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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Greek Times------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lehi, Utah — Thursday, May 1, 2014 — 2 pages__________________________________________________________________________________________Greek PhilosophyNoah ChristensenAristotle The Greek Philosophers were very smart. They were the first people to believe that everything had a scientific explanation, not just to blame a God. The word philosopher literally means “Lover of Wisdom”. Their ideas often conflicted with each other, but all believed that everything is based on natural laws. The first philosopher’s name was Thales of Miletus. He wanted to know about how the universe worked. Another philosopher like him named Democritus developed atomic theory. He said that everything is made of atoms. One of the most important philosophers in Ancient Greece was Socrates. He thought that education was the key to personal growth. He did not use memorization as a teaching tool. Instead, he thought that students should learn for themselves. He asked his students to try to think for themselves. Eventually he was falsely accused of corrupting the minds of the Athenian youth. He was tried, found guilty, and executed. Plato was one of Socrates’ students. The biggest difference between Socrates and Plato was that Plato recorded his ideas. He wrote imaginary discussions about different topics. Aristotle was one of Plato’s students. He Thought that every field of science could be studied logically. He recorded his ideas and organized them into categories. He had a skill for classifying and organizing things.Math, Medicine, and ScienceTravis EggettHippocratesPhilosophy was never limited to one aspect of the human world. It also is not even limited to the world itself. Over the years, philosophy and science have advanced to space. Philosopher Pythagoras held the ideal that through math, all things could be explained. He later invented the Pythagorean theorem, an equation showing that the longest side of a right triangle could be determined by knowing the lengths of the other two sides. The only way that a people can enhance their knowledge is first to have space to. When someone specializes their field, they open up many doors in philosophy. Aristotle, a very famous philosopher, did not have a specific specialization. Throughout his life, he provided foundations in many fields from zoology to botany. He also invented a way to classify objects based on similar characteristics. Greeks branched out more and were focusing on how the natural laws of the world affected it as opposed to theright triangle could be determined by knowing the lengths of the other two sides. The only way that a people can enhance their knowledge is first to have space to. When someone specializes their field, they open up many doors in philosophy. Aristotle, a very famous philosopher, did not have a specific specialization. Throughout his life, he provided foundations in many fields from zoology to botany. He also invented a way to classify objects based on similar characteristics. Greeks branched out more and were focusing on how the natural laws of the world affected it as opposed to the Mesopotamians who tried to explain everything through the supernatural. The Greeks believed that all laws could be observed and defined based on objectivity and reason. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, was given his title because of the immense amount of work he did for medical advancement. He wrote 60 to 70 studies based on observation, experiment, and experience. He discovered and taught that diseases were not given as a punishment from the gods but rather spread by natural causes. He also developed a law of ethics that doctors today still follow. This law is called the Hippocratic code.Greek TheaterZach PrattThe greek theater is a good source of greek entertainment. there was a lot of good works created in athens.greek drama were interesting, they were the first people to write them, men had to train to do the womens parts, and a group of people known as the chorus would explain the settings and time the play was taking place. they would perform the play during the festival of dionysus. tragedies always ended in the hero or main character having something bad happening to them, and ended up being doomed by the gods or by some other means.greeks also did comes, these made fun of people and ideas, like socrates, usually, the conflict that happens to the hero or main character ends up getting solved. ................

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