Hi! I’m Bill Cropper and I’ll be your facilitator next January 23 for a 1-day in-school PD clinic on Working with Emotional Intelligence. Thank you for setting aside the time to come along – I’m looking forward to working with you in the New Year.

You may think it’s a bit early to communicate with you about this. The idea of sending out some pre-reading and a few preparatory activities this early is so you can think about what aspects you would most like to focus on, and, with the help of your feedback, enable me to customise the clinic to meet some of those needs.

So let’s start with some basics and then look at what you can do to prepare…

…When? January 23, 2015

…Timing? We have a lot to cover, so I’d like to start the session promptly at 8.30 am so it would be helpful if you could please aim to arrive a little earlier to settle in. We’ll work towards winding up around 4.30 pm…

….What can you expect? I hope, first up, that we can make the clinic a lively and insightful learning experience - and have some fun. Personally and in the classroom, we can all benefit from increased emotional self-awareness and developing skills that bring out the best in ourselves and improve our relationships with others.

This clinic is designed to show you what emotional intelligence is all about and looks at how to apply some simple EI practices to help you make that happen.

…What can you do to prepare yourself? I know the holiday break is imminent… yet it would be really useful if you could read through and do the Activities that follow. You don’t have to send all these back but I would appreciate receiving your responses to ACTIVITY-3 – The Personal Survey no later than Monday JANUARY 12 (night) please – as this will help me to customise the clinic for your team. You can complete this ON-LINE using the link provided through the Activity Title OR EMAIL your completed Activity-3 pages back to me as a WORD document to billc@...

If you have any queries about content or approach before the program, you can reach me on 07-4068 7591 or mobile 0429 687513 – leave a message and I’ll call you back as soon as I can.

Christmas Cheers,


( Working with Emotional Intelligence…

← Ever wondered why some people seem to get a lot done at work, get along well with others and are a joy to work with, while others seem to make everything just that little bit harder? It looks like it’s got a lot to do with Emotional Intelligence (EI).

We’ve all seen EI in action – and all of us have been in the action too. Think about these…

← There’s the person we all envy who just seems to get along so naturally with everyone.

← There’s the teacher who builds strong bonds effortlessly with pupils and gets them fired up with learning enthusiasm.

← There’s the manager who can bear bad news but get away with it unscathed – because people trust they’re genuine.

← There’s the nurse who instinctively knows what to say to put a patient at ease or settle their anxiety.

← There’s the waiter who confidently handles difficult diners and manages to send them away smiling and feeling special.

← What all these people have in common is Emotional Intelligence…

Whether it’s an office, factory or school, we all want to work in happy, productive workplaces that are warm, welcoming, inspiring and supportive that bring out our best, build our skills and positively challenge us. Ones where people get along well with each other – there’s a real sense of team. Where we feel valued and we care about each other and the people we’re there to help.

Developing emotional skills like perseverance, resilience, self-confidence, self-motivation, connectivity, empathy and teamwork is critical to both work and life success. Skills like these are essential for happy, productive workplaces. When they’re not there, we notice.

“The rules for work are changing. We’re being judged by a new yardstick: not just how smart we are, or by our training or expertise, but also by how well we handle ourselves and each other.” Daniel Goleman Working with Emotional Intelligence p. 3

EI has a lot to do with the way we talk to each other, how we come across to others and how much respect, positive regard and collaboration there is in a workplace. Through EI we build:

← A sense of harmony, unity and belongingness

← Create a common purpose, vision and agreed ways of doing things

← The ability to relate to others respectfully so people feel safe and supported - that brings out their best in terms of creativity and the ability to get things done.

We hope today’s seminar will give you some valuable new insights into how you can achieve some of this back in your workplace – or build on the good work you’re already doing.

( What is EI at Work About?

This one-day interactive seminar aims to show you what EI is and why it matters for good work and great relationships. It takes a look at the critical role EI plays in working well and gives you down-to-earth insights into some simple EI practices to bring out the best in yourself and others – whether it’s at work or at home.

← This seminar covers some tools and practices to help you:

← Understand what EI is and the impact it has on you and your work ability

← Take control of your own feelings and see how they affect you and others at work

← Manage your moods and control those negative emotions we all have from time to time

← See how feelings influence your job satisfaction, your approach to work and your ability to get along well with others

← Deal better with those difficult moments, handle conflict and hostility differently and cope more confidently with stress, pressure and the demands of change

‘Managing relationships skilfully boils down to handling other people’s emotions.’

Daniel Goleman The New Leaders p. 65

|Here’s some topics we’ll touch on during the day… |

|What is EI and why it matters for good work |Managing moods – yours and other’s |

|Hidden costs of toxic emotional climates |Empathy – connecting with other’s feelings |

|Emotional hijacks and the EI triangle |Tool: 2IMP – a formula for connection |

|The brain basis behind EI : a brainy idea |Tool: 5-step formula to deal with hostility |

|Emotions Mapping: thoughts, feelings, actions |EI blind spots: your defence mechanisms |

|Dealing with disruptive emotions |EI Inventory: Taking stock of your patterns |

|Finding and expressing your feelings well |Emotional awareness: your goals/challenges? |

( Emotional Intelligence – Why it Matters

You’re probably wondering what role emotions really play in workplaces if any – or even whether they have much of a place at all.

← Why does EI matter at work? Answer these questions and draw your own conclusion.

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|Have you ever noticed that some people at work seem to energise and motivate you while others seem to drain your energy and enthusiasm? |

|Do you feel good when someone praises your work or recognises you did a good job? |

|Do you feel positively challenged by some tasks and feel less inclined to do others? ---->>> |

|Have you ever felt tense, anxious or fearful about a change in your workplace? |

|If you’re giving a presentation do you do a better job if you’re nervous or relaxed? |

|If you feel anxious, distracted, pressured is it easier/harder to focus on the task at hand? |

|Do you feel less motivated to put effort in when your manager gives you unfair feedback? |

|Do you approach a project differently depending on whether your feel excited, indifferent or lukewarm about it? |

|Do you ever feel tension in your team or a sense of not belonging or connecting? |

|Have you ever felt anger and frustration with someone else’s behaviour at work? |

|Have you ever said that a manager or team leader you worked for needed people skills? |

|When you complain as a customer, do you feel better when someone listens openly and connects with your problem rather get irritated and |

|try to make you feel wrong? |

|If, in any of these scenarios you feel emotions do make a difference, then feelings do matter for good work, don't they? |

We dramatically underestimate the role emotions play in every corner of our lives. Whether it’s at work, school or home, emotions percolate through every aspect of our lives. EI isn’t only indispensable for success at work, it’s indispensable for success at life - it’s the background behind almost everything else we do!

← Take a look at this string of ideas:

← Personal Effectiveness: EI influences our moods, decisions, actions – how we think, who we are and how we live.

← It has a big impact on how we behave, how we cope with change and stress and how well we manage workload pressures

← Our emotional patterns determine our entire outlook on life and what happens to us.

← EI is connected to how positive or pessimistic we are and it has a lot to do with how productive, happy, satisfied and effective we are in life.

← Team Relationships: EI is at the heart of great teamwork and good work relationships.

← Good relationships and positive feelings help create healthy teams that pull together

← Good work relationships mean making positive emotional connections with each other – we call it likingness!

← EI has a huge impact on how we interact and how well we get along with workmates, bosses, customers, friends and loved ones

← Work Climate & Culture: EI is the basis for building positive, productive work climates and ‘can-do’ cultures.

← It’s what lifts levels of achievement, focus, optimism, joy, purpose and perseverance and decreases dysfunctional behaviour and other drawbacks to good work.

← The more emotional connection there is in a workplace, the more people feel friendly, happy, enthused, interested, focused. Morale tends to be high – climates are positive.

← The reverse applies too. Apathy, anger, aggression, anxiety, cynicism, contempt, withdrawal or sullen silence set off negative emotional chain-reactions that turn work climates toxic.

Activity 1: Emotions at Work

Feelings have a lot to do with our level of job satisfaction, achievement and success at work.

← People can’t focus and do good work if they’re distracted by strong emotions all the time.

← Trouble is we often don’t stop and see how our emotions affect us at work – how they either help us or get in the way.

This first activity focuses attention on your emotions and their connection to good work…

← Think back over your experiences in this school – or other jobs if you like...

|Can you think of times when emotions – either yours or others – had a POSITIVE impact on the way you worked? Describe a couple of those |

|times… |

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|Can you think of times when emotions – either yours or others – had a NEGATIVE impact on the way you worked? Describe a couple of those |

|times…. |

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|What are some of the impacts of a lack of EI in your workplace? |

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(The 4 Dimensions of EI

EI is about understanding our own emotional patterns and seeing how they affect what we say and do at work. It’s also about controlling strong disruptive, emotions better – what we call ‘mood-management’. On another level, it’s also about our ability to read and connect with other people’s emotions, get along well with workmates and have good working relationships.

Daniel Goleman, populariser of EI, says there are 4 EI dimensions you can use to assess where you can improve your emotional intelligence:

1. Self-Awareness: being alert to what we feel in the moment. Knowing how your moods influence your thinking and behaviour.

2. Self-Management: managing your moods and feelings better – especially touchy ones. Coping better with frustration, controlling your outbursts and redirecting disruptive, damaging or impulsive urges (which we all have by the way – it’s natural).

3. Social Awareness: handling feelings/ emotions better in relationships with others in your workteam and having a good idea of how your feelings impact others. This includes the most powerful of EI practices, empathy – the ability to tune-in to how others feel in the moment which builds rapport and creates connection.

4. Relationship Management: is more than just a matter of being friendly or social. It means handling emotions in relationships well, accurately reading social interactions; relating smoothly and using EI skills to persuade, lead and negotiate, build enduring relationships and create a climate of open collaboration.

Activity-2: Work SMART - An EI Quiz

This EI Quiz is based on Daniel Goleman’s 4 EI Dimensions. It may help you with identifying an EI goal or two after this seminar. We’ve all heard the old adage “work smarter – not harder”. Over the last 10 years, a number of emotional competencies or EI skill areas have been identified that puts a totally new spin on the old idea of working SMART. SMART now stands for:

o S = Self-awareness

o M = Managing negative emotions

o A = Adopting more positive attitudes

o R = Relating and connecting well with others

o T = Teaming up with others

← This tool lists 5 SMART practices for working with EI. For each practice, rate yourself against each EI competency statement and then reflect on:

← In what ways do I already work this way? Think of specific examples and instances.

← In what ways is what I do at odds with this practice? Again, think of specific examples

◆ 1. For each statement in the quiz, circle a number in the YOU column…

1 = LEAST typical of You TO 5 = MOST typical of You

← The column marked OTHERS is designed to get feedback on how other people who know and work with you, rate you. Leave it blank until you decide (after the workshop) who to approach.

|S = Self-awareness: When you can read and interpret your own emotions well. Understanding the link between what you think, what you feel |

|and how you act and how your feelings impact on every action you take and decision you make. This means getting in tune with your feelings|

|as they’re happening. For example, if you’re feeling hostile towards someone, do you think through the best way is to approach this person |

|and talk it through or do you just let go and let them have it! |

|YOU |How typical are these EI behaviours of YOU? |Comments/Feedback? |OTHERS |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I am aware of my own feelings as they occur | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I can name specific feelings in myself accurately | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I’m honest with myself about what I feel | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I am open to my feelings – good and not so good | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I usually understand why I feel the way I do | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I can express what I feel clearly and directly | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I know how my feelings affect how I think and act | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I know what impact my feelings have on others | |1 2 3 4 5 |

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|M = Managing negative emotions: Getting those negative emotions under control is a critical EI competency. It starts by taking |

|responsibility for your own feelings and actions. It takes a “no cop-out” mindset to see how your feelings are yours and stop blaming |

|others for what you feel. It’s getting our rational brain into gear to balance out what our Amygdala might be telling us to do. It means |

|developing personal strategies to master negative emotions like fear, anger and apathy, building resilience to cope with life's challenges |

|and setbacks and perseverance to pursue our goals with energy, persistence and application. Are you careful to maintain emotional balance |

|and practice regular self-reflection on situations that destabilise or lead you to behave in destructive ways? |

|YOU |How typical are these EI behaviours of YOU? |Comments/Feedback? |OTHERS |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I can control my own state of mind and feelings | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I don’t let my emotions get out of hand too often | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I monitor/reflect on my thoughts and emotions | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I can control angry, critical or defensive urges | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I take responsibility for my own feelings | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I manage my feelings even in hostile situations. | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I can change my mood to get into focus or flow for a task – even if| |1 2 3 4 5 |

| |I find it tedious or annoying | | |

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|A = Adopting more positive attitudes: This starts by seeing that you choose the feelings and attitudes you bring to work. No-one else does.|

|Optimism is a big factor that influences your attitude and ability to stay motivated. It’s the ability to de-personalise problems or |

|setbacks – and see them temporary, one off, events that are solvable. This style of thinking promotes resilience and the capacity to bounce|

|back from adversity and stay focused on your goals. Numerous studies have demonstrated optimistic people try harder when things get tough |

|and are more likely to succeed. What’s your attitude like at work? Do certain thoughts or feelings help or hinder you |

|YOU |How typical are these EI behaviours of YOU? |Comments/Feedback? |OTHERS |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I don’t generally bring my bad moods to work | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I stay calm, positive, optimistic under pressure | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I radiate good feelings to others | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I can handle set-backs and stuff-ups calmly | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I learn from my mistakes and don’t brood on them | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I create positive, can-do climates with workmates | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I know the best mood to be in to tackle a task. | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I can change negative feelings into positive ones | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I don’t dwell on problems – I look for solutions | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I rarely feel defeated or deflated and just try again | |1 2 3 4 5 |

| |

|R = Relating and connecting well with others: How well I get along with others, build and maintain relationships and can collaborate with |

|others to create a climate of good teamwork This one reminds us that EI is not just about tuning into your feelings. It’s also about tuning|

|into others and acting in ways that keep you connected with them. It’s based on the ability to care and really empathise with someone |

|else. Empathy is emotional connection with others and it takes compassion, tolerance and the ability to stop being judgemental and critical|

|all the time. Think of people in your team you get along and work well together with? How do you treat them? What kind of feelings do you |

|have about them? Now think of people you don’t get along with so well? How do you treat them? What kind of feelings do you have about |

|them? What could you do to change this? |

|YOU |How typical are these EI behaviours of YOU? |Comments/Feedback? |OTHERS |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I mostly have positive relationships with others | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I connect well with people – I rarely feel alienated | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I respond with understanding to others' emotions | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I can connect with other’s moods – sensitively | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I am respectful/non-judgmental of other’s feelings | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I deal calmly with others’ emotional mood swings | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I can read how other’s are feeling – accurately | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I can understand why others feel the way they do | |1 2 3 4 5 |

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|T = Teaming up with others: No one gets things done on their own anymore at work. It takes teamwork and it’s teamwork skills that are in |

|big demand on the job market. This is the ability to get along well and work in with others. This area builds on all the other EI |

|competencies. Without it you can’t be a team player and others feel they can’t work in well with you. What emotional patterns and strengths|

|make you a good team player that you could build on? What things about you and your emotions get in the way of being a good team player? |

|YOU |How typical are these EI behaviours of YOU? |Comments/Feedback? |OTHERS |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I have good feelings about the people I work with | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I respect and trust my other team members | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I get myself/others energised/excited about work | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I consider others’ feeling in actions I take | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I act positively to work out differences with others | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I rarely feel resentful or angry towards others | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I act supportively and encourage others team | |1 2 3 4 5 |

|1 2 3 4 5 |I like others, appreciate them and work in well | |1 2 3 4 5 |

2. After you score the checklist, track back and mark statements you think may give you insight into your current EI style and the way you are at work.

← Why is this particular statement intriguing, significant or worrying for me?

← What does it say to me about my current EI style or approach?

← What would I need to STOP/START doing to enhance my emotional intelligence at work?

3. From the quiz above, select the 5 most important items you would like to work on...

|You can note the 5 EI improvement areas you’d most like to work on here… |

|1. |

|2. |

|3. |

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|( Copy these into Activity-3 Item 2.1 below >>> |

← Please complete the next activity ON-LINE or Save & Email back a copy of these pages as a WORD document to BillC@ no later than December 20 please...

Activity-3: Pre-Clinic Personal Survey – Please RETURN

|Your Name Please: | |

(For The Change Forum admin purposes only – your responses will be CONFIDENTIAL. Feedback used for our workshop will be generalised, no names mentioned)

1. List the hardest emotional challenges you face in your work. These might be....

|Challenges of getting along with others |Challenges of handling pressures, deadlines |

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|Challenges of concentrating, completing tasks |Challenges of relating well with to your boss |

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|Challenges of maintaining positive frame of mind |Challenges of changes to how you do your job |

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|Other Emotional Challenges? |

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2. What aspects of EI do you most want to cover?

2.1 First, please note down your top 5 items from doing the EI Quiz (Activity-2) above.

|1. |

|2. |

|3. |

|4. |

|5. |

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2.2 Now think about areas of EI you would most like to cover in this clinic that may help address these goals. We’ve included a checklist below. Tick your top 5. And please feel free to note anything that isn’t there...

| |Better understand my own emotions and why I act the way I do sometimes |

| |Get more in touch with my feelings and be able to express them |

| |Manage my moods better (eg. control anger, frustration and other disruptive emotions) |

| |See what impact my current emotional style has on other people around me |

| |Get along well & work better together with others in my team |

| |Be more sensitive in my day-to-day dealings with others |

| |Connect better with bosses, workmates and bring my ‘best-self’ along to work |

| |Learn how to handle change, work pressures and stress better |

| |Be more resilient and handle set-backs and upsets at work better |

| |Learn how cope better with negativity and pessimism – my own or others |

| |Take a more positive approach to work and raise my level of job satisfaction |

| |Handle conflict, aggression and hostility in a more balanced way - myself and others |

| |Learn how to deal better with difficult people or disruptive emotions at work |

| |Have more respectful workplace interactions and build rapport |

| |Give feedback more respectfully and learn how to handle other’s criticisms better |

| |Understand the role emotions play in handling personal change |

| Do you have any other items that are not already listed? |

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3. Personal Emotional Style: Understanding ourselves (who we think we are), our emotions or patterns of feeling (what do I feel?), and our behaviour (how I act, what I say and do) is important territory for EI. Here is a series of profiling questions to help you reflect …

← What would you say are your emotional strengths? These are patterns that help you? What about emotional liabilities? These are patterns that get in the way

|Emotional Strengths.... |Emotional Liabilities..... |

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← List 5 words that describe you at your best at work? What words have other people used to describe good things about the way you are at work?

Then list 5 words that describe you at your worst at work…

|Best.... |Worst..... |

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← What are the 3 biggest lessons you have learned about the role emotions play in working with others? Why were they important?

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Thanks again for taking the time to answer these questions.

Cheers, Bill


An Interactive

Seminar for STAFF on

Working with Emotional Intelligence

Gowrie State School Toowoomba

January 23, 2015


Program Pre-Reading Activities

Program Pre-Reading Activities

Program Pre-Reading Activities


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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