To Kill A Mockingbird Quizzes

To Kill A Mockingbird Quizzes

Ch 1-3

1. Who is Calpurnia?

2. What is Atticus’s occupation?

3. What is Dill’s full name?

4. When did the kids decide to make Boo come out?

5. What was different about the Radleys?

6. What did Cal say about Mr. Radley after he died?

7. Describe Boo.

8. What is Jem dared to do?

9. What did Scout see after he did it?

10. What’s Scout’s teacher’s name?

11. Why won’t Walter take the money?

12. Why is Miss Caroline mad at Scout and Atticus?

13. What did Walter do to his food?

14. What was on Burris Ewell’s head?

15. What kind of person is Bob Ewell?

Ch 4-6

1. What does Scout find in the tree?

2. What do Scout and Jem find in the tree?

3. What does Dill smell?

4. What game do the kids play?

5. What did Scout hear inside the Radley house?

6. Who does Scout turn to after the boys stop playing with her?

7. Who does Jack ask to marry him?

8. What are the kids doing to communicate with Boo?

9. Who puts a stop to it?

10. On Dill’s last night, what are they planning?

Ch 7-9

1. What was different about Jem’s pants when he went to get them?

2. Name 2 things do Scout and Jem find in the tree?

3. What’s happened to the hole in the tree?

4. Why does Scout think the world’s ending?

5. Whose house catches fire?

6. Who put the blanket on Scout?

7. Why does Atticus say he won’t win the trial?

8. Who is Rose Aylmer?

9. Why is Scout in trouble with Uncle Jack?

10. What does Aunt Alexandra always try to make Scout do?

11. Why does Scout fight Francis?

12. Why will Scout have to learn to keep her temper?

Ch 10-12

1. What does Atticus say it is a sin to kill?

2. Why?

3. What is the dog’s name?

4. Who is “One-shot”?

5. Describe Mrs. Dubose.

6. What does she say that upsets Jem?

7. What does Jem do about it?

8. Who is Atticus defending?

9. What does Mrs. Dubose want Jem to do for her?

10. Explain what is happening as Jem reads to Mrs. Dubose over the weeks.

11. What was Mrs. Dubose addicted to?

12. What did Mrs. Dubose give Jem before she died?

13. Why did Atticus want Jem and Scout to be around Mrs. Dubose?

14. Who is the bravest person Atticus ever knew?

15. Why?

Ch 13-15

1. Why do you think Aunt Alexandra has come to live with Jem and Scout?

2. Does she fit well in to the Maycomb society?

3. Why does Scout pick a fight with Jem?

4. When does Atticus say Scout has to mind Jem?

5. What’s under Scout’s bed?

6. According to Dill, why hasn’t Boo Radley ever run away?

7. What is Sheriff Heck Tate worried about?

8. What is Atticus doing outside the jail?

9. What do the group of men want outside the jail?

10. What makes them go away?

Ch 16-18

1. Atticus says the children made Walter Cunningham stand in his shoes the night at the jail. What does he mean by that?

2. Describe the town’s atmosphere on the first day of the trial.

3. Describe Mr. Dolphus Raymond.

4. Where do the kids sit to watch the trial?

5. Which side of the head was Mayella beat on?

6. Is Mr. Ewell right or left handed?

7. What is Mayella’s testimony?

8. What happened to Tom’s left arm?

9. Describe Mayella’s homelife.

10. What do you think really happened at the Ewell home the day in question?

Ch 19-21

1. Describe Tom’s testimony.

2. Why does Scout say Mayella had to be even more lonely than Boo Radley, who hadn’t left his house in 25 years?

3. What does Mr. Gilmer keep calling Tom?

4. What makes Dill sick?

5. What’s in Mr. Dolphus Raymond’s bottle bag?

6. Why does he do what he does?

7. What code does Atticus say Mayella has broken?

8. Where does Atticus say that all men are created equal?

9. What is the verdict?

10. What do the blacks in the balcony do when Atticus passes?

Ch. 22-24

1. What do the townspeople bring Atticus and the family?

2. What does Dill want to be when he grows up?

3. What has Bob Ewell done to Atticus?

4. According to Jem, why does Boo Radley stay in his house?

5. What does Scout think of most women?

6. In detail, describe how Tom has died.

7. How does Scout act with the ladies after the news of Tom?

Ch. 25-28

1. How does the town react to Tom’s death?

2. What does Mr. Underwood’s editorial say about Tom?

3. What other creature are the kids not to kill, according to Jem?

4. Who reveals he knows size four footprints were found in the Radley’s back yard?

5. What is ironic about Miss Gates discussing the treatment of Jews?

6. What mysterious things are happening around town?

7. What will Scout be in the play?

8. Who startles Jem and Scout on their way TO the pageant?

9. Why doesn’t Scout come on stage when she hears her cue?

10. Describe what happened on the way home from the pageant.

11. What does Aunt Alexandra bring Scout to wear after she gets home?

Ch. 29-31

1. What does Scout say when she first sees Boo Radley in Jem’s room?

2. Who does Atticus believed stabbed Bob Ewell?

3. Who really killed Bob Ewell?

4. Explain why the sheriff will tell the town that Bob Ewell fell on his knife.

5. What does Scout liken the situation to?

6. What does Boo ask Scout to do?

7. What makes Scout sad?

8. What does Scout realize one of the few things she and Jem have left to learn?

9. From where does Scout see the town at a different perspective?

10. Does Scout ever see Boo Radley again?


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