ERA 4 SKANDIA HISTORYArcadia RisesDawn of a New EraBirth of Original ArcadiaIlluminati RebornSkandia’s RoleCreation of IlireaArcadian CoupRising TensionsProblems Near and FarThe Skandian CoupThe Arcadian CoupThe ResultAftermathA Crippled SkandiaThe Siege of VoidRebuilding ArcadiaNew Times…A Troubling WorldFinaleForeign AffairsA Splitting SkandiaA Peaceful SlumberArcadia RisesDawn of a New EraArcadia was born at first light in Era4. It was created to halt and stop the power Skandia possessed over the world. Arcadia would offer factions a safe haven where they could grow, and advance, and this safe haven, became the heart of Arcadia. Rules were established to prevent conflict, and the factions were established as equals regardless of size. All of them lived together, to prevent being divided. More so, Arcadia as a whole was prevented from entering PvP, as to protect it from being overrun by another faction.Skandia’s role as a world power was to end with the birth of Arcadia. It was to govern itself in a new capital city; it was to become not a Protector of Freedom, but a Beacon of Freedom. Arcadia would guard the server in Skandia’s absence from power… The only problem is some people aren’t willing to give it up; they’ll fight for power to the last breath.Original ArcadiaOriginal Arcadia began with three factions, Skandia, the creator of Arcadia, Void, the first Non-Skandian Faction and 2nd biggest pre-reset, and Ellesmera, created from a member of Skandia. Original Arcadia generally had a rather unusual startup seeing as Void and Skandia were far from allies previous to the birth of Arcadia. In reality, such an alliance probably shouldn’t have been made, but Skandia was looking for factions to join Arcadia and Void didn’t wish to fight Skandia. Both were being held together by a bond of “wants” not a bond of “trust.”Ellesmera, quite contrary, was created from a member of Skandia being GoldenChicken. He was an Era1 Skandian who had wanted to create his own faction for a while, with the creation of Arcadia, it seemed the perfect time to begin his project. Ellesmera was to become the first split-off faction from Skandia, although it was not to be the last. The creation of Arcadia was meant to halt Skandia growth; in the end all it did was destroy it and Skandia almost entirely.Illuminati RebornAround a week after the creation of Arcadia, two more factions were added to its ranks. DksKnights ran by Gashimahiron was added to Arcadia and lived somewhat away from the rest of the group, meanwhile Illuminati was reborn. Illuminati however, were a faction that had failed in the past and its two leaders were added to Skandia. Both, wished to recreate the faction, and where one accused the other of failing last time thus saying he should be leader, the other stated that since he was leader first he should remain leader.The ultimate decision then, was to decide which should become leader of Illuminati. In the end, FlamingBlade was elected leader after both agreed to let Skandia decide who should lead. AwesomeSwampy, however, refused to allow FlamingBlade to become leader and hold to his promise, he turned on Arcadia and left never to be seen again. FlamingBlade then took the desert near Skandia and began the creation of Era4 Illuminati.Skandia’s RoleOne of the major changes to both DNT and Skandia with the creation of Arcadia was the removal of Skandia as a Superior Power. Although Skandia’s size had been reduced with the creation of Arcadia, it didn’t stop it from being a large faction. The only difference was that where before Skandia was the name of the ruling force of DNT, now it was Arcadia. Arcadia had essentially replaced Skandia from its seat of power, and the swap was harsh for some members.The main goal and creation of Arcadia was to prevent there from being a monarchy over tekkit consisting of one faction. Skandia, although unintentionally, had become that monarchy the instant it won its war against Malahostias. Therefore, to prevent Skandia from becoming a force of harm versus one of civilization, Arcadia was there to limit Skandia’s power and place it equal to 7 other factions. The best solution simply would’ve been to stop there from being super power factions in the first place, but even if Skandia was split to that point, another simply would’ve taken the place. Being ruled by 8 factions of differing sizes, ideals, leaders, and identities, seemed the best course of action to keeping DNT free and fair. It worked, but it worked far too well.Example of Devastation from Arcadian CoupCreation of IlireaThe ultimate snapping point that caused the coup in Arcadia and Skandia was the faction of Ilirea. Created by Zach123 when tensions in Skandia peaked, they only managed to make them snap. Zach123 and Spence2345 had hated each other since the early days of World War 1, but both were valuable assets to Skandia. Knowing that tensions between the two were increasing, Zach123 proposed he create his own faction, and the name Ilirea was given to it by Tonymai1 to show the approval of the plan. The name itself, ironically, is of a city ravaged by conflict, which is exactly what it became.The creation of Ilirea, however, only served to increase tensions from Spence2345’s standpoint. Where Zach was willing to compromise on a solution, Spence only wanted his permanent extermination, and would settle for no less. Technically, having Zach make Ilirea placed him in a higher position in Arcadia than Spence ever was. This, furthered by the fact that he became free to leave, angered Spence to no end. It was the first sign that something bad was coming… the signs however… were ignored as they had been for months. Skandia had known peace since its Civil War in Era1, the peace was shattering.Arcadian CoupRising TensionsTensions only served to rise from that point onwards. Ilirea began to prosper and with most of Skandia’s leaders gone to rebuild their long lost factions again, Skandia began to crumble from the inside out. The tensions between Ilirea and Skandia continued to rise, and the other factions were struggling to stay alive. With tensions rising so fast, Arcadia became what was a “Beacon of Freedom” to a “Country at War with Itself.”The factions were becoming more equal in power by the day, and the conflicts between them continued to rise. Matters only grew worse as FearTheFilth retired as leader of Void and left Deaky in charge, an inexperienced leader who was failing to keep his faction in line. Later, SkyAndAtomMC himself would have a run in with Zach which sparked him to make the comment, “I will leave this faction unless he’s removed from it.” Like the rest of the warnings, it was hardly thought of.Problems Near and FarArcadia as a whole was developing more problems than anyone could have possibly predicted. Whether it be in Skandia to the other factions like Ilirea, Illuminati, Void, or Ellesmera, the five were struggling deeply. Data from Skandia showed that it was approaching another Chaotic Event, something which Spence2345 was aware of as he received the same data. Ilirea’s mass growth was causing its own heap of problems, Illuminati suffered from an inactive leader, Deaky was failing to control Void, and Ellesmera was filled with griefers.As the problems stacked up, Spence used the opportunity to mastermind his own plan. Completely oblivious to everyone but those he worked with, nobody told anybody of the plan and because Skandia’s communication network was so weak back then, it went unnoticed until the moment of truth. Betrayal had come…The Skandian CoupWhat started as a peaceful day with the completion of Skandia’s new suburban district, ended as probably the darkest day in DNT History. Tensions had remained high, but progress was finally being made in Skandia until it came. Out of the blue, three Skandians leaving the faction unannounced, unplanned, and ultimately with one goal in mind… Destruction. It was not the fact that they left that was shocking, but who left. Spence2345, Co-Owner of Skandia & DNT Staff, SkyAndAtomMC, PvPLeader, and TheBosnianGamer, PvPBase Operator. Then, they created a faction named CAssassins… Something Spence himself had not hidden meant “Chaotic Assassins.” Skandia’s Chaotic Event had come.Betrayed at its core, matters only got worse as one by one more and more Skandians turned on their alliance, Skandia was having a coup that had been orchestrated for weeks if not months. Spence himself announced the goal of the coup was to destroy Arcadia, and get to Ilirea. Bonds torn, alliances shattered, and trust destroyed, the two battered it out in an ultimate display of the tension that had risen in Arcadia. Everything had failed at that point, Skandia had at long last hit an event that threatened to crush it. It wasn’t inactivity, it wasn’t grief, it was betrayal from the heart of Skandia. At the end of the coup, no more Era2 Skandians would exist.Arcadian CoupMatters only complicated when the coup began to reach new bounds. What originally was thought to simply exist in Skandia, became something that existed throughout all of Arcadia. Illuminati, Ellesmera, Void, and DksKnights had all been asked to betray Arcadia. Illuminati never responded, DksKnights outright refused, but the other two accepted to help in the coup. Ellesmera never ended up carrying out their part after learning what the coup had become, led to believe that it was nothing major, GoldenChicken later realized what Spence intended to do and pulled out his support. Void, however, committed to the coup and betrayed Arcadia cutting its size down considerably and bringing Arcadian Land to war.Skandia’s council had been corrupted, its staff corrupted, Arcadia corrupted, and Skandia, the heart of Arcadia, had been devastated. As the details of the coup began to flood in, the entire grasp of it finally came to heat. It wasn’t a minor coup that had little chance of success, it was a large one that targeted almost every Skandian, and every Arcadian faction. Hatred had consumed trust, and Spence turned all his efforts towards destroying Ilirea and Zach, and was willing to sacrifice everything to do it. Knowing that Skandia would support Ilirea, Spence used most of his influence there as Co-Owner to convince several to turn. Thus, crippling Skandia he would gain his own army while knocking out the main branch of Arcadia. Having Ellesmera and Void turn would destroy the alliance, and at that point seeing as DNT Staff had no admin and was in a standstill period, he believed he could gain power in Staff ultimately allowing him to turn PvE into a Warzone.Arcadia had been plunged into literal chaos, and the server itself was on track for a 2nd World War, except this one had every potential to destroy DNT. Arcadia had made its fair share of enemies, and when it fell those enemies would move in on the ruins. Spence himself would help destroy Arcadia, and as the enemies and remaining forces began to stack up, DNT would be brought into an entire world war in both PvE and PvP. With Staff weakened and essentially stripped of power from the coup, no one would exist to stop it… The plan was sound, and it would have worked if but for one factor… “When you create a bomb, always have a backup to defuse it” –Anonymous QuoteThe ResultTonymai1 had orchestrated Arcadia and Skandia from Day 1. He made Arcadia from scratch as a way to neutralize what Skandia had become. He ironically helped make the coup that removed Skandia’s first leader from power, and then sieged power from its 2nd leader, although peacefully. Knowing that everything had backfired, Zach123 and Gashimahiron became the new branches that supported Arcadia.In no way was Skandia sane at the time of the coup. Both Zach and Gash helped develop a plan that would neutralize the coup and keep Arcadia from collapsing into anarchy. Zach, a long time enemy of Spence, had evidence of corruption that he had been hesitant to share knowing Spence’s hatred of him. Gashimahiron himself admitted, “The only reason I never joined Skandia was because of Spence and Sky. The two acted nice in front of you (Tonymai1), but whenever you were gone they were like 8 year old children.”Taking the evidence, and what he had hidden from Spence, Tonymai1 went to Mephalpha later that day with Jesus_Troll. Spence had been under the belief that the connection with Mephalpha was near existent due to the way staff was set up by MrLacis. It is unknown why he did this, but it was likely to keep Skandia’s influx of moderators away from Mephalpha, whatever the reason, it managed to save Arcadia. MrLacis had retired from admin and he believed that there would be nobody to stop him, and it would take days if not weeks to contact Meph, he was wrong.Unbeknownst to Spence, Tonymai1 had kept contacts with both Fallout and Mephalpha. Presenting the evidence, Spence2345 was removed from staff, becoming the only moderator to be kicked from power. Long-time friend of Tonymai1 had officially been neutralized by the one who got him there. From Day 1, Tony had helped Spence become a mod, to helping him learn to be one, only to be backstabbed the instant Spence saw he didn’t need him. The betrayal struck to the core, but removing all the work hurt just as much. Essentially, the erase button had been pressed. In order to save Arcadia, Tonymai1 had erased the footprint he’d made on both Staff and DNT in-game. It managed to destroy almost everything he’d worked on, but it was a sacrifice he was willing to make to save his faction.Later, SkyAndAtom was banned for Multi-Accounting, and Tonymai1 became an admin the day of the coup, personally removing Sky and Spence from the server. The remaining Skandian Traitors were leaderless and were exiled one by one for their crimes, only TheBosnianGamer would ever be forgiven, much to the work of gbrann100. Skandia had been crippled and Arcadia was on the road to destruction, but the coup had ended. Now they had to deal with the aftermath, including the entire faction of Void.The AftermathA Crippled SkandiaThe coup managed to successfully cripple Skandia in a way that the civil war in Era1 had never managed to do. Although the damage was stressed as “Not major” so that morale would be kept high, the damage to Skandia was major. Skandia had essentially been destroyed by the coup, a few members remained, but most were inactive or had betrayed. The remaining Skandians however, stayed loyal and stepped up in their roles to ensure Skandia’ survival. Several went off to take positions of others that had left, others took the vacant roles in government, and others took to the fields to fight against the remaining survivors of the coup.Sure enough, their results came in handy as Skandia could barely recruit following the coup. Struggling with a lack of trust, recruitment levels dropped to an all-time low, meanwhile Arcadia’s image as a whole struggled with the aftermath. Void had remain convinced in their goal to destroy Arcadia, and a few Skandian traitors kept fighting despite a lack of leadership. The coup had ended, but the 1st Arcadian War had not.The Siege of VoidThe first matter of business was to deal with the faction Void. Void was the largest remaining body of the coup and took many of the remaining rebels such as TheBosnianGamer into their hands. Although the coup’s main leadership was gone, Void still had its leadership still intact, and although being an ineffective leader, the threat of war had helped unite Void. Other leaders were invited to the faction, and Arcadia ended up facing a significantly sized faction that had become organized and was prepared to fight.Being in PvE, the only decision was to siege void into surrendering. Before the siege began however, TheBosnianGamer, with the help of Gbrann100 (Councilor), managed to get back into Skandia under harsh regulations for his betrayal. He gave the cords to Void’s base and the siege was brought directly to Void’s doors. For the first time in history, every remaining Arcadia faction offered land to completely surround Void, becoming one of the largest sieges ever on a DNT Faction (100+ Faction Claims). Most came from Ilirea and Skandia, but the other 3 factions (Ellesmera, Illuminati, and DksKnights) helped as well. Knowing that the siege alone would not be enough to stop Void however, efforts increased as NCE and NRC devices were shipped in and activated to cause havoc on Void. Ultimately, forcefields were used to cut cross through Void causing the faction to become completely surrounded inside domes crisscrossing through their land. They surrendered two days later under conditions to stop Anti-Arcadianism, give Arcadia land in the central of their faction so if they should betray a direct siege could occur, and pay 14 stacks of RM in war damages (Many criticized it to be too little).Void in the end was suffering from harsh economic sanctions by Arcadia, and had few recruits or allies since many knew they were enemies of Arcadia. FearTheFilth later returned and delivered his own dosage of destruction to Void, and the faction collapsed sometime later unable to survive the harsh world they had created for themselves. “They got what they deserved” –Zach123Rebuilding ArcadiaArcadia had just as hard a time rebuilding as Skandia did. The population of Arcadia cut in half with most of Skandia betraying and all of Void. Few factions were showing promise of being able to join Arcadia, and although the territories of UROD and Ikimasho were added, they were small and not ready to join the actual alliance.Therefore, the remaining factions began to expand to try and regain size lost from the coup. Ellesmera nearly doubled in size, Illuminati grew to around 16 members, Ilirea passed Skandia as the largest faction, and DksKnights began recruiting for the first time. Arcadia as a whole was growing in size, and several of the problems that began the coup were slowly being solved. One of the major ones was communication, which was greatly improved following the coup first on a leader standpoint, to an Arcadian standpoint. Another problem was the simple weak structure of staff that prompted Spence to use his moderator status to organize the coup even telling Deaky, “I’ll use my moderator to protect you if you help me.” Staff was rebuilt just as Arcadia was. Technically DNT is split into Ages and Eras, but these are more based off of resets. The new age of DNT if anything, began with the coup instead of at the end of Era4. Staff communication was rebuilt to include Mephalpha and Xolol, this allowed mods to be more intact with them while they could see what their mods were doing. Meanwhile, Gashimahiron himself had applied for staff and received the position becoming important to rebuilding Staff and solving the problem with lag districts that had plagued Skandia for months (The problem was with a plugin not what Skandia was doing – EAT THAT CRITICS). With factions growing in size, communication solved, and staff healthier than ever, Arcadia seemed to be on the right track to recovering from the coup, the only problem was new times was entering the server, and they weren’t in Arcadia’s favor. The immediate problems of the coup had been solved, but the longer lasting ones had not.New TimesWhile Arcadia was solving the problems the coup had caused, the world around them had begun to change. Almost all of Arcadia’s resources had been focused on destroying the remaining traitors and rebuilding the factions internally. Weeks had passed with little Arcadian intervention in outer affairs, a short sight to say the least, and as a result many factions had moved on from what Arcadia was supposed to be, to what it had been the past few weeks.The war on Void had been pretty publicized on both the forums and in-game. Although internal support for the war was there, many new factions outside saw Arcadia as a force bullying a weaker one, which, in reality, was what it was doing. Void spread lies saying they had done nothing wrong, and because Arcadia was paying little to no attention to what the public thought, they didn’t bother to give their story. The result was much of the public hating Arcadia. The war had been won, but the damage had also been done.A Troubling WorldDespite trying to convince people what Arcadia was, going to the point of creating a giant database of Arcadia on DNT Forums, and in-game trying to build alliances and assurances Arcadia meant peace, it was a troubling scenario. Arcadia was, in a way, staff-sponsored and this led many to believe that Arcadia were “Elites, being fed by staff.” Indeed, many considered Arcadians to be “Rich and Snobby” and nothing like them, similar to how the middle class thinks of the upper class in real life.Arcadia re-emerged from the war into a world that, although didn’t hate Arcadia, certainly didn’t like it. It was going to war with too many factions, failing to live up to its goal, and was striking too many fights with others who might simply have wanted peace. New leaders rose into power who wished to strike down Arcadia or make their own Empire, and Arcadia wasn’t there to stop it from Day1 and up. The Arcadian System was flawed, and they had attempted to create a world that simply could not be. If Arcadia was to survive… if DNT was to truly reach prosperity… A reset needed to happen… Time needed to fly without Arcadia there so DNT could rebuild itself.FINALEForeign AffairsFollowing the end of the war with Void, Arcadia tried to rebuild its image to the world, but after being tarnished and plagued by more and more conflict, building a new image was not going to be easy. Indeed, although relations improved with some factions, they were generally minor and barely understood Arcadia for what it was. Meanwhile relations with the large factions deteriorated at a mass rate, especially with the faction Special.Special was created by an intelligent-yet-stupid leader known as Agent_E. One of the first people to oppose the Arcadia project, he was recruiting a very large faction with the intention of replacing Arcadia, and relations never improved only decreased. Thankfully, no actual conflict, besides Politics which ALWAYS happens, ever occurred when the faction was looked into after suddenly doubling in size from 10 to 20 members. Upon looking, Staff found nearly eight alt accounts in the faction and it fell apart due to being leaderless.Similarly, Special’s closest ally wasn’t a friend of Arcadia and had their own massive arsenal of VIPs and Premiums in their faction. Unlike with Special however, relations with Arcadia did manage to improve to the point where the faction asked, and was denied, to join Arcadia as a result of internal conflict within the faction & harboring one of Void’s members who staunchly opposed Arcadia and was kicked as a result. Sure enough, the faction split into three days later due to divided interests & loyalty. The faction as a whole failed to recover and all three factions collapsed into oblivion.A Splitting Skandia Skandia obviously was hit hardest by the coup, and despite the amount of activity from the war with Void, once it was over the internal problems Skandia still faced from its coup became evident once again. Skandia’s members were growing inactive, and Skandia was at its lowest population of all time (See graph below). Unfortunately, inactivity as widely studied by Skandia, makes a domino effect. Once your faction is less active, you’re less active, and it spreads and spreads and spreads. It was actually during this time that Ilirea became larger then Skandia becoming the largest faction in the server for a period of time.Skandia had more problems than inactivity however, although they were still linked to it. With less people in Skandia & the ones left being highly inactive, the few that were active regretted not being in a faction of more active people, and thus a few wanted to leave. Others wished to live a lifestyle outside of the city life with assigned plots, and still others wished to simply be alone. The coup had not amplified the problems that Skandia had before and during it, but instead because member levels were so low, they appeared that much more of a big deal. At the end of Era3, the decision to have GoldenChicken leave to make Ellesmera was not a big deal, by the end of Era4 it would have been a very big deal. The solution to this was one that a lot of people in Skandia wanted to do. Play Voltz. DNT was making a cracked Voltz server and a lot of people in Arcadia were bored of Tekkit. This, although fixing the inactivity problem, did manage to create a split between those who wished for Tekkit and those who wished for Voltz. That split essentially led to a collapse of Arcadian Tekkit Operations for Era5 of Tekkit.A Peaceful SlumberEssentially it had been decided on the path Arcadia would take. Skandia wished to move to Voltz primarily, the leader of DksKnights (Gashimahiron) was bored of Tekkit and looking for something new, Ilirea as a faction wished to go as well, and Illuminati & Ellesmera both had inactive leaders leading to their members to join the rest of Arcadia. Leaving for Voltz left essentially no force to rebuild Arcadia on Tekkit that could do the job, well, well.A few members were recruited in Era5 like Hunt3rBl8de and a few others who were promptly kicked shortly after… Other than that however, Arcadia had little to no presence on Tekkit until the DRA (Democratic Republic of Arcadia) popped up late into the Era. Arcadia had moved onto Voltz with most of their members, all of their leaders, and expectations to rebuild a struggling alliance. Meanwhile, a new Age had begun on Tekkit, one without an Arcadian Superpower watching over everyone, although, you certainly ended up with a lot of world-power communist factions popping up in Arcadia’s absence, and they would need to be dealt with in Era6, however that’s a later story to tell, for now, let’s just focus on Voltz.TO BE CONTINUED INSKANDIAN HISTORY – VOLTZ (ERA 5)The Age of Crisis. ................

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