Closing Date: 10.00 am 16 November 2020

REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTERESTGeneral Maintenance Contract – Regional Hunter Part D - Returnable Schedules Amendment 2Closing Date: 10.00 am 16 November 2020PART D– RETURNABLE SCHEDULESThe Respondent is required to complete and sign where necessary, Schedules 1 – 4 (inclusive), in accordance with the requirements set out within this Expressions of Interest.SUBMISSION CHECKLISTPlease ensure that the following items have been completed: The Opportunity:1Respondent Details2Financial Resources and Regulatory compliance3Experience and capability4Respondent DeclarationsReturnable Schedule 1 - Respondent DetailsRESPONDENT DETAILSName of Organisation(s):<insert>ACN/ABN:<insert>Address:<insert><insert><insert><insert>Contact Person:Name:<insert>Position:<insert>Address:<insert>Email<insert>Telephone:<insert>Referees:Provide details of two (2) referees who may be contacted by the EOI Evaluation Panel to provide confirmation of the claims made in the Respondent’s Submission in respect of the capacity of the Respondent’s organisation to fulfil the stated requirements.REFEREE DETAILS Referee 1Referee 2Organisation Name<insert><insert>Contact Person<insert><insert>Position<insert><insert>Telephone<insert><insert>Email<insert><insert>Relationship Details/ Services Provided<insert><insert>Insurance:Provide details of insurance policies held as below. Copies of Certificates of Currency are required to be attached.INSURANCE DETAILSPublic and Product LiabilityProfessional IndemnityMotor VehicleAsbestos LiabilityWorkers CompensationInsurer<insert><insert><insert><insert><insert>Policy Number<insert><insert><insert><insert><insert>Expiry Date<insert><insert><insert><insert><insert>Value<insert><insert><insert><insert><insert>Limit (state whether on a per claim or aggregate basis)<insert><insert><insert><insert><insert>Basis of Pricing:Hume intends to request pricing in the RFT based on a percentage saving on the rates specified for various maintenance tasks in the LAHCs MRP08 contract Rate Card, Respondents should inform themselves of the LAHC SOR contract rate card, and indicate if they are prepared to accept this as the basis on which they bid pricing in the RFTConfirm that the Respondent is prepared to accept the LAHCs MRP08 contract Rate Card as the basis on which they will price services if invited to the RFT1280160-62865002085975-5778500YesNo(one box must be ticked) Quality ManagementConfirm that the Respondent has an ISO 9000 compliant certified quality management system in place and provide a copy of the certification or demonstrate compliance.1280160-62865002085975-5778500YesNo(one box must be ticked) Demonstration of Compliance with ISO 9001Please provide a copy of your certification or insert demonstration that your quality management system is compliant with ISO 9001. Separate File labeled “Mandatory criteria ISO 9001 compliance” may be provided.Maximum 1 pageBy signing and submitting this Response, we warrant that our Response relies upon our own investigations and we have satisfied ourselves in relation to all aspects of this EOI, the lots and the Project.If respondent is a CorporationExecuted by in accordance with Section 127 of the Corporations Act 2001.71945510287000Signature of Director/Company Secretary71945510223500Name of Director/Company Secretary (print)If respondent is a Person or PartnershipExecuted by the Respondent(s) in the presence of:71945510287000346329010287000Signature of WitnessRespondent(s)71945510223500Name of Witness71945510287000346329010287000Signature of WitnessRespondent(s)71945510223500Name of WitnessReturnable Schedule 2 - Financial Capacity and Regulatory ComplianceFinancial Capacity:Respondents must confirm they have the financial capacity to complete the delivery of the services set out in Part B Scope of Services . It is intended that Hume will select providers who have experience in providing large scale integrated trades maintenance services to the market.Confirm that the Respondent has not:Resolved to go into liquidation,Had an application or petition presented for its winding up,Entered into any scheme of arrangement with its creditors under Part 5.1 of theCorporations Act 2001, orHad appointed any administrator, liquidator, receiver or receiver and manager:1280160-62865002085975-5778500YesNo(one box must be ticked) If no, provide details below:117665514986000117665533147000117665551435000Have any significant events occurred which effect the Respondent’s capacity to meet the financial obligations associated with taking on this project?127698511366500208343511811000YesNo(one box must be ticked) If yes, provide details below:117665514414500117665532512000117665550800000Regulatory Compliance:Please :provide details of every prosecution, fine imposed, improvement or prohibition notice issued by or enforceable undertakings entered into with any Local, State or Commonwealth Government Authority involving the Respondent or its related entities in Australia during the last two years, including in relation to:WHS lawEnvironmental lawEmployment / industrial relations lawCompetition and consumer law Privacy law; Or if (a) is not applicable,Confirm by way of statutory declaration that the Respondent did not incur or receive any prosecutions, fines improvement or prohibition notices or enter into enforceable undertakings with a Local, State or Commonwealth Government Authority during the last 2 years.In case of response A - Please insert response or submit a separate response labelled “Schedule 2 regulatory compliance”OR Attach a statutory declarationReturnable Schedule 3 - Experience and CapabilityRespondents are to provide the following information, to demonstrate their experience and capability in delivering multi trade maintenance contracts. Demonstrated experience, reliability and successful performance in completing a full scope of Maintenance works for a similar sized projects and or clients, preferably in the Hunter region. The Tenderer is to provide two (2) examples, including:Example 1 Contract location<insert> Description of services performed<insert>Contract start date<insert>Contract completion date<insert>Client business name <insert>Client contact name<insert>Client contact phone number <insert>Client contact email address<insert>Approximate annual Fee (ex GST)$<insert>Tenderer’s scope of services and value<insert>Tenderer’s summary of achievements (time/quality cost and applicability of this project to the current tender and Part B Scope of Works)<insert> Maximum quarter pageExample 2 Contract location<insert> Description of services performed<insert>Contract start date<insert>Contract completion date<insert>Client business name <insert>Client contact name<insert>Client contact phone number <insert>Client contact email address<insert>Approximate annual Fee (ex GST)$<insert>Tenderer’s scope of services and value<insert>Tenderer’s summary of achievements(time/quality cost and applicability of this project to the current tender and Part B Scope of Works) <insert> Maximum quarter page1.2 Experience and capacity to deliver the servicesProponents are required to provide: an overview of its experience and capability to meet the service requirements outlined in Part B Scope of Works in this EOI, including the ability to provide responsive services on a 24/7 basis and experience in working under a schedule of rates model. This should include a high level summary of the proposed resourcing model. Insert response or provide separate attachment labelled Returnable Schedule 3 section 1.2.Maximum 2 pages 1.3 Sound management systemsPlease provide a high-level summary of the following management systems:WHS, including any WHS policies, WHS processes and incident management process you have in placeEnvironmental Management, including any policies and incident management process you have in placeRisk Management, including risk management policies and processesInsert response or provide separate attachment labelled Returnable Schedule 3 section 1.3.Maximum 1 page per management system. Do not provide copies of policies or processes. These will be requested at the RFT stage of the procurement.1.4Key PersonnelPlease provide details of key employees (e.g. Contract Manager, Supervisors, , specialty skilled staff) that would be deployed to the Hume account, including (for each role type) the names of the persons that would be deployed and a summary of the skills and experience of those personsList Personal and key experience. No more than half a page per person. Maximum 2 pagesInsert response or provide separate attachment labelled Returnable Schedule 3 section 1.41.5Ability to manage workflows and integrate with client’s systemsPlease provide an overview of your approach to workflow management and integrations with client systems, including examples of where you have done this successfully with clients in the pastInsert response or provide separate attachment labelled Returnable Schedule 3 section 1.5.Maximum 1 pages 1.6Customer focus and Social OutcomesPlease provide an overview of your approach to providing superior customer service and provide examples of how you have done this in previous Contracts. Also indicate any experience your company has in working with a customer base similar to Hume’s to provide improved social outcomes for tenants. Insert response or provide separate attachment labelled Returnable Schedule 3 section 1.6.Maximum 1 pages Returnable Schedule 4 – Respondent DeclarationsPART A. UNDERTAKINGTo: Hume Community Housing Association Pty Ltd (Hume)On behalf of [ ] (Respondent), I/we, the undersigned confirm that:Respondent namewe have authority to submit this Submission on behalf of the Respondent,we undertake to be bound by and observe the EOI Conditions,we agree to be bound by the Submission submitted by us,we agree, if requested by Hume, to provide information to enable Hume to validate the financial capacity and development capability of the Respondent,we warrant that our response relies upon our own investigations and not upon the information included in the documentation provided by Hume and we have satisfied ourselves in relation to all aspects of the Submission,we have provided letters of instruction to our accountants and auditors that allow HUME access to financial information if so requested,our response, and our delivery of the Project, will comply with Hume’s Code of Conduct’ policy, andwe certify that:our work health and safety systems, and delivery of the Project will at all times, meet or exceed the standards and requirements as set out in the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 and related requirements (WHS Law), as they may be amended from time to time, andthe systems utilised by us, our contractors and all others engaged or to be engaged, for the performance of the whole or part of the works for the Project include hazard identification and risk management as required by the WHS Law.PART B. CONFLICT OF INTEREST DECLARATION I,.................................................................................................................................................(full name, address and occupation of the person making this Declaration)DO SOLEMNLY AND SINCERELY DECLARE that, in respect of the EOI that:I am a director/secretary of [insert name of Respondent] (“Respondent”) and duly authorised to make this statutory declaration on the Respondent's behalf and on behalf of:each employee and officer employed by the Respondent or any Related Body Corporate of the Respondent; andeach person, company or entity engaged by the Respondent or any Related Body Corporate of the Respondent in connection with the Project contemplated by the RFT, including, without limitation, any contractor, consultant, agent or professional advisor,(each a "Respondent Related Person").I make this declaration on behalf of the Respondent, on behalf of myself and on behalf of each Respondent Related Person.In lodging this Submission for the Services, the Respondent was not acting and is not now acting on behalf of any third party, other beneficial interest or as trustee for any third party.To the best of my knowledge and belief, after due enquiry, no family relationship exists between on the one hand, the Respondent or any Respondent Related Person directly or indirectly involved in the preparation or submission of the Respondent's Submission in respect of the Site(s), and on the other hand, any member, employee or officer of HUME except as set out in the Schedule to this statutory declaration.Neither the Respondent nor any Respondent Related Person has engaged in any unethical behaviour or made any political donations with the intention (directly or indirectly) of influencing a decision or seeking, or sought or obtained an unfair advantage in obtaining business with Hume or in connection with this response (including collusive behaviour with other Respondents).Neither I or (to the best of my knowledge and belief) any member of the Board or any Officer of the Respondent has been accused of any corrupt conduct in, or given any false or misleading statements to, the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption or to any State or Federal government body.I am aware that Hume will rely on this declaration.The Respondent will notify Hume in writing immediately if any statement in this declaration becomes incorrect, with full details.The Respondent will notify Hume in writing immediately if any conflict of interest arises or which it perceives may arise during the course of the EOI and RFT processExecuted by[…] Pty Limited )in accordance with Section 127 of the ) Corporations Act by or in the presence of: )………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………. Signature of DirectorSignature of Director / Secretary…………………………………………………..………………………………………………. Name of DirectorName of Director / Secretary ................

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