2012-2013 Scholarships

|Scholarship Name |Qualifications |Deadline |

|Wendy’s High School Heisman Award |Senior; 3.0 GPA; participate in at least one school-sponsored sport; apply online at |Oct. 2nd |

| | | |

|Illinois College Heritage Scholarship |Senior; attend Illinois College; nomination; meets 2 0f 3 following criteria: top 10% of |Oct. 15th |

| |graduating class; 3.5 GPA in core courses; ACT 25 | |

|Young ARTS |Grades 10-12; audition or portfolio; cinematic arts, dance, jazz, music, photography, |Oct. 19th |

| |theater, visual arts, voice, or writing; U.S. citizen; apply online at | |

|Danforth Scholars Program |Sr. ; attend Washington University; nomination |Oct. 15th |

|U.S. Senate Youth Program/William Randolph Hearst Scholarship |Jr.or Sr. ; elected position; leadership; academics; community involvement |Oct. 3rd |

|Acorn Equality Fund |Senior; sexual orientation; academic performance; references |Sept. 28th |

|Horatio Alger Association Scholarship Program |Senior; financial need($50,000 or lower adjusted gross income); 2.0 GPA; U.S. citizen; |Oct. 25th |

| |plan to pursue a Bachelor’s degree; activities; apply online at | |

| |scholarships | |

|Prudential Spirit of Community Awards |Grades 5-12; community service; apply online at |Nov. 6th |

|2012 AES Scholarship |Senior or college student; attend post-secondary institution; no more than 1000 word essay|Oct. 5th |

| |on “What are your dreams for your future? When you look back on your life in thirty | |

| |years, what would it take for you to consider your life successful?”; submit essay to | |

| |scholarships@ | |

|Coca-Cola Scholars Program |Senior; 3.0 GPA at end of junior year; U.S. citizen; pursue degree at post-secondary |Oct. 31st |

| |institution; apply online at coca- | |

|LeTendre Education Fund 2012 |Senior; lacks fixed, regular, and adequate night-time residence; essay; transcript; |Sept. 10th |

| |recommendation | |

|College Peas Student Standout College Scholarship |Grades 9-12; minimum 2.0 GPA; submit essay less than 100 words describing a special skill,|Dec. 30th |

| |talent or interest that helps you standout from your peers | |

| Scholarship |Register at |Sept. 14th |

|IEA-NEA Education Scholarship |Senior or college student planning a career in education; parent is a member of IEA-NEA; |Dec. 3rd |

| |economic need; academic achievement; extra-curricular activities; essay; transcript | |

|U.S. Air Force ROTC Scholarship |Senior; 3.0 GPA; ACT 24; leadership; community service; fitness; not military commitment |Dec. 1st |

| |for the first year | |

|Young Poets Contest |Grades K-12; original poem not more than 21 lines |Aug. 30, 2012 |

| | |Dec. 6, 2012 |

| | |April 11, 2013 |

|Creative Communications Essay Contest |Grades 3-12; maximum essay of 250-300 words on nonfiction topic |Aug.30, 2012 |

| | |Oct. 18, 2012 |

| | |Feb. 19, 2013 |

|2013 John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest |Grades 9-12; register online at ; essay of less than 1000 words with 5 |Jan. 5th |

| |bibliography sources on an elected official that occurred during or after 1956 | |

|Create-A-Greeting-Card Scholarship |Grades 9-12 or college student; create original greeting card of any type; apply online at|Jan. 16th |

| |greeting-cards-scholarship.htm | |

|NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund 2012 Youth Essay Contest |Grades 9-12; 1000 word essay on “The Second Amendment to the Constitution: Why it is |Dec. 1st |

| |Important to our Nation” | |

|2012 NACD/Auxiliary Photo Contest |Submit original digital photo in one of the following categories: Conservation Practices, |Dec. 1st |

| |Close Up Conservation, Conservation in Action, or Agriculture and Conservation Across | |

| |America; enter maximum of 5 photos per year | |

|Stokes Education Scholarship Program |Senior; 3.0 GPA/ U.S. citizen; 25 ACT; leadership; major in computer science or |Nov. 15th |

| |computer/electrical engineering; eligible to be granted security clearance | |

|First Freedom Competition |Grades 9-12; 750-1450 word essay or video; sponsored by English of Social Studies teacher;|Nov. 12 |

| |topic – “How well has the U.S. lived up to the standard of religious freedom and religious|(online) |

| |equality set forth in the 1790 Washington letter to the Hebrew(Jewish) Congregation of |Nov. 26 |

| |Newport, RI? |(postmark) |

|Voice of Democracy |Grades 9-12; 3-5 minute audio essay on Is Our Constitution Still Relevant? |Nov. 1st |

|2012 Duck Brand Duct Tape “Stick or Treat Jack-O-Lantern” Contest |18 and older; decorate and/accessorize a pumpkin ( real or artificial) using duct tape; |Nov. 1st |

| |must be original work; submit color photograph | |

|Say NO to Bullying Contest |Ages 14-19; video of less than 4 minutes with a scripted scene about bullying with a |Nov. 5th |

| |realistic solution to the situation | |

|Why My School Rocks Contest |Ages 14-19; essay of 2 pages or less-double spaces and video of 45 seconds or less on 1 lf|Oct. 22nd |

| |5 topics | |

|Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest |Senior or college student; 800-1600 word essay on one of three topics concerning Atlas |Sept. 17th |

| |Shrugged by Ayn Rand | |

|The Lead With Your Heart Scholarship |Grades 9-12; dedicated time to working for the greater good |Dec. 31st |

|Stephen J. Brady STOP Hunger Scholarships |K- graduate school; demonstrate on-going commitment to community by performing unpaid |Dec. 5th |

| |volunteer services impacting hunger in the U.S. within the last 12 months | |

| Scholarship |Apply online at |March 31st |

|National Washington Crossing Foundation Scholarship Awards |Senior; essay under 300 words stating why applicant is planning career in government |Jan. 15th |

| |service; recommendations; transcript | |

|2012 Formals Next Top Prom Gown Designer Scholarship |Grades 9-12; submit sketch of formal wear gown, short or long; personal bio and photo |Oct. 20th |

|Anthem Essay Contest |Grades 8-10; 600-1200 word essay on 1 of 3 topics related to Ayn Rand’s Anthem |March 20th |

|Fountainhead Essay Contest |Jr. or Sr.; 800-1600 word essay on 1 of 3 topics related to Ayn Rand’s Fountainhead |April 26th |

| Free Tuition |Enter drawing at |Jan. 2nd |

|Gen and Kelly Tanabe Scholarship |Grades 9-12 or college student; legal resident of U.S.; maximum essay of 250 words |Dec. 31st |

| | |July 31st |

|William Hudson Scholarship |Sr.; attend Blackburn College; meet 2 of 3 following criteria: ACT 20-21; GPA 3.00-3.19; |Not listed |

| |Class rank 31%-40% | |

|Blackburn Alumni Scholarship |Sr.; attend Blackburn College; meet 2 of 3 following criteria: |Not listed |

| |ACT 22-23; GPA 3.2-3.39; Class rank 26%-30% | |

|Blackburn Trustee Scholarship |Sr.; attend Blackburn College; meet 2 of 3 following criteria: |Not listed |

| |ACT 24-25; GPA 3.4-3.59; Class rank 21%-25% | |

|Gideon Blackburn Scholarship |Sr.; attend Blackburn College; meet 2 of 3 following criteria: |Not listed |

| |ACT 26-36; GPA 3.6-3.69; Class rank 11%-20% | |

|Blackburn Heritage Scholarship |Sr.; attend Blackburn College; meet 2 of 3 following criteria: |Not listed |

| |ACT 28-36; GPA 3.7 or higher; Class rank top 10% | |

|Blackburn Presidential Scholarship |Sr.; attend Blackburn College; ACT 30-36; GPA 3.8 or higher |Not listed |

|American Red Cross Blood Services High School Young Minds Change |Senior |May 31st |

|Lives Scholarship Program | | |

|Eastern Illinois University Presidential Scholars |Attend EIU; 30 ACT and either 3.5 GPA or top 10% of class or 28 ACT and either 3.75 GPA or|Nov. 30th |

| |top 5% of class | |

|AXA Achievement Foundation |Sr.; U.S. citizen; demonstrate ambition and self-drive as evidenced by outstanding |Dec. 1st |

| |achievement in activity in school, community or workplace; apply online at | |

| |axa-foundation/axa-achievement-scholarship.html | |

|Elks National Foundation 2013 Most Valuable Student Scholarship |Senior; U.S. citizen; ACT; references; community service; parental financial statement; |Dec. 7th |

| |essay; activities; transcript | |

| Scholarship |Sr.; attend a Christ-centered Christian college; apply online at |Not listed |

| | | |

|The American Academy of Dramatic Arts Scholarship |Senior; attend the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in NY or LA; audition |March 1st |

|Menza Education & Research Foundation Scholarship |Senior; essay under 550 words describing academic or career goals; U.S. citizen; attend |Jan. 15th |

| |post-secondary institution | |

|Illinois PTA Lillian E. Glover Scholarship |Senior; planning to enter education or education-related field; 3.0 GPA on a non-weighted|Feb. 15th |

| |4.0 scale | |

|Free Speech Essay Contest |Junior or senior; 800-1000 word essay on provided topic; apply online at |Nov. 25th |

| | | |

|Signet Classics Student Scholarship Essay Contest |Junior or senior; essay 2-3 double-spaced typed pages on 1984 by George Orwell |April 15th |

|Young Voices of America Poetry Contest |Grades K-12; original, unpublished poem of not more than 2 pages double-spaced |Nov. 30th |

|Illinois Electric Cooperatives (IEC) Thomas H. Moore Memorial |Senior; child of an electric cooperative customer or employee; attend post-secondary |Dec. 31st |

|Scholarship Program |institution full-time; ACT; school and community activities; short essay; apply online at | |

| | | |

|LaVern and Nola McEntire Lineworker’s Scholarship |Attend Lincoln Land Community College in one of the Electrical Distribution Lineman |April 30th |

| |programs; relative of employee or director of an AIEC member electrical cooperative or | |

| |Veteran; recommendations; biographical statement; short essay | |

|Shopko Teammate and Family Scholarship Program |U.S. citizen; Shopko teammate or dependent of teammate; academics; leadership; community |March 1st |

| |service; work experience; financial need; goals; recommendations; apply online at | |

| |. | |

|2013 Bernice L. Fox Classics Writing Contest |Grades 9-12; essay, short story, play, poem, or any original literary work on the |March 15th |

| |following topic: Should Julius Caesar Have Crossed the Rubicon? | |

|George S. and Stella M. Knight Essay Contest |Grades 10-12; 800-1200 word essay with references on even, person, philosophy, or ideal |Feb. 14th |

| |associated with the American Revolution, Declaration of Independence, or Constitution | |

|Courageous Persuader Video Contest |Grades 9-12; individual or team commercial to warn middle school students about the |Feb. 12th |

| |dangers of underage drinking; video must be 30 seconds or less | |

|National Multiple Sclerosis Society Scholarship Program |Senior or high school graduate; have MS or a parent with MS; U.S. citizen; attend |Jan. 15th |

| |post-secondary institution; apply online at scholarship | |

|Dr. Aura-Lee A. and James Hobbs Pittenger American History |Senior; pursue degree in American History and American Government; recommendation; |Feb. 15th |

|Scholarship |transcript; essay; activities | |

|2013 NFIB Young Entrepreneur Award |Senior; attend post-secondary institution; has an officially established business; |Dec. 17th |

| |academics; apply online at YEA | |

|Illinois Society of Professional Engineers Scholarship |Senior; 3.0 GPA; ACT Math 29 & English 25; engineering major in accredited IL or MO |Feb. 8th |

| |college; recommendations; transcript | |

|Cappex Student Athlete of the Year Scholarship |Create Cappex profile; U.S. citizen; attend post-secondary institution; athletics; |Dec. 31st |

| |leadership; community service | |

|Abbott & Fenner Scholarship |Junior, Senior, or college student; 500-1000 word essay on “What have you done outside the|June 14, 2013 |

| |classroom that demonstrates qualities sought after by the post secondary institution that | |

| |you are hoping to attend? Also, which of these qualities means the most to you?” | |

|2013 Greenhouse Scholars Program |Senior; 3.5 unweighted GPA; US citizen; IL resident; community service; leadership; |Jan. 21st |

| |financial need-family income less than $70,000; transcript; recommendations; apply online | |

| |at | |

|Cappex “I Don’t Want To Pay For College” Scholarship |Create Cappex profile; U.S. citizen; attend post-secondary institution; extra-curricular |Oct. 31st |

| |activities; community service; leadership | |

|A GPA Isn’t Everything Scholarship |Create Cappex profile; U.S. citizen; attend post-secondary institution; extra-curricular |Nov. 30th |

| |activities; community service; leadership | |

|Cappex Promoter Scholarship |Create Cappex profile; U. S. citizen; refer others to Cappex |Dec. 31st |

|The Anne Ford Scholarship |Senior; have documented learning disability; financial need; essay, transcript; 3.0 GPA |Dec. 31st |

| |recommendations; pursue a degree | |

|The Allegra Ford Thomas Scholarship |Senior; have a documented learning disability; attend community college or vocational |Dec. 31st |

| |program; financial need; | |

|Crosslites Essay Contest |Grades 9-12; 400-600 reflective essay based on one of Dr. Parker’s quotes or messages; |Dec. 15th |

| |attend post-secondary institution; transcript | |

|AXA Achievement Community Scholarship |Senior; U.S. citizen; outstanding achievement in non-academic activity or project; |Feb. 1st |

| |recommendation; apply online at axa- | |

|Illinois Conservation Foundation |Senior: 2.5 GPA; IL resident; able to document voluntary contributions to Illinois natural|Nov. 30th |

|Conservation Achievement Scholarship |recourses during high school; enroll in 2 or 4 year college program; transcript | |

|2013 CBAI Foundation for Community Banking Annual Scholarship |Senior; essay- “How do community banks make dreams come true?’ |Feb. 4th |

|Program | | |

|Americanism Essay Contest |Grades 7-12; 500 work essay on “What My Vote Will Mean to Me” |Dec. 1st |

|AFA Teens for Alzheimer’s Awareness College Scholarship |Senior; attend 4 year college; U.S. citizen; autobiography; 1200-1500 word essay on how |Feb. 15th |

| |Alzheimer’s disease h as changed or impacted your life & what you have learned in the face| |

| |of coping with the disease | |

|Illinois Chemical Education Foundation $2000 High School |Senior; transcript; class rank; ACT; recommendations; one page essay; activities; |March 2nd |

|Scholarship |community service | |

|Caroline E. Holt Nursing Scholarship |Accepted and enrolled into an accredited school of nursing; financial need; |Feb. 15th |

| |recommendations, transcript; essay; activities | |

|Occupational/Physical Therapy Scholarship |Accepted and enrolled into an accredited school of occupational therapy (including art, |Feb. 15th |

| |music, or physical therapy); recommendation; transcript; essay, activities | |

|Madeline Pickett (Halbert) Cogswell Nursing Scholarship |Accepted or enrolled in an accredited school of nursing; member, descendent of member or |Feb. 15th |

| |eligible for membership in NSDAR; recommendations; transcript; essay, activities | |

|The Lucinda Beneventi Findley History Scholarship |Senior; demonstrated interest in history and planning to major in history as full-time |Feb. 15th |

| |student in post-secondary institution in U.S.; recommendation; transcript; essay; | |

| |activities | |

|The Illinois Odd Fellow-Rebekah Scholarship |Senior; transcript; essay; recommendations; citizen; IL resident; financial need; C |March 1st |

| |average; photograph | |

|Laws of Life Contest |Senior; attend post-secondary institution; 500-1000 word essay of video of 2 minutes or |Dec. 31st |

| |less | |

|South Central Wild Turkey Chapter Scholarship |Senior; pursue degree at post-secondary institution; 3.0 GPA; copy of current valid |Dec. 1st |

| |hunting license; essay; school activities; community involvement; recommendations; current| |

| |NWTF membership; transcript | |

|Illinois AMVETS Service Foundation Scholarship |Senior; taken ACT |March 1st |

|Illinois AMVETS Sad Sacks Nursing Scholarship |Senior; accepted in approved nursing program; academics; character; interest; financial |March 1st |

| |need | |

|Illinois AMVETS Trade School Scholarship |Senior; accepted in approved trade school |March 1st |

|Illinois AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary Worchid Scholarship |Senior; taken ACT; child of deceased parent who was a veteran |March 1st |

|Illinois AMVETS Junior ROTC Scholarship |Senior; taken ACT; participate in Junior ROTC program |March 1st |

|Illinois AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary Memorial Scholarship |Senior; taken ACT; child or grandchild of a veteran |March 1st |

|National Peace Essay Contest |Grades 9-12; 1500 word essay; Topic: What does it mean to have a gendered approach to war |Feb. 1st |

| |and peace issues? | |

|American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees |Senior; parent is an AFSCME member; essay; transcript; full time student in a four year |Dec. 31st |

|(AFSCME) Family Scholarship |degree program | |

|The Art Institutes Passion for Fashion Scholarship Competition |Senior; attend one of the Art Institutes; GPA 2.0; essay; submission of garment or plan |Feb. 14th |

|The Art Institutes Best Teen Chef Competition |Senior; attend one of the Art Institutes; GPA 2.0; essay; submit recipe and photo |Jan. 14th |

|Burger King Scholars Program |Senior: 2.5+ GPA; enroll full-time at post-secondary institution; apply online at |Jan. 10th |

| | | |

|Flatlanders Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation |Senior; 3.0 GPA; attend post-secondary institution; current valid hunting license; NWTF |Jan. 1st |

|Scholarship |membership; essay; recommendations; activities; community involvement; submit application | |

| |to Doug Clay, 78 Palomino Road, Springfield, IL 62702 | |

|Illinois Americanism Essay Contest |Grades 7-12; less than 500 word essay on “What Does the First Amendment Mean to Me” |Feb 1st |

|Simon Youth Foundation Community Scholarship Program |Senior; attend post-secondary institution as a full-time student |Jan. 13th |

|BBG Communications Scholarships |Ages 16-21; attending or will attend post-secondary institution; GPA 2.5; U.S. citizen; |June 30th |

| |two essay questions | |

|10 Words or Less Scholarship |Ages 14-25; attend school in Fall of 2013; Go to myscholarships and in 10|April 1st |

| |words or less tell why you deserve the $500 scholarship; like facebook page to qualify | |

|Gilbraitti Scholarship |Ages 16-20; attend college in Fall of 2013; essay – “If you could attend any college or |March 1st |

| |university in the world, what school would you choose? And why?” | |

|Davidson Fellows Scholarship |18 or younger as of 9/29/2013; U.S. citizen; application categories are science, |Feb. 6th |

| |technology, engineering, mathematics, literature, music, philosophy, and outside the box. | |

|2013 High School Writers Contest |Jr. or Sr.; enter one work in each category; may enter more than one category; fiction up |Feb. 8th |

| |to 3000 words, nonfiction up to 2000 words, or poetry up to 40 lines; sponsoring teacher | |

|B. Davis Scholarship |No age restriction; Essay of 1000 words or less on “What would you consider to be the most|May 27th |

| |important issue that society has to deal with in the next 10 or 20 years? Why do you | |

| |think this issue is so important?” | |

| |Attend University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign; male; essay; Lutheran; recommendations |Feb. 15th |

|Beta Sigma Psi Lutheran Alumni Scholarship | | |

|National Defense Transportation Association Scholarship |Senior; essay; two recommendations; transcript with ACT |March 1st |

|Lincoln Land Community College Foundations Scholarship Program |Attend LLCC; varies with scholarship; can access online at |April 10th |

|Children of Veteran’s Scholarship |Attend any campus of the University of Illinois; copy of transcript with ACT scores; |March 1st |

| |natural or legally adopted child of a veteran; photocopy of veteran’s papers | |

|Illinois Retired Teachers Association Foundation Scholarship |Soph or Jr in college; accepted into a teacher certification program; 3.0 GPA; transcript;|March 7th |

| |financial need | |

|2013 Junior Duck Stamp Contest |K-12; submit one original design of a live portrayal of a Native American duck, swan, or |March 15th |

| |goose | |

| Best Buy @15 Scholarship |Grades 9-12; GPA 2.5; demonstrate commitment to and involvement in community volunteer |Feb. 15th |

| |service or work experience; attend post-secondary institution; apply online at | |

| | or scholarship.htm after 12/25/12 | |

|“Drive2Life” Contest |Grades 6-12; create storyboard of a Public Service Announcement that demonstrates positive|Feb. 28th |

| |tips to prevent distracted driving | |

|High Five Scholarships |Apply online at |Not listed |

|Fred S. Bailey Scholarship |Sr. or college; attend University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign; academics. Community |Feb. 7th |

| |service; leadership; apply online at bailey | |

|Sons of Confederate Veterans Scholarship |Senior; attend post-secondary institution; descendent of male who served in Army, Navy, |March 14th |

| |Judicial, Executive, or Civil Service of the Confederate States of American; 500 word | |

| |essay; transcript, documented genealogical descendency chart | |

|Buick Achievers Scholarship Program |Senior; attend post-secondary institution full-time; plan to major in science, technology,|Feb. 28th |

| |engineering, math, marketing, finance, accounting, design, or business; U.S, citizen; | |

| |financial need; academics; activities; apply online at | |

| |buickachievers. | |

|AES Engineering Services Scholarship |Grades 9-12; submit 5000-1000 word essay topic ”Reflecting on your personal experiences |Oct. 4, |

| |and/or circumstances, tell us something about yourself that distinguishes you as a |2013 |

| |potential scholarship candidate” | |

|The High School Abuse Prevention Magazine Scholarship |Senior; GPA 2.5 or higher; attend post-secondary institution; 600-800 word, double spaced |Sept 30th |

| |essay about a personal encounter you or someone you know has had with ABUE; transcript; |March 15th |

| |photo | |

|IAA Foundation 2013 Scholarship Program |Sr.; Illinois Farm Bureau member’s child (except for Praire Farms and Illinois Soybean |Feb. 1st |

| |Association scholarships); accepted for enrollment in college majoring in agriculture, | |

| |agribusiness or related field; resident of Illinois | |

|Fletcher A. Gourley, Leonard Southwell and Roger Capps Memorial |Sr.; child of patron or employee of Prairie Farms Dairy for at least 3 years; transcript; |Feb. 1st |

|Scholarship |personal statement, references | |

|2013 Farm Credit Agriculture Scholarship |Senior; attend post-secondary institution; plan to pursue degree in agriculture or related|Feb. 28th |

| |field; apply online at | |

|Illinois Lumber & Material Dealers Association Educational |Attend post-secondary institution; pursue certificate or degree in lumber & building |March 15th |

|Foundation |materials or allied field; recommendations; transcript; essay | |

|Louis and Temple Marsch Scholarship |Senior; study engineering or science-related field as a full-time student; transcript; |April 1st |

| |references | |

|Sharon Miller Memorial Scholarship |Senior or in college; pursue a career in public school teaching; activities; community |March 8th |

| |service; essay; recommendations; transcript | |

|Macoupin County Agriculture Education Foundation Scholarship |High school senior or college freshman, soph., or jr.; attended high school in Macoupin |March 22nd |

| |County; attend post-secondary institution in Illinois; major in agriculture | |

|Emergency Medical Services for Children Scholarship |Pursue career in healthcare field; recommendations; short essay |April 12th |

|Illinois Sheriffs’ Association Scholarship |Senior; permanent Illinois resident; attend post-secondary institution in Illinois as a |March 15th |

| |full-time student; short essay | |

|Janice M. Scott Memorial Scholarship Fund |Senior; attend four year college; U.S. citizen; 3.0 GPA; leadership; activities or |March 31st |

| |community service; financial need | |

|Odenza Marketing Group Scholarship |Ages 16-25 as of March 30th; 2.5 GPA; U.S. citizen; two essay questions |March 30th |

|Visine Student With Vision Scholarship |Senior or first three years of college; community service/school activities; financial |March 1st |

| |need; have a clear vision and communicate it through essay or video presentation; GPA 2.8 | |

| |or above; apply online at | |

|Body by Milk Scholarship |Short essay (75 to 250 words) describing how milk has been a part of your life; apply |March 19th |

| |online at | |

|Cystic Fibrosis Scholarship Foundation |Cystic fibrosis diagnosis; financial need; transcript; academic achievement; leadership |March 18th |

|Sherwood and Evelyn Kresin Memorial Scholarship |Senior; no Masonic affiliation required; maintain a 3.0 (B) average |April 1st |

|Louis L. Williams Memorial Fund Scholarship |Senior; must attend Illinois Wesleyan University full-time; be a blood relative of a |April 1st |

| |Scottish Rite Mason; maintain a B average | |

|Illinois Scottish Rite Scholarship Fund |Senior; pursue a career in health related field; resident of IL; attend school contiguous |April 1st |

| |to Illinois full-time; maintain a B average; no Masonic affiliation required | |

|Robert B. Perkins Scholarship |Senior; must reside in IL and attend a school contiguous to IL full-time; must be a blood |April 1st |

| |relative of a Scottish Rite Mason | |

|Grand Lodge of Illinois, A.F. & A.M. Scholarship Program |Senior; reside in Illinois; maintain a B average; required Masonic affiliation |April 1st |

|Abbott Scholarship |Current college student; minimum GPA 2.75; child or grandchild of a Scottish Rite Mason in|April 1st |

| |the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction | |

|Outstanding Diocesan Catholic Female High School Scholarship |Senior; Catholic female; resume; recommendations |March 30th |

|Kohl’s Kids Who Care Scholarship |Ages 6-18 nomination; volunteer work that has made a positive impact on others/community; |March 15th |

| |nomination to be made online at kohls | |

|The Neoma Eyer Memorial Scholarship |Sr. at NHS; intent to become a business teacher or teacher of any subject; intent to |May 1st |

| |attend ISU; intent on obtaining a business degree; community involvement; school | |

| |activities; employment | |

|Sigma Phi Epsilon Balanced Man Scholarship |Senior male; attend University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign; transcript; leadership; |April 16th |

| |academics; photo; | |

| |Can apply online at | |

|American Legion Auxiliary Past Presidents Parley Nurses |Senior; enroll full-time in accredited school or hospital program; essay; recommendations;|April 10th |

|Scholarship |transcript; financial need; academics | |

|American Legion Auxiliary Mildred R. Knoles Scholarship |Presently attending college; veteran, child, grandchild or great-grandchild of a veteran; |March 15th |

| |financial need; recommendations; activities; essay; transcript | |

|American Legion Auxiliary Ada Mucklestone Memorial Scholarship |Senior; child, grandchild, or great-grandchild of a veteran; recommendations; activities; |March 15th |

| |essay, transcript | |

|American Legion Auxiliary Illinois Scholarship for Junior Members |Senior female; junior member of Department of Illinois American Legion Auxiliary; |March 15th |

| |daughter, granddaughter, or great-granddaughter of sister of veteran; recommendations; | |

| |transcript; parent tax return; community service | |

|American Legion Auxiliary Children and Youth Scholarship |Soph. or Jr. in college; working toward degree in education; upper half of class;; |March 15th |

| |financial need; recommendations; essay | |

|American Legion Auxiliary Children of Warriors National |Senior; 50 hours of community service; child, stepchild, grandchild, step-grandchild, |March 1st |

|Presidents’ Scholarship |great-grandchild or step-great-grandchild of a veteran; recommendations; essay; | |

| |transcript; ACT; FAFSA; | |

|Lincoln College Academic Scholarship |Senior; attend Lincoln College |Not listed |

|Lincoln College Opportunity Grant |Senior; attend Lincoln College; file FAFSA by March 15th, submit enrollment deposit by May|March 15th |

| |1st; attend April or June student orientation |May 1st |

|Lowe’s Scholarship Program |Senior; maintain a minimum 3.25 GPA on a 4.0 scale; demonstrate a history of commitment to|Feb. 28th |

| |community through leadership activities, community service, and/or work experience; apply | |

| |online at | |

|The Carl Buchan Scholarship |Senior or college undergraduates; full or part-time Lowe’s employee or dependent; maintain|Feb. 28th |

| |3.5 GPA on 4.0 scale; leadership activities, community service and/or work experience; | |

| |apply online at | |

|Frame My Future Scholarship |Senior; create an original entry piece that expresses what you want to achieve in your |March 5th |

| |professional and personal life after college; apply online at | |

| | | |

|Gilbraitti Scholarship |Age 16-20; attend college in fall of 2013; essay of 1000 words or less on “If you could |March 30th |

| |attend any college or university in the world, what school would you choose and why?”; | |

| |apply online at | |

|10 Words or Less Scholarship |Ages 14-25; attend college in fall of 2013; apply online at |April 1st |

| |myscholarships; in 10 words or less tell why you deserve the $500 | |

| |scholarship; must “Like” facebook page | |

|Healthy Choices Scholarship |Attend college in fall of 2013; essay of 500 words or less outlining the 3 most important|April 30th |

| |things you plan to do to ensure that you are living a balanced and healthy life while | |

| |attending your post-secondary education; apply online at | |

| | | |

|BBG Communications Scholarship |Ages 16-21 and will attend college in fall of 2013; 2.5 GPA; essay questions under 1500 |June 30th |

| |words on topics: “What do you think is the greatest advancement in the information and | |

| |communications technology industry over the last 10 years?” and “Why do you think a | |

| |college education is important?”; apply online at apply.php | |

|Birthday Scholarship |Create Cappex profile at ; extra-curricular activities; leadership; |Dec. 31, |

| |volunteer activities |2013 |

|#1 Cappex Fan Scholarship |Create Cappex profile at ; extra-curricular activities; leadership; |Dec. 31, |

| |volunteer activities |2013 |

|A GPA Isn’t Everything Scholarship |Create Cappex profile at ; extra-curricular activities; leadership; |Feb. 28th |

| |volunteer activities | |

|Mr. John’s School of Cosmetology Scholarship |Senior; attend Mr. John’s School of Cosmetology in Decatur or Jacksonville; start school |March 29th |

| |between Jan.28-Aug.4, 2013; apply online at | |

|County Line Sportsmen Scholarship Program |Senior; 3.0 GPA; pursue degree at post-secondary institution; school activities; essay |April 1st |

| |about how hunting is an important part of wildlife management | |

|Family Service Center Scholarship |Senior; attend post-secondary institution; adopted or placed in foster care during |April 30th |

| |lifetime; recommendation | |

|Youth Volunteer Scholarship |Under age of 21; 50 hours of volunteer work over past 2 years; GPA 3.5; essay less than |April 15th |

| |1000 words on why you have chosen to volunteer your time with the organization(s) you have| |

| |and how your experience has changed your life; apply online at | |

|Scholarship by Design Award |Senior or undergraduate student; attending school on full-time basis; come up with a |May 1st |

| |unique Scholarship Program idea aimed at high school and/or college students; apply online| |

| |at | |

|Caretenders Scholarship Program |Senior; attend post-secondary institution; essay of 1000 words or less on “what age do you|May 31st |

| |plan to retire, how much money do you think you will need to have saved prior to retiring | |

| |and what are some of the key decisions you will make in your life to ensure you can retire| |

| |at the age you want; apply online at | |

|LM Scholarship Program |Currently or plan to enroll in a degree program of 2 years or longer by September 2013; |May 31st |

| |GPA 3.0; essay on a situation you or someone you know who has been involved in where | |

| |better safety procedures would have prevented an injury; apply online at | |

| | | |

|Rogers Community Volunteer Scholarship |Attending college full-time in a degree program in the fall of 2013; GPA 2.5; 10 hour of |June 1st |

| |volunteer service within the past year with one organization; apply online at | |

| | | |

|Sedary & Associates Scholarship |Senior or college freshman or sophomore; enrolled in college in fall of 2013; essay of |June 15th |

| |less than 1500 identify the 5 most important things that you believe every student should | |

| |consider when making his/her choice in choosing a college; apply online at | |

| | | |

|Lift Parts Express Scholarships |Ages 16-21; enrolled in college in fall of 2013; GPA 3.0; reside in US or Canada; write |June 30th |

| |essay that outlines how much you expect to spend to finish your schooling, how you intend | |

| |to pay for it and what you expect you job to be once you have finished your schooling; | |

| |apply online at | |

|Joseph Savino Undergraduate Award |Senior; 35 hours of community service; 3.0 GPA; leadership; transcript; recommendations; |April 19th |

| |attend post-secondary institution majoring in social work, counseling, psychology, youth | |

| |recreation, youth prevention, or sociology | |

|Delta Sigma Phi Man of Achievement Scholarship |Senior male; attend University of Missouri-Columbia; 3.0 unweighted GPA; transcript; |April 30th |

| |recommendation; short essay | |

|Dean Ritter Trust for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Scholarship |Senior; resident of IL; have significant(sever to profound) hearing loss in one or both |May 1st |

| |ears; financial need; recommendations | |

|Palmyra Lions Scholarships |Senior; academic achievement; extra-curricular activities; community service; essay; |April 25th |

| |recommendation | |

|National Rural Education Association 2013 Essay Contest |Grades 3-12 students attending a rural school; up to 500 word essay on “The most famous |June 1st |

| |person from my school: | |

|Alice L. Haltom Educational Fund Scholarship |Pursue degree related to careers in information and records management; essay; transcript;|May 1st |

| |recommendations | |

|U.S. Bank Internet Scholarship Program |Senior; U.S. citizen; plan to enroll full-time in a 4 year college; apply online at |May 31st |

| |scholarship | |

|The Alice Madden Barton Scholarship Program |Attend cosmetology or barbering school |Dec. 31st |

| | |June 30th |

|Spence Reese Scholarship |Senior male students planning a career in medicine, engineering, law, or political science|April 1st |

| Scholarship |Senior; plan to attend an accredited post-secondary institution; apply online at |June 30th |

| |scholarship | |

|The W. Ray Alborn and Nelle Jaynes Alborn Memorial Scholarship |Senior ranked in the top ten of class; community service; school activities; financial |April 25th |

| |need; preference given to Scottville Township resident | |

|American Legion Palmyra Post #1034 Scholarships |Senior; attend post-secondary institution; FAFSA; financial need |April 30th |

| | | |

|Beans for Brains Scholarship |Senior or college student; 3.2 GPA; U.S. citizen; knitter, crocheter, sewist, or quilter; |March 31st |

| |submit personal photo with self-made knitting/crochet/sewing/quilting project; apply | |

| |online at scholarshipHome.asp | |

|Educational Foundation Scholarships |NW Senior; attend post-secondary institution; school citizenship; school activities; |May 8th |

| |community activities; leadership; attendance | |

|2013 Psi U Scholarship Grant |Senior male; attend University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign; apply online at |Aug 19th |

| | |2013 |

|Sigma Phi Epsilon Balanced Man Scholarship |Attend SIU-E; male academics leadership; athletics and community service |June 1st |

|Tri-County Beauty Academy |Senior; attend Tri-County Beauty Academy; enroll in June class; short essay |May 21st |


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