40. Stimson- we do not have the right to do this

41. DPR- will cost more

42. GG- we can also pass the money and have her do what , overspent

43. North- When I look to go home for winter break it was looking

44. DD- call the previous question

45. Motion to table passes

V. New Business

a. Rogers Hall Government- Cougar Idol

i. It is our take on American Idol, we will be having auditions the week before,

ii. We have reserved Beasley, which it is

iii. Trying to bring all students in together

iv. We are getting possible turn out

v. We are looking for

vi. Beasley, best option, because of the expected turnout

vii. WD- with the 1500 is sounds included

viii. Yes it is, the rest is for labor

ix. Honors- Transportation


b. Stephenson South- Don’t Stop Believin

i. Iris, Vice President-

ii. 80 nights dance

iii. Going to hall to ask for money

iv. We do not do a lot of events

v. We want RHA to cover

vi. ASWSU will cover

vii. March 21st 9 pm - 12am

c. Streit Perham- Campout for Hope

i. We are looking for volunteers

ii. We have a speaker, we really want to just raise awareness on depression

iii. Honors- Where is the speaker

iv. We do not know right now, we are working on it.

d. AEUE- Academic Monopoly

i. Have be advertisement

ii. Honors- Drawing held

iii. We will be drawing on the

iv. Regents- what type of ipod

v. Nano

vi. Recess at 8:19

vii. Returned at 8:25

e. ASWSU Senate- Coug Feud

i. March 27th

ii. Work a lot with getting people

iii. Where can you go for tutoring, an example

iv. 100 for Butch and 100 the winning team

v. ESS, will be for sound

vi. Butch throwing out shirts

vii. Asking for a small amount, we want to get involvement

viii. Honors- What is the remaining senate budget

ix. 14,000

x. Want to see people on the panel, let us know who you would like to see

xi. Debate is in Todd aid

f. Waller Hall- Duchess Week

i. 300 to help with our Duchess week, going Monday- Photo, Tuesday-

ii. Not for men on campus but it for all women on c

iii. We have a big turn out each year.

iv. Rogers- The dates overlap with RHA Week.

v. We can hold it later because

vi. Having this as our RHA

g. Finance Recommendations

i. Rogers- 1000, do not feel we can give more at the time

ii. Stevens South- recommends giving a full amount

iii. Striet- recommends 500

iv. AEUE- recommends full amount- good event, advertisement

v. ASWSU- recommends 100, they have a good budget

vi. Waller- recommends we do not fund, it does not

vii. Habitat- recommend 700, 100 for

VI. ASWSU Presidential Tickets

a. Grace Davis and Leslie Lambert

i. Apologizing for being sick

ii. Grace Davis- Psychology major, founder and president of Lacrosse, ASWSU Senator, Work with my Greek chapter, work very closely with the advisor, was screwed over by my landlord

iii. Leslie Lambert- Chair of programming, Lead inter for Campus Involvement. Exec member of my Greek Sorority. I’m a panillenic delegate. I got to see what. Worked for Take your Shirt off for Malawi. Philosophy. I’m passionate about activities.

iv. Renter rights, you can have people check the room to make the room safer. Advisor need to increase

v. Rogers- expend the time

vi. DD seconds

vii. Safety is a huge part of; we are around because of you guys. We want to open it up for questions

viii. Rogers- What makes you qualified to run President and what make you qualified to run the Senate as a Vice President

ix. Being open and available, not afraid to take a stand.

x. I’m qualified to run senate because I have been on senate for the past few years. I’m a 5 years of know how parli pro is run. It is really hard to see how, Senate how it should be run

xi. Bounce items off each other to make a better team.

xii. We like to think out side of the box, and approach items in unusually ways. We are ordinary students

xiii. DD- What does Senate need for the students

xiv. We need Involvement, we have not advertised very well, but we have not asked for involvement. We want to hear what you want then do it.

xv. We want you to hold you leaders responsible, we want to hear your voice. We want student voice. We need student to let go of you apathy

xvi. Stimson- how have the previous president been with getting there face out there

xvii. I never saw them after elections, having senate and executives going to events will increase turnouts

xviii. We cant me at all the students

xix. We need to get our face out there. The illusionist was a good program and I was mad that there was no ASWSU support

b. Brandon Scheller and Adam Fry-Pierce

i. Brandon- Chief of Staff, this year

ii. Adam Fry-Pierce- Concert Chair

iii. One of the big thing for next year, is New Lobby team, we are providing ½ of the budget

iv. We have branched off to encourage, support for WSU branch Campus

v. We want to create a Grants and Resource Position

vi. We want to start a safety response system, and increase

vii. We want to start an escort people back home. We want to be able to give back to the community

viii. Director of Greek Affairs, and bridge the gap between RHA, IFC, and Pan

ix. We hope it will encourage activity

x. Rogers- motions 5 more minutes

xi. DD- seconds

xii. Greek endowment,

xiii. College hill is a danger

xiv. We will have a dinner to start the Greek Endowment, will start in football season. Will allow for us to raise about 30000. This also will keep

xv. Textbooks pass, we can work on the bookie buy back system better. Teacher is not meeting dead lines. We want to fit to increase the amount of use books up. This allows for a decrease in the price of books.

xvi. Stimson- Grants and Recourse, writing grants

xvii. We do know people on campus that can right them. This would also serve as the Director of Finance. We are trying to find better ways to get money

xviii. Not all of the scholarships are being used.

xix. Rogers- What make you qualified to be president and you qualified to run senate

xx. I’m chief of staff, two term senator. I have worked with the president, which allows me to see the bigger picture

xxi. I have never been involved in senate, but I have been in charge of helping to run a New Greek house, I’m not there to run but to keep it in check.

VII. Open Forum

a. Habitat for Humanity

i. It is a trip over spring break; we will be taking 14 people.

ii. 2001, it will cover food, travel, supplies for the whole week

iii. I want to

iv. DD- where do they live

v. Over half of them live in the hall, More then willing to come back

vi. Honors how much

vii. We told them to expect to pay 600

viii. Waller- it is not just for three halls, it will be for all halls and off campus students. We want to try and fit it

ix. DAA- I need some one to make a motions so I can change the order of elections

x. NCC- I know that you prop. I want to stay to tie up loss ends, Jesse will be help out. Most of the money will be for my tickets. It would be only 100 differences. Only five flights in

xi. Stevens- Waller would be a good idea, to give them money

xii. SC- yield

xiii. Rogers- When we look at it, it is not open to everyone one on campus. It is discriminating against men on campus

xiv. DD- yield

xv. Stimson- yield

xvi. GG- the main concern was for the week.

xvii. Waller- we do not open it up to men because it is for Waller to choose our duchess. Asking money to off site the cost

xviii. Waller- we are dipping into

xix. President- they are only asking for 300, the recommendation is only a

xx. Need to motions, one for elections , and one for NACURH

xxi. Stimson- you are saying, it like having a man I think it is a great idea.

xxii. GG- Motion to move 2000 from unallocated to conferences

xxiii. DD- 2nds

xxiv. GG- gives her the options

xxv. Stimson- I think we need to be able to ask

xxvi. Motion passes

xxvii. DD- 2000

xxviii. DD- yield

xxix. GG- it does not matter on where she

xxx. Rogers- People at my hall support. It does not make sense to.

xxxi. NCC- it does not make sense for me to go home

xxxii. Community- Money you need to by the tickets

xxxiii. NCC- it going to be a lot, because we do not know where the new president or NCC is going to be flying from. It will be myself,

xxxiv. NCC- I need the money there to be able to send them

xxxv. DAA- where have previous NCC been flown after the NACURH

xxxvi. NCC- they have flown them back home.

xxxvii. DPR- Would you be willing to pay the 100 dollar

xxxviii. DAA-yield

xxxix. WD- yield

xl. Stimson- how much

xli. NCC- the lowest

xlii. Rogers- yield

xliii. Stimson-Would be flown

xliv. VP- it is hundred to more to change

xlv. GG- Call the previous

xlvi. DD- seconds

xlvii. Waller- events are going to overlap, it is just giving people options to go to which every one works the best

xlviii. Waller- we would like the fin

xlix. GG- Motions to give DAA the right to move the order of elections

l. DD- 2nds

li. GG- if it make it easier

lii. DD- yields

liii. GG- two weeks

liv. Consent called, motion passes

lv. GG- 5 minute recess?

lvi. No

lvii. DD- Yield

lviii. SC-Yield to Anthony- Come back next week. I came along time ago for March of times. It will be big. We have lots of people coming for. We may have Jack Johnson. There will be food. Looking for endorsement, it will be a city wide event. No one out side of Pullman. We want to put other event out of the water.

lix. Rogers- yield

lx. Regents- Lucky Charms dance this Friday

lxi. WD- Normally Stevens does a squire week

lxii. President- it up to finance to re look at the proposal

lxiii. Stevens- seconds

lxiv. WD-yield

lxv. Stevens- we do not have enough money to put on squire week

lxvi. Waller- the recommendation

lxvii. DD- Finance also

lxviii. GG- it is a recommendation

lxix. GG- voting on it next week

lxx. DAA- it is only a recomendation

lxxi. Motion passes

VIII. Position/Committee Report

a. President-

i. Important issues, keep the residence in mind when passing money

ii. President meeting, in Common Formal lounge. Have vice president go if president is unable to

iii. No frills

iv. DPO and DPA, not her due to bylaw Article 3 sec 4

b. Vice President

i. Exec board is going to share the authority

ii. RAC have to meet with you next week

iii. Forum next week in Southside, flyers go up tomorrow.

iv. 22nd Saturday flowing

v. DD- where is the retreat

vi. No site yet

c. DAA

i. If you need a binder come see me

ii. Applications for DPO and DPA are online; they will be due Monday March 3 at 4pm to the RHA office or to the RHA email.

iii. Constitutional Review committee will be meeting soon so we can have are two meeting necessary for this semester.

d. Director of Finance

i. Meeting at 5:30 next week

ii. Got a deposit form

iii. Scholarship date will be up soon

iv. Rubric will be made to judge

v. Finance will have a retreat sometime soon

e. NCC

i. Thank you for passing the money

ii. Will be buying tickets tomorrow

iii. New board of directors

iv. No Frills will be at UW next year.

v. We do want to bid for No Frills for 2010

f. DPA and DPO

i. Programming, Wed in McAllister at 7pm

g. DPR

i. New website online, big thanks to Jessie Frable

ii. Download, logo package, How to advertise for RHA

iii. New brand for RHA.

iv. I’m available to help make

v. Banner

vi. Got new binder covers.

vii. Did have exec retreat. Planned a new mission statement and goals.


i. Amazing races is got to be Fun and interesting

ii. Amazing race- travel around on Friday night, was really fun

iii. Liter of the week goes to National OTM for individual of the Month form Rogers

iv. Letter bombs

IX. Jesse’s Moment

a. Needs people to help work with a new way to due care packages. If you are willing to help come see the executives after the meeting.

b. Thank everyone that went to No Frills, they did a great job representing WSU

X. Announcements

XI. Adjournment (10:04 pm)


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