Middle Ages - Discussion Questions

Seminar Discussion Questions – Middle Ages

• During the Middle Ages, daily life greatly differed for the nobles and peasants/serfs. Why do you think the political (feudalism) and economic systems (manorial system) that were created stayed in place for such a long period of time? Explain.

• Who or what was the greatest accomplishment of the Middle Ages? Or were there not any? Explain.

• During the times of the Middle Ages, the Church had unprecedented power. Do you think that Church had more power than society or did society have more power than the Church? Explain with examples.

• The Magna Carta has been referred to as a document that simply defined the relationship of lord and vassal. It has also been referred to as a great step toward democratic government. Which interpretation is correct? Or are both valid? (page 396 maybe helpful).

• What do you think contributed the most to ending the Middle Ages? Explain.

• Do you think that this point in Europe’s history that they needed a time period like the Middle Ages? Why or why not?


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