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Name______________________________ Period __________Direct Episode LinkCRASH COURSE EUROPEAN HISTORY: EPISODE #12: The Scientific Revolution1. Life has always improved, although sometimes only very slightly, from generation to generation. TRUE / FALSE2. “Like the ____________________, the Scientific Revolution was another break with religious teachings. The Catholic Church taught that the earth was the ____________________ of the universe.” 3. According to early Catholic beliefs, what traveled around the Earth? (2:05) (Highlight all that apply)A. Sun B. Planets C. Moon D. God Himself4. Nicholas Copernicus “determined that the universe was ________________________.” 5. What did Copernicus believe was the center of the universe? A. Sun B. Earth C. Moon D. God Himself6. Kepler found that “the orbits of the planets were ____________________________.” 7. Galileo was “the first person to observe ______________________________________.” 8. After Galileo went and taught the clergy in Rome about his discovery, they accepted that his conclusions were accurate and supported him. TRUE / FALSE9. Who did Einstein call the father “of modern science?” __________________________10. William Harvey “pronounced the heart to be a ________________________.” 11. What did Descartes try to prove? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________12. What type of reasoning did Descartes develop? A. Inductive B. Deductive C. Backward Induction D. Critical13. Newton practice alchemy. TRUE / FALSE14. Where did Garcia de Orta travel first? _____________________________/ While there he studied PLANT / ANIMAL life. 15. Who started the Royal Academy of Sciences? (13:20) _______________________________Direct Episode LinkCRASH COURSE EUROPEAN HISTORY: Episode # 18 The Enlightenment 1. The Enlightenment is also called the ___________________________________. 2. What is one example of a new novelty that was becoming increasingly available to citizens as the Enlightenment began? ____________________________________________________________________3. Food was more readily available during the Enlightenment. TRUE / FALSE4. “Travelers discovered that people across Asia didn’t seem as ____________________ as Europeans.” 5. Europeans also saw that some cultures “gave less weight to a person’s ___________________, and more to a person’s individual ____________ and ______________________. 6. Voltaire was sent to the Bastille __________________. 7. What did Voltaire value? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8. Traits of the Enlightenment included “being ______________________, and _______________________, and ___________________.” 9. What was Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s best selling novel? A. Canterbury Tales B. Emile . C. Candide D. Fountainhead10. “Rousseau promoted what would come to be called ‘_______________________________.’ 11. What did the newly fashioned handkerchiefs worn around the neck eventually become? ____________________________________________________________________12. It was illegal in France to have imported foreign cottons. TRUE / FALSE13. What made mining become extremely important? A. Gold B. Diamonds C. Silver D. Coal14. Things used to be worse than they are now. TRUE / FALSE15. The Enlightenment supported the practice of slavery. TRUE / FALSE 16. “Adam Smith took on the _____________________ theory that global wealth was ________________.” 17. Smith is “known today as the Father of the _____________________________.” 18. Kant focused on individual ______________________. 19. What did Moses Mendelssohn believe would be the future for Jewish people? A. They would stop being persecuted B. They would start being persecuted C. They would continue to be persecuted D. They would be the target of genocide ................

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