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The Declaration of Independence: An Interactive Worksheet

1. Which words in the Declaration of Independence are the first to indicate that Jefferson was worried about world opinion as to why the colonies were declaring their independence from England? (Locate, select, copy, then paste the answer here.)

2. Define the term " unalienable " rights. (Locate, select, copy, then paste the answer here.)

3. Which rights does Jefferson describe as "unalienable?" Locate the phrase in the Declaration of Independence and copy / paste it here.

4. Which of the political philosophers we studied and discussed in class was most likely to support the ideas expressed in the beginning parts of this document? Why? (Answer in your own words.)

5. According to Jefferson, why are governments established among men? (Locate, select, copy, then paste the phrase here.)

6. Which phrase does Jefferson use to say the power to govern comes from permission given by the people ? (Locate, select, copy, then paste the answer here.)

7. Which sentence was the first in the Declaration of Independence to justify the treason of the revolutionaries against the rule of the British crown and Parliament? (Locate, select, copy, then paste the sentence here.)

8. In the list of the grievances against the King of England, which sentence refers to the Treaty of Paris of 1763? HINT: This refers to what Britain left in the colonies after the end of the French-Indian War. (Locate, select, copy, then paste the answer here.)

9. Which phrase in the Declaration of Independence refers to the Stamp Act? (Locate, select, copy, then paste the answer here.)

10. Locate the paragraph in the Declaration of Independence that refers to the use of armed Hessian mercenaries (soldiers of fortune from Hesse, a region located in what is now Germany) hired by the British Crown to fight the North American colonists, and paste it here.

11. Which sentence captures the essence of the Quartering Act of 1764? (Locate, select, copy, then paste the answer here.)

12. Locate the paragraph in the Declaration of Independence that outlines the efforts of the First and Second Continental Congresses to find some sort of , and paste it here.

13. Which sentences or phrases show that the American colonists had drifted away - - culturally and politically - - from the people and culture of Great Britain? (Locate, select, copy, then paste the answer here.)

14. What is the first sentence in the Declaration of Independence where Jefferson describes the sovereignty of the new United States? (Locate, select, copy, then paste the answer here.)

15. Which sentence in the Declaration of Independence demonstrates to the world that Jefferson and the revolutionaries knew that they were taking a risk (possibly a fatal one) in declaring independence? (Locate, select, copy, then paste the answer here.)

16. Based on what we studied in class about Thomas Hobbes, how would he have reacted philosophically to the representative democracy that the colonists established in British North America? Why? (Answer in your own words.)

17. What phrase in the Declaration of Independence was borrowed almost word for word from John Locke? Copy and paste it here:

18. Based on your reading of the Declaration of Independence, why is the American Revolution considered an Enlightenment based revolution? Answer in your own words.


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