Service specification

Pathways LLCService SpecificationVersion 1.0August 26, 2015Presented by:Stephanie D. Taylor-DillardIntroductionPathways is an urban economic development company that strategically focuses upon the community in which we do business and ask the following questions: How can we prove the economy? What measures need to be taken in order to build upon the foundation of this society? How can we help its members both collectively and individually? We offer staffing, training and business owner support services to nonprofits and small businesses, in addition, we also offer training packages and community connection services to larger corporations. To individuals we also offer career and professional training and placement services. Pathways LLC will establish a business consortium which will focus on economic development within the Saint Paul areas mentioned. As we work together to provide opportunities for the poor and disadvantaged communities in which we live, work and do business it makes sound financial sense to provide those opportunities, as a more stable economic community makes better financial sense for each business which is located within the community. Pathways will work with government, social service and development agencies to develop clusters in the Saint Paul area; clusters are groups which provide inter-related services to the community and work together to provide services with an eye towards strengthening the community economically. Pathways will also volunteer to work with those clusters already formed or forming which provide services to the community. Why do this? The success of Pathways depends upon the economic stability of the surrounding community, moreover Pathways LLC was created for the success of the community and that success is largely dependent upon the success of the citizens. By strengthening the economic structure of the community we change the lives of thousands of American citizens bringing them out of poverty and enabling them to live happily in the greatest nation on earth. Services offeredAssessmentsFor Businesses:Each client will receive an assessment of their business, customer service, training, and overall management needs. A Community Account Specialist (CAS) will interview owners utilizing the questions listed on the business assessment sheet and then continue on to shadow employees without the presence of the owner. From there the CAS will interview staff and then provide a feedback assessment sheet as well as recommendations.For Individuals:Each client will receive assessment on basic skills such as reading, writing, grammar and mathematical skills. In order to be eligible for the Career program they must pass at a twelfth grade reading level. They will also receive career assessment – this test will determine their interest level rather than their skill level of several types of careers. This test will be utilized to determine the clients’ vocational choice. The Career Manager will examine their resume and assist them to prepare for future employment. They shall then be listed for professional placement.ServicesFor Businesses:Owners have the option of purchasing additions to the standard package in order to enhance their business. The standard package includes the assessment, customer service training and work ethic training. (Basic service package price $3,053.70)For Individuals:Once entry to the program is determined professionals will receive 30 days of training which covers: work ethics, career strategy, dressing to impress, interviewing techniques, presentation, resume writing, proposal writing, negotiations, career life preparation and office cultural literacy. This will prepare the client to become successful in their chosen vocation and assist them in their continued career. Additional Services AvailableStaffing and Career PlacementFor Businesses:Clients have the option of selecting any of our available professionals for a 90 day probationary hiring contract after which, if the decision is made to hire, their chosen associate they have the option of agreeing to a permanent hiring contract through Pathways LLC. During the selection process, owners will have the ability to access our client database. This database will give them the ability to view our clients, their resumes, skills and references. It is highly recommended that business partners utilize the inside knowledge of the Community Account Managers in making the final decision. In addition, business partners may, for an additional fee, request additional assessments such as background checks, psychological testing, basic reasoning and personality testing and alcohol and drug testing. For our Business Partners we also offer the following services:Employee Work Ethics TrainingBusiness Loyalty Training and SeminarsLeadership TrainingCustomer Service TrainingTraining in Honesty and IntegrityAssistance in Training and Preparing for a Diverse WorkforceComputer TrainingWebsite ServicesTalent Search Placement ServicesBusiness and Entrepreneur SupportResource and ReferralsFor Individuals:Career placement is the final step in the clients’ journey with Pathways LLC, Community Account Managers introduce them to Pathways contract partners. All efforts will be made to place clients with businesses with which they desire to build a career life with. They shall undergo an interview during which the interviewer assures themselves that the placement is a correct fit. Following the introduction and placement interview the client begins to work for the company on a 90 day probationary hiring contract after which, if they are hired on permanently terms will be negotiated through Pathways LLC.Job Search AssistanceResume and Cover Letter Writing WorkshopsWork Ethic ClassesJob PlacementParent EducationSupport GroupsEntrepreneur Support and TrainingLife Skills TrainingLeadership TrainingAdvocacy ServicesTransportationResource and Referral ServicesTime Management ClassesFinancial ManagementFees, payments, and service terms (Suggested Packages Below)Total Service PaymentDepositService TermsPayment SchedulePrimary Contact at Pathways LLC$3,054$1,527Standard Business PackageN/AStephanie$988$494Entrepreneur Support and TrainingN/AStephanie$988$494Customer Service AssessmentN/AStephanieAccurate informationWe gather information from our clients through online collection, applications, interviews and research. In order to service our clientele and provide them with updated information we gather our information from business news sources, periodicals, business, and trade and industry libraries. In addition, each of our business analysts possess training and skills commiserate with their position. We require each of our analysts to continue training throughout their career with Pathways LLC. We provide training classes as well so that all of our employees are well versed and familiar with the industry in which they specialize.Privacy statementAt Pathways LLC we value your privacy. And since privacy policies can be very long, we believe you should be able to see what you’re agreeing to at a glance. Pathways gathers the information needed from each client needed in order to service the client. All information is kept confidential as listed in the contract and only shared as needed, within our organization in order to serve the client. We will never sell your information to outside third parties for any purpose. The only time that your information may be shared (off-line) is if we are subpoenaed by a court for the information that we have for any reason. What do you do with the information that I give you?We utilize the information you give us to provide service to you the client. The information is only shared with the employees of Pathways LLC involved in providing you service and each employee signs an agreement of confidentiality and non-competiveness upon first hiring them. This means that even if an employee who provides you with service leaves Pathways LLC for whatever reason they are bound by law to maintain confidentiality of your information.Do you give anyone my personal information?We do not rent or sell your personal data. We do not share or disclose your personal data without your prior written consent, except as follows:to screen postings online to ensure they aren’t spam;to our third party vendors who assist us with operating, maintaining and improving the Site by providing us with services, such as donation processing, email delivery, information technology services, and other similar services, and who receive your data for the limited purposes of providing us with such services;to enable social login (for adults);to provide credit for Business Credit Applications (for business owners);to fulfill a request you have made (such as entering a promotion); andto comply with the law, legal process, respond to an emergency, or protect our rights.What happens when I sign up for your newsletter?When you opt-in for our newsletter we will add your email address to our newsletter distribution list. You can unsubscribe from our email newsletter by visiting and sending this request using our online form.Contact UsYou can contact us at 213 E 4th Street, 4th Floor -416, Saint Paul, MN 55101, 612-356-2394OwnershipPathways LLC owns its’ logo and provided services to the client. Pathways LLC also maintains ownership over all written documents and procedures utilized during the course of the contract. The client owns their logo whether Pathways LLC helps you to discover it or not and all of their service documents, mission statements and all documents forming the company and integral to its organization including but not limited to the business plan, customer contracts and pictures and images taken of the business by its’ agents. DisclaimerThe client releases Pathways from liability for services and products which we provide. By signing a contract with Pathways LLC the client agrees that Pathways is not held responsible for their business profit or lack thereof. The client understands that Pathways LLC is unable to predict market fluctuations, guarantee customer satisfaction or employee performance. The client holds Pathways LLC blameless from fault if the clients’ business fails while under contract with Pathways LLC. Pathways LLC holds no responsibility for the viability of clients business, business ideas, gimmicks or inventions. The client understands that Pathways LLC will refund all monies according to the refund schedule upon clients’ demand for refund. The refund schedule is as follows:Full refund within 24 hours excluding services already provided75% refund if canceled after 24 hours but within one week minus the deposit50% refund if canceled after one week but before 80% of the contract has been completed minus the deposit and excluding services already providedThere are no refunds after 80% of the work has been completedIndemnityTHE BUYER OF PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS CONSULTING SERVICES FROM THE SELLER, UNDERSTANDS THAT EVEN AFTER EMPLOYING ALL THE SCIENTIFIC METHODS KNOWN TO THE SELLER, HAZARDS STILL REMAIN IN NORMAL BUSINESS OPERATING PROCEDURES. THE BUYER THEREFORE AGREES THAT SELLER’S LIABILITY SHALL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF THE CHARGES ON THE CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT. THE BUYER AGREES AND UNDERSTANDS THAT THIS LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IS NOT AN EXCULPATORY CLAUSE. THE REIMBURSEMENT AND FULL LIABILITY OF THE SELLER SHALL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF THE CHARGES FOR THE CONTRACT SIGNED AGREED UPON BY THE BUYER AND THE SELLER. THIS IS INTENDED TO REIMBURSE THE BUYER FOR THE CHARGES AND TO FULLY COMPENSATE THE BUYER IN THE AMOUNT OF THE CHARGES. THIS TERM APPLIES TO ALL WORK DONE BY THE SELLER EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE AGREED TO IN A WRITTEN AGREEMENT SIGNED BY AN AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE SELLER.THE BUYER, BY CONTRACTING FOR CONSULTATION, AGREES TO ACCEPT THE LIMITS OF LIABILITY AS EXPRESSED IN THIS STATEMENT TO THE EXCLUSION OF ANY AND ALL OTHER PROVISIONS AS TO LIABILITY THAT MAY BE SET FORTH IN THE BUYER’S OWN INVOICES, PURCHASE ORDERS OR OTHER DOCUMENTS. IF THE BUYER PROPOSES A DIFFERENT OR ADDITIONAL LIABILITY PROVISION, THE SAME MUST BE AGREED TO IN WRITING AND SIGNED BY AN OFFICER OF THE SELLER BEFORE WORK IS STARTED OR SERVICES ARE PROVIDED. IN SUCH EVENT, THE BUYER UNDERSTANDS THAT A DIFFERENT CHARGE FOR SERVICES MUST BE AGREED ON, REFLECTING THE HIGHER RISK TO THE SELLER AND THAT NO WORK WILL BE STARTED UNTIL BOTH THE SELLER AND THE BUYER HAVE SIGNED AN AGREEMENT SETTING FORTH THE NEW CHARGES AND TERMS OF LIABILITY. OTHERWISE, THE TERMS SET FORTH HEREIN ARE BINDING ON THE BUYER. IT IS AGREED BY THE BUYER AND THE SELLER THAT THE FAILURE TO DISCOVER AN OMITTED FACTOR TO THE PROPOSED SERVICES PROVIDED WITHIN THE CONTRACT WITHIN A REASONABLE PERIOD OF TIME AFTER THE RECEIPT OF SERVICES, NOT TO EXCEED FIVE (5) BUSINESS DAYS, WILL NOT VOID THE LIMITATION OF LIABILITY CONTAINED IN THIS AGREEMENT. IT IS THE BUYER’S OBLIGATION TO NOTIFY THE SELLER IF IT DOES NOT AGREE TO THE LIMITATION OF LIABILITY CONTAINED HEREIN AND A FAILURE ON THE PART OF THE BUYER TO DO SO IN WRITING BEFORE WORK STARTS WILL BE DEEMED ACCEPTANCE OF THIS LIMITATION OF LIABILITY.THE SELLER MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY, AS TO THE PERFORMANCE OR CAPABILITIES OF THE PROCEDURES RECOMMENDED BY THE SELLER. THE AFOREMENTIONED LIMITATION OF LIABILITY STATED ABOVE IS SPECIFICALLY IN LIEU OF ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS, AND ANY OTHER SUCH OBLIGATION ON THE PART OF THE SELLER. THE SELLER’S LIABILITY TO THE BUYER SHALL CEASE ONCE THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE BUYER AND SELLER ENDS.Whenever the Buyer is given advice with detailed instructions as to procedures, the Seller’s responsibility shall end with the offering and written completion of those instructions. Failure by the Buyer to indicate plainly and correctly the kind of advice needed (i.e., employee training) to be given, shall cause an extra charge to be made to cover any additional expense incurred as a result thereof, but shall not change the LIMITATION OF LIABILITY stated above. Seller holds the right to cancel the contract with due notice at any time, for any reason following a five (5) day notice to Buyer and the refunding of any monies owed according to the published refund schedule. Failure by the Buyer to cooperate fully and completely with contract, i.e. making oneself available for said contract to be completed shall be considered and remain reason enough for Seller to end contract with proper notification and return the portion of any monies due according to the published refund schedule. Buyer agrees not to hold Seller harmless and not responsible for any liabilities incurred as a direct or indirect result of ending the contract due to Buyer’s failure to cooperate or for any other reason that contract is ended by Seller. When the Buyer provides specifications for the consulting service to be provided, makes changes in the kind of service provided (i.e. type of training required) to be provided, or changes the process to be used, the Buyer specifically understands and agrees that this LIMITATION OF LIABILITY shall remain in effect, but that additional charges for services will be due and owing to cover the additional expense incurred as a result of changes made by the Buyer. The Buyer agrees there will be no liability on the Seller in contract or tort (including negligence and strict liability) for any special, indirect or consequential damages arising from any reason whatsoever, including but not limited to personal injury, property damages, loss of profits, loss of production, recall or any other losses, expenses or liabilities allegedly occasioned by the work performed on the part of the Seller. No agent or representative is authorized to alter the conditions, except in writing duly signed by an officer of the Seller. The Seller’s services and work are expressly limited to the terms and conditions contained on the face and back of the Seller’s quotation, purchase order, sale acknowledgement or other forms. Any different or additional terms contained in any of the Buyer’s forms are hereby deemed to be a contract alteration and notice of objection to them is hereby given. ................

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