Quizzes - MemberClicks


These quizzes are for you alone. However, if you need to discuss some of their results, feel free to contact us. Print 2 copies of each quiz. Answer them separately and then compare your answers.


Answer the following questions as they apply to you and as they apply to your fianc?(e). Under each column, write the letter:

O= Often, S= Sometimes, N= never

When you finish, share your responses with your fianc?(e).

My Fianc?(e)


Do I compliment my fianc?(e)?

Do I nag?

Do I manipulate my fianc?(e)'s feelings?

Do I suppress things that bother me and let them build up?

Do I share my feelings about things that bother me?

If so, do I share them in a civil manner?

Do I pray by myself?

Do I pray aloud with my fianc?(e)?

Do I express gratitude for the ways my fianc?(e) loves and cares for me?

Do I ask for forgiveness when I have been wrong?

2- PRIORITIES EXPLORATION FORM Stanley, Jackson, Wainright & Markman, 1988 Personal dedication is a form of commitment to a relationship that is evidenced by a desire not only to continue in a relationship, but also to work on the relationship, to improve it, to sacrifice for it, to invest in it, to link personal goals to it, and to seek your partner's welfare, not simply your own (Stanley, 1986). One of the best ways to gauge your level of dedication to your relationship is to examine your priorities. Priorities are people, things, activities, or interests that are of great importance for you.

In column one below, please list what you consider your top 5 priorities in life, in order from greater to lesser importance. In column two, list what you think your partner would say are your top 5 priorities. In column three, list what you believe are your partner's top 5 priorities. Below the columns is a listing of possible priorities for you to consider. The list is given merely to aid you in considering your priorities. Feel free to use your own words, and be as specific as possible.

Your rating of your priorities






Your guess of partner's rating 0f your priorities






Your rating of what you believe are your partner's priorities






Some possible priority areas









Your partner TV

Future goals





3- LET'S GET REAL The following subjects are important areas of a couple's relationship. Check the 4 you talk about least frequently. __ money __ having a baby __ religion __ temper __ the future __ house __ criticism __ God __ my family __ lifestyle __ friends __ your bad habits __ prayer __ career __ sex __ your family __ family planning __ death __ my bad habits __ moodiness __ marriage for life __ where we will live in 5 years __ our jobs __ raising up children __ possibility of divorce __ Hopes and expectations __ budget

__ interfaith marriage What aspect of each of the 4 subjects that I checked should we look into?

What would I most want you, my beloved, to change?

In what parts of our life together will we most disagree? Check 3 subjects: sex jobs/career moodiness children independence commitment money verbal communication outside activities core beliefs religion alcohol goals in life others in-laws sharing feelings your personal habits my personal habits.

Explain each of the 3 subjects you checked.

What parts of our personalities, beliefs, or values are going to be the biggest barriers to our marriage?

Who or what do I believe has the most influence on our wedding plans?

__ myself __ my intended __ my fianc?'s father/mother __ my mother/father __ my fianc?'s friends __ my friends __ a previous wedding I attended __ movies __ my daydreams __ other Is there anything I would really like to have at our wedding?

What do I think about our receiving the sacrament of reconciliation as a preparation for our wedding?

What do I want our wedding to say about us to those who will be attending?

Will your/my family present problems when planning celebrations such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, birthdays, etc?

Is there anyone in my/your family who either of us has a problem with? Can this cause problems in our relationship?

Does either of us have a financial debt which has not been revealed to the other?

Does either of us have a physical/medical problem which the other should be aware of?

The following questions are more personal:


Am I looking forward to our honeymoon? Why?


What aspects of our honeymoon am I most looking forward to?


What are my greatest doubts, apprehensions, and fears about our honeymoon?


What changes should we make in our honey moon plans so we will have less to

distract us from each other?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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