Chapter 5 – Classical Greece

Chapter 5 – Classical Greece

Define and state the importance of the following terms as you complete your reading assignments.

Section 1

1. Geographic factors that shaped Greek life:

a. The Aegean and Ionian Seas –

b. The land –

c. The climate -

2. Mycenaean and Minoan cultures –

3. Trojan War / Trojan Horse –

4. Dorians –

5. Homer/epics –

a. The Iliad –

b. Achilles / Hector –

c. Arête -

6. Myths –

7. Theogony by Hesiod –

8. Zeus –

9. Mount Olympus –

10. Athena –

Chapter 5 – Classical Greece

Define and state the importance of the following terms as you complete your reading assignments.

Section 2

1. City-State -

2. Polis –

3. Agora /Acropolis –

4. Monarchy –

5. Aristocracy –

6. Oligarchy –

7. Tyrants –

8. Athenian Democracy –

9. Draco’s Code –

10. Solon –

11. Cleisthenes –

12. Athenian citizenship –

a. Women, slaves, foreigners -

13. Athenian Education

a. Boys –

b. Girls –

14. Peloponnesus –

15. Spartan Type of Government –

16. Helots –

17. Democratic elements of Spartan Government –

18. Contrast Athenian values with Spartan values –

19. Contrast the freedom of Athenian women with that of Spartan women –

20. List the first recorded date of the Olympic games, and 5 ancient Olympic events –

21. bronze vs. iron weapons –

a. phalanx –

22. Persian Wars (546 - 475 BC)–

a. Battle of Marathon –

b. Pheidippides –

c. Influence on the 1896 Olympic games –

d. Xerxes –

e. Thermopylae –

f. Salamis and Plataea results –

g. Delian League –

h. Consequences of the Persian Wars -

Chapter 5 – Classical Greece

Define and state the importance of the following terms as you complete your reading assignments.

Section 3

1. The Golden Age of Athens –

2. Pericles –

a. To strengthen democracy –

i. Direct democracy -

b. To strengthen the empire –

c. To glorify Athens –

3. The Parthenon – (photo p. 141)

a. Phidias –

b. Classical Art –

4. “Greeks invented _______ as an art form and built the first __________ in the West.”

a. Tragedy/ tragic hero –

b. Aeschylus –

c. Sophocles –

d. Euripides –

e. Comedy –

f. Aristophanes –

5. Historians:

a. Herodotus –

b. Thucydides –

6. Peloponnesian War (431 B.C.) -

a. Effect of a plague –

b. Syracuse –

c. Result of the war –

7. Philosophers –

a. Reason why philosophers emerged –

b. Two major assumptions of Greek thinkers:

c. Sophists –

d. Protagoras –

e. Socrates –

i. Socratic method –

ii. Manner of death –

f. Plato –

i. The Republic / philosopher-king –

ii. The Academy -

g. Aristotle –

i. His method of argument, ________, is the basis of the ____________ method used today.

ii. The Lyceum –

A. most famous pupil -

8. Art

a. The most important type of building was the ________.

b. Another name for the famous statue, the Nike, is the __________ __________. Relationship to today?_______________________

c. The two major types of Greek pottery are: _________________ and


d. In Greek theater performances, actors wore _____________.

Chapter 5 – Classical Greece

Define and state the importance of the following terms as you complete your reading assignments.

Section 4

1. Macedonia –

2. Philip II –

3. Demosthenes –

4. Battle of Chaeronea –

5. Alexander the Great’s age when first king in 336 B.C.–

a. His relationship to classical Greek culture –

b. Thebes –

c. Alexander’s horse –

d. Pharaoh –

e. Alexandria –

f. Granicus, Issus, and Gaugamela -

g. Darius III –

h. In 326 B.C. Alexander’s army reached the ______Valley. The army was exhausted and morale was low. They had fought for ____ years and traveled ________ miles. He, reluctantly, and the army went back to the city of __________ on the Euphrates River, and he died at the age of ___.

i. Antigonus –

j. Ptolemy –

k. Seleucus –

l. Cultural impact -

Chapter 5 – Classical Greece

Define and state the importance of the following terms as you complete your reading assignments.

Section 5

1. Hellenistic Culture –

a. Koine -

2. Alexandria’s importance –

a. Tomb –

b. Pharos –

c. Alexandrian Library -

3. Aristarchus –

4. Ptolemy –

5. Eratosthenes –

6. Euclid –

7. Archimedes –

8. Stoicism –

9. Epicureanism –

10. Colossus of Rhodes –

11. Contrast Classical Greek sculpture with that of Hellenistic sculpture –

12. Rome -


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