|Date of Request:       | |

|Name of Trial:       |

|Principal Investigator:       |Billing Administrator:       |Ph./Ext #:       |Box #:       |

|Study Coordinator:       |Ph.:       Pager:       |Other Coordinator:       |Ph.:       Pager:       |

|Trial Sponsor: NIH Industry Other:       |Billing Company:      Spend Category:       FAO/Grant #:       |

|RSRB#:       |Est. # Subjects:      |Est. Start Date:       |Est. End Date:       |

| *Requested Exams/Procedures – Billable to the Study Ledger |

|*SOC image acquisition & dictation will be followed unless otherwise requested* |

|Fill in all information as requested. Check all that apply |

| Plain Film X-ray Body Part(s):       View(s):       Indication:       Frequency:       |

| Ultrasound Organ/Body Part(s):       Doppler: With Without Indication:       Frequency:      . |

| PET CT: Eyes to Thighs Vertex to Thighs Vertex to Toes (Whole Body) Brain Other:       Indication:       Frequency:       |

| Nuclear Medicine:       Indication:       Frequency:       |

| MRI Scan |BODY PART(S) |

|Magnet Strength: 3T 1.5T |Head/Brain Neck Chest Abdomen Pelvis |

|Contrast: Without Without & With |Musculoskeletal:       |

|MR Spectroscopy MR Angiogram fMRI (brain) |Spine: Cervical Thoracic Lumbar Sacrum |

|MR Perfusion DCE MR Perfusion ASL MR DTI |Organ/System: Esophagus Stomach Liver Kidney |

|Indication:       Frequency:       |Other:       |

| |Lymphatics:       |

|CT Scan |Vascular System: Venous Arterial |

|Contrast: With Without Without & With |Vessels:       |

|CT Angiogram CT Perfusion CT Myelogram | |

|Indication:       Frequency:       | |

| Lumbar Puncture CSF with Fluoroscopic Guidance |

|CSF Collection: Tests Requested: Collected CSF: Supplies to be Provided by Study Team: |

|Tube 1      cc       to SMH lab To Coordinator CSF Tubes |

|Tube 2      cc       to SMH lab To Coordinator Tube Labels |

|Tube 3      cc       to SMH lab To Coordinator Other:       |

|Tube 4      cc       to SMH lab To Coordinator |

|Opening Pressure: Yes No Other Instructions:       Indication:       Frequency:       |

| Large Needle Core Biopsy* Fine Needle Aspiration* *CT, Ultrasound or Fluoro Guidance as per interventionalist |

|Site: Lymph Node Liver Lung Other:      |

|Tissue Requested: Standard Care Core Core in addition to Standard Care Sample Core for research purposes only |

|Sampling Instructions: As per Standard Care As per Study Protocol: Needle Size:      Minimum # Passes:      |

| |

|Minimum # Samples:      OR Minimum Sample Size:      Other:       |

|Tissue Handling: As per Standard Care (lymphoma samples placed in saline, most others in 10% NBF) As per Study Protocol:       |

|Supplies Provided by Study Team: No Yes:      |

|Tissue Disposition: IR staff to bring SOC samples to Surg Path (for routine processing & reporting). Study staff must pick-up all STUDY samples |

|Indication:       Frequency:       |

| Other Imaging Exam/Procedure:       Indication:       Frequency:       |


|Technologist Training: Web-based Onsite Travel to training site/meeting Time Required for Training:       |

|Site Certification Scan: Dummy or Volunteer Scan Phantom Other:       |

|Imaging Data Transmittal: CD Electronic by Study Team Electronic by Imaging Staff Other:       |

|Completion of Study Forms: Imaging Site Questionnaires Data Transmittal Form Exam Specific Worksheet Other:       |

|Advanced Image Post-Processing (image reformatting, quantitative analysis, etc. |

|Exam Location(s): SMH Inpt. SMH IR East River Rd CC Ortho Penfield Red Creek Strong West GCH |

|Protocol/Imaging Manual Attached? Yes No IF NO, provide description of exam(s) requested:       |

Completed form & attachments to:


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