Paragraph 2 — Interest - Every Last Template - Note ...

COVER LETTER TEMPLATEYour Details Name AddressCantact Number Email AddressDateEmployer Details Company Name Recruiter and Job Title AddressPhone, Fax, EmailDearriRe:Job Tithe and Job IDParagraph 1 — Reasonfam applying for the above positian you have advertised in the Herald Sun an the 23° July 2009,Paragraph 2 — InterestWhy are you applying for the position? Bo you have the skills, experience ar qualities andqualifications required to fill the position?Why are you Interested in the paositian and the company?Paragraph 3 — PersuasionRefer to your resume and provide more details about the skills and experience that you have to offer. Prove or explain why you are suitable for the position (you may give some short examples or refer to previous experiences positions).Paragraph 4 — Action and ClosingState what you belleve will occur next. Also prove that you are keen by stating that you look forward tohaving an interview. Sign off with “Regards’, or Kind Regards’, followed by you signature and name.Please find my resume attached for your further reference. [ look forward to having the opportunity todiscuss my apolication further and am available for an interview any time.Thank you for your time and consideration of my application.Kind Regards,(Sign bere}Print your name ................

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