MR. CHUNG U.S. History/Government/ECON

U.S. HISTORYSBG, Watergate, End of the Cold War, and Middle East Policy Review Sheet11.9(5) Analyze the role of the Reagan administration and other factors in the victory of the West in the Cold War.Describe the Cold War philosophies before Nixon.Explain Realpolitik Explain why Nixon reached out to ChinaExplain what happened because Nixon visited China. Explain what happened because Nixon visited the Soviet Union. Explain Détente Describe the short term and long term impact of Nixon’s more pragmatic foreign policy. Nixon Domestic Policy:Describe the Silent Majority. Describe New Federalism. What new federal agencies were established through Nixon?Describe stagflation. Describe what happened during the Arab war against Israel in 1973.Describe the result of the embargo. Describe the Southern Strategy. 11.11(4) Explain the constitutional crisis originating from the Watergate scandal.Describe what happened at the Democratic Party Headquarters in the Watergate complex in June 1982. Explain what investigators began to connect. Explain what did James McCord say at his trial and what led the senate to do.Describe who were crucial in uncovering the Watergate scandal.Describe what “Deep Throat” told Woodward and Bernstein.Describe how Nixon initially reacted to the scandal. Describe how the Watergate scandal created a historic showdown between the three branches of government and what three Constitutional questions arose.Describe how Gerald Ford became the new Vice President. Describe what Nixon secretly began to do at the Oval Office.Describe why Nixon refused to turn over the tapes of secret conversations he recorded at the Oval Office in the White House.Describe Executive Privilege. Describe what happened in Untied States v. Nixon. Describe what the tapes revealed. Explain what the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee vote to do after hearing Nixon’s tapes.Explain the reasons why Nixon resigned from office.Explain what abuses that Nixon did while President. Describe the lasting impact Nixon’s presidency had in trust and confidence of the people. Describe how Congress sought to enact numerous reforms because of Watergate. Domestic Policies:Explain who took over as President after Nixon resigned.Describe how Ford was less ready to do in regards to foreign affairs. Explain who took over after Gerald Ford as President.Describe what the Carter administration struggled with. Describe the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union during the time of President Carter. Describe President Carter’s approach to foreign policy. 11.9(6) Describe U. S. Middle East policy and its strategic, political, and economic interests, including those related to the Gulf War.Describe the Camp David Accords. Describe the reason why the American embassy was taken over by radical Iranian Students inspired by a Muslim cleric, Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran.Describe what Carter’s failure to release hostages revealed. Describe what became America’s greatest foreign policy challenge was. POLITICS:Describe the clear party lines forming.Describe Ronald Reagan. Describe supply-side economics/ Reaganomics.Describe where Reagan increased his spending on. Describe what social problems happened during the 1980s. 11.9(6) Describe U. S. Middle East policy and its strategic, political, and economic interests, including those related to the Gulf War.Explain what happened in Lebanon.Explain what happened between the United States and Libya. Explain what happened in 1988 with Pan Am Flight 103. Explain the Iran/Contra Affair.Explain what Congress banned that made the Iran/Contra Affair illegal. Explain what President Reagan did in 1986 with the Iran Contra Affair. 11.9(5) Analyze the role of the Reagan administration and other factors in the victory of the West in the Cold War.Explain what Reagan wanted to do, to weaken Communism. Explain what policies Reagan devised in toppling Communism. Describe what Reagan committed to do. Explain why Reagan supported a massive military buildup.Describe SDI.BOTH COLD WAR & MIDDLE EAST STANDARD:Describe how Reagan aided anti-communists in Afghanistan. Explain who the Mujahedeen become. COLD WAR CONTINUED:Explain what religious leader helped the United States in its war against Communism.Explain how Reagan aided anti-communists in Latin America. Describe what happened in Grenada. Explain what Mikhail Gorbachev did as leader of the Soviet Union. Explain what Gorbachev realized about the Soviet economy. Explain what Reagan and Gorbachev did. Explain what happened in November 1989 in East Germany.Explain where Communists lost their power.Explain how the Soviet Union fell apart. THE BUSH YEARS:Explain who took over as President after Reagan.Explain what Bush Sr. did in signing agreements first with Gorbachev and then Yeltsin. Describe what America became. Explain what happened in Panama when President Bush was president.Explain what happened in China when President Bush was president. Explain what happened with South Africa when President Bush was president. 11.9(6) Describe U. S. Middle East policy and its strategic, political, and economic interests, including those related to the Gulf War.Persian Gulf War:Describe what happened in August 2, 1990.Explain what the U.S. feared about Saddam Hussein. Explain what the U.S. brought in to help free Kuwait.Explain how Iraq lost the war.Explain what the coalition forces refuse to do.CLINTON YEARS:Explain why President Bush lost the election to Bill Clinton. Explain what happened during the Clinton years with technology.. Describe Globalization. Describe Clinton’s First Term.Describe in high profile violence during the Clinton years. . Explain why Clinton was impeached.Describe Clinton’s foreign policy. Describe what happened in Yugoslavia during the time.Explain how Clinton sought to bring peace between Palestine and Israel. 11.9(6) Describe U. S. Middle East policy and its strategic, political, and economic interests, including those related to the Gulf War.Explain what Al Queda did in 1993. Explain how Bush Jr. became President. Explain what happened in September 11, 2001. Describe the War on Terrorism and why Afghanistan was invaded. Describe the Patriot Act. Explain what happened when the U.S. invaded Iraq a second time.Explain what happened to Iraq after Saddam Hussein was overthrown. Explain what foreign Sunni fighters caused Iraq in the verge of collapse. BUSH DOMESTIC POLICY:Explain what caused President Bush severe criticism. Explain what crisis happened in the fall of 2008.Explain who took over as President after President Bush.Describe President Obama’s domestic policies. Explain what happened in the Middle East when President Obama was president. Patterns in American History(Ecc 1:9) The thing that hath __________________, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be _____________________: and there is no new thing under the ______________________.Patterns in American History The history which the great ________________________ has marked out in His word, uniting ______________ after _________________in the_____________________, from _________________ in the past to ___________________in the_____________________, tells us where we are today in the procession of the ages, and what may be expected in the time to come. All that prophecy has foretold as coming to pass, until the present time, has been traced on the pages of _________________, and we may be assured that all which is yet to come will be fulfilled in its order. {Ed 178.3} Patterns in American HistoryDan_2:21 And he changeth the times and the_________________: he removeth_______________, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto ________________________and knowledge to them that know______________________: (Dan 2:44) And in the days of these kings shall the __________________set up a _______________, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these _______________________, and it shall _____________________.(Rev 21:4) And God shall wipe away __________________from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any __________________: for the former things are_________________.(Rev 21:5) And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things___________________. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are_______________________ and _____________________. ................

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