Round 1 - Tripod

The Wise Old Owls Yorkshire Quiz League

Champion of Champions Match

Questions used in the final of our 2000 Knock-out Competition

Four players in a team. With the exception of round 5 (see later), scoring is as follows ...

Team Rounds = 2 points for a correct answer, 1 point bonus if passed to the opposing side.

Individual Rounds = 3 points for a correct answer, 2 points if answered by opponent, otherwise 1 point.

|Answer text in Green |Owning team/player answers correctly for full points |

|Answer text in Blue |Owning player's individual question answered by team-mate (1 point) |

|Answer text in Violet |Owning team/player answers incorrectly, opposition scores bonus. |

|Answer text in red |Neither owning team/player or opposition answered correctly |

The Branch Road Inn (the eventual winners) went A, the New Inn went B

|Round 1 |Team Questions |Subject: "Last" |Answers |

|Team A1 |Who had 48 UK Top 50 albums between 1967 & 1993 ~ titles including ‘Make the Party Last’ and ‘Last the Whole |James Last (Orchestra) |

| |Night Long’ ? | |

|Team B1 |Recording under the name of a German composer who died in 1921, which UK male vocalist reached No 3 in the UK |Engelbert Humperdinck |

| |album chart in 1967 with ‘The Last Waltz’ ? | |

|Team A2 |Created by Roy Clarke, which BBC TV comedy was first screened in 1972 ? |Last of the Summer Wine |

|Team B2 |Screened in 1971, which BBC historical serial was based on the books of James Fenimore Cooper ? |Last of the Mohicans |

|Team A3 |Who had a UK No 2 single in July 1975 with ‘The Last Farewell’ ? |Roger Whittaker |

|Team B3 |Who had a UK No 8 single in July 1979 with ‘Last Train To London’ ? |ELO |

|Team A4 |In which 1984 film is a teenage video-game whiz-kid abducted by the survivors of a distant planet who need his|The Last Starfighter |

| |“combat” skills to outwit their enemies ? | |

|Team B4 |Written & directed by James Clavell, which 1970 film - an historical epic starring Michael Caine and Omar |The Last Valley |

| |Sharrif - is set during the Thirty Years War ? | |

|Round 2 |Team Questions |Subject: Literary Terms |Answers |

|Team A1 |What name is given to a series of lines, usually verse, where the first letters of each line (and sometimes |Acrostic |

| |the last) read down to make a word or phrase ? | |

|Team B1 |What name was given in medieval times to a book containing stories and images of real and imagined creatures ?|Bestiary |

|Team A2 |A term coined by John Stuart Mill in 1868, what name describes an imaginary society whose evil qualities are |Dystopia |

| |meant to serve as a moral or political warning ? | |

|Team B2 |What name is given to a satirical attack on a person in prose or verse, most commonly in the form of a vicious|Lampoon |

| |character sketch ? | |

|Team A3 |Also a punctuation mark, what name is given to a figure of speech such as an aside addressed to some absent |Apostrophe |

| |person or quality - e.g. "O Death, where is thy sting?" or Hamlet's "Frailty, thy name is woman"? | |

|Team B3 |An aphorism is a short pithy maxim, usually making a general observation. What name is given to an aphorism |Proverb |

| |which is universally accepted ? | |

|Team A4 |What name is given to the humorous verse form invented by Edmund Bentley in which the first line is typically |Clerihew (i.e. Edmund Bentley's |

| |the name of the person who is the poem's subject ? |middle name) |

|Team B4 |From the Greek, what name is given to the emotional purging & purification that an audience experiences while |Catharsis |

| |watching a harrowing tragic drama ? | |

|Round 3 |Team Questions |Subject: Blankety Blank |Answers |

|A word (or words) from a ‘regrettable’ quotation has been replaced by “Blank” (or “Blankety Blank”). Which word(s) |

|Team A1 |Idi Amin to Queen Elizabeth II in 1975 - “In view of the success of my economic revolution in Uganda, I offer |Commonwealth |

| |myself to be appointed Head of the Blank.” ? | |

|Team B1 |A remark attributed to the chairman of IBM in 1943 - “I think there is a world market for about five Blanks.” |Computers |

| |? | |

|Team A2 |Prime Minister John Major speaking on BBC2 in 1996 - “With the retirement of Blankety Blank, something sad |‘Dickie’ Bird |

| |will have gone out of English cricket.” ? | |

|Team B2 |Brian Johnson welcoming listeners to Grace Road, Leicester c.1973 - “You’ve come over at a very appropriate |“Relieved himself” |

| |time; Ray Illingworth has just Blankety Blanked at the pavilion end.” ? | |

|Team A3 |Margaret Thatcher in 1983 on the occasion of her deputy’s elevation to the House of Lords - “Every Prime |Willie (as in Whitelaw) |

| |Minister should have a Blank.” ? | |

|Team B3 |Rather prophetically, just a month before a notorious incident in 1998, the Western Mail printed “What the |Ron Davies |

| |Welsh Assembly needs now to capture the public imagination is … for Blankety Blank to be caught with his | |

| |trousers down.” ? | |

|Team A4 |Henry Ford II (the second) in 1957 pronouncing on the model of car which bore his son’s name - “The Blank is |Edsel (as in Ford Edsel) |

| |here to stay.” ? | |

|Team B4 |(The blank here is name of its inventor) General Motors announce a move to a new engine type in 1969 - “The |Wankel (rotary engine) |

| |Blank will eventually dwarf such … technological developments as … the Polaroid camera and colour television.”| |

| |? | |

|Round 4 |Individual Questions |Subject: Recent News |Answers |

|Team A1 |Which Fijian golfer won the US Masters at Augusta this year ? |Vijay Singh |

|Team B1 |Which Uruguayan scored both of Chelsea’s goals in their FA Cup semi-final victory over Newcastle United ? |Gustavo Poyet |

|Team A2 |Accepting his Bafta fellowship, which veteran actor launched a bitter attack on the British movie |Michael Caine |

| |establishment, saying they’d made him feel like an “outsider” ? | |

|Team B2 |Knighted eight years ago, which actor recently became a US citizen ? |Anthony Hopkins |

|Team A3 |Which union leader said there is "institutional racism at the heart of Government" & accused Home Secretary |Bill Morris |

| |Jack Straw of "giving life to the racists" ? | |

|Team B3 |Which MP’s body lay on view at the Freedom Hall, Tottenham Green Leisure Centre so people could pay their |Bernie Grant |

| |respects before his funeral last Tuesday ? | |

|Team A4 |The film’s charity premiere was held in Leicester Square in support of Comic Relief, who stars opposite Harry |Kathy Burke |

| |Enfield in Kevin & Perry Go Large ? | |

|Team B4 |Who made a keynote speech at the opening of the Model UN Millennium Summit calling upon youngsters to practice|Geri Halliwell |

| |‘safe sex’ ? | |

|Round 5 Team Questions ~ Themed Round |

|There is a specific link between each of the answers to the four questions that follow. |

|Teams should write down the four answers and the specific link between those answers and should then exchange papers for marking. Teams only have 1 MINUTE after the |

|reading of the final question to complete their sheets. |

| |


| |

|Read the questions as normal, allowing time for teams to jot down some notes. When you have read the final question (number 4) time one minute. After the expiry of |

|that one minute, ask the teams to exchange their papers for marking. |

|Please do not give any answers until after the papers are exchanged |

|Two points are scored for each correct answer. Two points are scored for identifying the correct link. |

| | |Answers |

|Q1 |Which member of the Royal family - first name will do - was born on 10 March 1964 ? |Edward |

|Q2 |He is also a Labour MP, what is the first name of Tony Benn’s son ? |Hilary |

|Q3 |What was the surname of the character played by Phillip Thomas in "Miami Vice" ? |Tubbs |

|Q4 |What is the more familiar name for the common disorder Epistaxis ? |Nosebleed |

| |

|The specific link being The League of Gentlemen (Edward & Tubbs run the Local shop and the strange meat sold by the butcher, Hilary, gave everyone in Royston Vasey a |

|nosebleed) |

|Prior to taking the half-time break the teams were told the subjects for round 9 are as follows ... |

|Business & Economics | | |Famous Women (late 19th - early 20th century) |

|Fish | | |Latin Tags & Phrases |

|Team members decide over the half-time break which of the subjects each will take in round 9. |


|Round 6 |Team Questions |Subject: Assassins & Assassinations |Answers |

|Team B1 |In 1170, who was assassinated by Fitzorse, Tracy, Morville and Brito ? |Thomas á Becket |

|Team A1 |He was Mary Queen of Scots’ second husband, who was blown up in Edinburgh by a group of conspirators in 1567 ?|Lord (Stewart) Darnley |

|Team B2 |Who was shot dead by Nazis in his Vienna Chancellery in 1934 ? |(Dr Engelbert) Dollfuss |

|Team A2 |In 1922, who was killed in an ambush laid for him between Bandon & Macroom in the Irish Republic ? |Michael Collins |

|Team B3 |What was the surname of the disappointed office-seeker who assassinated US President James Garfield in 1881 ? |(Charles) Guiteau |

|Team A3 |What was the surname of the bankrupt Liverpool broker who assassinated British Prime Minister Sir Spencer |(John) Bellingham |

| |Perceval in 1812 ? | |

|Team B4 |Which Secretary General of the South African Communist party was gunned down outside his home in a |(Chris) Hani |

| |Johannesburg suburb in 1993 ? | |

|Team A4 |Which former fashion designer was shot dead in Milan in 1995 ? |(Maurizio) Gucci |

|Round 7 |Team Questions |Subject: European towns & cities |Answers |

|Team B1 |Bregenz and Klagenfurt are provincial capitals in which country ? |Austria |

|Team A1 |Similarly, Constanta and Timisoara ? |Romania |

|Team B2 |Broadly speaking, where in France will you find the towns of Bastia and Calvi ? |Corsica |

|Team A2 |Similarly, Quimper (say “Com-per”) and Rennes ? |Brittany |

|Team B3 |Which Italian port city is the capital of Puglia (say “Pool-ya”) ? |Bari |

|Team A3 |Similarly, Liguria ? |Genoa |

|Team B4 |The birthplace of the artist Albrecht Dürer, which German city on the Pegnitz river was an important meeting |Nuremberg |

| |place for the Meistersinger ? | |

|Team A4 |Which German city on the Baltic was formerly the administrative headquarters of the Hanseatic League ? |Lűbeck |

|Round 8 |Team Questions |Subject: World War II |Answers |

|Team B1 |In separate campaigns, which two countries did Russia invade in 1939 ? |Poland & Finland |

|Team A1 |Which two countries were invaded & conquered by Germany in April 1941 ? |Greece & Yugoslavia |

|Team B2 |Popularised by the US comedian Bob Burns in the mid-30s, which ‘spoof’ trombone-like instrument gave its name |Bazooka |

| |to an anti-tank weapon used in WWII ? | |

|Team A2 |What was the name of the device used by German U-Boats enabling them to run on diesel and recharge their |Schnorkel |

| |batteries while remaining submerged ? | |

|Team B3 |Named after a fashionable area of London, which fortified site 25 miles southwest of Tobruk was overrun by |Knightsbridge |

| |Rommel’s Afrika Corps in May 1942 ? | |

|Team A3 |Which architectural style shared its name with the Germans’ final line of defence in Italy ~ running from |Gothic (Line) |

| |Pisa, through Florence to Ancona ? | |

|Team B4 |Which armed merchantman courageously attacked the German battleship Admiral Scheer in 1940, enabling 32 of the|Jervis Bay |

| |convoy she was escorting to escape ? | |

|Team A4 |Before she was sunk on encountering an enemy flotilla in 1940, which Royal Navy destroyer rammed & severely |(HMS) Glowworm |

| |damaged the German heavy cruiser Hipper ? | |

|Round 9 |Individual Questions |Players choose their subjects |Answers |

| |Subject One: Business & Economics | |

|Team B1 |If the cost of acquiring a business exceeds the net value of its assets, which one-word term describes the |Goodwill |

| |excess ? | |

|Team A1 |What two-word term do economists use to designate the fundamental price of something in terms of the benefits |Opportunity Cost |

| |foregone to acquire it ? | |

| |Subject Two: Famous Women (late 19th-early 20th century) | |

|Team B2 |Which Polish-born German communist, together with another co-founder of the Spartacist League, was murdered in|(Rosa) Luxemburg |

| |January 1919 ? | |

|Team A2 |She died in 1912; which campaigner for housing reform and public open spaces was in 1894 a co-founder of the |(Octavia) Hill |

| |National Trust ? | |

| |Subject Three: Fish | |

|Team B3 |What type of fish is a Porbeagle ? |(Mackerel) Shark |

|Team A3 |Of which genus of fish is the Bonito a variety ? |Tuna or Tunny |

| |Subject Four: Latin tags & phrases | |

|Team B4 |A question posed inJohn's Gospel in the New Testament and also a film title, which two-word Latin phrase |Quo Vadis |

| |translates into English as "whither goest thou? " ? | |

|Team A4 |Now the name of a sweet wine produced in Italy, which two word Latin phrase translates into English as "the |Lachryma Christie |

| |tears of Christ" ? | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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