The Fall of Economic Babylon

Isaiah 2:17-22: “And the loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the pride of men shall be brought low. And Yahuweh shall be exalted in that day, and the idols completely pass away. And they shall go into the holds of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, from dread of Yahuweh and the splendor of His excellency when He arises to sake the earth mightily. In that day man shall throw away his idols of silver and his idols of gold, which they made, each for himself to worship, to the moles and the bats, and into the clefts of the rocks, and into the crags of the rugged rocks, because of the fear of Yahuweh and the splendor of His excellency, when He rises to shake the earth mightily. Cease from man, whose breath is in his nostrils, for in what is he to be reckoned upon?”

Revelation 6:14-17: “And heaven departed like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved out of its place. And the kings of the earth and the great ones, and the rich ones, and the commanders, and the mighty and every slave and every free one, hid themselves in the caves and I the rocks of the mountains, and said to the mountains and rocks: `Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him sitting on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb, because the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to

stand?’ ”.

Ezekiel 7:18-19: “They shall gird on sackcloth, and are covered with trembling. And shame shall be on every face, and baldness on all their heads. They throw their silver into the streets and their gold becomes as filth. Their silver and their gold is unable to deliver them in the day of the wrath of Yahuweh…”

Ya’cob (James) 5:1-6: “Come now, rich ones, weep, crying aloud over the hardships coming upon you! Your riches have rotted and your garments have become moth-eaten. Your gold and silver have become rusty, and their rust shall be a witness against you and shall eat your flesh like fire. You have laid up treasure in the last days. See, the wages of the workmen who mowed your fields, which you kept back, cry out. The cries of the reapers have reached the ears of Yahuweh of hosts. You have lived on the earth in pleasure and luxury; you have fattened your hearts as in the day of slaughter. You have condemned, you have murdered the righteous—he does not resist you”.

Excerpts from Revelation 18: “And after this I saw another messenger coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was lightened from his esteem. And he cried with a mighty voice saying `Babel the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a haunt for every

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unclean spirit…the merchants of the earth have become rich through the power of her riotous living’. And I heard another voice from heaven saying, Come out of her My people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. Because her sins have piled up to reach the heaven, and Elohim has remembered her unrighteousness. As much as she esteemed herself and lived riotously, so much torture and grief give to her, because in her heart she says, `I sit as queen, and am not a widow and I do not see mourning at all’. Because of this, her plagues shall come in one day: death and mourning and scarcity of food. And she shall be burned up with fire, because Yahuweh Elohim who judges her is might. And the kings of the earth who committed whoring and lived riotously with her shall weep and mourn over her when they see the smoke of her burning, standing at a distance for fear of her torture, saying `Woe! Woe, the great city Babel, the mighty city, because you judgment has come in one hour!’ And the fruit that your soul longed for has gone from you. And all your riches and splendor are lost to you, and you shall find them no more—not at all”.

“Babel means “confusion by mixture”. In Revelation 18:6b we read: “In the cup, which she has mixed, mix for her double.” America has given the world the mixture of good and evil, and we will reap double what we have given out of the evil—especially now, as we lead the world in forcing Israel to give Yahuweh’s land to His enemies, and to the enemies of His people.

The twenty-six commodities listed in Revelation 18 are only traded daily in one place--Wall Street. I will discuss number 26 below. Read Revelation 18 carefully with Isaiah 47, and Jeremiah 50 and 51. End-time Babel/Babylon is America…and the great city of Revelation 18, a seaport, is New York City. Look at the timing in Jeremiah 50—this is a country after 1948, a country that is in existence when the Jews return to their homeland.

This is by no means a complete teaching on the events surrounding the fall of the American economy and world economy, but I want to give you some basics to watch for, since it is about to fall down around us like a deck of cards.

The news is finally telling us a little truth. Wall Street is in turmoil, mortgages are failing, people’s homes are going into foreclosure, unemployment is at a high, and the cost of living is rising quickly.

We are close to an economic Revelation 18. This chapter speaks of New York City, Wall Street, and the economic/trade economy of America. As you read in “NAFTA and the Ten Horns”, and “Free Fall”, the ten economic regions of the world are under Lucifer’s control, as from the days of ancient Tyre, but now the “little horn” is bringing down the “original three”—the Trilateral Commission—and in doing so, will devastate the economies of the world.

Number twenty-six in the Revelation 18 list: The trafficking in the “souls of men” is American’s biggest “industry”—the selling of sex slaves including children, the overseas hiring of slave workers to work their fields and factories for as little as 30 cents a day—adults and children--slavery to drugs (America is the biggest trafficker of addictive drugs in the world), the biggest exporter of

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pornography of all types, as well as violent music and violent movies. I’ve been in many Third World countries, so I not only know these things by researching, but by seeing it up-front.

In Revelation 18:23, we read: “Your merchants were the great ones of the earth, for by your drug sorcery (Greek: “Pharmacia” means “sorcery, magic”, from where we get pharmaceuticals/drugs) all the nations were led astray”.

When it happens, the banks won’t be able to give people their money. ATM machines will be useless, as will credit cards, debit cards, and checks. Insurance policies, bonds, pension funds, and social security—all will be worthless. People won’t be able to get their pharmaceuticals, and many will die. If His people do not know how to rest with peace by trusting Him for their survival, then His people will react like the world’s people and turn animalistic. I’ve seen Him multiply food. I know He is a faithful provider!

The word has gone out since the 1980s, and the wise have listened: GET OUT OF DEBT! I’ve been teaching for years: “Downsize, simplify your life, get rid of everything you don’t absolutely need--PREPARE!” The word has gone out by economists in the know, to store at least 6 month’s worth of food and water and to get money in some substantial form—like gold, silver, platinum or palladium. But, the wise virgins who prepare are very few. We’ve now got a small window to prepare.

Now, I must tell you about what began on Jekyll Island, Georgia in 1910 that started all this mess we’re in. I want to give you a history of what led up to it. Then I want to tell you how it is about to fail. The really GOOD NEWS is that Messiah Yahushua is returning to take control of “the kingdoms of this world!”

But, now world’s economies must fall, in order for a world economy to emerge, a “mark of the beast”, and a world central banking system. The ultra rich elite agents of Lucifer in this world have been promised the wealth of this world, and eternal life, by their god Lucifer (mammon), if they help Lucifer (Satan as the “angel of light”) to destroy the image of Yahuweh in the earth. But, once Lucifer gets what he wants, and sits of the throne of Yahuweh in Jerusalem, he will turn on those he has used. They will also, along with everyone else left alive on the planet, have to hide in the rocks of Edom—Mt. Seir—Petra—in order to survive. A few from Judah will hide in the tunnels underneath East Jerusalem. Yes, the ultra rich and powerful survive all right—but when

Yahushua comes with the wrath of Yahuweh, they cry out for death rather than face Him—Revelation 6:14-17.

Historically, also, America is the culmination of end-time Babylon—with its tower up to heaven standing in the face of Yahuweh, defying His rule over the earth. The system of Nimrod and his “tower of Babel” (Genesis 11) spread to Pergamum, Turkey, and became the “seat of Satan”. (Revelation 2:12-17) In Pergamum the seat of Satan actually existed. In the early 1900s it was brought to Germany, and is now housed in the Pergamum Museum in Berlin. Hitler

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made a copy of it and had it put in Nuremberg. He set his throne in the midst of it, and from it he declared the “Final Solution”—which resulted in the murder of 6 million Jews, and hundreds of thousands of Christians. Pergamum became the seat of Roman Emperor worship. So, from Pergamum Babylon came to Rome. The early church father Augustine said: “Rome is the second Babylon”. Then it came into Western Europe as the Roman Empire spread west. Finally, Babylon came to America in the 1700s. It’s world money system brought in by the Rothschild’s representative, Alexander Hamilton.

President Thomas Jefferson did everything he could to stop Hamilton’s plan. On Jekyyl Island the Rothschild plan was brought to fruition. Now it is going to, for a while, return to Western Europe before it all blows away like a deck of cards in a tornado.

Europe has conformed to the ancient Nimrod system and even created a Parliament building that looks like the tower of Babel. (Please refer to the article: “End-Time Babel”) A spokesman for the E.U. has said: “What Nimrod started 5,000 years ago, we are going to finish”.

The system of trade, commerce and economics, from ancient times in Tsor (modern Tyre, Lebanon) with the Phoenicians and the northern ten tribes of Israel under Solomon, to today with our ten “kingdoms” (ten horns) of economic regional power (Daniel 2, 7 and Revelation 17:12-13), is a system under the control of Lucifer/Satan. Ezekiel 26, 27 and 28 show how Satan has ruled the world through money and commerce in material goods. He has succeeded in trapping mankind throughout the centuries by the lust of the

eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life (I John 2:15-17), as he did Eve. The trick still works, and works well.

Satan, under the guise of the “illumined light bearer” has convinced a few, who have successfully under his direction, become multi-billionaires and even trillionaires, and are now looking to him as their hope of eternal life, their hope to take the world’s wealth, and their hope of a “brave new world” with them at the helm. What a liar he is—but then, the fools of Yahuweh’s creation have not changed since Adam and Eve.

World economics under Lucifer is described in Ezekiel 26-28. (For more

information on this system--its history and present reality—refer to the article: “NAFTA and the Ten Horns”) NAFTA and the NAU is about to go into effect.

Messiah’s statement in Matthew 6:24, is well understood by the wise: “You

cannot serve Elohim and mammon” --money personified as a god. Yahuweh and Messiah Yahushua are the Elohim of the Bible. “Mammon” is the accumulation of wealth, power and control over others…total opposite of the requirements of the Covenant of Yahuweh.

I recommend you get the whole story from books like: Secrets of the Federal Reserve: Jekyll Island, by Eustace Mullins and The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve System by Edward Griffin.

The secret is out! All that has been hidden is now coming to light!

From Guardians of the Grail by J.R. Church, in the chapter on “Money Wars”,

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we read: “At the conclusion of the Revolutionary War, Alexander Hamilton established his central bank in New York City. (Remember, Hamilton was an agent of the German Rothschild international banking cartel.) It is said that Thomas Jefferson was so furious he resigned from Washington’s cabinet. History does affirm that Jefferson opposed Hamilton in the establishment of the bank, claiming it to be unconstitutional...Thomas Jefferson became president in 1801 and served until 1809. During those years he continued to oppose the bank and evidently persuaded several congressmen to agree that the bank was unconstitutional. When the 20-year charter for the central bank came up for renewal in 1811, it was denied”. (Italics mine)

In 1812, the “Eastern Establishment” international bankers started “The War of 1812” and in 1816, a new 20-year charter for the central bank was issued.

“One of the heroes of the War of 1812 was Andrew Jackson. He became president in 1829, voicing his hatred for the central bank. He called them, `a bunch of snakes’.

In 1833, Jackson ordered the Secretary of the Treasury to remove government deposits from the Bank of the United States and place them in state banks. HE PAID OFF THE NATIONAL DEBT thus making the United States free from the control of international bankers.

In 1836, when the charter of the bank came up for renewal, Jackson managed to get it defeated. On January 8, 1835, Andrew Jackson paid off the final installment of the national debt.”

“On March 5, 1836, Mexican troops, led by Santa Ana, engineered the fall of the Alamo.” The war with Mexico began.

Do you see the pattern? -- All of our wars have been created by the Illuminati elite in order to gain power, control, and wealth. They start the wars, and then fund them by exorbitant loans, and then demand it all back with interest. This

is how America went from a debt-free nation to a nation that is trillions of dollars in debt—in debt to the “Eastern Establishment” who started our wars.

A. Rothschild said: “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who writes its laws”.

“The Civil War was another money war”. Abraham Lincoln’s main purpose in

starting this war, at the direction of the British Freemasons—an arm of the

Illuminati—was to create a central bank, a central government, and end the rights given to the states by the Constitution to be free governing.

From Lincoln Unmasked by Thomas J. DiLorenzo, chapter 14—“The Great Inflationist”: “When Abraham Lincoln first entered Illinois politics in 1832, he announced, `My politics are short and sweet, like the old woman’s dance. I am in favor of a national bank…in favor of the internal improvements system and a high protective tariff’ ”. “The first reason Lincoln gave for entering politics in 1832, was that he wanted to crusade for a nationalized banking system.”

“In other words, the Whigs always intended to use a national bank, and its printing of paper money that was not redeemable in gold and silver, as the means of financing the colossal schemes that they hoped would keep them in

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power indefinitely.” “Andrew Jackson considered paper money that was not redeemable in gold or silver to be `the instrument of the swindler and the cheat’…Since a central bank would necessarily be a federal bank and would maintain and operate state franchises from a distant center, proponents of state’s rights found opposition to a national bank almost mandatory”.

“The Whig party became the Republican party of Abraham Lincoln”.

If you are a Republican, or a Democrat, I’m sorry to tell you that the Bilderberg Group and other international think tanks have been picking our presidents four to eight years in advance--so the “two-party system” is a sham.

Page 150: “Lincoln did not invade the South to free the slaves, but to consolidate political power in Washington, D.C. by destroying the succession movement, as Lincoln, himself had proclaimed”.

The constitution gave the states the right to secede. From Lincoln Unmasked page 26: “The states delegated certain narrowly defined and enumerated powers to the federal government but preserved sovereignty for themselves.

The federal Constitution was created by a voluntary association of states, which explicitly reserved the right to withdraw from the Constitutional Compact should the federal government ever abuse their liberties. The citizen of the state did not create a `new nation’ with the Constitution--they created a compact of a confederacy of states.”

This is something we were not taught in school. One reason the wealthy have re-written history was to promote Lincoln in a mask to keep Americans from realizing that what our founding fathers started, Lincoln and those after him were dedicated to destroy.

Wars are always started with the government’s touting of some noble purpose-- to protect citizens, or to free people in captivity. However, the noble rhetoric is only a guise to hide the real reasons for the wars, which are always economic, and to hide other things that are being done to promote the purposes of the ultra powerful.

During the Civil War, anyone who disagreed with Lincoln was put in a federal prison, including congressmen. From Lincoln Unmasked: “Lincoln established

precedents for imprisoning—without due process of law—suspected `enemies of the state’”. Do you see what has happened today had beginnings in the 1880s?

Lincoln was the father of a socialistic style federal government in America, as pointed out by truthful historians, in the fashion of Lenin. “In his 1962 book Patriotic Gore, the literary critic Edmund Wilson noted that Lincoln also had much in common with two other uncompromising enemies of federalism and divided sovereignty during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries—Lenin and Bismarck.”

From Lincoln Unmasked page 80, the definition of “federalism”: …`federalism’ in the true sense of the word: Namely, governments that were characterized by divided sovereignty, with states’ rights intact…cities were merely the seats of the central government that was created as agents for the free, independent and sovereign states and cantons”. “Socialism and federalism (states’ rights)

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are necessarily political opposites, because the former demands a centralized concentration of power which the latter by definition denies”.

So, did the dream of a central bank among the ultra powerful and rich, die out with Lincoln’s death? No! This is where the results of the secret meetings on Jekyll Island come in.

From Guardians of the Grail, “The Money Wars”: On March 4, 1912, Woodrow Wilson was inaugurated as the 28th president of the United States. Immediately, he set about to establish a central bank. The bill was introduced on June 23rd of that year. It was hotly debated for some six month, but finally was passed in December 1913, while most of the Senators and Representatives were out of town for the Christmas holidays, thus establishing The Federal Reserve System.

In 1914, June 28, World War I began. (Please refer to “The Mazzini/Pike Plan” of August 15, 1871. This plan has been and Is being carried out in detail. This information is in my 2011 article “Launching the Chaos That Will Bring the Order”, pages 6-8) We are close to the events of World War III and the world ruler’s appearing.

Here’s where Jekyll Island comes in:

From Secrets of the Federal Reserve: Jekyll Island by Eustace Mullins:

By November 22, 1910, eight of the most rich, influential bankers of America, led by Senator Nelson Aldrich, boarded a train in Hoboken, New Jersey, saying they were going on a ten-day hunting expedition. They disembarked on Jekyll

Island, Georgia for nine days of secrecy.” Paul Warburg, a recent immigrant from Germany, also accompanied them as a representative of the Rothschild International Banking cartel, along with representatives of the Treasury Department and the leading banks of New York.

Continuing on with notes from this book:

They met at the Club House Hotel and planned our demise, and their wealth, power and control. Since Alexander Hamilton, the Rothschild central banking empire has tried to get into America. But, it did not take form until these

leading financiers hid it in what they called The Federal Reserve System. On Jekyll Island, they created a currency system for the U.S., with a central group to raise and lower interest rates, print paper money not backed by gold or silver (a plan that began under the Administration of Abraham Lincoln)--virtually to be controlled by the ultra rich of America and Europe.

The Federal Reserve System, the central banking system was to be a privately controlled group with a small secret Board of Directors from among the most wealthy (same today). Along with the system came the invention of Wall Street and the New York Stock Exchange, and the credit/debt system that has trapped most Americans into despair.

After this meeting, J.P. Morgan bought Jekyll Island as a winter retreat to hide on-going secret meetings. They called themselves the Jekyll Island Hunting

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Club. The Jekyll Island Club, a private group, was chosen as the place to draft the plans for the control of the money and credit of the people of

America. One-sixth of the world’s wealth was represented by the Jekyll Island Club members.

The island was chosen for the site of the preparation of the central bank

because it was so hidden from any journalist. The plan became known as “The Aldrich Plan”, which became known as “The Wall Street Plan”.

Paul Warburg avoided the name “Central Bank” so he named it the Federal Reserve System, saying, “this would deceive people into thinking it was not a central bank”.

The FRS Board of Governors was to be appointed by the U.S. President, but the real Board members would be controlled by private bankers. This council would be unknown to the American public.

The FRS was to be dominated by the masters of the New York money market. The FRS was endowed with powers and responsibilities of the European Central

Bank. The National Monetary Commission, the World Bank, and the National Monetary Commission, all interlocked. By January 8, 1912, the National Monetary Commission was eliminated. There was no more need for a “middle man” between the central bank of America and the central banks of Europe.

By 1911, “the Aldrich Plan” became part of the official platform of the Republican Party.

Note above that it was January 8th, 1835, Jackson paid off the final payment of the national debt. In 1910, America as a nation virtually had NO DEBTS. The individual American had almost no debt. Hard to imagine! One hundred and one years later, 2011, America’s debt ceiling is in the multiples of trillions of dollars, and is seriously harming world economy! This could only have been a master plan of Satan! By appealing to man’s lusts of the flesh, Americans have become locked into so much debt, that very few are free. Yet the words of the eternal Word of Elohim ring true: “The debtor is the slave of the lender”, and “Owe no man anything but love”. We are paying for not obeying the Spirit of Elohim! In the late 1980s, the watchmen of America put

out the warning from Abba: “Get out of debt!” But, for the most part, those warnings were mocked. Today, instead of heeding wisdom, people are buying houses, and material goods as if there was no tomorrow. Americans are slaves to their flesh, and to the will of the Illuminati mind programmers!

America is the leading debtor nation in the world. As of a few days ago, American has been ranked down from a class AAA credit rating to a class AA credit rating. We’re a shame to the world!

Most of its citizens have become slaves because of the availability of the instant gratification of their fleshly desires with “credit cards”. I always said that with each credit card the banks should give a shovel--to dig our own grave.

Man’s lust for material goods to satisfy his flesh, expensive food, nice clothes, new car, etc. will lead him to losing everything. The government that created

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the debt system will use it to destroy its people. For historical precedence, in the 1930’s President Franklin D. Roosevelt approved of, and funded, Stalin, in his successful starvation of over seven million Christians in the Ukraine. America, England and the Vatican funded Hitler in his grizzly experiments on Jews and Christians. The plans of the ultra rich, using Eugenics, has a long history in the U.S., and Hitler used the American Eugenics plan for what he did to the Jews and Christians. When all the goodies are taken away, and the American people panic and riot, martial law is waiting, and the sadism of Satan will take its grim reaping. It has been reported that divisions of the National Guard have been trained to keep order when people resort to cannibalism to survive. Elohim wants better for His people, so has warned us over and over to get out of debt, stay out of debt, and flee from end-time Babylon to a simpler country until He is ready to move us into His Land. But, so few heed His warnings that most of His people will die along with the hell-bound.

If you read II Kings chapters 6 and 7 and Jeremiah, you will see that when Jerusalem was under siege for two years by Nebuchadnezzar, the people reverted to cannibalism. When our food supply goes, and the water supply, and the drugs that people depend on are unavailable, then people will revert to animalistic tendencies, and the scenario is historically evident.

Those that prepare are as the “wise virgins” who had extra oil. Oil is necessary for burning oil lamps, and for cooking. Oil is also spiritually a picture of the Spirit of Yahuweh. We must have both the Word, as taught by the Spirit of Yahuweh--the Teacher of Truth--and the infilling of the Spirit for power and authority. But, Elohim is practical--beans and rice are nice when your ATM card won’t work. Store what you can.

For those of you who know Yahuweh and are faithful to His Covenant, these are promises to hang onto: Psalm 33:18-19, 21 and 37:17b-19: “See, the eye of Yahuweh is on those fearing Him, on those waiting for His kindness, to deliver

them from death, and to keep them alive during famine…For our heart does rejoice in Him, for we have put our trust in His set-apart Name”.

“But, Yahuweh sustains the righteous. Yahuweh knows the days of the perfect, and their inheritance is forever. They are not ashamed in a time of evil, and in the days of scarcity of food they are satisfied”.

If you don’t know Him well enough to trust Him and not be in fear, then His

promises won’t work for you. He is kind and protecting to those who 1) guard His covenant to do His commandments, and who 2) fear His Name--see Psalm 103:11-18 as an example. (For a study on the fear of Yahuweh, ask for the article: “The Beginning of Wisdom”.) Psalm 91 is only written to those who obey Psalm 91:1—the “dwelling” is a lifestyle.

Always keep in mind that TRUTH IS GREATER THAN FACT. Facts are facts, but there is only one source of eternal Truth—The Word of Yahuweh! Fact is that the plans of Lucifer are on a rampage as he is preparing to put his son into world power. THE TRUTH OF YAHUWEH’S ETERNAL WORD IS: Revelation chapters 19-22--YAHUWEH AND MESSIAH YAHUSHUA REIGN FOREVER!

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Truth is: Those who fear Yahuweh, love His Name, guard His commandments, and serve Him, will reign with Him forever.

One of my dear friends said that she felt the economic collapse in America would be the “first rake-over of the tribulum”. I believe she’s right.

The “tribulum” is a farm instrument—in ancient times it was a wooden board

with rocks stuck in holes every inch or two. It was pulled over grain so that the chaff was broken off so it could blow away. “Tribulum” is a Latin word, from which we get “tribulation”. If the chaff is not broken off, the wheat is not free to be usable.

Luke 3:16-17, speaking of Messiah: “Yochanan answered, saying unto them all, `I indeed baptize you in water, but One mightier than I is coming, whose sandal straps I am not worthy to loosen. He shall immerse you in the Set-Apart Spirit and fire. His winnowing fork is in His hand, and He shall thoroughly cleanse His

threshing floor, and gather the wheat into His barns, but the chaff He shall burn with unquenchable fire”.

The tribulum is an act of love—to free His people from the things that have

bound them. The “tares”—those counterfeit weeds that look like wheat, will also be pulled up and exposed. They are hidden among the wheat until the time of harvest, when they sprout up above the wheat and are recognizable--Matthew 13:36-43.

There is an “exploit” company in these last days: Daniel 11:32: “…the people who KNOW THEIR ELOHIM shall be strong and do exploits”. If you don’t know how to trust Him with everything now, you won’t do any exploits.

Once the collapse beings, and panic sets in, it is very possible that martial law will be enacted. But, then anything could be used to start that. One thing’s for sure, once martial law comes down—we will be in a Satanic regime that will boggle the mind of the average person. Normal people don’t understand the depths of the evil of the Satanic mind.

Jeremiah 12:5: “If you have run with the footmen and they have wearied you, then how will you contend with horses? And, if in the land of peace where you feel safe they wearied you, then how will do you in the swelling of Jordan”.

In other words, if you are fearful now, worn out, discouraged, depressed, and overwhelmed, when today all is apparently peaceful, then how will you pass your test when you are faced with a raging river, with lions infesting the riverbanks? We must toughen up. (Refer to: “Walking the Hard Road”.) I had to learn these lessons well, when I lived for eight years in Edom, southern Jordan. It prepared me to look at life differently, and to do something about my spiritual and natural state in the days ahead. Yet, I can honestly say that no one is really prepared for what’s coming—we haven’t seen anything like it. All we can do in the final analysis is run into the refuge of Yahuweh…our “strong tower”. Feed on the Psalms, pray them, sing them, and receive the comfort of their promises.

We are truly in the days of Noah! No one believed him until the day Yahuweh shut he and his family inside the ark, then they scratched their heads and

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wondered what the old fool was doing in there with all those animals. Seven days later, they found out!

Yahuweh is sealing a remnant within the ark of His presence. Satan knows what His remnant is doing in there. The world thinks we’re nuts. But, we are nuts—like Noah was.

Remaining in His peace, love, joy and blessings,


January 8, 2008

Edited August 15, 2011

PS: I didn’t plan this, but take note that both January 8th and August 15th are prophetic dates: January 8th, 1835, America was totally debt free. August 15th, 1871, the Mazzini/Pike Plan was created that would bring the world’s people to their knees, and prepare the way for the son of Lucifer to rule the world. Albert Pike, head of the Scottish Rite Free Masons in America, wrote Morals and Dogmas, the “Bible” of Free Masonry, in which he wrote that Lucifer is god. August 15th is the Catholic day to celebrate the “Assumption of Mary” into heaven as the “Queen of Heaven”. August 15th was also the day of the horrible pulling out of Jews from Gaza and Samaria, 2005. Coincidence?

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