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You can’t choose your familyStudent AHere you have six sets of two questions. Ask the first question of each set to your partner. If they don’t understand the expression in bold, ask them the second question, which contains the definition.Are you named after another member of your family? Were you given your name because an older member of the family has/had the same name? Do any specific names run in your family?Are you the spitting image of another member of your family? Do you look almost exactly the same as another member of your family? If so, who?Are you the black sheep of your family? Are you the one member of your family who is different to all the others? If not, who is?Do you often fall out with members of your family? Do you argue of fight with members of your family? If so, who?Do you want to follow in your parents’ footsteps? Do you want to do the same job as your parents? Why? Why not?They say that blood is thicker than water. Do you agree? Do you think that family is the most important thing?Student BHere you have six sets of two questions. Ask the first question of each set to your partner. If they don’t understand the expression in bold, ask them the second question, which contains the definition.Do any specific names/characteristics run in your family? Are there any specific names/characteristics that are passed down from generation to generation?Are you and any member of your family like chalk and cheese? Are you and any member of your family completely different?Are you and any member of your family like two peas in a pod? Are you and any member of your family exactly the same in looks and personality?Who is the main breadwinner in your house? Who brings home the bacon? Who supports the family financially?Who do you get on like a house on fire with in your family? Who do you have a fantastic relationship with?Who do you take after in your family? Which parent have you inherited the most characteristics from?WorksheetDefinition MatchMatch the expressions on the left with the definitions on the rightTake after sbGet on like a house on fireThe breadwinner/bring home the baconLike two peas in a podLike chalk and cheeseRun in the familyBlood is thicker than waterFollow in your parents’ footstepsFall out with sbThe black sheep of the familyThe spitting image of sbBe named after sbYour name was inspired by an older member of the familyCompletely different to sbCompletely different to everyone else in the familyTo look exactly the same as sbTo have a great relationship with sbThe one who supports the family financiallyFamily is the most important thingTo argue/fight with sbExtremely similar in personalityDo the same job as your parentsTo inherit personality/appearance from a parent.When a characteristic is passed down through many generations.PersonaliseComplete these sentences so that they’re true for you.My ____________ is the breadwinner in my house because________________________.Me and my ______________ are like two peas in a pod because_______________________.I often fall out with my ___________________ over ______________________.I’m named after ____________________________.I think I take after my ___________________ in my personality and my _________________ when it comes to my looks. __________________ am/is the black sheep of my family because ____________________.Me and my ___________________are like chalk and cheese because __________________.I get on with ____________ like a house on fire because __________________________.____________________ runs in my family.I would/wouldn’t like to follow in my Mum/Dad/parents’ footsteps because _________________________________.People tell me that I’m the spitting image of ___________________________________.I agree/disagree that blood is thicker than water because___________________________. ................

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