LIFE POINT: The Bible helps people know God loves them.



LEVEL OF BIBLICAL LEARNING The Bible teaches us what God is like. BIBLE PASSAGE 2 Timothy 1:1-5; 3:14-17 WEEKLY VERSE God will always love me. Psalm 107:1 UNIT VERSE God will always love me. Psalm 107:1

For more great ideas, go to kidshelps.

In the summer of 1967, the Beatles led the world in singing "All You Need Is Love." This song actually came about from a request for the group to come up with a song that could be understood by people of all nations. What is it that all people want? Love.

Where can people find the type of love they are searching for? The Bible tells us that God is love. It is not just something He does but what He is. He created us to have a loving relationship with Him.

The Bible has been referred to as God's love letter to us. In it He tells us He loves us, and He shows us how He demonstrates His love for us. Through the Bible, we can know Him and find His instructions on how to live.

Second Timothy tells us that Christ came to save us, not because of anything we have done but because of God's grace. Why would God voluntarily send His Son to suffer and die for us? There is only one answer: love. (Read Romans 5:8.)

So how can people understand that God loves them? Read the Bible. Think about which verses in the Bible help you understand God's love. Read and meditate on those verses. How does the living God demonstrate His love to you today? How can you help children understand the significance of the Scripture in this age of texting, email, and social media? How can you communicate the love of God to the children in your class in a way that they can understand?

SUGGESTED DATE: week of August 26

6 0 U n i t 3, S e ss i o n 4

NOTE: Downloadable versions of items identified as CD are available in the Music and Print Extras Bundle. Items identified as DVD are available in the Digital Video Bundle. Additional training for Bible Studies For Life: Kids is available at web/biblestudiesforlife.

? 2018 LifeWay


Sing together. Play "Go and Tell" (track 9). Encourage the preschoolers to sing with

the song. Play the song again. Lead the boys and girls to sing louder the second time.

Say a Bible Verse. Invite a preschooler to open the Bible at the marker. Read the

verse. Guide the preschoolers to say the verse with you. Move with the verse. Point

up when you say God, and point to yourself when you say me. Repeat the verse with

the movements.

Tell the Bible story. Pass the envelope around the circle. Play "Because You

Are Good" (track 7) while the envelope is being passed. Instruct the child who is

holding the envelope when the music stops to look in it. Repeat several times.

Comment that you like to receive mail. Remove and display the Teaching Picture.

Challenge the preschoolers to name what is happening. Put the picture aside as

you open the Bible and tell the story.


Your Own


Decide when to have group time; then select learning activities to use before and/

or after group time.


--Based on 2 Timothy 1:1-5; 3:14-17 Paul was a missionary who traveled from place to place telling people about God and Jesus. On one of his trips, Paul met a young man named Timothy. Paul heard people say that Timothy loved God and Jesus. Timothy had been taught about God by his mother, Eunice, and his grandmother, Lois. Paul asked Timothy to help him tell others about Jesus. They traveled together and talked to many people. They told them about Jesus and God. Later, after Timothy had stopped traveling with Paul, Paul wrote a letter to him. Paul wrote that he was praying for Timothy. Paul said, "I thank God for your mother and your grandmother who taught you about God and Jesus. Since you were a child, you have learned from the Bible. Remember, all that the Bible says is from God. The Bible tells us what God wants us to do. It teaches us how to live and helps us make right choices. Keep doing what the Bible says to do."

>>Pack Items 14, 15, 39: "Unit Verses,""Weekly Verse Markers,""Book: God Loves the World"

Teaching Picture 13

>>CD >>DVD >>Manila envelope >>>>Place the Unit Verse

marker in the Bible at Psalm 107:1.

>>Place the Teaching Picture in an envelope.

Review the Bible story. Display the Teaching Picture. Ask: "Who wrote the letter to

Timothy? Who taught Timothy about the Bible? What did Paul tell Timothy to do?"

After children talk about the Bible story, sing "Because You Are Good" (track 7).

Learn the Life Point and pray. State that the Bible helps people know that God

loves them. Paul told Timothy to keep doing what God wanted him to do. Pray,

thanking God for the Bible.

Wrap it up. Play "Paul Wrote a Letter to Timothy: Life Action" video. Read the book.

? 2018 LifeWay



Kids Activity Page

>>Postcards, junk mail, >>messenger bag or other

bag with a strap, paper, washable markers, envelopes, blank address labels, shoe boxes


>>Empty plastic drink >>bottles, sand, rice, tape

CD: "Block Towers"

>>>>Blocks, scissors, tape


??Help each child complete the Kids Activity Page. ??Guide the preschoolers to play out a post office. Direct preschoolers to print letters from the alphabet or draw pictures on the paper. Demonstrate how to put the papers in the envelopes. Suggest the children use the labels to create stamps. ??Set the shoe boxes around the room as mailboxes. ??Encourage the boys and girls to place the envelopes and junk mail in the messenger bag and deliver the mail around the room. ??Comment that Paul wrote a letter to Timothy. Paul reminded Timothy that he had learned about the Bible from his mother and grandmother. ??Say that the Bible helps people know that God loves us. (Dramatic Play)


Fill bottles half full with sand or rice. Seal lids with tape.

??Play and sing "Go and Tell" (track 9). Lead the preschoolers to shake the shakers with the song. ??Recall Bible stories about Paul telling about Jesus. ??Comment that Paul wrote a letter to Timothy. Paul wrote that Timothy's mother and grandmother taught him about the Bible. The Bible helps people know that God loves us. ??Say the Weekly Verse. Shake the shakers as you repeat the verse. ??Play other songs and shake the shakers. (Music)


Cut apart the word cards. (Or print the words of the Unit Verse on cards, one word per card.) Tape the words to the wall in the correct order of the verse. Tape the words at different heights.

??Point out the words on the wall. Guide the preschoolers to build towers by stacking the blocks against the wall under the words. ??Count the number of blocks in each tower. Note which is the tallest tower and the smallest tower. ??Read the verse. State that the Bible helps people know that God loves them. Paul wrote Timothy a letter to remind him to keep doing what the Bible says to do. (Blocks)

6 2 U n i t 3, S e ss i o n 4

? 2018 LifeWay

LIFE POINT The Bible helps people know God loves them.


??Guide preschoolers to use the stamps to make letter and shape designs on paper. ??Challenge pre-kindergartners to stamp their names. ??Show the Teaching Picture. Comment that Paul sent Timothy a letter. Add that he told Timothy to keep doing what the Bible says to do. (Art)


??Invite the preschoolers to play the Travel Game or work the puzzles. ??Tell preschoolers that Timothy traveled with Paul and told people about Jesus. Later Paul wrote Timothy a letter. Paul reminded Timothy that Timothy's mother and grandmother taught him about the Bible. ??Ask the children to name people that tell them about the Bible. ??Say that the Bible helps people know God loves them. (Puzzles)



Invite the children to explore the different Bibles and books. Point out some of the differences from the English language. Mention how important it is for people to be able to read the Bible in their own language. The Bible helps people know God loves them. Display the Missions Pictures. Comment that people read and write in Arabic in Egypt. Tell the children that missionaries help people have a Bible in their own language. Say that the Bible helps people know God loves them, no matter what the language is.


Play "Because You Are Good" (track 7) while the preschoolers are coloring. Encourage them to sing along. Ask the preschoolers to whom Paul wrote a letter. Ask them who taught Timothy about the Bible when he was a child.


Play "Look at Us Cleaning Up" (track 10). Encourage the boys and girls to clean up while the song is playing. Thank the children for helping.

Teaching Picture 13

>>Alphabet stamps, shape >>stamps, washable stamp

pads, paper

>>Pack Items 37, 38, 40: "Travel Gameboard," "Travel Game Pieces," "People Puzzles"

>>CD: "Missions Pictures" Unit 3

>>Bibles, books or Bibles in other languages (Arabic Bible if available)

>>CD: "Paul Wrote a Letter to Timothy" Coloring Page

>>Washable markers

? 2018 LifeWay



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