SCIENCE - Michigan


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| | |

|Score | |

|Range | |

| |Interpretation of Data |Scientific Investigation |Evaluation of Models, Inferences, and |

| | | |Experimental Results |

|1-12 |Standards |Students who score in the 1-12 range are most likely beginning to develop the knowledge and skills assessed in the other score ranges|

| |Ideas for Progress|Locate data in simple tables and graphs |Observe experiments being performed and |Discuss what hypotheses and conclusions are and|

| | |Become familiar with different types of |discuss what was done and why |how they are different from each other |

| | |graphs (e.g., line graphs, pie charts, bar| | |

| | |graphs) | | |

| | |Become familiar with units of measurement | | |

| | |commonly used in science | | |

|13-15 |Standards |Select a single piece of data (numerical | | |

| | |or nonnumerical) from a simple data | | |

| | |presentation (e.g., a table or graph with | | |

| | |two or three variables; a food web | | |

| | |diagram) | | |

| | |Identify basic features of a table graph, | | |

| | |or diagram (e.g., headings, units of | | |

| | |measurement, axis labels) | | |

| |Ideas for Progress|Locate several data points in a simple | | |

| | |table or graph and make comparisons | | |

| | |between them | | |

| | |Become familiar with common terms used in | | |

| | |science (e.g., star, force, mineral) | | |

| | |Create basic tables and graphs from sets | | |

| | |of scientific data | | |

| | |Read newspaper and magazine articles | | |

| | |pertaining to science and technology and | | |

| | |discuss main points with peers | | |

| | |Describe trends and relationships in data | | |

| | |displayed in simple tables and graphs | | |


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|(continued) | |

|Score | |

|Range | |

| |Interpretation of Data |Scientific Investigation |Evaluation of Models, Inferences, and |

| | | |Experimental Results |

|16-19 |Standards |Select two or more pieces of data from a |Understand the methods and tools used in a| |

| | |simple data presentation |simple experiment | |

| | |Understand basic scientific terminology | | |

| | |Find Basic information in a brief body of | | |

| | |text | | |

| | |Determine how the value of one variable | | |

| | |changes as the value of another variable | | |

| | |changes in a simple data presentation | | |

| |Ideas for progress|Display data gathered in laboratory |Perform experiments that require more than|Read descriptions of actual experiments (e.g., |

| | |exercises in a variety of formats (e.g., |one step |completed science fair research, simple |

| | |line graphs, pie charts, bar graphs) |Conduct a simple experiment that makes use|experiments for science education journals) and|

| | | |of a control group |discuss whether the conclusions that were made |

| | | | |support or contradict the hypotheses |

| | | | |Formulate hypotheses, predictions, or |

| | | | |conclusions based on the results of an |

| | | | |experiment |

|20-23 |Standards |Select data from a complex data |Understand the methods and tools used in a|Select a simple hypothesis, prediction, or |

| | |presentation (e.g., a table or graph with |moderately complex experiment |conclusion that is supported by a data |

| | |more than three variables; a phase |Understand a simple experimental design |presentation or a model |

| | |diagram) |Identify a control in an experiment |Identify key issues or assumptions in a model |

| | |Compare or combine data from a simple data|Identify similarities and differences | |

| | |presentation (e.g., order or sum from a |between experiments | |

| | |table) | | |

| | |Translate information into a table, graph,| | |

| | |or diagram | | |

| |Ideas for progress|Examine line graphs to determine if they |Perform several repetitions of an |Evaluate whether the data produced by an |

| | |show a direct or inverse relationship |experiment to determine the reliability of|experiment adequately support a given |

| | |between variables |results |conclusion |

| | |Become familiar with scatterplots | |Compare and contrast two different models about|

| | |Determine a simple mathematical | |a scientific phenomenon |

| | |relationship between two variables | | |

| | |Integrate scientific information from | | |

| | |popular sources (e.g., newspapers, | | |

| | |magazines, the Internet) with that found | | |

| | |in textbooks | | |


| | |


|(continued) | |

|Score | |

|Range | |

| |Interpretation of Data |Scientific Investigation |Evaluation of Models, Inferences, and |

| | | |Experimental Results |

|24-27 |Standards |Compare or combine data from two or more |Understand the methods and tools used in a|Select a simple hypothesis, prediction, or |

| | |simple data presentations (e.g., |complex experiment |conclusion that is supported be two or more |

| | |categorize data from a table using a scale|Understand a complex experimental design |data presentations or models |

| | |from another table) |Predict the results of an additional trial|Determine whether given information supports or|

| | |Compare or combine data from a complex |or measurement in an experiment |contradicts a simple hypothesis or conclusion, |

| | |data presentation |Determine the experimental conditions that|and why |

| | |Interpolate between data points in a table|would produce specified results |Identify strengths and weaknesses in one or |

| | |or graph | |more models |

| | |Determine how the value of one variable | |Identify similarities and differences between |

| | |changes as the value of another variable | |models |

| | |changes in a complex data presentation | |Determine which models(s) is(are) supported or |

| | |Identify and/or use a simple (e.g., | |weakened by new information |

| | |linear) mathematical relationship between | |Select a data presentation or a model that |

| | |data | |supports or contradicts a hypothesis, |

| | |Analyze given information when presented | |prediction, or conclusion |

| | |with new simple information | | |

| |Ideas for Progress|Relate scientific information contained in|Determine the hypothesis behind an |Communicate findings of an experiment and |

| | |written text to numerical data |experiment that requires more than one |compare conclusions with those of peers |

| | |Manipulate algebraic equations that |step | |

| | |represent data |Determine alternate methods of testing a | |

| | | |hypothesis | |

|28-32* |Standards |Compare or combine data from a simple data|Determine the hypothesis for an experiment|Select a complex hypothesis, prediction or |

| | |presentation with data from a complex data|Identify an alternate method for testing a|conclusion that is supported by a data |

| | |presentation |hypothesis |presentation or model |

| | |Identify and/or use a complex (e.g., | |Determine whether new information supports or |

| | |nonlinear) mathematical relationship | |weakens a model, and why |

| | |between data | |Use new information to make a prediction based |

| | |Extrapolate from data points in a table or| |on a model |

| | |graph | | |

| |Ideas for Progress|Examine two or more related sets of data |Carry out scientific investigations in |Formulate hypotheses, predictions, or |

| | |and then combine those data in ways that |which the importance of accuracy and |conclusions by comparing and contrasting |

| | |are useful |precision is stressed |several different sets of data from different |

| | | |Consider how changing an experimental |experiments |

| | | |procedure will affect the results of their|Evaluate the merits of a conclusion based on |

| | | |scientific investigations |the analysis of several sets of data |

| | | |Design and carry our additional scientific|Seek out new information that enhances or |

| | | |inquiries to answer specific questions |challenges their existing knowledge |

* PLAN and ACT only


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|(continued) | |

|Score | |

|Range | |

| |Interpretation of Data |Scientific Investigation |Evaluation of Models, Inferences, and |

| | | |Experimental Results |

|33-36# |Standards |Compare or combine data from two or more |Understand precision and accuracy issues |Select a complex hypothesis, prediction, or |

| | |complex data presentations |Predict how modifying the design or |conclusion that is supported by two or more |

| | |Analyze given information when presented |methods of an experiment will affect |data presentations or models |

| | |with new, complex information |results |Determine whether given information supports or|

| | | |Identify and additional trial or |contradicts a complex hypothesis or conclusion,|

| | | |experiment that could be performed to |and why |

| | | |enhance or evaluate experimental results | |

# ACT only

|Science College Readiness Standards are measured in the context of science topics students encounter in science courses. These topics may include: |

| Life Science/Biology | Physical Science/Chemistry, Physics | Earth & Space Science |

|Animal behavior |Atomic structure |Earthquakes and volcanoes |

|Animal development and growth |Chemical bonding, equations, |Earth’s atmosphere |

|Body systems |nomenclature, reactions |Earth’s resources |

|Cell structure and processes |Electrical circuits |Fossils and geological time |

|Ecology |Elements, compounds, mixtures |Geochemical cycles |

|Evolution |Force and motions |Groundwater |

|Genetics |Gravitation |Lakes, rivers, oceans |

|Homeostasis |Heat and work |Mass movements |

|Life Cycles |Kinetic and potential energy |Plate tectonics |

|Molecular basis of heredity |Magnetism |Rocks, minerals |

|Origin of life |Momentum |Solar system |

|Photosynthesis |The Periodic Table |Stars, galaxies, and the universe |

|Plant development, growth, |Properties of solutions |Water cycle |

|structure |Sound and light |Weather and climate |

|Populations |States, classes and properties of matter |Weathering and erosion |

|Taxonomy |Waves | |


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