Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD)

9th Annual Love Images Organization

2017 Scholarship Application

Please complete the application by typing or printing legibly. Application must be filled out completely! Application deadline: Wednesday, November 1, 2017


Name:       Contact Number:      

Permanent Mailing Address:                        

Street Address City State Zip Code

Are you currently enrolled in college?       If so, where do you attend?      

Name the college you will attend to utilize this scholarship:      

If I am the recipient I will be prepared to use the scholarship the spring of 2018. Yes No (Check one)

If I am the recipient I will be prepared to use the scholarship the fall 2018. Yes No (Check one)

Are you a reentry student?       If so, what is your GPA?       (If applicable)

Will you utilize this scholarship as a part-time or full-time student?      

What is your major?       When is your anticipated graduation date?      

The following documents MUST be submitted with this application packet to be eligible:

1. Personal Statement: Applicant must submit a one page essay giving the reason why you deserve this scholarship. If you have more than one page, your application will be rejected.

2. Resumé: Applicant must include at least a one page resume` listing goals, community involvement, education and job experience. It may be more than one page.

3. Two letters of recommendation submitted on formal letterhead from a business, your instructor, employer, clergy, or other will be accepted. Your application WILL NOT be accepted if you submit more than two letters or if your letters are not on letterhead. No letters from family or friends will be accepted.

4. Copy of your latest unofficial transcript.


The 2017 Scholarship Recipient will be notified by phone on November 3, 2017![pic]

I have provided to the Love Images Organization Scholarship Committee accurate and true responses to the best of my knowledge. The committee has my permission to contact my references. In the future agree to participate in a program/service sponsored by Love Images Organization.

A scanned signature or an e-signature will be acceptable. Date


Date received application: Application completed in full? ___ _Yes _____No


| |Submit this sheet only with documents! |

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| |Scholarship Criteria |

The purpose of the Love Images Organization reentry scholarship for women is

• To provide women financial assistance to develop the skills required to obtain a degree to enter the workforce or career.

• To help those students who need financial assistance to attend college.

 The scholarship criteria requirements are:

1. Applicant must be a reentry student at least 25 years old and above.

2. Applicant must plan to attend college in 2018.

3. Applicant must provide the following:

a) Personal statement

b) Updated resume`

c) Two letters of recommendation (on letterhead)

d) Present non-official transcript

|Please submit your application by e-mail to limages1949@ |

|or by US Mail only! |

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|Address |

|Love Images Organization |

|Attention: Dr. Janet L. Denson |

|PO Box # 8272--Phoenix, Arizona 85066 |

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|Applications must be dated by e-mail or postmarked by US mail on or |

|before Wednesday, November 1, 2017. |

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|For Questions: Contact Dr. Janet L. Denson at 480-225-4670 or by e-mail: limage1949@ |

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|~~ No Fax Copies Accepted! ~~ |


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|Personal statement | |

| | |

|Updated resume` | |

| | |

|Two letters of recommendation (on letterhead) | |

| | |

|Provide a non-official transcript | |

A special program will take place on November 10, 2017. Recipient will be notified![pic]



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