Abolitionism was a movement which started in Britain and ...

Abolitionism was a movement which started in Britain and America to end slavery and emancipate (free) slaves.

Modern slavery began in the 1600s and the transatlantic slave trade helped build the New World through the 1600s, 1700s and 1800s. Believe it or not, for all of those years, slavery did not arouse any protest until the 18th century when people started to question it for violating the rights of man. Religious groups objected to it for being un-Christian. With that, the abolitionist movement was born.

Abolitionists tried to influence society to end slavery through writing, public demonstrations and by petitioning the government to end slavery. They recognized that in order to petition government successfully, they needed to gain numbers in the general public.

There are two parts to this assignment – part A and part B.

Part A is series of questions to help you better understand the slavery issue.

Part B is a creative process in which you chose one abolitionist to honor in the form of a national holiday.

1. Where were the highest concentrations of slaves? Of free blacks?

2. What changes, if any, occurred in the populations of slaves and free blacks from 1840-1860?

3. In what areas did slaves outnumber whites?

4. How might this have affected the conditions of slaves living in these areas?

5. What changes, if any, occurred in the ratio of slaves to whites 1840-1860?


"Free Black Population Density by County" (1840, 1850, 1860)

"Slave Population Density by County" (1840, 1850, 1860)

"Slaves as a % of Total Population by County" (1840, 1850, 1860)

"Free States, Slave States, and Territories" (1850, 1860

You may use headphones for this section for a greater experience.

Follow in the footsteps of a runaway slave or travel the Underground Railroad to learn the perspective of a runaway slave.

6. What decision did you make and why? What was the outcome?

7. What was the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850? The Fugitive Slave Act

* Use the following hyperlink for the questions 8-13.

8. How was the struggle for abolition different for African Americans than

for the white abolitionists?

9. What was David Walker’s Appeal?

10. How was it (David Walker’s Appeal) dispersed in the South

and what was its impact?

11. Who was William Lloyd Garrison?

12. Name five of the most important women involved in the

abolition movement.

13. How did they participate and what hardships did they face?

14. How did Frederick Douglas view the 4th of July.

Part B

2 paragraphs

Write a paragraph briefly describing the life of one of the men or women listed below who were involved in the fight to end slavery in the United States. In the second paragraph explain to the citizens of the United States why they should support you in an effort to develop a national holiday in honor of the abolitionist that you have chosen.

• William Lloyd Garrison

• Lucretia Mott

• Sojourner Truth

• Frederick Douglass

• David Walker


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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