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Kingdom of Bahrain

Ministry of Education

Jidhafs Secondary Girls School

English Department

iEARN Bahrain

Learning Circles

"Changing the World"

Sep – Dec 2007-2008

Sponsored by:

Jidhafs Secondary Girls School

Participating Schools:

| |School name |Location |Project Idea |

|No. | | | |

|1. |Jidhafs Secondary Girls School |Jidhafs/ |Kids and the Media |

| | |Bahrain | |

|2. |Essa Town Secondary Girls School |Essa Town / |Towards Creating a better generation |

| | |Bahrain | |

|3. |Foreign Language School |Athens/Greece |Set Your Mind on the World You Dream |

Kids and the media writing prompts:

Part 1: Kids and Celebrities:

Who is your ideal celebrity? Why? Would you like to look like your favourite celebrity? Why?

A contribution from Essa Town Secondary Girls School / Bahrain.

Part 2: Television

What’s your favourite T.V program? Why?

Part 2: Kids and television

1. What’s your favourite TV programme/show?

2. The impact of television on kids


Two Contributions from Greece

3. How are teenagers stereotyped in TV shows?


A contribution from Greece

Students' television viewing habits survey

A contribution from Greece


26 Greek students, aged 9 to 12, took part in a survey on TV. The findings showed that the majority (Yes: 25 No: 1) like watching TV, which is quite a big number.

Most of them spend from 1 to more than 3 hours a day watching TV programs.

Almost all Greek channels (Antenna, Channel, Galatsi TV, Mad, Mega, Net, Skai and Star) feature in their preferences, which can show that children just watch TV for the sake of watching.

As for their favorite TV programs we can say that cartoons and sports programs (with 19 children), movies and documentaries (with 18 children), musical programs, movies and series or soap operas (with 17 children) and game shows (with 15 children) are the ones which are mostly watched.

With less viewing rates follow talk shows, reality shows, news and educational programs.

Only 5 out of these 26 children stay up late at night watching TV, while just 1 of them admits that watching television negatively affects school work. As a result they cannot say that they are “couch potatoes”

They also do not think that television limits the amount of time they spend doing other activities or with friends and family (with 19 of them saying “no” and 7 saying “yes”)

On the other hand 17 out of the 26 children have tried to imitate what they saw on TV, 7 said clearly “no” and 2 refused to reply.

Parents' survey

Jidhafs Secondary Girls School


Kingdom of Bahrain

Ministry of education

Jidhafs Secondary Girls School

English Department

Dear parents,

Please answer these questions to help us know how aware you are of the impact of the media on your kids.

1- Do you restrict the type of programs that your kids watch?

Yes___ No___

2- Do you restrict the amount of time your kids spend in front of TV or online?

Yes___ No___

3- Do you watch TV with your kids?

Yes___ No___

4- Do you watch your kids' online activity?

Yes___ No___

5- Would you like the Ministry of Information to choose more suitable TV programs for kids to watch?

Yes___ No___

6-Does the fact that kids imitate celebrities make you feel bad??

Yes___ No___

7- Do you prevent your kids from buying video games?

Yes___ No___

8- Do you hear your kids saying bad words that they have heard on TV

or from video games??

Yes___ No___

9- Do you worry when you think about your kids' future?

Yes___ No___

10- Do you encourage your kids to do other activities than watching or playing video games?

Yes____ No___

11- Are you aware of the impact of the media on kids?

Yes____ No___

Thank you for your corporation

Janat Qamber & Fatima Habib


|% |NO |% |YES |Question No |

|37% |14 |63% |24 |1- Do you restrict the programs that your kids watch? |

|37% |14 |63% |24 |2-Do you restrict the time that your kids spend watching TV or using the |

| | | | |Internet? |

|16% |6 |84% |32 |3-Do you watch TV with your kids? |

|26% |10 |74% |28 |4-Do you watch your kids' online activity? |

|13% |5 |87% |33 |5-Wuold you like the Ministry of Information to choose more suitable TV |

| | | | |programs for kids to watch? |

|24% |9 |76% |29 |6-Does the fact that kids imitating celebrities make you feel bad? |

|84% |32 |16% |6 |7-Do you prevent your kids from buying videogames? |

|29% |11 |71% |27 |8- Do you want to protest to the Ministry of Trade to prevent the import bad |

| | | | |videogames? |

|34% |13 |66% |25 |9- Do you hear your kids say bad words they might have learned from the media? |

|%8 |3 |92% |35 |10-Do you worry when you think about your kids' future? |

|11% |4 |89% |34 |11- Do you encourage your children to do other activities other than watching |

| | | | |television? |

|32% |12 |68% |26 |12-Are you aware of the impact of the media on kids? |


As we can see from the table, 63% of the parents restrict the programs that their kid's watch, which was expected from the parents because they are educated and aware of the disadvantages of the media like teaching the kids to be violent and making them say bad words. It also prevents them from having high grades if they become addicted to the media such as the Internet.

63% of the informants restrict the time that their kids spend watching TV or using the Internet. We all know that the Internet can have a bad influence on kids’ health. For example, they may have a back pain; they may put on weight because of lack of exercise or have eyes problems.

84% of the respondents watch TV with their kids because as we mentioned earlier, parents are aware enough of the impact of T.V on their kids.

74% of the parents watch their kids' activity online. Obviously the parents want their kids to spend valuable time doing important activities. They want them to have fun and learn, but they also don’t want them to be in trouble.

87% of those who participated in the study would like the people in charge at the Ministry of Information to choose more suitable TV programs for you kids to watch because there are a lot of bad programs and most of them show violence.

76% of the participants feel bad about the fact that their kids imitate celebrities. May be they believe that imitating celebrities makes the kids to drift away from the right way. Also, parents are aware of the consequences of imitating bad role models of celebrities.

The minority of the informants (16%) prevents the kids from buying videogames. This is a bit shocking. Perhaps these parents spoil their kids and cannot say "NO" to them, or they simply want them to play and have fun just like other kids.

71% of the parents who took part in this study want to protest at the Ministry of Trade to prevent the import of bad videogames. We can say that these parents are very aware to the consequences of video games and how they teach them violence and bad attitude.

66% of the informants hear their kids say bad words they might have learned from the media which was expected. In fact, this is one of the very bad sides of the media.

The majority of the parents (92%) feel worried when thinking about their kids' future. This is common among parents because of the fast development of the media and it is drifting from the right way and taking an opposite way.

89% of the parents encourage their children to do other activities instead of watching television because parents know the best way to organize their kids time and to guide and lead them to the light instead of choosing the dark way.

It is disappointing that only 68% of the parents say that they are aware to the impact of media on kids considering the fact that they are all educated, familiar with the media bad side and they want to protect their kids and their future.


The findings were normal as we had expected .This shows that the informants have good awareness of the impact of media on their kids and they are trying to help them to pass this teenage critical stage.

Advice to parents:

Parents have to spend more time with their kids and watch their activities when they are online, playing video games or watching T.V. They also have to listen to their kids' ideas and discuss what they see with them, show them the good things, encourage good behavior and discourage bad attitude or behavior they may have imitated from the media. Finally, they should encourage them to do other useful activities like sports.


We would like to thank our teacher, Miss Masooma, the parents who took part in this study and the rest of the iEARN group for their help and support.

Parents’ Survey Results

(A contribution from Essa Town Secondary GirlsSchool/ Bahrain)

| |Question |Yes |No |

|No. | | | |

|1. |Do you restrict the amount of programs your children watch? |100% |0% |

|2. |Do you restrict the type of programs your children watch? |100 % |0% |

|3. |Do you watch television with your children? | |38% |

| | |62%. | |

|4. |Do you think your children are negatively influenced by television? |50% |50% |

|5. |Has your child tried to imitate what he/she sees on television? |50% |50% |

|6. |Do you encourage /discourage any behavior you see your child imitating from TV? |37% |12% |

|7. |Do you discuss what your children see on television with them? |87% |12% |

|8. |Do you encourage your children to watch educational programs? |87% |12% |

|9. |Do you encourage your children to do other activities than watching TV? |100% |0% |

Comments on the results from Jidhafs Secondary Girls School:

As we can see from the table, all of the parents who have participated in this study (100%) restrict not only the amount of TV their children watch, but also the type of shows they see. They also encourage them to do other activities. It seems that they are educated and are aware of the bad influence of television on their kids.

Half of those parents (50%) think that their children are negatively influenced by television. The majority of the parents (87%) discusses with their children what they see on TV. and encourages them to watch educational programs. 62% of the parents watch children with their children. Only 37% of the parents who answered the questionnaires encourage/discourage any behavior they see their children imitating from television.

Part 3: Advertysing

Most adverts are commercial pictures/ photos with sounds or movement. Others are without that. They are plans to attract and draw people’s attention at some products and stuff to be bought and of course the owners will win the deal and they could invest the money in personal or public business. Business commercials or personal one’s are kinds of advertising.

There are two different kinds of advertisements:

1. Good adverts:

These have some basic and logical ideas or plans to be achieved and are done to help people or educate them about something and let them buy it with a peace of mind. Examples are food adverts, clothes, school, work, jobs, and other needs.

2. Bad adverts:

These are purposed to attack and draw all the attention of people to buy them in force or are not good in manners and morals. Some kinds are for children and are 24/7 on TV so that adults go and buy them or else their kids won’t stop fighting and winning about them. Examples are toy adverts, Pepsi or other soft drinks, McDonalds and similar restaurants.

These are all kinds of advertisements, only smart people who could choose wisely and do not fall in the media’s traps.


Sawsan Sultan and Fatima Mohammed

Jidhafs Secondary Girls School

A contribution from Greece:

I am giving you my opinion and thoughts as a 12 year-old-girl from Greece. I am like all the other children on Earth and I would like to grow up and be a good person. The world around me, though, gives me a lot of images to think about and choose what to keep and what not.

Here are some girls talking about different kinds of advertisements that attract their attention:

Jidhafs secondary Girls School

|Manal Aqeel |

|16 years old |

| |

|Advertisements with unusual messages attract my attention, |

|because I can think about what are they are and I have fun |

|trying to figure out what they mean. |

|Sawsan Hussain |

|17 years old |

| |

|I love to watch advertisements with a sense of humor, but |

|are realistic in the same way. |

| |

| |

|Mariam |

|15 years old |

| |

|I watch advertisements every day everywhere I prefer to |

|see advertisements with images more than words. |

|Fatima Mohamed |

|16 years old |

| |

|I find shocking and unfamiliar advertisements the most what I|

|like to watch on TV, because I laugh at the end. |

As we could see people have different opinions about this subject. We all know there are two kinds of adverts:

1. Good adverts.

2. Bad or offensive adverts.

Let’s look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of media:

| |

|Newspapers: |

| |

|Newspapers are one of the traditional mediums used by businesses, both big and small, to advertise their businesses. |

|Advantages |

|Allow you to reach a huge number of people in a given geographic area  |

|You have the flexibility in deciding the ad size and placement within the newspaper  |

|Free help in creating and producing ad copy is usually available |

|Disadvantages |

|Ad space can be expensive  |

|You may be paying to send your message to a lot of people who will probably never be in the market to buy from you.  |

|With the increasing popularity of the Internet, A growing number of readers skip the print version of the newspaper. |

|Magazines. Magazines are a more focused, more expensive, and alternative to newspaper advertising. This medium allows you to reach highly|

|targeted audiences. |

|Advantages |

|Allows for better targeting of audience, as you can choose magazine publications that care about the advert. |

|More attention will be paid to your advertisement.  |

|Better quality paper permits better color reproduction and full-color ads. |

|Disadvantages |

|Long lead times mean that you have to make plans weeks or months in advance  |

|Space and ad layout costs are higher |

|There is limited flexibility in terms of ad placement and format.  |


Good advert:

I also saw an ad that left me with positive feelings: there was an image of a boy whose teeth were poorly cleaned and he was using an amazing brand of toothpaste. Next to that was another image where you could see the boy smiling and having perfectly white teeth.

As in everything else, there are good advertisements and there are bad ones. Some of them are useful and actually informative, promoting health and good habits, others of no apparent use and even quite embarrassing and offensive.

So it’s up to us to choose what we want to see and what we don’t and use our power to leave out products that are harmful for our health and the planet and are also offensive for our way of thinking.


1- Jidhafs Secondary Girls School

2-Essa Town Secondary Girls School

I don't really have an ideal celebrity in my mind. I believe that no one is perfect except God. Nevertheless, I like some brilliant celebrities. J-LO, Beyonce and JT are famous and successful celebrities. However, I would never think about looking like someone else. I love the way I look.

Ameera .A. Ameer

5Sci 3

As for my ideal celebrity, he is one person (Prophet Mohammed) because he taught us about human rights, justice and cooperation. I want to be like him and behave like him whether in helping people or doing charity.

Sawsan Sultan

5Sci 3

Ameera: who is your favourite celebrity? Why?

Afaf: Beyonce , because she's really tactful , has a great taste . and looks so beautiful . and although she accomplished so much and reached the top she's way too humble .

Ameerar: Would you like to look like her? If Yes, why? If not, why?

Afaf: Well , she' gorgeous .. but I'm pretty happy with the way I look , so I will pass .

Ameera: Is the way you dress or behave affected by your favourite celebrity?

Afaf: The way I behave is not affected by her , but the way I dress and choose my accessories are maybe affected because the way she dresses is great and I look up at her when it comes to fashion .

Ameera:: Do you think she is a role model for kids? Why? Does she have any problems like drinking, eating disorders, divorce problems....etc.

Afaf: She could be a role model for kids because she can be called perfect on every level and as far as I know she does not have any problems of any kind.

Jidhafs Secondary Girls School

Afaf: Who is your favourite celebrity? Why?

Hawra’a: Although he’s a footballer, he’s one of the most popular celebrities. David Beckham is my favourite, He’s really successful at almost everything and I just can’t resist his charm.

Afaf: Would you like to look like him? If Yes, why? If not, why not?

Hawra’a: If I was a guy, I would definitely like to look like him as he’s the cutest human being ever.

Afaf: Is the way you dress or behave affected by your favourite celebrity?

Hawra’a: Not really, as I live in my own world and I wouldn’t let a stranger affects my personality even if he was my favourite celebrity.


Actually I don't have a favourite celebrity, but if you would ask me, I would say that I love to watch Hilary Duff films because I love her acting and she sings very well. Also, she has her own fashion style and collection. So she is a perfect actress. However, I don't want to be like her because I love who I am and I wouldn't change anything a bout me.

Zainab Hussain

1 Uni 9

I am one of those who strongly admire Arnold for his perfect good acting and roles. In addition, his appearance was always outstanding and suits his roles. It strongly suggests his character.

I like his outstanding creativity. However, I feel that he leaves a bad influence on the children in many of his movies because they have scenes of violence.

Zainab Almuwali

5 Sci 2

My favorite celebrity ever is Oprah. I defiantly want to be anything like her. She's a successful achiever and ambitious women. She's absolutely hard-working person, she changes her life and others as well. She was very poor and had a hard life, but she turned into a gorgeous well-known celebrity and a great role model too. I think Oprah is a good example fore teenagers and adults as well for both male and female, shows that no matter how big your dreams are, they always come true with little ambition and hard work….you're there, and no matter who you are now as long as you believe in your self, you could do something and be a better person and change even the world to be a better place.

Huda Alkhunaizi

A contribution from Greece:

Pantelis – 13 years old

I think that most of the people want to be celebrities. People are attracted to money, fame and the life of celebrities. Personally, I don’t want to be a celebrity, because I don’t find something important about this, but I have some celebrities that I admire.

Nowadays, kids have role models and they want to become like them. Kids find in the life of their role models what they wish for their lives, and most of the kids are sheep followers of celebrities.

I don’t want to be a sheep follower of my favorite celebrities. I think that when I copycat a celebrity, I lose my identity and confidence. So my ways of dressing and behavior aren’t affected by my favorite celebrity.

Every person is different and unique.

A contribution from Essa Town Secondary Girls School

Q: Would you like to be a celebrity in the future? Why?

A : Yes, so people love me and know who I am

Q: Is there a celebrity that you think is a role model for kids? Why?

A : Yes, because there are some good celebrities who teaches children many useful and clever things

Q: Are you a "sheep follower" of celebrities?

A : No

Q: Is the way you dress or behave affected by your favorite celebrity?

A : No

Q: Have you ever thought of changing your appearance in the future to look like your favorite celebrity? Why?

A : No, because I think that am beautiful from the inside and that is what really matters to me

Q: Do you think that when you copycat a celebrity, you lose your identity and confidence?

A : No

My favorite Tv program is CSI, because it shows you how to find a criminal who had done a crime. It helps you to think and link everything together to catch the criminal.

Ameera .A. Ameer

I, like any other person, watch T.V programs and my favorite is E.R. I enjoy watching it, because it adds some positive points and motivate me to do my best and reach the target which I have chosen in the past.

Sawsan Sultan

My favourite TV program is Oprah Winfery Show. It's a talk show and a very popular one. I like this show because Oprah is a talented interviewer and there are a lot of topics she talks about in her show such as conversional problems like racism and crimes. Last but not least, she is persuasive and that's why millions of people watch her everyday.

Zainab Hussain

Monk, C.S.I, N.C.I.S, anything related to solving crimes and detective stories impress me. Perhaps because it's mysterious, exciting and I really enjoy predicting and putting everything together to figure out who's the one who committed the crime.

Afaf Shubar

The impact of television on kids

Television has been a main entertainment as a home theater for adults as well as for kids. Children keep themselves busy in front of the T.V instead of running outside with friends giving troubles, so it's better to watch a movie or cartoons.

On the other hand, television has a lot of negative effects on kids. It spoils their minds by watching bad and inappropriate movies which give them violence and sometimes they try to imitate what they see. In my opinion, parents should manage their kid's life and make rules, so they do not get addicted to TV. They can encourage their kids to do other activities like sports, music, art, or other activities that require practice to become skillful.

Fatima Mohammed

5Sci 5

Jidhafs Secondary Girls School

I think the television doesn’t have more advantages. But one of these advantages is the knowledge which you are given by documentaries.

In my opinion the disadvantages of television is the false perception which people acquire for life, because of the series which show perfect heroes. One more disadvantage of television is the false news which is communicated by the channels.


12 years old


As we all know television has advantages and disadvantages. Some advantages are: the television informs us about the events all over the world and entertains us. These things are good for us, but we can do other things with the same results. We can play with our friends and have fun and we can read newspapers and books or magazines to be informed.

The disadvantages of television are: the bad effects on the children because they learn every bad thing shown on TV. And TV limits our time. We watch TV for hours every day and then we don’t have time to do other things.

Nefelie – 16 years old.

A TV show that stereotypes teenagers

An example of a TV show that stereotypes teenagers is “8 simple rules”. It is a popular series which is shown on channel MBC 4 . It starts at 12 a.m. and lasts for 30 minutes. It basically talks about the problems that teen girls face when it comes to dating, while their parents try so hard to resolve this problem by making strict rules that their daughters have to stick to or they will be grounded. In spite of the rules, their daughters are still determined to do what they want, and we think that this is the way all teens act. Perhaps it's because they think they are mature enough to make their own decisions.

We think that teenagers are stereotyped in the show, which shows two typical kinds of girls: “Kerry” the smart one who doesn’t look that nice and “Bridget” the dumb beauty who cares about nothing but her appearance. On the other hand, their brother “Rory” is the stupid kid who middles himself in everything which gets him in many troubles. As for the parents, “ Kate” is the kind responsible mum who understands her daughters better than anyone else and would do anything for the sake of her family, while “Paul” is the sarcastic dad , his worst enemies are his daughter’s boyfriends.

We think all teens may behave this way, but maybe the way they deal with their problems are different. Kerry’s character is supposed to be the good disciplined smart girl who doesn’t make troubles at all , while Bridget is the bad naughty girl who is extraordinary dumb and she’s always grounded because of her behavior.

We would like to have Bridget's appearance, Kerry's mind , Rory's innocence, Kate’s kindness and Paul's sense of humor so we would be perfect , after all everyone has his own thing.

Ameera .A. Ameer Afafa Shubar Hawra'a Yousif

5 Sci 3

Jidhafs Secondary Girls School

We watch a lot of TV shows talking about the teenagers; one of the shows that I like is “The Bernie Mac Show".


We all know that very teenager has the teenagers’ problems. We can say that these problems grow up with us. In this show Vanessa takes the teenager part. Vanessa is not an ideal teenager. I don't want to be like her. For example, I don't want to fight with my family to have or to be with my boyfriend. I want to be friendly and except the advice with a smiling face. As a teenager I want everyone to be proud of me, not to talk about me with bad things!! I want to do important thing in my community and I want to build my future. I don’t want anyone to blame me about any thing like Vanessa. If I have a secret, I’m going to tell it to my family. I want them to make them happy; I don’t want to make any mistakes.


Fatima Habib

5 Sci 3


A TV series

One Tree Hilll is supposed to be a teen-drama series. Tree Hill is a small American town where we observe the lives of a number of teenagers. In most of the episodes these characters face major problems like death, loss of family, mistrust, friendship, love and such like.

But I must say that they face them with style. These kinds of programs are produced for one reason: promotion of products. In every single episode these are these so called actors who by the way are all extremely beautiful, a thing I wonder whether this imaginary town has normal, different people like the real world promote. And through lots of industries from clothes, furniture, mobile phones, hairstyles, cars, music records etc. Tell me, is it possible for an average teenager to have his own house without his parents to supervise him. Can he buy one of the most expensive cars?

All these impossible things are made possible by the characters of this TV series. That is extremely influential for the real teens who may think that all this luxury is normal.

These series are made to increase consumerism and is another trick of American government to keep the illusion of a peaceful and dreamy America. To return to the subject, all the characters face many problems and dilemmas which, most of the times, are being solved by the revelation of the truth. The script-writer wants to show us a world with justice where people are divided into two categories, the good and the bad.

This is not the portrayal of the real world. The main characters of the series are Peyton, Nathan, Haley, Lucas and Brook. The first one, Peyton, is a cheerleader with a talent in painting and a tendency to be depressed. She was adopted, her foster – mother died when she was young and her foster – father works at sea with the result or growing up on her own but without lacking in any comfort. Her real mother is a junky and an artist as well.

Peyton, also, is the manager of a night-club, kind of weird because she is not an adult. Similarly, the rest of the characters have a tragic story. They all are troubled kids with hidden talents and psychological problems.

In the end, whatever they do there are no consequences for them. But that does not work the same for the real teenagers. Everything in this series is beautified and absolutely fake.

Nefelie – 16 years old.

Bad advert:

Last Friday I was looking at two advertisements in a magazine whose name is “Katerina”. Between the two advertisements just one of them was good and the other one was offensive, according to my opinion. The offensive advert I saw, was this: a woman was wearing a fur coat and I felt very sad because the first thing that came to my mind was the image of those poor animals that are hunted down for their fur. I was also very upset with the broad smile on that woman’s face and thought “how can people be so indifferent and cruel towards our animal friends?”

Goals Of The Project:

1. to promote critical viewing of the media

2. Investigate parents' awareness regarding the influence of TV on their kids.

3. Investigate students' use of the Internet and how it can negatively affect them.

4. Investigate students' television viewing habits.

5. Getting to know about the effect of celebrities on kids.

Writing prompts:

1 Who is your ideal celebrity? Why? Would you like to look like your favourite celebrity? Why?

2. What's your favorite TV program/show?

3. How are teenagers stereotyped in the media?

4. How aware are parents of the impact of the media (e.g TV & the Internet) on their kids?

5. What are the students' TV viewing habits?

6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of television?

7. What adverts attract your attention? Why?

8. What are good adverts and bad adverts?

9. What are the students' online habits?



Foreign Language School

Survey Results:

Students that took part in this survey: 26

Ages: 9 – 12

1.Do you like watching television?

Yes: 25 No: 1

2.How many hours of TV do you watch every day?

- one hour: 8

- 2-3 hours: 8

- more than 3 hours: 9

- no reply: 1

3.What’s your favorite channel? (some students had more than one favorites – most of them are Greek channels)

- Animal Planet: 1 - Antenna: 2 - Channel 9: 3

- Galatsi TV: 1 - Mad: 1 - Mega: 14

- Net: 1 - Skai: 3 - Star: 4

4. What are your favorite TV programs?

- cartoons: 19 - movies: 18 - talk shows: 1

- series: 17 -soap operas: 11 - game shows: 15

- reality shows: 2 - news programs: 8 - documentaries: 18

- educational programs: 7 sports programs: 19

- musical programs: 17

5.Do you stay up late at night watching TV?

Yes: 5 No: 21

6.Does watching television negatively affect your school work?

Yes: 1 No: 25

7.Would you say that you are a “couch potato”?

Yes: 1 No: 25

8.Does television limit the amount of time you spend doing other activities?

Yes: 7 No: 19

9.Have you ever tried to imitate what you see on TV?

Yes: 17 No: 7 No reply: 2

10.Does watching television prevent you from spending enough time with your family and friends?

Yes: 8 No: 18

Participating Students:

Afaf Sayed Shubar Fatima Habib Ahmed

Ameera .A. Ameer Janat Mansoor Qamber

Hawra’a Yousif Hassan Sawsan Hussain Sultan

Zainab Abdulla Taraif Fatima Mohammed

Zainab Hussain Alkhonaiz Zainab Ali Almuwali

Zahra'a Radhi Alzaimoor Huda Mohammed Alkhunaizi


Miss Masooma Khalil


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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