WW2 Holocaust Word Bank

WW2 Holocaust Word Bank

Word Bank

Death Pogroms Separated

Concentration Unfit Holocaust

Auschwitz Ghettos Star of David

SS Madagascar Final Solution

The killing of Jews and others by Nazi Germany is called the _______________.

The Nazis first marked the Jews with the ____________________. Later, Jews were removed from their homes into _________________. These places were attacked by the Nazis. These attacks were known as _______________. Many Jews did not believe, at first, that they would be murdered. The Nazis lied and said the Jews would be sent to _________________. The Jews instead were deported to _________________ and _____________ camps.

The camps were run by the _______________. ______________ was one of the worst camps. Gas, starvation, overwork, bullets and experimentation were all used to kill Jews and others. First, men and women were ___________________. Then the elderly, very young, the pregnant, the sick and weak were executed. These people were considered __________ by the Nazis. The Nazis did not call these actions the Holocaust. They called it the ________________________.


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