Fundraising Ideas 2018

1. Donate the week’s tips or profit or an hour of sales from each member of staff

2. Raffle tickets/donated gift to auction on social media, relevant to the organisation ie good quality scissors for hairdressers, dashcam for motorists

3. Get other similar organisations involved in your fundraising, increase your reach - also an opportunity for networking and promoting your business! Video blog, use social media about your fundraising to encourage donations and raise awareness of why you are raising money

4. Sponsor a table or donate prizes or at a pre-organised Dash Charity event

5. Charity Car wash- fun and bubbles!

6. Get crafty and offer to donate the profits from sales to Dash

7. Sponsored run/walk/virtual run/bungee jump/fun run/dog walk/parachute jump/wingwalk/ silence – there is no limit on imagination!

8. Get fit and raise money at the same time! Sponsored gym events, massage marathons or Aerobicathon – get sponsored for every 5 minutes you can do!

9. Bake sale/Afternoon Tea/Coffee Morning- everyone loves a bit of cake!

10. Mufti Day/ Fancy Dress/ Dress Down Friday at work or school

11. Host an event – golf day/BBQ/party/family fun day/fashion show/pamper evening

12. Quiz night/Bingo/Race Night/Darts match/Karaoke/ Pub games

13. Sponsored Beard/Head shave/Wax/Tattoo – do something wild and wacky!

14. Film screening – public or at home with popcorn and donations to watch. Can also be themed or singalong to make it more fun (

15. Sponsored football/rugby/netball/ cricket match – great role modelling for young people (

16. Girls/Boys Night In – dinner, drinks, snacks, games, Spotify!

17. Auction of Promises – people with skills to offer, gardening, DIY, cooking, cleaning, car maintenance, dog walking, etc

18. Giving up Something – cigarettes, alcohol, chocolate – donate the money you save

19. Grow a Tenner campaign in September – Govt match funding. With Gift Aid factored in it means a one-time donation of £10 made through during Grow Your Tenner will generate £21.55.

20. Open your garden to the public or invite friends to a cake/plant sale/BBQ with donations as the entry fee

21. Swishing party – friends swop clothes and pay £2 for each item they take away plus you have the opportunity to have a clothes clear out! This could work also as a Baby and Children’s / Book Club swish.

22. Set yourself a target – choose an item to fundraise for and aim to achieve it, e.g. new tablets for refuge children so they can do homework, a new minibus for refuge families to help them with transport to court and family outings - see The Dash Charity Wish List.

23. 50/50 Club – everyone donates £1 per month. You draw a winner every month, they take 50% of the money and you donate the other 50%

24. Come Dine with Me – cook dinner for friends and ask for donations on the night equivalent to the cost of a night out

25. Place one of The Dash Charity donation pots by your reception desk/ counter

26. Sale of Company Goods/Arts or Crafts Exhibition – with a % of sales donated plus a raffle or auction prize. Turn it into an ‘Apprentice’-style challenge to make the most cash from sales!

27. Car boot Sale/Ebay selling – have a clear out and raise money at the same time.

28. Concert/Festival/Lunchtime recital/ Dance Marathon/ Disco/ Dinner Dance/ Masked Ball

29. Fill Smartie tubes with coins then empty out and run a ‘guess the amount’ contest

30. Teddy bears’ Picnic or Posh Picnic

31. Tuck Shop – buy multipacks and sell them for a profit to raise funds

32. Tombola/ Unwanted Gift Sale – ask friends/family/local businesses to donate prizes

33. Who’s That Baby competition – people pay to guess who it is

34. Use our links on .Uk and Amazon Smile to raise funds while you shop

35. Any other simple or wild and wacky ideas – get creative!

Most importantly have fun and revel in the knowledge you are doing something worthwhile to #MakeADifference

For more ideas or support with fundraising please contact or call 07912463556

Charity No: 1127126



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