School Uniforms - Vocreatex

School Uniforms: A 20th century response to 21st century challenges

Why mandatory school uniforms won't improve IPS and student voice will

Submitted to the Indianapolis Public Schools in the spring of 2007

John Harris Loflin Democratic Education Consortium


School Uniforms: A 20th Century Response to 21st Century Challenges


To whom it may concern:

The Indianapolis Public Schools are in the process of making an important decision on this question: Are mandatory school uniforms a way of improving the district?

Since there have not been several widely advertised and highly attended public meetings on various evenings where all sides of the issue were openly discussed, this paper provides an alternate view of how to improve IPS. It is based on two global initiatives: The Great Turning and Education for Sustainability.

The Great Turning David Korten's new book, "The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community," is a name for the essential adventure of our time. Its powerful framework will help educators understanding the critical choices we must make as we undertake the journey:

The turning from an industrial growth society to a life-sustaining civilization.

To move forward we must recognize how increasingly interdependent the world has become. In the midst of magnificent diversity of cultures and life forms, we are one human family and one Earth Community with a common destiny. This is a great shift:

From competition to cooperation From domination to democracy From growth to sustainability From assimilation to self-actualization

Education for Sustainability As of 2005, and on to 2015, the UN will be sponsoring the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD). See Appendix N.

A meeting to open the decade was held in Toyko. The conference, "Sustainable Development and Education for the 21st Century: What we can do now for the children of the future--An

educational paradigm shift," contained a message of penetrating insight for the educational


Education has been entirely too preoccupied with immediate profit, and has placed greater value on competing rather than on coexisting democratically with others.

The conference emphasized how we must change our nearsighted views of children and their academic ability we have had in recent years. We have to realize our children and youth can and must be prepared to save our planet. This is what the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development is all about.

Teaching critical thinking and problem solving skills will be needed. But what is new and most important are the "democratic habits of mind" children must know and practice.

The relationship between Sustainability Education and Democratic Education: Students must be informed and given the chance to share in classroom and school decisions that directly or indirectly involve the values, practices, and goals of global DESD efforts. See Appendix O.

This would involve students in the process of:

School Uniforms: A 20th Century Response to 21st Century Challenges


Deciding what issue, problem, or task they, the class, school, or community want to study, research, solve, or carry out

Deciding how, where, and when they want to study/research/solve Deciding how their DESD efforts will be assessed

In light of these 2 initiatives Education will soon be the task of enabling the next generation to develop the judgment necessary to function creatively, responsibly, independently, and democratically under new and perhaps historically unprecedented circumstances.

"Anyone who thinks children are the leaders of tomorrow is only procrastinating."

Concern for Working Children (CWC), a democratic children's organization, New Delhi

Compulsory school uniforms reflect the dominator not the partnership model All societies are patterned on either a dominator model--in which human hierarchies are ultimately backed by force or threat of force--or a partnership model, with variations in between. A partnership with youth, not a one-way coercive top-down mandatory school uniform policy, reflects this enlightened and forward-looking global perspective.

Mandatory uniforms: A 20th century solution to 21st century challenges The future belongs to the children. Our schools and curriculum must be based on the principles and spirit of sustainable development. Since it is their future we are preparing for,

students must be a part of all aspects of the processes involved in creating sustainable schools for a world each will inherit.

Neither extreme, uniforms nor more of the same, is acceptable. Our IPS cannot maintain business as usual. As well, although mandatory school uniforms appear to make sense, the necessity of fear, coercion, and control required to implement such a policy and the divisiveness it creates in the school community send the wrong message to children and the world. This paper offers an alternate: The middle way of democracy.

"Adults, why do you fear children's participation?"

12 year-old rag picker, youth member, CWC

The middle way: Democratic education "The Great Turning" is an idea that we are about to move to a new global, green, smart, cooperative, open, and democratic world. IPS must join the world DESD initiative to set forth a sustainable global society found on respect for nature, universal human rights, economic justice, and a culture of peace. An IPS mandatory public school uniform policy and the manipulation, compliance, and paternalism it reflects are not within the higher-order potential of our human nature and ethos of these two global shifts.


John Harris Loflin Democratic Education Consortium Indianapolis, IN

School Uniforms: A 20th Century Response to 21st Century Challenges


Statement of premise

"An intellectually curious, cognitively autonomous, socially responsible, democratically engaged, productive and globally conscious member of the human family in the 21st century cannot be educated in the 20th century factory model of education. The regimented mastery, internalization, and regurgitation of compartmentalized facts that served the industrial age are anachronisms. The pandemic boredom, among children and youth in European and American schools, stems from the redundancy in much of today's schooling."

Marcello M. Suarez-Orozco, "Rethinking Education in the Global Era" November, 2005 Phi Delta Kappan.


IPS has a legitimation crisis. Will mandatory uniforms help? No. Why? Nothing supports the concept: Hopes, fears, and anecdotes do, but no scientific proof. Although the courts support school uniforms, there are too many unintended consequences. Also, mandatory uniforms cannot meet the challenges of the ideal speech situation nor pass the test of universal rationality. Besides, school dress is not really the main factor. The sources of urban school problems are found in the political and economic systems, not in the socio-educational system. School uniforms actually redirect our attentions away from many of the real political issues. School democracy could do the same thing as uniforms with equal or better results. A democratic approach fits well with current global initiatives. So, why is IPS pushing uniforms? This and other questions are proposed and answered. Conclusions and recommendations are included. A variety of examples that support the premise make up the appendix.

Table of Contents

Preface p. 7 Forward p. 8 Introduction p. 10 IPS has a legitimation crisis p. 14 List of arguments for and against public school uniforms p. 18 IPS knows the courts will back them: Why the discussion over the pros and cons of a

possible IPS school uniform policy is just a formality p. 28 The Ideal Speech Situation: Citizens need several large public meetings in the evening on the

IPS school uniform initiative: How we can get to the truth p. 30 What are the problems? If how student dress is not the main problem, what is? p. 34 What are the problems? Part II Why IPS can be improved only when school improvement is

complemented by social and economic reform p. 38 Can the IPS mandatory school uniform policy be universalized? p. 40 Unintended consequences of mandatory IPS school uniforms p. 43 McEducation: The Brave New World of IPS p. 49 "Go along to get ahead" vs. education in your own self-interest p. 55 The 11th Commandment: Thou shalt not sag p. 62

School Uniforms: A 20th Century Response to 21st Century Challenges


IPS is "sagging" too p. 65 Need "prosperity" be the goal of good public schools? p. 67 Why, despite all the evidence, is IPS pushing school uniforms? The untold story: Using

school uniforms to counter the influence of hip-hop culture p. 69 Uniforms: What will happen to those who do not conform? p. 78 Democratic Education: The middle way p. 81 Conclusions Part I p. 87 Conclusions Part II p. 94 Recommendations p. 95 Appendices

Appendix A: The Social and Economic Realities that Challenge All Schools: Independent, Charter, and Regular Public Schools Alike p. 97

Appendix B: An apology from the adults to children and youth for dress codes and school uniforms p. 99

Appendix C: IPS wants high expectations. Well, let's go real high: Democratic Education: Demanding greatness not obedience p. 100

Appendix D: Effects of Student Uniforms on Attendance, Behavior Problems, Substance Abuse, and Academic Achievement p. 103

Appendix E: Facing down the fashion police p. 105 Appendix F: Do School Uniforms Improve Student Behavior: It Depends p.108 Appendix G: School Uniforms: There Is No Free Lunch p. 110 Appendix H Attitudes of Youth of Color on Student Dress and Uniforms: A Case of

Commercialism in Schools p. 114 Appendix I: The Promise of Hip-hop Culture: Transforming Schools and Communities

through Youth Engagement p. 115 Appendix J: The strict father family vs. the nurturing father family p. 130 Appendix K: "Two Thangs" by Gucci Mane: Why some youth reject schooling p. 133 Appendix L "The Anthem" by Good Charlotte: Why still more youth reject schooling p.

135 Appendix M: The Unconvinced Generation p. 137 Appendix N: The UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2015 p.

139 Appendix O: A Conversation Between Sustainability Education and Democratic

Education p. 142 Appendix P: Individuals and Organization Against School Uniforms p. 146

School Uniforms: A 20th Century Response to 21st Century Challenges



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