


| |Day of the Week |DAILY FOCUS |Follow up Activity ON DAILY FOCUS |Skill Building Activity |Play focus |

| | |(Focuses on the unit’s student | |(Small group centers: |[Planting seeds for play activities|

| | |outcomes- lesson) | |Math, Literacy, cutting/ |(aka learning centers)] |

| | | | |handwriting, Library) | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|ACTIVITIES | | | | | |

| |Monday |This week we will focus on why | |MATH-Number of the week: 20 | |

| |Date: April 20 |plants are important and discuss |First, Watch this informative |(twenty) |-Sort foods into healthy and not |

| | |Earth Day. |video on energy and how food gives|Count out 20 items in a book. |healthy. Healthy foods give us |

| | | |us energy: |Name each item. |energy |

| | |-One of the reasons why plants are| |Then use these items to practice | |

| | |important is because they provide | and positional |-Use markers or crayons to draw a |

| | |food for animals and humans |LBegPWzrg |concepts, such as in-out, |picture of healthy foods |

| | | | |up-down, over-under, next to… | |

| | |-Over the last few weeks we have | |Ex: Where is the dog? The dog is |-Pretend to go to the supermarket |

| | |discussed how farmers grow food |-Then try and make a list of foods|next to the couch. |and buy healthy foods |

| | |and people buy the food in the |that are healthy and not healthy. |LITERACY-Letter of the week-X | |

| | |store. |Healthy foods give us energy, such|Review X sound | |

| | | |as fruits and vegetables. |Find pictures/words that begin | |

| | |-Explain that food gives us energy| |with X in magazines or books | |

| | |so we can be active and move | |Review phonics on: | |

| | |throughout the day | | |

| | | | |P85wRv3M40 and | |

| | |-Teach the word “energy” | | |

| | | | |feZXPtTGC4 | |

| | | | |HANDWRITING- take a book and try | |

| | | | |to copy or trace five words. Then| |

| | | | |use handwriting resources based | |

| | | | |on skill. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |com/2020/03/handwriting.pdf | |

| | | | | | |


| | | | |20 MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A | |


| |Tuesday | |First, watch this informative |MATH- Number of the week: 20 | |

| |Date: April 21 |-Plants also produce oxygen or air|video on the oxygen cycle |(twenty).Write the number on a |-Pretend to act out the oxygen |

| | |for us to breathe | of paper and make 20 |cycle |

| | | |nIWEtj91Y |shapes. | |

| | |-Plants also provide shelter or a | | |-Look through a magazine or books |

| | |place to live for animals |Then, try to draw the oxygen |Math concept: positional |for picture of plants |

| | | |cycle. Make a circle and draw a |concepts- look at your blocks and| |

| | |-Explain, that, like the water |tree on one side and the sky and |Legos. Put one Lego next to |-Draw/paint a picture of an animal |

| | |cycle, oxygen also works in a |ground on the other. |another. Then, put one Lego on |living outside (first find a |

| | |cycle | |top of another Lego. Place one |picture online) |

| | | |Write/trace the word oxygen |Lego under another one. | |

| | |Teach the word “oxygen” |underneath. |LITERACY-Review X sound. Cut | |

| | | | |items from magazines that start | |

| | |-Animals sometimes live in tree or| |with letter X. | |

| | |use plants to create their homes. | |Review phonics on: | |

| | | | | |

| | |-For example, birds build a nest | |P85wRv3M40 and | |

| | |using branches and twigs and live | | |

| | |in a tree. | |feZXPtTGC4 | |

| | | | |HANDWRITING-practice writing your| |

| | | | |name. First write your name with | |

| | | | |a green marker, the write your | |

| | | | |name using a yellow marker, | |

| | | | |continue writing your name using | |

| | | | |many different colors. Then use | |

| | | | |handwriting resources based on | |

| | | | |skill. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |com/2020/03/handwriting.pdf | |

| | | | | | |


| | | | |20 MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A | |


| |Wednesday | | First, watch this informative |MATH- Number of the week: 20 | |

| |Date: April 22 |Earth Day: this day was created to|video on Earth Day: |(twenty). Go outside and see if |-Try to practice cleaning up |

| | |create awareness of the | |you can find and count 20 plants | |

| | |environment and how to treat | leaves. Make a mark on a piece|-Go outside and pick up garbage |

| | |nature |3zgcL0Tv8 |of paper after you count each |that may be on the floor |

| | | | |one. | |

| | |-Remind kids about planet Earth | | |-Paint or draw a picture of the |

| | | |Then, try and draw the Earth. Find|Math concept: size- compare the |Earth |

| | |-We need to take care of our |a picture in a book or online. |sizes of the plants you see | |

| | |planet and remember to pick up |Remember that the Earth has land |outside. Are they big/small? |-Find the letter of the week in |

| | |garbage |that is green and water that is |Short/tall? |pictures or on boxes around the |

| | | |blue. |LITERACY- Review X sound- |house |

| | |-Teach the word “environment” | |Find letter X in books and | |

| | | | |magazines. |-Pretend to take care of the |

| | | | |Review phonics on: |environment by walking instead of |

| | | | | in a car |

| | | | |P85wRv3M40 and | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |feZXPtTGC4 | |

| | | | |HANDWRITING- practice writing by | |

| | | | |tracing or writing the names of | |

| | | | |the food you see in the circular.| |

| | | | |Then use handwriting resources | |

| | | | |based on skill. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |com/2020/03/handwriting.pdf | |


| | | | |20 MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A | |


| |Thursday |Plants also give us many different| First, watch this video to learn |MATH- Number of the week: 20 | |

| |Date: April 23 |types of medicines |more about what we can use plants |(twenty). Create a train car to |-Go outside and find some plants |

| | | |for: |bring fruits and vegetables from |that you saw in the video |

| | |-Look through this website for | |the farm with nineteen squares. | |

| | |many medicinal uses for plants: |, count each square you made |-Sort plants by size: short/tall, |

| | | |for the train. |small/big, etc. |

| | |/herbs.html | | | |

| | | | |Math concept: size- look at the |-Use crayons or makers to create |

| | | |Try to draw or make a list of some|sizes of the squares you drew for|the letter of the week |

| | | |plants that are very useful and |your train. Describe their sizes.| |

| | | |helpful to people |If they are all the same, then |-Pretend to make a medicine with |

| | | | |draw one big, medium, and small |plants |

| | | | |square. | |

| | | | |LITERACY-review X sound | |

| | | | |Create a list of words that start| |

| | | | |with letter X: xylophone, x-ray,| |

| | | | |x-ray fish. | |

| | | | |HANDWRITING- practice writing by | |

| | | | |tracing or writing the names of | |

| | | | |the members of your family. Then | |

| | | | |use handwriting resources. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |com/2020/03/handwriting.pdf | |

| | | | | | |


| | | | |20 MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A | |


| |Friday |Review: why are plants important | Choose one of the concepts |MATH- Number of the week: 20 |-Pretend to build a house for an |

| |Date: April 24 | |discussed this month and talk |(twenty). Use Legos or blocks to |animal with blocks, Legos, or even |

| | |-Plants provide food for animals |about with your mom, dad, brother |create a tower only using 20 |branches/twigs from outside |

| | |and humans |or sister. |pieces. Then count each piece. | |

| | | | |Math concept: size- sort your |-Dip a leaf in paint and use the |

| | |-Plants provide oxygen or air for |Then draw a picture and label it. |books into size: big, medium, and|leaf to paint with |

| | |us to breathe |Send the picture via email. |small. Then count up all of your | |

| | | | |books. |-Look through books and magazines |

| | |-Plants provide shelter for | |LITERACY- review letters of the |for letters of the month |

| | |animals | |month. | |

| | | | |Play an alphabet game |-Build a farm or store with blocks |

| | |-Plants provide us with many | | Legos |

| | |medicines | |rgarten_alphabet_bingo | |

| | | | |Review phonics on: | |

| | |-We need to protect the Earth and | | |

| | |keep it safe! | |P85wRv3M40 and | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |feZXPtTGC4 | |

| | | | |HANDWRITING- Practice writing the| |

| | | | |letters of the month. Then | |

| | | | |use handwriting resources based | |

| | | | |on skill. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |com/2020/03/handwriting.pdf | |

| | | | | | |


| | | | |20 MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A | |


Social/ Emotional- Week to Review #1-

Common core standards:

PK.AL.3. Approaches tasks and problems with creativity, imagination and/or willingness to try new experiences

PK.AC.1. Demonstrates motivation to communicate

PK.MATH.3. [NY-.3.] Understands the relationship between numbers and quantities to 10, connects counting to cardinality

PK.SCI.4. [P-LS1-1.] Observes familiar plants and animals (including humans) and describes what they need to survive


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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