11.1 Tools for the Guarantee System

11.1.1 a Membership Profile (for applicants[1] wishing to join WFTO and its respective regional branch)


All applicants need to complete this Profile and sign the WFTO Code of Practice to become Provisional members. The Profile is updated by members every two years with their Self Assessment.

Once you have filled in this Profile, the first step in the application process is to be recommended by your regional office as a Provisional member. If agreed by the Board of WFTO you will need to complete a Self Assessment and undergo a Monitoring audit before being approved as a regional and global WFTO member (membership is global but includes regional membership).

This Profile consists of an introductory section where you include your reasons for becoming a member, nominate referees and then fill in two sections:

1) Details of your organisation and business.

2) Additional data needed for recognition of other systems, risk analysis and marketing.

WFTO hopes that this Profile can be used by you also to send information to buyers/suppliers who request details of your organisation in order not to duplicate filling in of forms.

Please send the completed form and supporting documents to the following address:

WFTO Global Office: membership@

The Global Office will ensure your application is forwarded to and processed by your Regional Office.

In order for WFTO to process your application for membership, you will need to provide all the following documentation:

• A copy of your constitution including Mission statement (if possible in English or Spanish).

• A copy of your most recent Annual Report, if you have one.

• A copy of the Financial Statement for the last two financial years (these should be audited accounts if this is a legal requirement for your country).

• A signed copy of the WFTO Code of Practice.

Apart from this list of required documents, additional complementary documents may be requested to provide specific evidence.

Applications must be completed in either English or Spanish. Make sure you send only complete applications. Please note that incomplete applications (missing documents) cannot be processed.

Name of your organisation and country:

About your interest in WFTO

Please tell us, in a few sentences, why you would like to join WFTO

| |

Do you wish to use the WFTO network to access market development opportunities or to source new products?

|Yes |No |

| | |

Do you want to meet other members and share information/experiences?

|Yes |No |

| | |

Do you wish to access credit, for pre-financing of production or trade activities?

|Yes |No |

| | |

Do you wish to join our advocacy and promotional work, promoting Fair Trade Organisations and Fair Trade in general?

|Yes |No |

| | |

Do you wish to take part in WFTO conferences (including workshops, seminars/trainings and product displays)?

|Yes |No |

| | |

Do you have any expectations of WFTO, not listed above? If yes, please state what these are in the text box below:

| |

How does your organisation intend to contribute to the WFTO network? Please state how you wish to contribute in the text box below:

| |

| |

| |

| |

Do you currently buy from or sell to or work with any existing WFTO members? If yes, list the organisations and explain how you collaborate.

| |

Your references

Please give below the names of three referee organisations who can support your application. At least one of these referees must be an existing WFTO member, ideally from your own country. If there are no members in your country, we will consider references from reliable sources that can vouch for your commitment to Fair Trade.

|Organisation/ |Contact Person |Phone No. |E-mail address |WFTO member? |

|Company and country | | | |yes/no? |

| | |+ | | |

| | |+ | | |

Section 1

Please fill in all the parts that apply to you and indicate ‘not applicable’ where they do not apply.

Tip: Within tables you can use the TAB key to quickly jump from field to field. All text fields will expand automatically if you need more space.

1. Contact Details[2]

|Name of organisation as stated in your| |

|constitution | |

|Acronym | |

|Brand name (if any) | |

|Address | |

|Postal Code | |

|Country | |

|Telephone Number | |

|E-mail address, general | |

|Website | |

|Name of General Manager, Director or | |

|CEO | |

|E-mail address of General Manager, | |

|Director or CEO | |

|Name & job title of your staff members| |

|as WFTO contact person | |

|E-mail address of above staff member | |

|Skype ID of contact person (if | |

|available): | |

|Person responsible for Guarantee | |

|System process | |

|E-mail address | |

2 Your Organisation

2.1 What is the legal status of your organisation? Please mark all that apply:

|Co-operative or co-operative union | |

|Private company | |

|Non-governmental organisation | |

|Government agency / company | |

|Not for profit organisation: | |

| Institution (e.g. university, research facility) | |

| Association | |

| Foundation | |

| Community based group | |

|No legal status yet | |

|Other (please describe):       | |

Please explain if there are certain reasons behind your choice of a particular legal status:      

2.2 Which of the following activities apply to your organisation (mark all that apply):

| |Core activities |Other activities|

|Export | | |

|Import | | |

|Domestic / local market | | |

|Wholesale / distribution | | |

|Retail | | |

|Mail order | | |

|Production / processing | | |

|Business support services / training | | |

|Microcredit / finance | | |

|Educational programmes | | |

|Capacity building programs; producer assistance programs | | |

|Advocacy and Campaigns relating to Fair Trade | | |

|Promotion of Fair Trade and its principles | | |

|Consultancy | | |

|Coordination of a network | | |

|Communications / Press and PR | | |

|Other activities (please specify): | | |

|      | | |

2.3 Please mark the box that describes your organisation best:

|A primary producer organisation (co-op, community group, small enterprise or family | |

|workshop) | |

|A second level producer organisation (e.g. cooperative union) | |

|An intermediary, marketing or export organisation | |

|A Fair Trade import organisation | |

|A Fair Trade support organisation | |

|A Fair Trade Network | |

|Other (if so, please describe): | |

|      | |

2.4 Describe the governance and operational structure of your organisation and briefly comment on the way you are organised:      

Please insert your organisation chart or send it in attachment.

2.5 Please give a brief history of your organisation (or send an attachment):

|Year of foundation[3] | |

|Reasons for its foundation | |

|Brief history | |

2.6 What are your current commercial objectives?


2.7 What are your current social objectives?


2.8 Is your organisation linked to a support organisation (foundation, NGO or development organisation)? No Yes (if you ticked YES, please give brief details in the table below)

|Name of the organisation | |

|Legal status (foundation, association, | |

|NGO, etc.) | |

|Are you legally separated from this | Yes |

|organisation? |No |

|Mission of the organisation | |

|Please explain briefly the current | |

|relationship between the foundation or | |

|developing organisation and your | |

|organisation | |

|Projects or activities that your | |

|organisation and support organisation | |

|are working on together | |

2.9 Are you a member of, or registered with any of the following (please indicate):

| |Specify: |Since: |

|Other Fair Trade guarantee or | | |

|certification systems such as FLO, IMO | | |

|Fair for Life, Bio-Equitable (Ecocert) | | |

|etc. | | |

|WFTO country network or other Fair | | |

|Trade networks (please specify): | | |

|Other regional or national networks | | |

|(please specify those you consider to | | |

|be most important to you): | | |

2.10 Which organisations (Fair Trade Organisations, Fair Trade buyers/suppliers[4], support organisations, NGOs, etc.) do you have a special relationship with?

|Organisation |Kind of |Since when? |Type of cooperation (trading, producer support, product |

| |organisation (NGO,| |development, special agreements etc.) |

| |FTO) | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

3. People who work in and with YOUR organisation

3.1 In the case of cooperatives, associations, networks and membership organisations:

|What are the conditions or criteria | |

|to become a member? | |

|What rights do members have? | |

|What responsibilities do members that| |

|are part of your organisation have? | |

|How do you monitor the Fair Trade | |

|practice of your members? | |

For all statistical information please add in brackets, the date when the information was gathered, if it is more than 2 years old.

3.2 Please tell us about the number of people your organisation employs

permanently (e. g. staff people, workers):

|Number of men: | |

|Number of women: | |

3.3 Please indicate their responsibilities within your organisation and indicate number of personnel (male / female) for each of the following areas (add rows if needed):

|Working areas / responsibilities |Male employees |Female employees |

|Production / Processing/ Packing | | |

|Design / Product development | | |

|Quality control | | |

|Administration | | |

|Management | | |

|Finance / Accounts | | |

|Marketing / sales | | |

|Producer support | | |

|Advocacy / campaigning | | |

|Other (please specify): | | |

|Board/Management Committee members | | |

3.4 Does your organisation employ casual / seasonal labourers?

Yes No

If yes, please state how many casual / seasonal workers you employed during the last year (approximately):

|Number of men | |

|Number of women | |

What are the main tasks of these casual / seasonal labourers? What is

the average duration of their working contract?      

3.5 For primary producer organisations only:

Please indicate the number of producers (individual people) in your organisation:

|Number of men: | |

|Number of women: | |

Please give a short description of your members (include social & economic situation, information about cultural and ethnic background, family situation, etc.).      

For Southern marketing/export organisations only (questions 3.6 – 3.8):

3.6 Please indicate the number of producer groups/suppliers you work with on a regular basis:      

Please give details of the producer groups or suppliers of Fair Trade products for export that you work with (e.g. workshops, family groups, co-operatives, groups of farmers, food processing groups, etc.) – see table below:

|Name & type of group,|Approx. no male |Approx. no female |Location of groups/ |Type of group e.g. |Product/s you buy from |

|e.g. family, coop, |members/workers/ |members/ workers/ |workshops |small producers, |supplier |

|workshop. |producers |producers | |ethnic minorities, | |

| | | | |refugees, differently | |

| | | | |abled, widows, etc. | |

| | | | |(specify and add | |

| | | | |approx % of each) | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

3.8 Do your producer groups or suppliers employ seasonal / casual labour?

Yes No

If yes and you have access to this information, please state how many casual / seasonal workers your producers groups/ suppliers employed during the last financial year (approximately and on average per group)

Number of men: less than 10 10 – 20 more than 20

Number of women: less than 10 10 – 20 more than 20

What are the main tasks of these casual / seasonal labourers?


4. Products

4.1 Please give a rough indication of the categories of products you sell.


At the end of this document you will find a detailed list of product lines with space for comments on production, export, wholesale and retail capacity (“List of Product Lines”). Please complete this list.

4.2 How do you calculate the selling price of your products? Give an average

breakdown from raw materials through to F.O.B. (exporters) and from purchase to retail (importers) including all related costs:

|Description (e.g. labour, raw materials, etc.) |Percentage |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Selling price |100% |

4.3 What is the difference between your purchase price and selling price for your main products:

|Product line |Margin % |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

4.4 Do you have a policy regarding the sourcing of your ingredients / raw

materials? Yes No

If yes, please specify:      

4.5 Does your organisation have a quality assurance or quality control

system? Yes No

If yes, please describe:      

4.6 Does your organisation have other international quality standards /

certifications (such as ISO, HACCP, other organic certification etc.)?

Yes No

If yes, please specify:      

5. Your Business

5.1. What was the gross revenue (FT network or support organisation) or gross sales /turnover (producer organisation, marketing and import organisations) and profit or loss of your organisation in EUR (€) or USD ($) for the last three financial years[5]?

|Year |Gross revenue or gross |Net profit / loss after tax |USD/EUR |

| |sales/turnover | |(please indicate which) |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

5.2 How was any profit spent?      

Please explain if you have a policy on how profit is spent.

5.3 In the last 5 years has the business, or any of the main executives of the business, been convicted of a crime or of carrying out illegal or fraudulent activities which would undermine the principles of Fair Trade, or are there any cases currently pending? Yes No

If yes, please give details:      

For Trading/Marketing Organisations only (questions 5.4 – 5.10)

5.4 What was your gross income from sales in the last financial year?      

5.5 What is the percentage of your sales volume in relation to your gross revenue?


5.6 What percentage of your products are not Fair Trade products[6]?      

5.7 Please specify your sales channels, distinguishing between Fair Trade buyers and conventional buyers (i.e. mainstream buyers):

|Sales channel |Amount of Fair Trade sales (i.e. |Amount of Conventional |Currency USD/EUR |Total percentage (Fair |

| |to WFTO members, under FLO, Fair |sales (sales to commercial |(please choose) |Trade & conventional) |

| |for life, etc.) |buyers) | | |

|Domestic |      |      |      |      |

| | |Total |      |100% |

|Made up of: |

|Wholesale |      |      |      |      |

|Retail |      |      |      |      |

|Mail order |      |      |      |      |

|Ecommerce |      |      |      |      |

|Other |      |      |      |      |

| | |Total |      |100% |

5.8 Do you have any debts owed to producers/suppliers or any other business debts that are more than 6 months old? Yes No

If yes, please give brief details:      

5.9 Do you export directly? Yes No

If not, please name your export channel:      

5.10 Which countries do you currently export to?

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

For Fair Trade Support Organisations or Networks only (questions 5.11 – 5.18)

5.11 Please give your income per service during the last year:

|Type of service |Funded by Donors |Paid by client |Amount and currency USD/EUR |

| | | |(please choose) |

|Business Management Consultancy to Fair Trade | | | |

|producers | | | |

|Financial services to Fair Trade Producers | | | |

|Capacity Building to Fair Trade Producers | | | |

|Other services: | | | |

|Please specify what “other” means: |

|Total: | | | |

5.12 What percentage of your support goes to Fair Trade organisations?      

5.13 What other kinds of organisation do you support?      

5.14 In which countries are your target groups/partners/clients located?


5.15 If you are a Support Organisation, what criteria do you use to identify which groups/organisations/people will benefit from your support services?


5.16 If you are a network, please list your members:

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

5.17 How many organisations or groups have benefited from your Fair Trade Support services over the last year:       groups

5.18 Roughly how many disadvantaged individuals have benefitted:       people

Section 2

6. Recognition of other systems

WFTO may recognise your certification by another FT system and their audit report may wholly or partially replace your WFTO audit.

6.1 Do you produce or sell products with a particular Fair Trade certification label (FLO, IMO Fair for Life, EcoCert, etc.)?

Yes No Not applicable

If YES, please explain below what you are certified for and who the certifying body is[7]:


When does this certification expire?      

6.2 Do you produce or sell products with an organic label?

Yes No Not applicable

If YES, please explain below what you are certified for and who the certifying body is:


7. Risk Analysis data

All members are subject to a risk analysis, which will determine the level of monitoring required - see Ch 7 Overview in the Guarantee System Handbook.

7.1 For an export organisation, how many producer groups do you buy from?      

7.2 For an import organisation, how many suppliers of FT products do you buy from?:

|WFTO or verified by other Fair Trade scheme[8] |Unverified suppliers[9] |

| | |

7.3 What percentage of your suppliers are intermediary organisations (i.e. not primary producers)?       %

7.4 What percentage of these intermediaries are not verified under any FT scheme?       %

7.5 Describe the internal control system (your IMS) you have in place to check unverified suppliers.      

7.6 How many product lines (main categories) do you have? 1 – 10

11 – 20

21 – 30

More than 30

7.7 What percentage of your products (in terms of value) are only monitored under your own IMS?       %

7.8 Do you intend to use the WFTO Product Label on any of these products?

Yes No

8. Additional data for impact and marketing

8.1 Does your organisation use volunteers?

Yes No

If you answered YES, please state (approximately) how many volunteers worked for you at the busiest time in the last financial year:

|Number of men | |

|Number of women | |

8.2 What are the tasks of these volunteers?


8.3 What are the benefits you offer them?


8.4 If you are a retailer or have retail outlets (import or national), please fill in the table below:

|Number of Stores |Total sales volume of all stores (exclusive of taxes) |USD/EUR |

| | |(please highlight the |

| | |currency used) |

| | | |


Please fill in the product list below to answer the following questions:

Box “Product lines”

What are the main product lines you buy or sell? Please tick all product categories that apply.

Box “Comments”

Use the spaces provided for “Comments”, to give extra details of the products you supply or buy in that product line. There is no limit to the number of products you enter. The extra information you enter in the comments box makes it possible for our database to run specific searches and provides an excellent quality of data.

Box “Export”:

Which product lines do you export? Tick the categories that apply.

Box “Approximate Capacity”:

What is your approximate buying/production capacity per product line?

| |Product-lines |Comments |Export |Approx. capacity |

| | | | | |

| | | |

|1. FOOD | | |

| | | | |

| |1.1. Beverages/ to drink | | |

| |coffee | | | |

| |(any type of beans or processed coffee, like coffee drink or concentrate, | | | |

| |instant, decaffeinated etc.) | | | |

| |tea | | | |

| |e.g. leaves, bags, type, decaffeinated | | | |

| |cocoa drinks | | | |

| |e.g. instant hot chocolate, chocolate milk | | | |

| |juice, syrup, concentrate | | | |

| |e.g. concentrated orange juice, lemon cordial | | | |

| |alcohol | | | |

| |e.g. white wine, red wine | | | |

| | | | |

| |1.2. Cooking ingredients /raw material | | |

| |honey | | | |

| |e.g. pollen honey, dark honey, packaged | | | |

| |cocoa | | | |

| |basic components used to make a processed or cooked product, e.g. type and | | | |

| |quality of bean | | | |

| |sugar | | | |

| |e.g. type and packaging | | | |

| |cereals / grains | | | |

| |e.g. raw oats, grains | | | |

| |rice | | | |

| |e.g. white, brown, type, weight, packaging | | | |

| |pulses | | | |

| |e.g. lentils, beans, type of packaging | | | |

| |pastas | | | |

| |e.g. spaghetti, tagliatelli, type of packaging | | | |

| |spices, herbs | | | |

| |e.g. cumin, paprika, basil, type of packaging | | | |

| |oil, vinegar | | | |

| |e.g. olive oil, white wine vinegar | | | |

| |specialities | | | |

| |any basic cooking ingredient not covered by other categories | | | |

| | | | |

| |1.3. Snack products | | |

| |bakery items | | | |

| |European style snacks / breakfast snacks, e.g. biscuits, cakes, type of | | | |

| |packaging | | | |

| |various sauces or spreads | | | |

| |e.g. peanut butter, jam | | | |

| |chocolate | | | |

| |e.g. type, weight , packaging | | | |

| |other confectionary and candy | | | |

| |e.g. candy or sweets (not chocolate) | | | |

| |snack bars | | | |

| |e.g. muesli bars, type of packaging | | | |

| |nuts | | | |

| |e.g. cashew nuts, peanuts, shelled, type of packaging | | | |

| |dried and fresh fruit | | | |

| |e.g. banana chips, raisins, .type of packaging | | | |

| |processed breakfast cereals | | | |

| |e.g. muesli, cornflakes, type of packaging | | | |

| | | | |

| |1.4. Other food | | |

| |other food | | | |

| |any processed product not covered by the other food categories | | | |

| | | |

|2. NON FOOD | | |

| | | | |

| |2.1. Toiletries | | |

| |cosmetics & personal hygiene | | | |

| |e.g. sponges, loofahs, bath oils | | | |

| |perfumes, incense and essential oils | | | |

| |e.g. perfume, incense | | | |

| | | | |

| |2.2. Fashion | | |

| |jewellery | | | |

| |e.g. bracelets, necklaces and earrings | | | |

| |clothes | | | |

| |e.g. tops, skirts, jackets | | | |

| |personal accessories | | | |

| |e.g. handbags and hair-bands | | | |

| | | | |

| |2.3. Household | | |

| |baskets | | | |

| |e.g. coir and wicker baskets | | | |

| |furniture | | | |

| |e.g. chairs, tables | | | |

| |crockery and glassware | | | |

| |e.g. plates, mugs and glasses | | | |

| |art or decorative items for the home | | | |

| |items for the home, e.g. hangings, paintings, ornaments | | | |

| |stationery and office material | | | |

| |e.g. cards, paper, handmade paper, in-box | | | |

| |other household accessories | | | |

| |any not covered by previous categories | | | |

| |kitchen textiles | | | |

| |e.g. towels, aprons, tablecloths | | | |

| |bedroom textiles | | | |

| |e.g. pillows, bedding, matching bedroom curtains | | | |

| |other textiles for the home | | | |

| |e.g. rugs, curtains | | | |

| | | | |

| |2.4. Leisure and play | | |

| |toys | | | |

| |e.g. any toys for children, stuffed or wooden | | | |

| |family games | | | |

| |e.g. board games | | | |

| |music instruments | | | |

| |e.g. pipes, harps, drums | | | |

| |sport items | | | |

| |e.g. footballs, balls, skipping ropes | | | |

| | | | |

| |2.5. Other | | |

| |other non food | | | |

| |any other non-food products that have not been covered by previous categories | | | |

| | | |

|3. OTHER | | |

| | | | |

| |3.1. Communication products | | |

| |campaign material | | | |

| |e.g. any promotion material for specific campaigns | | | |

| | | | |

| |3.2. other | | |

| |other promotional material | | | |

| |e.g. any other promotional products that do not fit into the "campaign | | | |

| |material" categories | | | |

Date of completion of this form:

Name of person completing this form:

Function of person completing this form:

I understand that once my organisation becomes a member of WFTO, the information provided in this form is shared with other WFTO members (through the WFTO members-only website, among other possible means).

Signature of MD (or equivalent):

Print name


Thank you for completing this form!


[1] Organisations must have been in existence for at least 2 years before applying.

[2] It is your responsibility to inform WFTO of any changes in contact details between Self Assessment dates.

[3] Organisations must have been in existence for at least 2 years before applying.

[4] Fill in question 3.6 to give details of suppliers and producer groups you work with.

[5] Please use the last day of your last financial year to calculate the currency convertion rate using e.g

[6] i.e. a product which is not part of yourD=š=œ=ž=Æ=È=Ê=Ô=f>n>¤>¦>º>ëÓë§ë’|f|H/1hýyöh%,B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH ph}ÚsH :jhýyöh%,B*CJOJQJU[pic]^JaJmH ph}ÚsH *hK CJOJQJ^JaJmH nH sH tH *h%,CJOJQJ^JaJmH nH sH tH (h© Ëh%,CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH 4jhSC h‹350J%5?OJQJU[pic]^JaJmH sH !h‹355?OJQJ^JaJmH sH .jh%,0J%5?OJQJU[pic]^JaJ Fair Trade range but which you source from other suppliers to broaden your range of products. Please note the supplier’s practices need to be ethically sound, and you may not use the WFTO Product Label on these products.

[7] You will need to send copies of certificates and audit reports with your Profile if you wish the auditing from this to be recognised to substitute or partially substitute your WFTO Monitoring audit.

[8] Please see GS Handbook Ch 6.3.2 for list of recognised FT schemes.

[9] Under your own Internal Monitoring System only.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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