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-1905-190500Crash Course World History #16Mansa Musa & Islam in Africa This article is pretty cool – Declares Mansa Musa the richest person of ALL TIME! more time, what can we say about the size of Africa and why does that matter?Mansa Musa rose to power in ___________ which came after the ___________ Empire, but before the ___________ Empire. Mansa Musa needed to go on the ___________ as he was a ___________.As Mansa Musa traveled he caused some problems for the places he went – what were those problems, how did he contribute to them, and how bad was it really?Mansa Musa also had an impact on Europe, what was it? How did the empires of West Africa come to convert to Islam?Why would merchants (and eventually kings and other elites) want to convert to Islam, couldn’t they just follow whatever religion they wanted to? What do the writings of Ibn Battuta show us about cross-cultural interactions and how culture/religion/etc become transformed as they go new places?Before transitioning to the East Coast of Africa, what are some comparisons you can make between West Africa and other Eurasian empires?What linked the peoples of East Africa? Give specifics!! ................

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