What Does It Mean To Be Green?

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Rana DiOrio

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What Does It Mean To Be Green?

Rana DiOrio

What Does It Mean To Be Green? Rana DiOrio Drawing on two sides of your paper instead of just one. Walking to the park instead of getting a ride. Turning off the water while you brush your teeth. A young boy and girl explore all the different ways they can be Green over the course of a day. They discover lots of amazing facts (like our food travels an average of 1,500 miles to be on our plate!) and realize there's so much they?and we?can do to save our world! The empowering second title in Rana DiOrio's award-winning What Does It Mean To Be ...?? series, What Does It Mean To Be Green? has won two awards: The Mom's Choice Gold Award for Children's Picture Book, Green Earth; and The Santa Monica Public Library's Green Prize for Sustainable Literature, School Age Nonfiction. The enhanced e-book edition won the IBPA Benjamin Franklin Gold Award.

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